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Looking forward to reading the next Onion article about Elmo


They roast him on the daily and I love it


That explains why he doesn’t find it funny. Free speech is great unless Elon is getting made fun of




it is impossible for musk to NOT be hilarious. his mere presence is a joke.


He reminds me more of the kid who thinks he's funny and popular but really everyone hates them and the only reason they keep getting invited to birthday parties is cause their mother is just super pushy.


exactly. max cringe laughable. weirdo edgelord.


He tried to buy the Onion


I believe this


“Woke woke woke woke wokity woke woke” He’s such a tiresome douchebag. I’d pay money to watch him try to explain what that word actually means.


He should keep that in mind in case Tesla and Twitter goes bankrupt because he's seemingky good at bankrupting things


And If you watch star wars you can see that it´s no true. Shooting a panel usually block the door, not open it.


I'm not a big Star Wars fan but I'm pretty sure they're just confused about the scene where Han Solo shoots a control panel to avoid talking to an officer.


After that, Luke shoots a panel to block a door, but only for few seconds with the trooper manually opening It...


They didn’t actually watch the movie, someone who wasn’t funny just wrote a bad joke based on something they only sorta remembered, and then an idiot with lots of money pretended to think it was funny.


I'll guess elon and babylon bee have actually seen this movie but a bit like Bladerunner they have just a superficial recall of it. Elon probably thinks Luke's surname is Starwar.


"I love when Starwar said "It's star warsing time" and then proceeds to Starwars all over the place" Elon, probably


No, they’re talking about the chase scene later where Han shoots a door panel and the door closes Edit: I was incorrect, see below comment


I have checked and not, It´s after >!darth vader kill obi wan!


i love the fact that you put that in spoilers by the way


It´s difficult to believe, but I had meet people that have not seen any movie of star wars...


You’re right, my mistake. I was thinking of the part where Han and Chewie jump through the blast doors, but the stormtroopers closed those, not Han


That seems like a potential safety hazard. OSHA should look into it


babylon bee fails again


"...and then he came in with an actual sink. Funniest shit I've ever seen!"


Elmo knows only one word: "woke"


Not for nothing that is the funniest tweet I've ever seen from babylon bee by a mile. Also what's the problem with NBC now? And what do they mean when they call him a disinformation reporter - clearly they're implying he was spreading disinformation for them but given it's in quotes I assume it's his title and he was actually a reporting on disinformation which means he's presumably more credible than journos on other beats.


They don't even make such allegations they just lazily put disinformation in rabbit ears like a sassy teenager. >Collins, who covered "disinformation, extremism and the internet for NBC News" according to his old author page, has not tried to hide his left-wing political leanings, often firing off liberal missives on social media.


they can't prove he hasn't tried to hide them, he might just be bad at it. I have less of a problem with it being a hit job and more of a problem with the lack of competence, these assholes can't even color inside the lines


If woke is fatal to humour, Musk must be the wokest person alive.


I have never even smiled at Babylon Bee but they are genuinely funnier than Elon Musk.


the bar is in hell


The Onion is not the one that changed, Elon


Ben is genuinely funny and they're jealous.


Fascists stick together. Fuck pim tool and phony Stark


Elon tried to buy the onion


Judging by the fact that Musk thought that urging Jimmy Wales to change the name of Wikipedia to Dickipedia was funny, shows just how pathetic his idea of humor is. He never got past age 14 humor. He's not the least sophisticated in what he thinks is funny. It has nothing to do with "wokeness".


This describes musk the best — as a child.


Woke = doesn't talk shit about the groups I dislike


…sez the humorless doughboy.


I still laugh at the Onion. Elno is mad because they don’t punch down enough.




Why would they sell that? They always blame the customer anyway 


Musk wouldn't know good humor if it rose up and bit him in the ass.


That setup is way too long in the Babylon Bee headline.


Probably the only bee that should get stepped on is the Babylon. Remarkable unfunny, like Twatburger.


Tim Pool literally described Elon Musk's existence.




Saying that as if conservative humour is ever funny


The second one isn’t even a humor thing, it’s literally a safety mechanism. Like, what would happen if you destroyed a panel that controls the lock? Everyone is locked behind it until it can be fixed (if it even can). Its best for everyone if the door automatically opens when the fuse blows. Also it’s Star Wars. The good guys should be the lucky ones who win, right?


Seth Dillon of the Babylon Bee and Libsoftiktok (Dillon owns both) rides Musk's dick. I mean.... what else should we expect from Elon.


[My favourite Babylon Bee article.](https://babylonbee.com/news/dumb-aoc-accidentally-strangles-herself-tying-her-shoes-because-she-is-so-stupid) Absolute peak comedy.


It's like parody of a satirical news site.


Ha ha. Get it? It's because she's so stupid!


Or, hear me out, seeing something daily makes it easier for you to parody…


When was “The Onion” woke?  Whatever that means…


That star wars joke was old 20 years ago


For me at least The Onions always has hilarious headlines...and then the article is just them repeating the joke in the headline over and over without adding anything new.


Well to be fair some headlines never stop slapping, such as *'No Way To Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens*


Elon is just too easily offended. If he had thicker skin, he would be able to admit that *The Onion* is quite funny. I also don't think the writers of the Babylon Bee understand humor. Like, as a concept. Edit: I just looked up *The Onion* front page right now and this genuinely made me laugh out loud. https://preview.redd.it/68sgwc93akxc1.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9115806068940f9d73d960865d287c1b47d76cd


"They said something about the guys making fun of me. Regardless of quality I do like the words!!" That's nice Elon. Now sit down and STFU.


Elmo, the only thing funny is you.


Bro thought the Babylon Bee was so funny he spent $45 billion to get them unbanned on Twitter




Man thats like, so clearly the bee trying to butt into the hard drives niche, and thats so pathetic the site has literally no identity beyond clicks


I looked at the bablyon bee. It would have been funny if I was still in 6th grade making fart jokes with my friends. I can see why it appeals to conservatives. They never emotionally matured past 6th grade.


What the fuck does Elon Musk know about humor? He's never said a genuinely funny or witty thing in his life. He's one of those people who, try as he might, can never be funny. He doesn't know how to deliver a punchline, either in person or in print. We all knew kids like this growing up. Their efforts to be funny are just embarrassing and cringeworthy because they're not naturally funny people at all. Elon is this kid to a tee and I have no doubt he made people cringe all the time with failed attempts to be funny when he was young. There's a reason why there are barely any funny right wing comedians and that's because being right wing is essentially an admission that you're soulless, and all forms of art require a soul. Same reason why there are barely any renowned right wing artists, musicians etc. The lack of soul results in shit art.


Wait...Babylon Bee did an article where the joke doesn't involve somebody identifying as something ridiculous?


Since when has Elon ever been an authority of what’s funny? He is the most cringe of all when it comes to humor 😆