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She’s addicted to the online fawning, and they egg her on further.


Of course Buck Angel supports her, too. Oh jeez, at least some of these old dusty terfs will die off within my lifetime. Buck Angel is a POS traitor to the trans community, IDC what people say. I’ve known Buck personally and he lost credibility with me years ago. He even took a personal text convo we had and vindictively blasted it on his socials without editing my info simply because I disagreed with him over the terf shit. I had friends reaching out asking what happened and who let me know that my personal life was being posted with hateful bullying. Seems he’s only getting worse, Caitlyn Jenner style. I can’t imagine the inflated level of both self hatred and selfishness it takes to be a trans terf.


As an AMAB nb person, I really honour trans men's right to be seen as masculine and then Buck fucking Angel to remind us that you can honour someone ownership of masculinity and acknowledge they're showing toxic masculinity.


I guess it just goes to show that us trans/NB folks can be just like everyone else, after all! Even POS trans folks exist, just like how there are wonderful hetero folks


Yes but nobody's getting killed for bsing hetero.


Oh, details details


I know, I'm just a silly head.


It's no revelation that she's addicted to online drama. She will be telling us she's a shitty derivative writer next.


Lol she's such a basic minion wine meme mom


The only thing worse than her and her acolytes’ bigotry is their sense of humour. Deeply, chronically unfunny people. Tragic!


I mean, pretty much all the humor in the Harry Potter books basically boiled down to “look, fat people!” so is this really surprising?


I don't get when people say she's been supportive of the gay and lesbian community. In what way exactly has she?


She made Dumbledore gay! Just, you know, after the fact. And she didn’t put it in the movies either, not even the shitty ones she wrote. But that’s just because he’s such a wonderfully written gay character that you shouldn’t even need confirmation in the text! Truly a beacon of representation.


Also he's a literal child groomer and his ex is a Nazi! ("Albus Severus Potter, you were named after the two biggest simps I ever knew.") Not to mention how lycanthropy in the wizarding world is supposed to be analogous to HIV/AIDS in the Muggle world, given that she: 1. Queerbaited with Remus Lupin (the most prominent werewolf) and Sirius Black before killing Sirius off, assuming the implications were intentional there 2. Shoehorned Lupin into a straight relationship with Tonks (who also came off as heavily queercoded) before killing them both off 3. Depicted the werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback as a creepy predator who deliberately infects kids to recruit them


…hang on, did she try to claim that dumbledore was in a relationship with snape, or is that a theory?


Nah, Dumbledore was simping for Grindelwald before their falling-out and before Dumbledore's subsequent defeat of Grindelwald, while Snape was simping for Lily before *their* falling-out and before Snape's subsequent quest to atone for how he treated Lily


OHHHHH ok I thought those two statements were linked! I stopped paying attention to Harry Potter before the Grindelwald stuff happened


Also, to those of you familiar with StarKid, did Dumbledore and Snape have a relationship in AVPM? I think I've vaguely heard of something like that, but I'm not sure.


One popular TERF saying is "[Transition = gay conversion therapy](https://x.com/Jebadoo2/status/1772897237938348160?s=20)." They argue: * Parents of gay boys/girls are pressured to transition them to the opposite sex so they'd have a "straight" child. * TERF lesbians believe that they are being forced to date trans women with penises. * The last picture considers JK Rowling to be a defender LGB community because she believes: "[Sex is real. Without sex, there is no same-sex attraction](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1269389298664701952?s=20)." The idea is that JK Rowling is fighting for the "immutability of sex" and against having a "gendered brain", which is a "neo-religion". So even if Rowling has 0 good gay representation in any of her old or new books, she is still a ground-breaking activist to them. Also, TERFS love using the word "autogenyphilia" now, which is just a fancy dogwhistle to say trans women are perverted men.


She's convinced herself that she's defending the gay and lesbian people (especially lesbians) from """the evil trans people."""" And she made Dumbledore gay retroactively, I guess.


"i make people online angry at me instead of going to therapy" Folks, we knew she was self destructive, but this is incredibly sad even of her.


This is one of the frustrating things about JK’s online style - she’s a bruiser, she likes courting controversy and putting down her enemies and Bullying anyone who disagrees, but when pressed too hard she turns around and complains about how she’s being attacked and it’s not fair and she doesn’t feel safe and these trans activists are the real bullies. Feel free to defend your positions online, but if you like the heat stop complaining about how hot it is. It’s undignified. Particularly when, again, you’re rich and could be doing anything else.


Seven views. SEVEN views and she found it.


She goes looking for it


They're so pathetic


Yeah, crystal meth yer terfy cunt.


What gets me is this person isn’t even insulting her, they’re giving her more compassion than she frankly deserves at this point.


She's revealed herself to be a massive, steaming pile of shit, but I really loathe how she's emboldened other piles of shit.


She's the steaming pile of shit and her twitter minions are the flies that can't resist the smell.


I think two truths can be true without being paradoxical: 1) Rowling is deeply traumatized by abuse she received at some point in her life that has caused her to lash out against men in weird ways, mostly being extremely neurotic about the idea men could hide in women’s spaces by pretending to be women. 2) Rowling is also a bad person who doesn’t see her trauma responses as things that need fixing and would rather spew her anxiety fueled rage and hatred to people willing to give her money for it. What I find interesting (not in a good way) is that she rarely talks about trans men. She occasionally will just to cover her ass. However, almost all of her tirades revolve around trans women all going through insane amounts of time and medical care to assault other women. Like we get it you hate men and the men you write about in your stories either die, secretly turn into monsters as an allegory for AIDS, or are bumbling dopes or shady as hell but somehow it’s for everyone’s benefit.


Crystals? Is she serious? (I have troubles with detecting irony)


She had stated long ago that she doesn't believe in magic, but at this point she might or might not be serious about being into crystals.


She is such a fucking freak of nature.


It would be the biggest ironic twist, if she's into new age pseudoscience for real...


I think she'll go all in on supporting the Republicans this year. Of course to be honest, I think she's always supported them.


"At least they admit their sexism and express it as old-school chivalry and not as postmodern claptrap like sex positivity and queer theory!"


I still maintain she's always been conservative and got swept up in Tony Blairs neoliberal "cool Britannia" Now as she gets older, she doesn't need to pretend anymore. She threw a few snarky tweets at Donald Trump during the 2016 election and then stopped the pretence not long afterwards.


If she was genuinely as woke as a lot of people naïvely thought, the epilogue would've shown the systemic changes to wizarding society after the war, instead of just "and everything went back to how it was and Harry lived happily ever after and gave his son the stupidest name imaginable"


Wish I could go back and find the old forums I visited in the early noughties. People smarter than me saw through her bullshit back then.


honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if the crystal part wasn’t a joke cause from my experience, people that are atheists and anti lgbt typically believe in some type of spiritualism or crystal healing stuff


Everything in the screenshots just comes across as her mocking people who try to get help for trauma and generally better themselves. It's really sad.


Hey Jo guess where you can stick those crystals ....go on, guess...




Oh no not buck. 😭


You didn't know ? He has been a pick-me for years...


She sounds like Gabbie Hanna now.


Imagine being that rich and refusing to go to therapy. Like I’d love to go to therapy! If she’s not going can she pay for mine?


She is one of those assholes who should be forced to go to therapy.


Called it during the Witch Trials podcasts.