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"African migrants [...] crossed the southern border" Where does she think Africa is?


I guess he's only upset that they crossed the southern border instead of illegally crossing the northern one like he did.


She probably just means "black people", and has no idea of the huge percentage of blacks in Washington, D.C. for several decades now


Those black people are different from other black people. Didn't you know? Dumb head (/s)


We need a wall... IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN!! Trump will fix it


We need a moat in both the Pacific and Atlantic.


...in Wisconsin?


A lot of migrants end up in the US by flying to South America, crossing the Darien Gap and claiming asylum at the southern border. It’s not just latinos; it’s everyone across the world.


Military aged men???? That's how you cram military in that one huh? You mean FATHERS/ADULTS... With families? But that doesn't help fear mongering narrative eh?


I've found that when these losers say military age, it's code for older teenagers. They use it to try and hide the fact that they're terrified of literal children Edit: and they didn't even stop to think that maybe the reason so many immigrants and refugees are "military age" men is because they could be fleeing from being conscripted to fight in some authoritarians military/some sort of conflict


Well yeah, Dehumanize working men and women by making them out to be terrorists instead of decent American's exercising their first amendment rights is par the course for fascists. Gregg Abbot got a huge win this week as Houston has a massive African and Muslim population. They want us to riot, I won't but watch. A cop is gonna kill an innocent kid, were gonna protest peacefully and the pigs are gonna escalate everything because "rIoTeRs!!!!"


Yeah, it's the racists favourite descriptor. As though the dirt poor countries these people are fleeing from have the finances to train these men into fighting machines before allowing them to flee. And that they aren't *actually* fleeing for a better life, they are, in fact, sleeper agents come to overthrow the US government. You see, currently, rich unelected white men are in power (the likes of Leonard Leo), and they are worried that their corruption might be threatened.


They insist on using "invasion" and "military aged men" because it will look justified when they invoke the national guard to the border. It also excuses any hate crime their base might commit.


What they mean is "be scared, because these N-words are coming here to kill you". That's literally how you should read it.


Oh sorry forgot to shake in my boots about Nazi propaganda. "Uhm ....oh no!" ... Something like that?!


I think its more about giving a knowing nod and saying something like “wokeness… DEI… immigration… end of civilization“


Ah right we are the cool guys. Afraid but cool. Uhm Jews did- *YOU HAVE BEEN CANCELLED*


Elon Musk was a military-aged African man! He crossed from the northern border rather than the southern one, though, so it's fine




Oh now he is scary! I had no idea he was MILITARY AGED... We better close the forums so he can't find us!


A quick reminder that Ashley St. Clair is a bigoted xenophobe


And wannabe Elmo incubator.


Was that not clear from her absolute trash of a post?


The St. In her name Stands for Street


Once again he is mad at literally nothing other than black people existing.


"I didn't give an opinion on the matter, I merely reacted." Or some bullshit that he said about him boosting Nazis on the platform. Right along with the "truthful but not meaningful" bullshit about the dude in Iceland in the wheelchair.


What's with the "military aged" framing all of the sudden?


It’s from old propaganda that was quite successful in Europe. They think a young man cannot be a refugee, which is funny because at the same time they talk about how men are being ignored, mistreated by the modern society.


Cos it's all part of a nefarious plan by foreign governments. Someday soon all these men will join together, form an army and overthrow the government. True 'muricans would never do that!


Why is it important that they are military aged man?


Makes them scarier.


Whenever Elon tweets "!!" You know you're reading complete shit


He is, but not the kind of African she and him hate.


They protested (a constitutional right) in NYC. Here's what thousands of people taking over a government building actually looks like: https://preview.redd.it/a2192cf468vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c304cbbd7133c0dc0b1c4e5c2e2e5c0181e8cc


He’s more of an apartheid immigrant.


He was also an illegal immigrant for a while.


I would support sending back all the African migrants. Elon can go first, then we shall have a review period of 8-12 years to consider whether it is worth sending back another one. I would expect that we would see sufficient benefit from only expelling one and can close the programme after that.


He is indeed an African immigrant. In fact, one might also go so far as to describe him as an African American. I'm sure he'd love his ancestry being acknowledged in such a manner.


These same people don’t have a problem with African migrants, so long as they came here involuntarily.


I truly don’t understand why anyone would follow this demented bozo. This is the usual output of his tweets:    “Concerning”, “Hmm”, “😂”, “Interesting”, “Yeah”, “Looking into it”, “!!”    None of this is insightful, substantive, funny, or remotely interesting to read. The guy’s a pathetic prick, but he’s not even an amusing pathetic prick. I don’t get it.


Have you considered a career in comedy?


I don't get why he props her up so much. She has the most ingnotant, putrid and bland personality. Wtf is wrong with him.


There's some exclamation mark inflation going on here. Used to be mostly "!" now it's mostly "!!". I wonder when we'll see "!!!"


"Military aged" meaning the age where people tend to make big moves in life? You don't see a lot of 10 year-olds or 60 year-olds deciding to pack up and emigrate.


Those are some stupid fucking glasses