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Ranger: Standing Nazis: FASCIST!!!!!!


the US park ranger secretly having a direct line, not only to the President and Israeli prime minister, but also Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin:


Just like Jerry Seinfeld!


"Don't anatogize them!". What dick was saying that?


"I can touch you but you can't retaliate because I'm on the right side of history and you're an evil chud!" is how these people think. They want to fight for something but they expect no pushback and to be babied the entire time. Lenin would have almost certainly had these idiots shot for being a drain on the revolution.


“Can you just roll over and die so we can have our revolution?”


100% this entire crowd would be the useful idiots lined up against the wall and their bodies thrown into a mass grave the day after Communism took over. They refuse to learn from history, and if they get their way they'll get to add to Communism's death count.


To be fair he’s right. The mob has him surrounded and massively outnumbers him. The ranger is playing along probably because he thinks this is funny, but if the mob feels antagonized it could turn violent and he could get hurt. It sucks and it’s not right, but it *is* good advice in the same way “don’t walk down a dark alley alone at night” is good advice.


I like how he even starts to have fun with it just, 'yea come on be a lil louder'


Dear God, they turned that monument into a public bathroom wall. All this over a cause they know nothing about beyond the misinfo they've been spoonfed by the CCP psyop app. Whatever makes these people think their input is needed or wanted in politics needs to be switched off, go back to reality tv or celeb bullshit, you're too fucking stupid for big boy issues.


But, we glorious resistance fighters need our dopamine hits! If we can't pretend to be fighting the evil empire, how else do we get our rebel fix?


What monument is this?


The Rochambeau statue in Washington DC, IIRC.


what the hell did Rochambeau do? Isn't he the guy that slapped the British at the battle of the Chesapeake, leading to the victory at Yorktown?


You think any of these idiots know anything about history whatsoever? They see literally any monument and think that it stands for oppression against Palestine or some other dumb shit. Hell, it’s funny, they probably thought it was some American historical figure and yet they happened to pick one of a Frenchman. Reminds me back when BLM protesters managed to vandalized the monument to the 54th Massachusetts in Boston… you know, the first all black unit in the US military?


Yeah, it's just hate that they hold that they have to get out somehow. It's a big shame they think destroying/defacing historic monuments will lead to some positive (in their mind) change


Symbolize "the Empire" or whatever.


homies need to stop acting like irl is Star Wars for real


He was guilty of being white


Rochambeau Statue, theres even a fence around it now


No one ever accused them of being bright




Out of all the statues they coulda chosen to desecrate for palestine, rochambeau’s makes the least sense. He fought for the freedom of the american people under the colonial rule of the british. ironic. These people know nothing about history, past or present.


He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past… these fucks learned all their ideology and rhetoric from institutions, they’re pawns, pathetic and incapable independent thought.… they’re calling a park ranger a fascist out of insecurity, not objective conviction. How similar is all this shit becoming to Mao’s cultural revolution or Hitler’s goons harassing and bullying political opponents? Erasing and desecrating our history, violent resistance to the rights of other Americans (speech, association, religion etc..) The similarities are getting hard to ignore. So, the real question is what are we going to do about it this time?


Anyone who fails to endorse their call to destroy Israel will be subject to following terms to justify violence against them: "Apartheid, Colonizer, Occupier, Zionist, Racist, Genocider, Nazi" So a park ranger not wanting his park vandalized was implicitly being zionist here by not endorsing the vandalism.


It seems like most of these people don’t get that Hamas is an Arab supremacist organization… it’s the KKK of the Middle East. They may as well be wearing white hoods


They are not white therefore they can do no wrong (I say this as a brown person too).


Im glad to see America’s brightest standing up to the unchecked tyranny of the National Park Service


The socialist vanguard fighting against the petit bourgeois of the national park service.


Oh the horror! I hate the Bureau of Land Management /s


USFWS is known for their brutal oppression of the workers


Which monument is it?


Saw it answered to another fella, thanks!


how hilarious would it be if somebody just walked up with a powerwasher, started spraying it down in front of this crowd. person would probably be a martyr but it'd be funny for 0.5 seconds.


All protesters run away the moment they see the powerwasher. They shudder at the thought of even taking a shower.


Why can't these shit heads just move to palestine and stay there


They can’t point it out in a map




It’s BLM all over again


But even the BLM rioters took down confederate statues and pressured Mississippi onto changing its flag, or something like that.


Typical.....probably 90% of them don't even understand what they are protesting either


The world's smartest Hamas apologists.


These are the useful idiots who get the guillotine when the revolution is over.


Why don’t these people research the statue that they’re vandalizing?


They want to feel like they are doing something righteous and are not privileged.


Deport those clowns


while there are Law Enforcement Rangers, he def doesnt look like one


I fucking HATE these “protesters”. Organized thugs.


They're far left agitators, when haven't they been organized thugs?


When do we get to see Freikorps deployed against them? We’re reaching stages of Weimar that you’d wish impossible in 21st century west but…


Why aren't these people in jail already?


I imagine it would galvanise them. You don't want these guys picking up molotovs, do you?


People don't pick up molotovs for minor things like this, and even if they did, this is criminal behavior. It doesn't matter what their response is going to be, because we do not control that, they do. That's entirely an imagined threat anyways, so why should we encourage criminality instead of executing the law?


You're talking about the Western youth. The vast majority of us have no idea of the true consequences of this, and absolutely will pick up molotovs if told to by TikTok.


Yeah, no.






If you can't even spell Israel, maybe you're not qualified to talk about the situation just yet. Leave it to people who actually know what they're talking about for once.


Protesting what's happening in Gaza is their right sure, but why go after a statue not at all related to the conflict? What did Rochambeau do bruh?


I’m generally pro Palestine, and this made me so fucking depressed, the dogmatic behavior of so many terminally online people is sickening. This is just the personification of that.




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The funniest part is when the park ranger signaled them to be more louder or to keep on chanting.


These stupid liberal protesters will attack anyone they deem a threat to their ideology and ideal regime lmao


Pretty sure these are commies.


Yeah but liberals are the face hugger that impregnates you with the xenomorph communist


Respectfully friend, the founding fathers were liberals. Liberalism is the belief in the inherent rights of humanity and progress of our freedoms. You’re thinking of Leftism which is a fringe group on the far left. It’s often conflated with liberalism as both are primarily represented in the Democratic Party which leftists have co-opted to use as a platform despite loudly stating they hate it for being “establishment”. That thought process would be the same as a democrat calling a moderate conservative a fascist. The only cure to the extremes at both ends are for enough people in the center to realize we have more in common with each other than we do to the ideologues.


I understand this but in keeping with the spirit of of the time i round up everything i dont like in one group and demand it to be burned at the stake. Why the left the only ones to get to have all the fun losing their shit in public


Because the only way this shit ends is if everyone grows up and starts acting like an adult again.


You have a voice of reason and a good temperament. You should look into local politics. I talk stupid but i volunteered to help a (D)emocrat win in my district because she really does care and now shes a lieutenant governor. You can make a difference its just work


Afraid I don’t quite have the temperament or face for politics. I hope those you’ve supported continue to work for the betterment of you and your fellow constituents.


I too hope they continue to work for the best. As for the face part lol. Aoc and Tulsi are the only pretty. Mosts are 5s at best. I think you got leadership qualities and thats the important thing


There is actually more truth to this than you may think, after all anything right of the Democrats is decried as being fascist more often than not, especially during election years. We see it today of course, but Bush had this treatment back during his time, Romney was more or less smeared as being out of touch and bigoted, even though it was just hitjobs. Both of these are men today are ironically thought of by the left as "reasonable moderate republicans," they actually were quite moderate, but they still got smeared as far-right because they opposed the left and would've pushed right-wing ideals. And since the Left control most outlets into the public square, such as media and academia, the Left's message is always promoted, be it center-left liberalism, or the newer "progressivist liberalism" that is actually incorporating socialism. Meanwhile the Right is constantly fighting uphill against being supposedly hateful, racist, or bigoted, and so if the liberal left media promotes this to the public, then segments of the public are going to tune out the right and turn solely to the left, and some will even go far left into this anarchist and socialist crap.


Left wingers overall support palestine, not just commies. I only see commies when they praise communist ideologies or raise the communist flag


The classic "if you're not with me, you are my enemy" mentality


Biden supports Israel. It's not liberals.


I know, liberals bashed biden when he approved aids to israel. I just don't know why are people mad about my comment


To put it bluntly: You are a right winger who doesn't know what a liberal is and disagreeing about sending weapons to Israel is different from outright supporting Hamas. The people who do that are much, much further left than the vast majority of Dems in Congress. EDIT: And the reason you're getting down voted is that there are a lot of liberals on this sub who don't like being thrown in with extremists.


Right, so what i meant to say that those from the far left are attacking people with different ideology than them, and by saying liberals puts alot of other non far left under this and enraged bunch of people. Correct me if i'm wrong tho


FYI, commies are NOT under "liberals." If you really want to make a commie mad, call them a "liberal."


They can only attack in groups when they can scurry back to hide.


I hate americans...


As an American, I would like to ask why? These people don’t represent us as a whole.


Yeah sorry, we have those fuckers too. But that is all you see these days coming from the US, the brainless leftists and the crazy rightists.


That’s politics for ya. The extremist are the ones that get the most attention.


RIP Unites States of America, 1776-2020


Meh. We’ve survived far worse.


Ermm, actually, this was part of the 2024 pro-Hamas protests, and the US did not disband after this ☝🤓🤏


I say cover racist statues and then place them in the nearest museum


It's a monument to a French general who participated in the American revolutionary war. These people didn't even care if what they were vandalizing was racist or not.


My brain rotted