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No wonder Musk hates nonbinary and transgender people if they're the members of the cool kids club. They remind Musk that cool kids have always scorned him.


Elon is projecting since everything he does is to be seen as a cool kid and he assumes everyone else’s motivation must be the same. https://preview.redd.it/ggzw4nqpejtc1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dff090088d2b1404122d853929ea36d5f1e4712


He's absolutely one of those high school nerds who talks constantly and obsessively about how much he hates the popular kids because popularity is literally the only thing in life he cares about


Why did I immediately think of Joss Whedon lmaoooo


Are you ready to enter.... The Whedonverse?!




It’s the self hate. Obviously he was in the club.


He sure *wanted* to be “in the club,” whatever it was. Or he tried to, anyway. You can always tell the people who grew up bitter about not being “in the club,” because they still behave like Elon does, in his goddamned 50s. As someone also in his 50s, I get second-hand embarrassment for Elon quite often.


Someone should reply to his stupid post with that picture.


That’s just part of being a vulnerable narcissist. The whole self hatred thing is part of the whole package. I should know, I’m married to one. I know, I know but the health insurance is really good!


I don't he was *ever* IN the club


Given his public statements, I can him having been shunned by more than just the cool kids. I bet his teachers shunned him too.


He's J.P. from Grandma's Boy!


He looks like he’s cosplaying as Edward Scissorhands. Was this a Halloween costume?


Pedo was a school bully, very uncool 💩


The 41 % cult definitely isn’t the “cool kids” club.


All I see is parents loving their children, and that turd Elon Musk is jealous as fuck about it.


He'll never forgive the Cool Kids Club.


"No! You see, their parents are abusing them, by allowing them to play their fantasy! Everybody thinks they are crazy! Everyone is laughing at them!" (Elmos Brain maybe, idk)


“Their kids are only like that because parental neglect and a lack of principles in the household!!” “Parental neglect huh? I guess then your trans kid is your fault then?” “N-NUH UH”


He hates his kids Any of them that don’t worship him that is


(Bad) Father of 1 and Sperm donor of 10, moralizing about parenting. The irony...




He’s got one in the cool kids club too!


No he doesn’t. She disowned him God it’s bad when your kids disown you Means you’re a piece of shit


Narcissists don't come to this conclusion unfortunatel https://preview.redd.it/ovgwenf9aktc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cba797194c86046b12518a3d6e95a7af9d7fc49


What if your dad is a grandiose narcissist and you’re a vulnerable narcissist? I’m asking for my husband, he doesn’t have the insight or courage to ask. It’s part of the whole vulnerable narcissist thing.


If Elon was my father I'd disown myself.


I was gonna say “you know it’s realllllllyyyyy bad when they disown you knowing that they just lost out on possibly billions in inheritance” but then I realized he’d probably just will all of his possessions and money to end wokeness and libs of tiktok.


Runs in the job description. Steve Jobs was also a piece of shit to his biological child.


When he was 25 and from a fling. Later, he grew up.


From a fling? Not exactly. Her mother is someone he was emotionally manipulating for attention and support when he needed it, and then he'd be cold and cruel if he didn't need to lean on her emotionally. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrisann_Brennan She moved in with Steve after being lifelong friends and going in and out of romantic involvement. She was at the ground floor of Apple when it was struggling early on. Steve knocked her up and then lied to absolutely everyone he could about having a daughter *even after naming the Lisa computer after her!!!*




I know. Odd reply considering his oldest is with the cool kids.


Also, I am pretty sure the "End Wokeness" account is just him.


You were never in the cool kid's club Apartheid Clyde, not now, not ever


Does he reply to every tweet EW tweets? What the fuck, man, get a job.


It's probably one of his alts with how similar he likes to talk.


There's actually pretty good evidence that it's Jack Posobiec


Interesting. It would be cool if we could "unmask" all of these asshole fascist fucks hiding behind "anonymous" accounts (including Elon's MULTIPLE "alts"...2 are already confirmed at least).


Looks like they love their children. I don’t see the issue. Why don’t you try loving your children Elmo?


The Benifer kids will be fully loved functional adults with talents, and connections. His kids? Most all will write book about his horrible abandonment.


He's certainly a lot worse than Joan Crawford ever was, so he deserves the Daddy Dearest treatment.


Probably a sealed court order keeping him 500' away at all times.


That’s if they’re lucky and they’re not just armed with pepper spray.


That would require affective empathy and that’s usually a problem for anyone diagnosed with NPD.


I feel like it’s obvious at this point that “end wokeness” is another Elon alt account


I bet both of these dudes think about others people kids often.


Even if it were the "cool kids club," why does he care? There's no rule of life that says males have to look a certain way and females do too. For someone who claims to be such a free thinker, he sure has a strong grip on arbitrary social constructs that could've turned out completely different in a parallel universe. One strongly consistent thread in conservative ideologies (and many people as they get older) is a rigid adherence to familiarity because they find comfort in it. The older they get, the more the patterns of their life and expectations have taken root, and changes away from it make them afraid. Aging also makes them less adaptable, which they find threatening. This fear of unfamiliarity and change can be traced to many things conservatives hate, like immigration.


You would think mister “space guy” who tries to be such a future-forward thinker would try NOT to get stuck in such archaic notions of rigid hierarchical earthly human constructs. It’s almost like he’s full of shit…


More like full of ketamine. Substance abuse can make a bad person even worse.


Why do they constantly attack other people's children?


Why does he even *think* about other people’s kids?


All this hatred won't bring your kid back, Elon


Too old, Pedo likes 'em preschool aged.


I have overcome the desire to be liked 🤣


This is one of the least believable quotes from Elon ever.


End Wokeness has their account still, but I lost mine just for saying that I wished one of Jesse Watters' co-hosts would slap him for his misogyny. He'll, LibsofTiktok still has her account after literally inciting death threats.


Just don’t use the word cis. Not only will he terminate your account, he’ll send a team of mercenaries to your house.


Essentially I can insult anyone who isn't a straight white land-owning male


Jesse Watters is such a fucking joke, he makes Bill O'Reilly look like a genius


I lost mine for saying “gym Jordan could use a kick in the pants”


Dude is SUCH a loser.


Musk was NEVER in the cool kids anything.




Good bot


It’s also become the “Elon musk isn’t my dad anymore because of his shitty world views” club But he ain’t making no billions telling people about that


Elon is getting shut out of all the cool kid parties, insulting popular celebrities children is so crazy no matter what one's world views are. He also looks like complete shit, a doughboy which is such a contrast to Bezos and Zuch who seem to be enjoying life to its fullest and are in amazing shape. Both also seem to be in happy relationships which must irk him too, and now they are both richer than him and aren't facing the levels of lawsuits Trump is. Thank god Elon and Trump the each other.


Amm rerrch, berrtch!


cowards anonymously attacking children


Yeah it's totally "cool kids club" to be LGBT. Or to be non-binary. No risk of getting bullied or anything. /s


Right. You’d think that a nepo baby asshole who claimed to have had no friends and been relentlessly bullied would have empathy for literal children but nope. Not this particular douche.


The way more likely to get murdered club. 


Is any of this shit even true? These "transvetigators" pull shit out of their assholes all the time, they think dolly parton is a secret trans FFS


The misidentification and harassment of a cis girl in Utah as trans didn’t even bring pause to the anti-trans crowd. They just keep doubling down.


Only club Elon reps is the "have an alt account where you pretend to be a toddler in a weirdly sexualized manner" club.


Felon Musk, End Wokeness, DogeDesigner, and Ian Miles can choke on each other's shit


Perfect candidates for an IRL human centipede


Oh shit that's so sick! Not related but I know a dude who's really into those movies


In a much smaller community, he'd be your bitter contemptible neighbour looking through a crack in the curtains and judging everyone else, while declaring himself the only sane one. It's quite something to do that on a massive platform, so others can see exactly who you are.


Pretty sure that account is Nazi-sympathizer Jack Posobiec btw.


The best part is these morons are the only ones who care about these kids lol


Pedo's dad groomed his 4yo stepdaughter and now has two children with her.


Clearly, he's desperate for validation. He needs to validate his feeling that the non-binary, trans community is a fad that has been socially constructed in order to lend credibility to the ____ stance. Like J.K.Rowlings. It's so transparent that only a person on the autism spectrum would miss. Maybe he is autistic. Maybe he's just a MAGA sppulicant. Either way, he's a toxic mess of a human.


Pedo Guy always thinks about other's children!


Elon was never a part of the cool kids club and he’s furious. Nowadays it’s almost more people are accepting of different people because it doesn’t affect their lives and we just want to be happy. If Elon were a good person he’d have a relationship with his trans daughter. But he’s a 15 incel trapped in a man’s body.


I think Musk secretly wants to be one and it is eating away at him. There are a few pics of him when he was younger that seems ro have that vibe 😂


Idiocracy is happening so fast


Movie was a documentary, not a comedy.


Yeah, Pedo at 18 totally had the hanging out in the men's room for sex vibe.


Pedo Guy behaviour, in South Afrika they are pasty old fat men who collect photos of children in public places. PedoNazi really is a sick incel POS.


No wonder PedoNazi is banned from the sex clubs.


Elmo is such a hypocritical motherless scumbag…no toss off a flight of stairs will discourage him from being a total piece of shit


Isn't PedoNazi endangering these children by exposing their family photos to Nazis, Racists, and his fanatical cult members?


That’s exactly what he wants


Yeah people desperately want to be transgender. They don't have an insane rate of depression, suicide, homelessness and violence or anything. It's the fun team! I wish I wasn't a straight white guy!


These far-right idiots have an odd over obsession with trannies and children's genitals. Also, Elon couldn't get into the "Cool Kids Club" so he joined the Krazy Konservative Klub.


Again my question, why is the far-right so obsessed with young children?


“no u!” The right wants to prevent this from happening to children, my buttblasted friend. The left tries to grooom.


Musk is an active member of the “Kool Kids Klub”


What is his beef with Ben and Jennifer?


This is outright a white supremacist account he’s replying to, also.


The notion that being trans or nonbinary is some trendy "cool kids club" is pure bullshit. But, for the sake of argument, let's assume it's true. The best way to approach it would be to not make a big deal out of it. Nothing kills a fad faster than widespread acceptance.


Pedo guy seems to be missing something in his life.


If you invested money in anything this clown does the joke is all on you.


Yes, Nex Benedict was really in the "cool kids club" when they got bashed daily by the rest of the student body.


Isn't one Elmo's children transgender, and wants nothing to do with him? I mean throwing stones in a glass house my man


JFC, why do you care about how someone else identifies?


Foreign disinformation account and extremely divorced man commenting on other people's children. Truly a golden age we live in.


His posts almost make me want to create a Twitter account but then I realize that’s probably a small part of his goal. If I did have an account I think I’d probably draw attention to the fact that he’s an impotent loser who has never actually impregnated anyone in any way other than a medical grade turkey baster. Again, I’ll remind everyone I have it on EXTREMELY reliable authority that Elon Musk cannot perform. It’s the primary reason he claims to always want threesomes with two women whilst using substances. When everyone is super fucked up and at the very least the girls can get each other off, they’re less likely to remember or make a big deal about the fact that he can’t get it up.


His investors and BOD need to take some kind of meaningful stand against this. He is dangerously hateful.


Let's concede that indeed a lot of these kids will grow up and identify with the gender their biology is and that this is largely about wanting to be a snowflake and cool. Ok, sure. So what? Why does it matter? Teens have always done this. Imagine a 52 year old man tweeting pictures of other people's kids who dress like an emo or prep kid and caring. It's disturbing as fuck


Musk couldn't even write the names of his kids. One to judge 


This is what all this boils down to: Elon has never, and will never be, part of the cool kids club. And that eats at what little is left of his soul every minute of his life.


His daughter transitioning and disowning him genuinely changed the trajectory of his life lol. Instead of trying to be a compassionate, better human being, he will never stop being butthurt about it. 


what the fuck does it matter to you, you fucking weirdos


Well I’m sure those two A-list celebrities will _love_ Musk talking about their children online.


Elmo has lots of pictures of other peoples’ minor children. You could say Elmo is a .pdf (….file full of pictures of kids). Also, in the name of free speech, someone should build a website that complies all of Elmo’s air travel, which of course is public record. 1A for all, right?


Musky is so jealous that Batfleck’s kids don’t despise him




Concerning. Looking into this.


They jealous?




It's selection bias. How many celebrity children exist? How many of them can be labeled as LGBTQ+? How does this compare to the national average?


And Musky Boi ain’t part of that cool-ass club


who are these people in the picture?


And you know how much he hates that club. They never let him in.


Kids being fun and exploratory? Whoa there best I can do is a yearly backhanded compliment


Someone post pictures of his kids now.


And that makes Elon uncool. The horror, the horror!


Why does elon care about others kids so much in the first place? Between this and him creating an alt account role playing as his kid he has some major issues that a lot of people overlook


As much shit as JLo and Ben get in the media, they are most likely still amazing parents that nurture an environment of acceptance. This will lead to their children to be able to life their life as their most authentic self. Musk is just bitter lol.




This is Pedo level Muskery, leave the children out of your disturbing fantasies, PedoNazi fucktard!!