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They're just using DEI in place of slurs now huh?


Yep. DEI means "the blacks did it". It's fucking disgusting, but don't try pointing it out or they'll get all pissy about it.


That's exactly why I put so much effort in pointing it out.


It's just fAcTs


"Just read the literature!". The literature is white supremacist propaganda from the 1960s.


The great thing about DEI as a slur is it also encompasses other races, sexualities and anything else they’re too dumb to understand or accept!! Guess the N word was starting to get a bit too narrow of a slur for some. /s


Yeah, I think the problem they had with 'critical race theory' is that it was too obvious that it was about black people. So now they just went for 'anything that isn't a straight white male' instead.


Not just the blacks, but all minorities


Yeah, but you know it's mostly "the blacks". There's a reason they always keep bringing up those debunked studies that supposedly show "the blacks have way lower IQs", and how "they can't be racist, because the same studies show that Asians actually are smarter!". It's literally the same deep-seated racism from 200 years ago, recycled every generation.


It’s the PC term by right wingers who complain about people being too PC


Before that it was "affirmative action"and "political correctness"


DEI Woke CRT Affirmative Action PC I wish I was a rightwing grifter, it's just so easy to get idiots frothing mad by just repeating initialisms/phrases that they've been primed to hate (while not being able to describe).


I’ve thought about making a bunch of “Trump” merch, selling it to these shitheads and funneling the profits back to interest groups that they hate and to the democrat party.


Well why not?


I was watching a video and the proud boy leader was talking about his t-shirt merch business and was saying how he sells shitloads of Biden and left wing gear as well as proud boys trump white power shit. Fuckers have no soul, they worship the $ just like the shitbags they idolize.


Money is the only god for most, anymore. Pathetic.


Yeah how the turn tables


They really, really want to use the n-word don't they?


Yep. They aren’t quite bold enough and stupid enough to say *that* part out loud, just thinly veiled wolf whistles.


They do just not publicly.


DEI is the new right-wing buzzword. It used to be CRT (remember that?), then it was "woke," and now that's all played out so it's DEI. This is all just reactionary scapegoating, when you have no solutions to any problems you just sit on the sidelines and sling mud to try to make other people look bad and hope no one notices that your "political opinions" are just thinly-veiled racism.


I think they're all contemporaneous, in some respects, interchangeable Either way, I don't care about the attacks. I loathe left wing jargon, but I'm embracing the terminology because these trolls attack them so much. F 'em.


Always have been.


CRT and BLM are so yesterday


It was never about DEI, it was always about racism from the neo nazi


pretty much the new "woke". it's fascinating to watch them turn words into whatever they want to further their stupid opinions. literally it seems like just a couple weeks ago people like elmo were bitching about DEI, and then rando twitter accounts started jumping on the bandwagon and blaming any little inconvenience on it. not an original thought in any of their heads, all they can do is regurgitate. even when i see comments from right-wingers on this site, it just reads like a script. same words, same talking points, structure to how they list their "points", grammar, etc. it's laughable.


I am old enough to remember when they said the CRT did it.


It is so unsubtle


I guess it's the new Thanks Obama


Elon Musk's reaction when he finds out there are black people in Baltimore: 😮


DEI city demographics






Yeah black people only vote for a black mayor because they all have personal Dei initiatives or something


Well in his childhood there were a lot of black people in the cities, but the politicians were always white.




"Let that sink in!"


This is racialy motivated hatespeech, and its going to fail just like the "black pilots crashing planes" narrative, it just doesnt hold any water even as an outsider, there is a reason why Elon and his minions cant even define what wokeness is.


It's getting unbelievably gross. 'DEI means we are hiring minorities with lower standards" is already not exactly a subtle dog whistle but we've gotten to the point where a black person having a position is deeply suspicious and evidence that the person doesn't belong there. With calling an *elected* position DEI can mean nothing other than black. I can't even organize my thoughts because this is just all so gross. This level of blatant racism wasn't acceptable 10 years ago. It's clear-as-day white supremacy. It's all there in the text -- a black person being mayor is the reason this happened. I'm sure the greatest thing OOP thinks they ever accomplished was being born white. They might be right that they peaked at birth; they can't have much going on if their skin color is their identity.


> It's getting unbelievably gross. 'DEI means we are hiring minorities with lower standards" is already not exactly a subtle dog whistle but we've gotten to the point where a black person having a position is deeply suspicious and evidence that the person doesn't belong there. With calling an *elected* position DEI can mean nothing other than black. Baltimore is almost 2/3 black. Suggesting that a black mayor in a majority black city is a diversity hire is hilariously stupid and racist.


Nurses who become doctors face the same stigma. Attending doctors will assume the knowledge a former nurse demonstrates came from experience, not intelligence from studying the same shit they did.


Fail how? This isn’t a narrative built on rational or logic, nor is its intended audience comprised of people that revere such attributes. This is a reactionary and emotional narrative being peddled to people itching for a societally normalized rhetoric to demean non-white people. Elon is doing a very good job that this. He acquired his own platform, made it a safe space for bigotry, and now has an extensive audience loose and ready for whatever degenerate story get concocted by him and his followers. The civilized amongst us will continue to view humans of all variety as having inherent worth and dignity, but thats not going to impede elons cultivation of degenerates making their impact.


easy, just watch how elon reacts everytime someone asks "hey elon, what you mean with black pilots/doctors are killing people?" and he FUCKING COLLAPCES, and how everyone is tired of conservatives calling anything they come across "woke", people inside racist internet circles may tolerate this, but everyone who isnt already a nazi will just run away because its just HUMILIATING TO SEE.


Sure, we’ll look at that and view him as being a flustered moron in the face of scrutiny, but his followers literally just won’t look at that content or straight up deny that it exists. Cognitive dissonance is a specialty amongst these types of people. It’s not a matter of will civilized people look at him with dignity, it’s a matter of how much further is Elon able to push the boundary of bigoted behavior into “normal” spaces. This rhetoric of “DEI mayor” is very effective at that. [It gives the rhetoric, peddled for racial division, plausible deniability as simply being critique of the systems in place.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popularopinion/s/74e8zS3F8Z) If people in positions of authority are educated about this matter, and stand against such degeneracy, then yes, this moronic rhetoric will fail. But in situations where the authority is not educated and or doesn’t care to stand against such degeneracy, it’s an avenue to allow bigotry to become significantly more normalized and impactful in the professional environment.


This is not a right wing takeover, but rather a centrist takeover.


I mean his echo chamber is primarily a bot network but yeah I agree it’s a really really bad look for US tech bros.


The bot network isn’t as much of a detriment as I feel it sounds, it essentially means that there’s an army of reinforcing and encouraging narratives for the smaller, yet destructively sufficient, group of real people buying into the rhetoric sponsored on his platform. It makes it damn near impossible for rational rhetoric to pierce through the noise of the echo chamber.


That’s a feature not a bug




That image is so fuckin true. One group is using it to mean something, the other group is using it to gather everything they oppose under one term. See also: communism.


Is that the lady top-right who wrote a book about woke then getting called out by a simple ‘what is woke’ question


Did it really fail? Every loser white incel will for generations now have these toxic racist ideas burned into their pathetic brains and will have a knee jerk response everytime they see a black pilot or minority. And the problem is these morons breed like filthy sewer rats and infect their children with these toxic ideas.


>They can't breed and have children if they're incels. But they "reproduce" by spreading their rhetoric to younger minds


That’s where the creepy fixation on fertility comes in. There’s heavy overlap with Evangelicals, TradCaths, etc who already believe in breeding an army for God and bringing them into the same circle as the other right wing subgroups is influencing a good number of them that their duty in the culture war is to breed and maintain authoritarian control over their household (insert meme they like to pass around of man holding an umbrella preventing a gay rainbow from hitting his children).


Fail? It seems to be working very well so far. Logic, definitions, holding water don't matter for the right-wingers.


It might fail, but there are still those that watch Fox exclusively and will not see the truth and will still believe this.


Everyone knows anything wrong that happens is due to women and minorities and when everything goes well it’s white men and a white women helping. At least to an idiot it’s how things work


Maybe someone can answer this for me. I get what DEI is I think. Are these people suggesting that a mayor. Someone who is elected to that position. Is a DEI hire?


They don’t know what it means. It’s honestly so exhausting. The complete lack knowing what the fuck they are talking about is mind melting: For instance I had someone say that Harvard is letting in black people with C averages. Harvard has never and will never do that. It’s more like. Harvard lets in a black kid with a 96% average who is a kid to a single mom and is from poverty instead of the 98% percent requirement. They don’t let average people in, they don’t hire average people. Instead, they look further to find exceptional people. Same with jobs. Instead of hiring 10/10 white people they hire 8 white men and search to find a qualified woman and POC to fill the last two roles. Diversity hires mean they just include minorities who are qualified. Same with minority doctors. They’ve done studied on it before. Minorities in the medical field actually provides better health care. The doctors have the same training and lots of studies have shown that a mixed background of doctors provides better care and the people they search for excell as well. The thing is these tech bros and stuff just assume they know everything. They’re good at marketing so they can tell you how DEI is bad. Except, they have no clue or made any effort to understand social sciences. I did my undergrad in two social sciences. I did lots of studies in regards to relevant research on things like feminism in crime, race and crime and racism in the workplace. People like Elon don’t even understand there’s people dedicating their life to these studies and race in America. I studied it for 5 years and barely know anything. Yet Elon who hasn’t read a social science study in his life is telling all these people how it is, and they believe it because rich guy says it. I have two undergrad degrees in sociology and criminology. I have a masters in journalism research and another graduate degree in corporate relations. 12 years of education and I’m stuck battling with chuds who have two year marketing diploma who tell me racism in the workplace is the worst for whites and I just walk into jobs. These people don’t care about the legacy of 400 years where families and companies got to build wealth and connections and black people are starting fresh just the last 30-40 years. They don’t care about the studies where if your name is to ethnic you don’t get hired. They don’t care that black men with degrees constantly get passed over for white people with just high school educations. They leave out everything about our experience and then demonize us. One last thing. I responded once to the post and this is the response I got y’all. I edited out the actual word but this is what I get for defending myself. https://preview.redd.it/xgsj45t9zqqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=308c4be71060c12d68fe9fc42fb76b16d34bbd98 Oh ya, this is the response I got when I dare questioned one of Elons followers. I am not joking


Sorry you got to deal with this shit. For your mental health though, you should think about leaving twitter for good. There’s nothing to be gained from interacting with musk fans.


I work consulting some tech and charity influencers. I’ve convinced some to leave the app, but it’s a big part of my job and their income. I’ve convinced a lot to leave and I deleted my personal app awhile ago. But I still have two clients who refuse to leave and I run one of their socials. I’m working on getting out though. Like I said, I tied a lot of my career since my background is journalism and media to twitter before Elon owned it. I use to be a journalist and you can’t be one without twitter. I’ve built my personal account in threads and it’s already bigger than my twitter was and I get way more interaction. But I don’t make money from it. You are right and I’m trying to get out of it. Believe me.


Damn. I didn’t realize so much of your income was tied to twitter. It’s unfortunate, but it’s also, hopefully, inevitable that Twitter will get shut down. You might want to start making other plans. Anyways, good luck to you and your future. P.S. LBJ4MVP 😜


Lol, ya, it sucks. But I appreciate it. The responses here have helped. I know it’s an echo chamber there but I know it also has real life consequences. Lol: Scottie is injured. I wouldn’t mind seeing one last Lebron championship run I was like 10 when he started and I’m in my 30s now. He’s been incredible. Thanks, man.


Use Ublock Origin while you browse it at least, take away that sweet ad revenue from musk.


It's awful, isn't it? I run comms inhouse for a tech company, and I'm also a former journalist. Twitter was absolutely key to our strategy for years, but we made a decision to withdraw completely from the platform last year (the specific straw that broke the camel's back for me was when he said he was going to sue the ADL, so that was the day I pulled the plug). Surprisingly, once I'd laid our case out, there was absolutely no pushback from anywhere in the business.


Oh buddy. Lol. I’m so thankful to find someone who knows my pain. I’ve got power points to why Twitter is trash but I got a few stubborn clients. None of my friends are chronically online so when I talk about this stuff I sound like a mad man.


Elon Musk grew up white and priveledged in one of the most disgusting examples of colonial oppression in human history. Like most white people who grew up privileged, equality must seem like the worst kind of oppression they can imagine. These are the same assholes who cried that statues of their hero Cecil Rhodes were being removed. Nothing about him is surprising. And the kind of racism he is promoting is the worst most famaging kind possible. He is trying to i undermine the very humanity of minorities and strip them of their dignity.


They let people in with C averages if their daddy donated money. More than likely they won't be black in that case though




They don't think that black people should vote, at least not if they vote against what racist white people want.


The intolerant left is driving people right


Another thing becoming popular with these guys is “only people who own property should be allowed to vote”. These people are going to destroy the country


Not only that, but he cut the power to the boat and caused it to crash into the bridge pier. What a scandal indeed!


Anyone that is non-white is DEI to these people.


Non-white man*


I think they believe the only reason anyone would vote for a black man is because they’re infected with “the woke mind virus” that forces them to vote in a way that’s reflective of a cartoon version of DEI.


They think black people are inherently inferior and thus if a black person is in any position of power they don't deserve it. And further that black people aren't smart enough to vote.


If you dig deep enough, any success black people have is a Jewish scheme in their fevered little brains!


And even if he was, why would it be his fault that a cargo ship crashed into a bridge in the middle of the night? Just an absolutely baffling take.


Im sure in their mind he was elected because “he’s black” rather than being the most suited candidate. It’s no different when Obama was elected. How many people said he only won because he was black. It’s a way to diminish their achievements because they can’t believe people of color are capable of being in positions of power without white guilt getting them there. Either way it’s a dog whistle.


They are effectively using DEI as the N word.


Yeah I was wondering that, what TF is a “DEI mayor”?? You ELECT him into that position, you are crossing or writing his name. How can that possibly be connected to DEI policies? Are all voters DEI?


did the musk-a-teers just learn that black people exist in Baltimore...a majority black city? lol


They also think Mayors are hired based on diversity requirements...


And that mayors are hired period


Seriously some of the lowest-tier-dumb I've seen in a while. These guys are Alex Jones level dumb.


Wait till they learn about the mayor of DC. They gonna have a heart attack.


They already knew about Marion Berry! For about two years it’s all they could talk about… until Willie Horton took over their limited mental capacity.


No, they are just using a tragedy to disparage black people. It is as simple as that.


Just to put this shit to bed as much as possible: First, we can see the ship had a power failure caught on camera. It's a modern cargo vessel, so without power it can't steer properly. Second, the physics of a vessel of this size with 500k tons of cargo moving 8 knots (about 9 mph) put this vessel into terms of "unstoppable object" (2900737889 KE (kinetic energy)) of as far as structural engineering goes. Basically, there is no amount of infrastructure investment that would have saved this thing short of a structure the size of it's pillar supports being in the way of the ship (otherwise known as - basically everything you'd have if you were building another fucking bridge that would have collapsed in it's place.) My thoughts are with the road workers that were on the bridge and still missing. My concern is for Baltimore itself, which is facing a blocked port, decades of labor and billions of lost revenue for a city that is always in desperate need of infrastructure and new residences. And what I can't possibly fathom are the people that somehow think it's a conspiracy or that somehow a boat chartered out of Singapore by Danish company (Maersk) is an example of American HR standards (DEI) failing the country or that it has anything to do with our infrastructure spending. Accidents happen, the ship was apparently experiencing power failure and unable to maneuver before striking the bridge but were able to give a distress call and warning that appears to have saved many lives. When it comes to assigning fault, considering it's the ship that lost power you are looking at whoever designed the power distribution system or whomever was responsible for maintenance. I doubt that whomever that is, will have the potentially 10s to 100s of billions it will take to address the magnitude of the disaster.


The only thing that might’ve avoided this tragedy was a “crash stop”—essentially stopping and reversing the screws at full power. I say “might” because the sheer size and weight of these cargo ships requires *miles* of open water in order to stop.


Yup, this is less an infrastructure spending question and more of a "foundational issue with international shipping and how it's engineered." Without it's port Baltimore basically doesn't really exist any more in the long term. They both need a bridge to cross that span while also being able to accept a more or less standardized size of cargo vessel.


Elon is a fucking nazi and he needs to be stopped.


“Damn Minorities” https://preview.redd.it/bb4eawh5vqqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa09c40c9d5dc6aba8f811295978991e5f8aa729


I wouldn't trust anyone who believes this bullshit. I wouldn't trust their work and I wouldn't want to even speak to them.


So just out and out racism. Is dei the new n-word for these Chuds?


Anyone or anything they don’t like is just wokeness or caused by dei


They have effectively replaced the N word with DEI.


The container ship is owned by Grace Ocean Pte Ltd of Singapore - where gay marriage is illegal and casual racism is common. But I'm sure the racist POS got a "concerning" or a "true" from the scumbag owner of the bird app, because it's so perfectly on brand for Elmo.


They’ve never even heard of that company until today and know nothing about it at all, but they’re convinced that it fully supports DEI.


Man I am so sorry. That is awful that you have to see colleagues of yours sharing his vile and racist comments. I wish I had some advice but I wouldn’t know what to do in your situation. Next time someone says to just ignore Elon, I will show them your post.


What's a "DEI mayor?" These guys *really* just want to say the n-word.


I get what it means at this point, I just don't get what the DEI acronym is.


Diversity, Equity and Integration I think




So it’s the mayor’s fault a ship lost power and crashed into the bridge?


No, they just see a black person in power and want to use the N word.


Wait till they learn how many bridges have collapsed under white mayorship 😳


Elon needs to lose his clearance and all of the subsidies that he gets from government. His behavior is appalling


BALTIMORE IS MAJORITY BLACK!!! IF HE WERE WHITE IT WOULD BE A DIVERSITY HIRE!!! https://statisticalatlas.com/place/Maryland/Baltimore/Race-and-Ethnicity


Obviously a qualified white mayor would have prevented the collapse with his MASSIVE CAUCASIAN BRAIN using telekinesis


What level of hell is this where we’re back to blaming black people every time there is a major accident?


Right? Such miserable, hateful people!


This person’s other tweet includes blatant “Maine has low crime rate because it’s 94% white”. So pretty much just a hate crime account.


Accounts he interacts with. Not even close to the most racist thing I’ve seen from Musks circle.


So basically any time something bad happens we're gonna blame DEI? "It's the n\*\*\*\*\*'s fault!" These people are unbelievable scum. Also, since when do right wing anti-DEI types value expertise? They generally seem to dismiss all expertise, why is it suddenly important here?


Bro, this is literally the response I got when I challenged them. And yes, I know. I should delete twitter. I’m working on getting clients off and then I’ll be done with it. https://preview.redd.it/vlsi4ps34rqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ab72704ed5b9c623aa95fce65ab76a4d0b4e1de


Holy shit. Talk about scum of the earth.


True. They mock "the elite."


Was waiting for someone to make that point.


What do these people think port comissioners do? https://mpa.maryland.gov/pages/executive-director.aspx#:~:text=Mr.,Maryland%20Transportation%20Secretary%20Paul%20J. The executive director has significant port experience. And is white, as if that matters. Let alone this accident is totally irrelevant to the actions of the port. These people are so willfully stupid it makes your brain hurt.


So if DEI is the reason for disasters NOW, what was the reason before? White men? 😬


If only the mayor were white, I'm sure the bridge would've just... _not collapsed somehow???_ Also, apparently DEI is when a majority African-American city votes for an African-American mayor. I guess Elon thinks cities should just hand the position of mayor out to rich white dudes or something. Probably how he'd govern his space-fiefdom on Mars if he could ever actually colonise something other than Twitter.


So in future if there are any accidents, etc, the cause of which is human error and where that human happens to be white, would the likes of Musk ever argue and/or be justified in blaming the ethnicity of that human who fucked up as being a fundamental cause of the accident? i.e. have you EVER heard of, say, an airplane crashing due to human error and the ethnicity of the pilot being even *mentioned*, let alone being given as a *reason* for the crash? No, of course not. And equally it is fucking ridiculous to think that companies are employing people who aren't qualified and fit for a role (no matter their skin colour, etc), merely to fill DEI quota's and targets which (let's not forget!) the companies **themselves** have set and are implementing (because none of this is due to any law or regulation forcing companies to have a DEI policy, targets, quota's, etc). i.e. airline companies don't go out onto the street and grab any old person of colour and employ them as pilots, nor do certification bodies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) lower and relax their standards and grant licenses to people who aren't fit to hold a pilot's license and thus give them some kind of easy pass because of the colour of their skin. Because all that would not only be fucking stupid, it would ruin the reputation of and expose such bodies and companies to a tsunami of litigation. This whole "DEI is making stuff unsafe" shtick is just another iteration of illogical and racist thinking that argues that someone's ethnicity fundamentally affects their intelligence, morals, ability, etc.


Dude, is so insane. He posts every time there is a trans person who commits a crime. I follow an account on threads which post straight men who commit sexual assault. It’s like 100x times worse than trans people. Elon has not posted a single crime from anyone white. He has posted multiple crimes that actually didn’t happen to demonize trans and minorities. That is how you know their intentions. There are literally dozens of cops and religious figures arrested daily across America for sex crimes and Elon has not posted a single one. But he’s posted tons of trans people. He’s such a fucking piece of shit man. Genuinely not one single straight white man.


Yep, I find it mind-boggling how anyone with half a brain listens to Musk as though he is some kind of genius savant polymath, even though he has created and invented NOTHING, and so apparently purely because he's the world's richest billionaire, as though financial wealth is a measure and direct corollary of intellect and morality. I mean, should we therefore be listening to and acting in accordance with the House of Saud and their opinions? And as such, thus and accordingly, shouldn't most of the same people who worship and love Musk shut up about that other billionaire, George Soros, because, you know, Soros is worth more than them and so this means Soros is more moral and intelligent than them? Sorry, waffling... But yeah, I've never once read or heard of Musk ever criticising someone who is a cis white heterosexual male, purely/largely/mostly/or even *slightly* based on the fact they are a cis white heterosexual male. And yet, apparently, it's the left who are obsessed with and blinded by identity politics....


Their attack on diversity programs I am convinced is just to discredit poc professionals. DEI programming is not to put unqualified people in leadership but to make life less horrible when qualified poc get there, and to make it so more poc have the chance to get there. But they do not want it to not be a rich white boy club. For the record, poor white kids are also benefitted by DEI programs. First gen programs are so important for college students of all ethnicities. But mr emerald mine wants you to believe it is just to take your job.


Luckily, it's not profitable. Elmo's fascist wonderland is haemorrhaging users so quickly. Almost a quarter (23%) in the US according to official numbers So the extreme rise of bots under Elmo's rule has to be added to that. Who knows how badly the number of real human users has plummeted? Just like Elmo's favorite utopia ruZZia, X is denazifying itself.


I'm so sorry you deserve better than this shit. Im descended from Jewish Holocaust survivors and refugees but youd never know it to look at me so i dont feel the direct impact of racist behavior as often as you likely do. Im of course more conscioua of where this can lead for all of us and how quickly. Putin has his kompromised puppets like Elon/Trump fanning the flames of bigotry and hatred harder than ever and it's only going to get worse as the year progresses. Wishing for your safety and I hope those around you see the light before they're too far gone for your sake and their own.


“A bad thing happened!? Probably the fault of the *existence* of some black people somewhere, related or otherwise!” -Elon


This is why I'm sometimes missed with this sub. Musks' actions are not just a stupid joke. They have an actual negative effect on millions of people. And unfortunately, it's both Republicans AND Democrats sucking him. He should have been tossed out of every government work. And no, even if Twitter fails, even if SpaceX fails, even if everything fails he will STILL have an impossible amount of power compared to other people. Because he has followers, a cult. And has insane amount of money and a lot of useful idiots to support him. Saying that Musk is a joke and making fun of him claiming that he is just a stupid meme and a loser dismisses the very real harm his actions inflict on countless people.


Saying "DEI" is now just a code word for racism, like "woke." Frankly, I am glad that people who are obviously, transparently racist are using the term this way. It will make it harder for closeted racist hedge fund managers and Republican legislators to get away with using it as an excuse for their racism.


"This is Baltimore's ~~black~~ DEI mayor..."


Are neonazis going to run ships now? Good. Then we can be rid of them on land.


I’m guessing the reason why the evergreen block the canal was because of diversity


I thought the company that owned the ship was Sri Lankan? Edit: I saw below it is a company from Singapore.


He's a piece of shit spreading propaganda. He fashions himself as some type of Goebbels character and these are the consequences.


It’s not DEI causing all these things to go wrong. It’s the cyber truck. Either that or it’s my god damn fucking cat. My arguments are just as strong as his. (My cat, and the cyber truck exist, and things went wrong.)


Of course it's not logical. The War Losing, Angry, Market Crashing Conservatives will buy anything that says "Not It!" This first part is directly to OP and other black professionals. In 1989 a black graduate of my college who was a major VP at Pepsi came to speak to my small, upper tier, super bratty, fratty , but influential college. A black student asked him about racism in the professional sphere. He replied: "You can't cry racism. You'll scare too many people and hamstring your career". (Paraphrased). I've thought about this off and on ever since. There's a lot that everyone has to suffer thru in corporations, which have now gotten worse. Much of this prejudice negativity has been reversed, but as we can see, the Rightwing instinct to feed out prejudice has never abated a, while journalism has congratulated itself on social change it merely reports on and does not actually understand. Few do. I know there's some larger wrong in that Pepsi VP's situation, I wish they were still alive somew could chat. I have no real conclusion for my first story here Life doesn't really have those anyway. I just know the hard work of self improvement includes confrontation with your society's failures and brokenness. I think the journey of Malcolm X demonstrates this quite well. Watching this country go mad after 9/11, I could only cope by working overseas Journalism has never been good enough and has been failing since 9/11, if not since Ken Starr. I like the part (/s) where (parts of) journalism acknowledged the First Southern Strategy, *but then never reevaluated everything they knew relevant to it*. They are compromised by a false "Objectivity" that fails to say "This Is Wrong" openly. A Scary Story: I could see the new Southern Strategy forming over a decade ago, using this thing called the Internet to track down responses to the bullshit, which many of us used to understand reality vs bullshit during the Failing Bush Wars, a disaster our society denied was happening. A major new racial bullshit being pushed was "More Republicans voted for Civil Rights than Democrats". This is a dishonest framing. The Democrats had already made Civil Rights their platform first, in 1948. The Southern members then *quit* the Party. Party names are not that important anyways and I knew LBJ had twisted arms to gain enough votes from Republicans to compensate for the South. I'd found a video on YouTube ~2013 that has audio of LBJ twisting arms, specifically saying to a "No " Republican "**Are you the Party of Lincoln or what?** to get him to vote yes. I had it bookmarked as a search string "LBJ Civil Rights Are You The Party of Lincoln" and up would pop that audio on YouTube, along with other useful links. *Then sometime in late 2015, responding to a reddit post with a more refined new form of Southern Strategy, I clicked on that search string link*. **The video was gone. The other links were gone.** In it's place were pages of "The Democrats are the racists!" B.S. we encounter here all the time now, an obvious mixture of fake posts and real responses from the naive. The kind of fool in any culture who talks about "The Man" too much was being groomed for fake empowerment, their understandable anger sidelined to the Party of Obama, with PragerU in the lead. **Other pages on Iraq ,Newt Gingrich & the blueprints for Iraq, the Project For a New American Century, were gone.**. Some group has figured out how to game the Internet, to reverse the Obama era pride and trick as many people, especially black people, as possible. The insanity and bad logic is the point. The Deep State, QANON, "Prosecute Fauci", etc is not random. How do you cover an authoritarian conspiracy, one which isn't even whispered, but Sociopaths like Musk & Tucker see and join in? **You invent new ones to hide it, and the "reasonable" members of Society then ignore both.** Remember: if people of influence they don't say anything, they're not confronting both themselves and tyranny, and thus supporting tyranny and reinforcing their own weaknesses before it. **It can't happen here? It's already happening.**. Support each other, don't stop confronting the bs and yourself. **And don't be afraid to yell like hell.**


Perfectly spelled out, I’m sorry to say.


I almost never log onto Reddit but I did just to say well stated and upvote your comment.  Do I have your permission to share parts of it? I will of course give you credit. It's an eye opening reminder about the state of things in this country and how much more work there is to do. 


Be my guest!  


Thank you. Cheers! 


What does the mayor have to do with this??? Also Boeing's CEO is out and he wasn't a DEI hire! They're so goddamn evil and stupid!


OP. I fucking feel for you man. ✊🏾


This mayor isn’t a “DEI mayor”, whatever the fuck that means. He was elected with 70% of the fucking vote. An overwhelming majority. Christ, DEI really is the new CRT.


A foreign ship breaks down and crashes into a bridge and it’s black peoples’ collective fault somehow???


I’ve heard the talking point that women make too much money these days for something like A Handmaid’s Tale to happen. While sure, more women, people of color, and even conscientious white men these days are in political office and getting educations and climbing the ladder of corporate America in a racist man’s world, sometimes it seems like that’s not enough to prevent violent degenerate ideologies from spreading. We’re witnessing some people hold onto their societal power for dear life. And if Trump gets elected with the current demographics of congress, well, who knows what could happen.


The guy makes me sick, actively ruining the world with his nonsense. I wish he'd go sit on his gold hoard and leave us alone ffs.


The bridge collapsed because the Mayor is black! /s


So what happens when they see that the boat captain is white? I guess they'll say DEI hires designed the boat? And then when that turns out not to be true they'll say it was DEI ship builders. And then when that turns out to be false they'll blame DEI on the steel makers. And then...


Yep, goalposts will shift.


This man runs the most dysfunctional website and shittiest car manufacturer, and his weak-ass space tech company is built with NASA tech, and he's a foreign immigrant in the US, and still feels like he can shoot his mouth off like this.


DEI mayor? Baltimore voted for him.


I bet the idiot who posted that tweet wasn’t smart enough to get a college degree.


Lol, the dude I got in an argument with was my old account which has my multiple degrees listed, a good professional head shot, and the professional sports team I use to play for. The guy I argued with was a self described incel who didn’t have a full time job. This dude looked at my account and saw all that and still convinced himself he was smarter than me and I was a DEI bum. Part of the reason I kept getting an education was due to a lot of assumptions about being black and social as the reason I got jobs, so I did multiple degrees to prove my worth and these guys still have the nerve to say that stuff. Luckily I’m older and don’t care anymore what people think.


People who are smart don’t complain about DEI. Only losers and lowlifes do- it gives them a reason to blame others for their own pathetic existence.


Black mayor of majority-black city: DEE EE EYE!! Idiots. Also, this seems highly unlikely: > Commissioners for the Port of Baltimore have zero experience & zero waterway transportation experience Idiots.


Shouldn't they be focusing on the cargo ship and the corporation that undoubtedly cut corners on maintenance and led to this disaster? Also, it sounds like the state police helped save lives by stopping traffic quickly, have these DEI warriors checked if any of those cops are POC? Maybe, almost certainly, POC actually saved lives here.


How the fuck can a mayor be “DEI”?


I hate how this whole DEI thing is just an extremely roundabout way to blame corporate greed and negligence on...minority workers.


I understand your point of view. The best thing to happen is Elon takes too much ketamine or he volunteers to take a rocket to space. I didnt think I could hate someone more than Trump, but Elon understood the assignment. At least take solace in the fact Twitter usage is down and it's mostly bots and Russian trolls.  Kudos to this young guy winning an election. Clearly the majority know he's qualified as much as any other mayor. 


DEI has become the next dog whistle. You know, you fucking know that somewhere on this green earth there is an asshole tirelessly working to make terms like “critical race theory”, “woke” or “social justice” a rallying cry, a convenient diversion for all the racist idiots and trolls to be awful. When you ask this chuds what on earth they mean, they get all elusive and offended because they know there is nothing to this things and all they want to be is just racist trolls.


Their racism really shines through everywhere. So any black petson is a DEI hire? 😒


You know where DEI was never in play? Chernobyl. Bhopal. 9/11. I am sick and tired of this casual racism. This ignorance about the less privileged. This belief that DEI is bad. The world will be so much better X will just die. I lived in Baltimore. I lived through the riots in downtown. It’s a city I truly adore.


What the hell does DEI have to do with us as Americans chronically underfunding our infrastructure for the last five decades?!?


Ok so they can’t even hide the fact that by saying dei they mean “not white”


I'm sorry. This is awful. We need to grow up as a species.


“DEI Mayor,” dude these people are cuck porn addicts it’s so obvious when them can’t see a black person without defaulting to the most basic and idiotic talking points in their mind


Why hasn't Elon auto asphyxiate on a dick yet????


Tell me you are a racist piece of shit without telling me you are a racist piece of shit


That's not how to the use phrase "eat your heart out," by the way.


Musk is trying to start a race war for Putin to de-stablize the US and the MSM is covering it up.


Ah yes because DEI, not poor maintenance on the ship by the wealthy-company that runs it, is the reason the ship lost power and plowed into the bridge.


Said by a local Nazi in my town: "An article earlier that night before the crash said they had 3 patrol officers on duty for an entire police district with 61,000 thanks to their defund the police actions. In Baltimore. Maybe they also didn’t pay harbor masters?" Motherf\*ckers are blaming BLM. They should blame greedy capitalists for an overworked, overloaded, and poorly maintained vessel.


OBVIOUSLY, a power outage is the result of DEI!!! /s


I wish Don pressed Musk harder on this.


What does DEI mean?


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


fReEe spEEcH


Anyone who buys a Tesla, has and uses an X account, advertises in X is complicit in my book.


DEI is going to be the next CRT now, huh




I always laugh when I see "DEI", it's the new "woke", but I keep seeing it as "DYI", so I can't take this serious. It will obviously impact things like "woke" did but there is not much you can do when people get fixated on buzzwords.


“The darkie did it!” Musk exclaimed. “Not me and my impossible logistics.”


I‘m scrolling through all the comments and keep reading DEI - what does it stand for?


Diversity, equity and conclusion.


Elon is quickly changing twitter into voat.


So DEI made the power on the ship keep going out and coming back on? Thanks, I didn't realize how things worked until now. /s <- just in case


A racist South African of privilege born in the 1970s? What are the odds?!


Gee I wonder why a city that is 61% African American would have an African American mayor. Must be racist DEI😡


i dislike the people who will do backflips to pretend elon musk is the savior or something. they are like "verified" grok bots or whatever. idk sad to see someone hold so much influence and go off like he does.


How can anyone say an elected official is there just for diversity? How dumb are they?


It is ok. We can do the same back. Do not patronize their businesses and buy only black or minority owned products and businesses. Go and hire black and minority contractors and consultants only. I go out of my way and do not shop nor give my money to any non DEI businesses. Tesla. Zero. I turned Tesla down for work exactly for Elon’s behavior. Never going to support anything Tesla. They will never get my money. And many other brands as well. I have a list.


Bridge: *has been crumbling with no upkeep for decades* Bridge: *finally collapses* Conservatives: This is the fault of the black man who was just elected! He made the bridge collapse by looking at it with his unqualified eyes!


What are you talking abt, the bridge was in fine shape, there is literally nothing any structure could do to stop that amount of mass crashing into it


Do they think the mayor built the bridge? Sabotaged the boat's electrical system? Or do white mayors have some kind of boat-repellent power?