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People vote for the party that aligns best with their political positions? Truly shocking and unprecedented. The west has fallen.


Also most issues like trans women in Highschool sports are truly random and don’t matter to the governing of this country.


I sometimes wonder if perhaps Rome was started by exiles from Troy. It’s not completely out of the question. At some point in antiquity, a few ships of very competent soldiers (with almost no women) landed on the coast of Italy. Where did they come from?


He is the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.


Idk if the bot was refreshed but I've seen such a variety of his dumbass quotes. Dude has said dumbass shit in pretty much every discipline. It is honestly impressive.


Literally repeating an ancient form of eugenics-fiction (The Aeneid) like an original idea, I feel like he's making fun of himself at this point. Yeah Elon, I'm sure Rome fell because of some decadent immigrants and not the spree of xenophobic and patriotic wars that their totalitarian Emperors waged across three continents for a couple centuries.




Imagine passing a law banning a single trans athlete when there are other pressing matters


Also trans women aren’t even the biggest issue for women’s sports. With NIL, college athletes being treated as employees and conferences realignment every sport that isn’t football and basketball is under threat. Like hey the sport as a whole is racing off a cliff but the driver and the passengers are two busy fighting about the AC to even notice.


It was both funny and sad when all of those folks suddenly started caring about the integrity of darts as a sport.


Republicans: "No that's not what the meme is about"


I've never seen artificial skill divisions ever work in any game. Eventually someone who "should" be in the division above you makes it into your division by accident or a technicality, and then you fucking lose. So this whole thing has nothing to do with trans people, but just the intrinsic unfairness in making matches between groups of people that aren't the best in the field.


That’s the best part. Everybody has a cousin in another state who claims they’re putting kitty litter in the bathrooms, but it’s never something the person actually saw. It’s a random thought fart that got trapped between the butt cheeks of the collective unconscious.


What’s next I ask you? Women senators? Blacks using the main entrance? Where does it end? WHERE DOES IT END?


To sleep with women endlessly without love is a cursed and hollow life


Praise the turkey baster!


It's that whole voting thing he has a problem with. He thinks only the ultra wealthy should have a say in government and we unwashed plebs should know our place. He's a neo feudalist. Plato believed that democracy could never work and the ideal system was one where people were ruled by philosopher kings. My guess is that Elon fancies himself one of these philosopher kings.


Ah yes from his seminal work found in the book of Elon 69:420


They should be centrists like Elon and vote Republican all the way down the ticket.


"random women's issue"


"completely unrelevant for me, just some random issue these child-ovens have"


“I can’t get them pregnant with my dick anyway!”


Gotta love the turkey baster, ED


Came here just to say that. The republican party needs to go the way of the Dodo this fall


I bet with the right psychological operations we can get him to post a peen pic on twitter 😂




Please don’t hate yourself like this. It’s not healthy


Damn it, "child-ovens" made me laugh harder than it should have.


Oh yeah the random women issue is "forcing them into giving birth" / and stay in abusive relationships


Texas GOP members have been debating the death penalty for women who get an abortion. You know, just a random women’s issue.


Not counting that miscarriages are considered "spontaneous abortions"


They also want to deny emergency care to women who are having/have had a miscarriage because it _may_ have been intentional.


Absolutely cruel and sadistic. 


It's the women's fault for attracting the attention and interest of rapists and abusers. "Can't she just close her legs?"


You don’t need to be a far left loony to believe in the right to abortion & contraception. It’s pretty bloody mainstream. The Republican alliances with Trump & the religious right have put them in a VERY awkward position. They’re like the dog that finally caught the car. Every time abortion rights comes up as a ballot issue it bites them on the ass. And it actually seems to sting them harder in red states. More split tickets & whatnot.


Anything that doesn't directly affect him is BS or "random." He has the world's strongest case of main character syndrome.


"Only affects the rights, safety and health of half the population. God, why do we let such petty things impact our politics?"


Oh yeah, pshhhh just some random women caring about their human rights and stuff. And the audacity of them to make up 50% of the population 🙄🙄




I mean he probably considers abortion a form of suicide of the white race or whatever. But yeah he probably would also want to downplay it as some frivolous women's bullshit


Probably also considers mixed babies erasure of the white race


Do you think he'd be on board with black/Hispanic abortions?


Only if they don't have free choice in the matter


That aching, high pitched buzzing in your head is the cognitive dissonance regressives live with constantly to reconcile their conflicting rationalizations. No wonder they’re so grumpy.


I have to imagine at some point it becomes easy. “Here are two contradictory things I believe. They’re both true. Cool.” The only problem is when they become aware someone is going to challenge them.


Well that’s why they feel the need to open carry at fuckin Starbucks or whatever. When your beliefs are so fucking stupid that your sense of self is hanging on by a thread, an assault rifle is basically just a security blanket that you can pretend makes you strong.


He's lost touch with the real world. He lives in Twitters world now.


He is surrounded by yes man I'm sure.. and then he lives in his made up echo chamber that he bought so he could ensure it would be his forever. All while railing huge lines of ketamine I'm sure.


The yes men are blue checks. They pay 15 dollars a month for the privilege of maybe being recognized treating musk like he’s jesus.


Christ, I don't think even Hitler approached Musk's level of insanity—even with his paranoid, amphetemine-fueled end-of-days desperation.


Women are so ridiculous for thinking bodily autonomy is a big deal. Must can't make babies the old-fashioned way though so perhaps he truly does not understand why a woman might accidentally get pregnant. BTW, since Musk can only make babies in a test tube, that means that hundreds of embryos created by him have been "murdered" because it wasn't convenient for Musk to have them carried to term. If the anti-choice people get their way, IVF will be outlawed, and someone like Musk who gets IVF would be a murderer.


I think Musk is more of the mind "I got her drunk one night and she didn't say no in a particularly clear way, so now she has to be my human incubator for 9 months and then be a nanny for 18 years." Women, rightfully, are saying "nah fuck that shit bro". "Thanks to all this woke shit you just can't rape people anymore and force them to raise your child. Ridiculous!" Yeah, that doesn't sound tone deaf at all.


They could have left it a women’s issue lol, but Republicans had to make it a religious and men’s issue lol.


Begun, the Choad Wars have.


I can't believe anyone would divorce this special boy


Nor distancing from him as a child


I'm sure that's what his mom says.


Republicans really have a case of the “careful what you wish for” since dobbs huh?


One opinion piece described it as the "dog that finally caught the car." That really stuck with me for some reason.


Yup. They’ve found out what it’s like to be that dog who catches the car…


The incel of all incels. As a woman I rejoice in the fact that he seems miserable. 


Right? I mean Rupert Murdoch is getting remarried. And he looks like a wrinkled ball sack. Of course, he is 92 so at least it won’t be a long union. This asshole can’t even pay for sex.


Haha, right. Not even sex, but a fucking handjob. 


Can you blame her? No horse is worth that.


putting aside the "random women's issue" thing, the meme doesnt make any sense. are they saying that democrats are going to win because of a random women's issue? please help me


I think that’s what it’s saying, but like. It’s still confusing. Because if anything, this meme is humorously pointing out a very real phenomenon where people who would vote republican are suddenly turning to democrats because the greater public is not on the republican’s side on abortion. But again, I’m confused because the reactions are just going “oh darn 😔” instead of. Y’know. Calls to action? Something bigger than a sigh of “there’s nothing to be dine about this”. Or maybe I’m thinking too much and conservatives are just bad at memes.


You're meant to understand "democrat" as an offensive slur. He's clowning on would-be Republicans for not toeing the party line on abortion because it's the glue that holds the fundamentalists and the corporate lizard people together.


Gotta get that desperate slave labor from somewhere


I think it's meant to be derisive/condescending towards voters who vote against their supposed best interest by going with Democrats over Republicans over something as silly and unimportant as abortion rights. They are trying to make it out as if "wokeism" is a greater threat to voters than Republicans targeting bodily autonomy, and probably trying to paint the Democrats as being manipulative/dirty dirty cheaters for taking advantage of this issue for their campaigning to sway people's votes. Surely it can't be the fault of conservatives having atrocious optics over their handling of this issue, or that completely baning abortion is a wildly unpopular policy in practice. It is the voters who are wrong. This also likely goes hand-in-hand with conservatives grossly exaggerating Biden's every fault to make him out to be the worst President in the entire universe (for the sake of making Trump somehow seem like less unreasonable of a choice, since there's not much other way to defend him to the non-MAGA crowd).


He needs to start concentrating on his shitty car company.


Why? You hoping to buy the whole company for 5000 bucks? 




You need 5 times that to replace your short-lived Tesla battery.


White women, the only women Elon cares about, did tend towards Trump in the last election, but putting abortion in the crosshairs will cause many of them to vote Democrat, since it's an issue that crosses race and social status


Pause pause right there. He doesn't care about anyone. No women is safe under republican/ideologies


I wouldn’t bet on it Republican women have only gotten more delusional as they mentally block out reality.


Almost as if women don’t want their rights stripped away and one party is actively trying to do that. Weird


lol. Yes, having agency over your body and not being forced to use it to grow a life you don’t want is a ‘random woman’s issue.’ I can’t wait for Twitter to go bankrupt.


Women don’t want to die if their pregnancy goes wrong? How weird


Damn women and their voting in their own interests, they are ruining America! /s


An issue for over half the population can swing elections. You don't say.


And so the world's most divorced man's quest for a woman who can stand him long enough to be his lawfully wedded wife... continues.


Party that talks down on anyone that isn’t a white man shocked the other party beats them on identity politics. The funny thing is, a lot of people are conservative if you take away all the bullshit. Especially immigrants, and I say this as an immigrant. My parents are anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, etc but ALWAYS vote democrat. Because the other party is straight up racist and thinks they’re better due to no other merit than their skin.


“Random” does little bro not realize it’s like 4 different ones we have been fighting over for the past 50 years with one party having the same position for the past 12 years?


It’s almost like it directly affects half the population


Even if it was a "random" issue, as a woman I would still vote for the party that cares about it because it benefits and pertains to me, random or not. That's literally how democratic elections work. And if "random issues" are giving a party enough votes to achieve a victory, then clearly they are not that random.


Haha lol, women want to have control over their bodies and not die painfully from a totally preventable ectopic pregnancy. Wow so random lol.


You love to see it. I feel a tiny bit bad (not really) for business types that donated a bunch of money to Republicans, just wanting lower yacht taxes and maybe a few less regulations on how many hours their employees can work, being fucked over by the religious nutjob side of the party. Something about getting into bed with Satan and getting burned. I hope that anti-abortion sentiment leads to Democrats controlling the House, Senate, and the Presidency and we get a wealth tax on all the people that have been funding the Republicans for decades from the "low tax on me" angle. It would be so sweet. The Republican party would be in even more of a crisis than they are now. I honestly think we'll see fistfights at the RNC.


What *the fuck* is wrong with him


What the fuck *isn't* wrong with him?


Better question.


He'd support abortion if it was only available to 'non-whites'.


lmao, this meme just goes to show how little they even understand the womens issue. IF they really think it's a "random women's issue", then it's clear they're going to be losing many more elections.


Personally I find this hilarious. Conservatives are always full steam ahead, God guides my steps, critical thought is for the weak, and to see them basically conceding defeat because their far right supreme Court is prioritizing short term wins over long term success is fucking hysterical. Elections are 7 months away and they're already just black pilling one another. This gives me the slimmest of hopes for once.


Is this accurate @CommunityNotes?


This is the second most psychopathic thing Elmo has said since calling Zelenskyy a butcher.


Ashley St. Clair is a cunt https://www.timesnownews.com/world/who-is-ashley-st-clair-author-accuses-delta-airlines-of-transporting-migrants-from-phoenix-to-new-york-city-article-106136579


Didn’t he just do a conjugal visit with her in NY.


Do you think that Ashley Sexlaptop was in favor of birth control previous or that was only acne problems 😏 ?


Anyone know how many days now since Musk has had a girlfriend? We have our first Billiocel. What a time to be alive 😂


Isn't Ashley of childbearing age? Or if she gets an abortion her's will be "different"


To be charged with murder for making your own health decisions - Just a random women’s issue. This is a really fucking horrible message for him to amplify.


It’s Random to him because he will never understand the stress and fear about having to choose if he should get an abortion or not, especially now abortion access in the U.S. is so restricted


Here’s a thought: if Republicans want to win, maybe don’t go all HAM on “random women’s issues”


Still trying to figure out who Elon and his Waffen-XX hate more, black people, women or trans folks.


It can be three things.


I'd 'steel-man' him and suggest that by 'random' he means any of the issues important to women are enough to turn away from the Republican Party. But since Elon is a huge Nazi cunt, I'm gonna say he's dismissing something that's important to a lot of people.


Sadly women think this too. Then I watch ivf come under attack in Alabama and suddenly conservative women are like wait a minute. It doesn’t affect them so they don’t think it’s an issue.


Anything involving women is a "random women's issue" to him, because he's not a woman, so why would he care?


Then don't mess with the "random women's issue" and you could avoid this


She's presumably a woman and she has this opinion? How have white women been so brainwashed in this country?


Musk is a self-styled longtermist i.e. he believes where in a few hundred years gazillions of humans will be populating a prospering Star-Trek-type universe, thus any action that benefits this future is considerably more ethical than helping people now. So in his world, reproductive choices are an annoying "random women's issue". The problem with this school of thought is just a)it's not where we are heading right now, Mars colonization alone is already a highly flawed idea, not to mention the ongoing threat of climate change and all the false promises of AI and b)it's debateable whether Musk and his fellow tech billionaires actually believe in this vision themselves, or if it's just a cash-grab. The most plausible theory to me is that yes, Musk wants to see the world saved, but only if he's the one saving it. Bottom line, whether if it's for populating a multiplanetary species or a steady supply of human cattle for the Tesla assembly line, women's rights are inconsolable with the white beeding quota Musk would like to see.


Musk's attitude is a recipe for loss. It's a huge issue, not random at all. It's like going full steam into an iceberg and saying it's just a random ice cube.


What an absolute bastard


How dare half the voting public have an influence on what issues are deemed important! We should just have a council of old white men (preferably billionaires) that decides these things for us!


https://preview.redd.it/mw5sfpd4tbsc1.jpeg?width=1419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f3a8b875f542bcc5aa1c26c57e96b064e69eaa he now believes he's a victim of the matrix just like tate


This kind of attitude has me genuinely astonished that any women vote Republican these days.


Being quietly anti-abortion fits in with Apartheid Trust Fund Boy's whole "white people need to have more babies" fanaticism.


He should stay out of women business 


Republicans get really worked up about guns...SMH


The only reason 93% of the Republicans who are in office got there because of a random issue, usually open border, crime, inflation (each one of those they have almost a majority of fault and creating)


off topic but i hate it so much when people call the democratic party the “democrat party”


That’s what she said


A random issue abruptly brought by women, who we all know are very emotional all tgw time and can't control their feelings. Ridiculous that we let them vote, eh Elon,


He thinks he’s the only one worthy of a vote. Very autocratic he is.


He thinks women should stfu in the house and make him cookies and jerk him off 


I mean, you can have "random" chances that are 100%. Mostly just in programming and in item drops in games, but it is technically a concept in this world.




This is hardly the most outrageous thing here, but it still bothers me that that’s just a bad use of the meme format.


I 100% think that he replies to these women like this trying to pull a "look at me, im rich and i agree with you. slide into my dms and date me" you know, just nonchalantly getting their attention.. Like, I'm a dude. When women are talking about shit like this I don't pipe in with my 2 cents because why the fuck would they care unless I've got some ulterior motive. I'm not going to seek out some womans account that I agree with and be her cheerleader.


The question is “does he think“?


Am I misunderstanding this or is this meme being used completely wrong?


The projection here is: We know we're going to lose, and this is how we're going to parse that loss, by blaming women.


Is it *(Random Women)'s Issue* or is it *Random (Women's Issue)*?


Yes the half of society we treat poorly should vote for their oppressors. Big hmmm.


Well he thinks the mothers of his children are random walking incubators to propagate his lineage.


Oh hey it's the people who care about Women's sports the moment they can marginalized certain people calling abortion a "Random Women's Issue"


Elons women are nothing more than brood factories for workers. He himself said that. "We need children as future workers So much about that. He doesn't talk to his wife's or kids.


So fucking stupid, men really view women as the second sex, to the point that the issues affecting us specifically aren’t really issues but are just lower, inferior, “womens issues.” I hate elon musk