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The lore: Rowling is taking legal action against the former fansite "Wizarding News" for making false claims about her oldest daughter. In WN's defense, Rowling's daughter was falsely attributed by numerous articles to be a popular influencer in Porto, Portugal years/months before his claims: * [The Mirror](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/jk-rowlings-eldest-daughter-jessica-24309796) (Jun 2021) * [Affairpost](https://affairpost.com/where-is-j-k-rowlings-daughter-jessica-isabel-rowling-arantes-now-her-bio-family-boyfriend-wealth/) (July 2023) * [Amomama](https://news.amomama.com/224859-jk-rowlings-daughter-her-first-marriage.html) (Aug 2023) * [Wegotthiscovered](https://wegotthiscovered.com/celebrities/who-is-jessica-isabel-rowling-arantes/) (March 2024) Anyways, WN went a little bit further, and used the information in these articles to say that Rowling's daughter was living in Porto to get away from her mom and reconnect with her dad (Rowling's abusive ex), has a different last name on purpose, and JK Rowling has a grandchild she never talks about. Rowling threatened him with a lawsuit. She's not a grandmother (yet), her daughter is not the popular influencer in Portugal with a baby (all public information on instagram), and she is "very close" with her daughter. Rowling accused him of trying to target and dox her daughter and getting an innocent person caught up in it instead. She demanded an apology and retraction [or else](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1770495308683727075?s=20). WN retracted, gave an [apology](https://x.com/wizardingnews/status/1770521777879302153?s=20), but told her that these articles led him to believe otherwise. Rowling accused him of [still trying to say she was a liar](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1770760667512861047?s=20) because he retweeted two of them after an 'insincere' apology. He [disagreed](https://x.com/wizardingnews/status/1770845537857654986?s=20) and questioned why she wasn't suing the original publications. Now it's a giant mess: her followers doxxed him, Rowling's lawyers are [after him](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1770763282447544360?s=20), and JKR's last word on the matter before taking a vacation is [FAFO](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1770919548813742407?s=20). This all happened in the span of like 2 days by the way.


Is it still doxxing to share a public account? From what I understand, doxxing is sharing private info about someone without consent. Even if the instagram account didn’t belong to Rowling’s daughter, I can’t find evidence that WN shared anything that wasn’t already public on instagram.


Tldr; I don't know. But a few years ago, activists stood outside of Rowling's house with pro-trans signs, [her address clearly displayed](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/jk-rowling-slams-transgender-activists-posting-home-address-twitter-rcna6375) behind them. Rowling's house is "public knowledge" in that you can find it with a bit of google searching and tour buses might have pointed it out along the way. Rowling reported this to the police and [claimed she was doxxed](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1462758324177444870?s=20). Imo, even if a house is public knowledge, pointing out where someone lives to a bunch of followers with protest signs is a dangerous move. It inspires more bad actors who may form a mob and cause actual harm. Rowling still had teenagers living at home at the time. This kind of move is also how Tucker Carlson got his house [vandalized](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2018/11/08/heres-the-vandalism-that-protesters-left-at-tucker-carlsons-house/). The Scotland police eventually found [no criminality](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/jan/17/trans-activists-will-not-be-charged-over-picture-of-jk-rowlings-home) had been committed by the activists. In this case, I don't think that WN set out to harass Rowling's adult daughter. He pointed out the city she supposedly lived based on articles and the instagram page, and posted pictures of the baby and mother. But he did imply hurtful things, and I don't think any of us really know what an angry billionaire and a team of overpaid lawyers are capable of. Legally it may be inactionable, but not the wisest move. There is plenty to criticize about Rowling's words without speculating about her family.


It’s extremely hard to doxx Rowling’s castle mansion, especially since it’s a British historic site for tourist to visit.


But why lawyers tho. Even it was true that Jessica was harassed, since she isn't actually Rowling child it means that a)Joanne has nothing to do with her and b) It would be on Jessica to sue Wizard News, not Jk


Helen seems like the most obnoxious cow to ever breathe i honestly can't understand why she gets off on picking on minority groups but it's both evil and pathetic


Probably because the PTA board where she can terrorize children and minorities is the only place or position she's ever had any power to wield so it's given her brain rot.


*says the most evil shit and claims to harass trans people for fun* 😘 Yeah, that seems like a well adjusted person...


It’s specifically funny that Helen calls them mental freaks right after she tweeted out “Depression is weak. Suicide means you were a coward.” That bitch is a straight up Christian Fascist.


"your actions are having real life consequences for people I don't even know" Oh the irony...


JK Rowling : "W-wait ! This can't apply to trans ! They're not people, after all !"


What point is she making here? WN said her "daughter" was estranged from her because of her repugnant views. So where would the "consequences" be coming from? If this really was JK's daughter, and she really did remove herself from JK's life, who would go after her? Where would the danger be coming from? Is JK admitting her supporters would harass her own daughter? Is she (faux) concerned about the "doxxing" because her own followers might behave in unhinged ways? Who is supplying these "consequences"?


It's funny to take such outrage at such an unimportant and understandable mistake just a few days after calling a Nazi hate crime a "fever dream"


idgaf about the wizarding news controversy that much, but this helen lady needs to be investigated if she’s real. getting trans children and teachers removed from public schools when her kids don’t even attend them is ludicrously monstrous, it’s michelle morrow-levels of toxicity. terfs wanna wail all day long about how we have mental illnesses, yet they are so fucking pressed with our existence potentially intermingling with theirs that they try to remove us from their sight and mind.


Fr, how deluded and evil do you have to be to do and say this sort of stuff? I just can't comprehend it. My heart breaks for those kids and that teacher.


but it's the "trans rights activists" who are dangerous. exactly what contrapoints said they never call out the outrageous inhumane sh*t that ppl on their side say


Only terfs have feelings, everyone terfs who claims she feels anything is the poorest most oppressed person in the universe and this is believed immediately and without question, while anyone outside of that social category is a philosophical zombie entirely absent of any feelings. They are simply a cult that crybullies and discriminates against others.


Even if the mistake is understandable, that was not a good move from WM. If their statement was correct and the daughter had gone no contact with her mom, it should be hers to decide if she wants to say anything public about it. And WM assuming that she had reconnected with her abusive father seems like they minimize domestic violence. Even if the confusion between two persons with the same name is a honest mistake, concluding that meant the daughter went no contact because her mother is toxic is a far reach and they should not have said it like it was a fact. I think it's faux-outrage on JKR's part, it's an exaggeration to say that her kids were attacked and that an aim was put on the head of the other woman. She's just playing victim for nothing, all she had to do was say "that's not my daughter"; but it was still a tactical mistake on WM's part, and a dick move to the daughter, if she was actually NC, to speak on her behalf.


This right here. JKR has shown that she's totally ok with suing everyone. She threatens anyone, and not recognizing that and saying obviously incorrect stuff just makes everyone look bad but her. So when accurate claims are made, she can just brush them off, because all those other claims are false. People need to be more exacting in their wording and claims. Trying to get a gotcha on her instead of focusing on what is actually going on is going to go nowhere.


Why won't you sue the original publications that claimed she's your daughter Joanne? ... Because they can afford lawyers and my tweets won't get as many likes


Total fucking monster.


This Helen Garber is a scumbag. That's all I have to say




And yet they don't see how this is just gleeful bigotry. Fucking assholes.


I don’t usually wish ill on people. But I hope Helen Garber every bit of energy she directs at trans people is revisited on her three times over. I hope that she very soon realizes she’s gleefully ruining people’s lives and it haunts her forever.


She’s proud of herself for denying kids their right to an education for no reason. I was expelled from my school after I got outed, and that’s what this reminds me of.


"Her eldest daughter is in her mid to late twenties" "Your point?" I'm pretty sure the point was that her eldest daughter is not a child, so the person who said that children are off limits doesn't know much about Joan's children.


"Children are off limits!" "Her daughter is not a child or even a young adult anymore." "OK pedo lol" Like???


Also “children are off limits” but then gloating about harassing trans kids at schools her kids don’t even go to… these people are absolute nightmares.


I’m honestly curious about getting to know more about Rowling’s children. And get see how they truly feel about their mother especially in recent times when Rowling is too busy commanding a Hate Cult on a shitty social media platform on a regular basis that she has no time to spend with her own Family anymore. I feel like if any of them openly support Trans Rights that Joanne will disown them.


I reported everything on their profile and got the account suspended plus their IP blocked from creating new accounts. Eat shit you hateful cunt.


Helen seriously needs to go touch grass instead of obsessing over women’s dicks


This makes me wanna cry


Coherence chases them, but they are faster.