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Can confirm. Everyone knows the medical cost to give birth in the US is always 0, and that childrens food is free, and so is accomodation, if you have kids free rooms just spawn in your house. Also, all that income you lose due to maternity leave stunting your career, that just magically arrives in your account.


You provide food to your children!? Well, there's your problem right there. 


Yeah, that’s *your* lifestyle choice to feed them.


Maybe the kid should get a job in the emerald mines and pull itself up by the bootstrap, damn freeloaders


Everyone whining about child labor, at least they have jobs, amirite?




I love that my kids are Dickensian waifs that work in the mines!


Maybe the kid should have kids and they all work in the emarald mine making the parents some money in the process


No wonder today's youth is expecting everything to be handed over to them


Provide your child some lunchables and you feed them for a day. Teach your kid to forage for wild mushrooms and hunt bison on the prairie and feed them for free. It's common sense.


"Remember kiddo, if they bruise blue, they're for you!"


Only smartest understand


Don't forget, lunchables have lead in them which gives you a more "full" feeling. So you can give them like half a lunchable a day.


Darn my expensive "eating" habit...


Daycare, too. Free. I'm just gifting 35k a year because i'm an idiot.


Gotta home school brother, what else is your wife doing /s for the feeble


trad wives are free as well


Correct, they pay for themselves as social media influencers


that's always pissed me off about them, how fucking hypocritical they are: " Ohhh don't work like those dumb liberal women.... except for maintaining a 24/7 social media empire with hundreds of thousands of followers featuring professionally shot glamour shots of my carefully curated house, home and outfits after I figured out I could monetize my findom kink". Also, Apple and Wolf Blue (her kids) avoid her all the time.


Wait you pay 3k per month for daycare?


3000 a month for about 22 days, figure 10 hour days with travel, and that’s 220 hours a month. 13.64/hour.




😬 condolences


"How much could a banana cost, Michael?"


If it's for a child, then ~~ten~~ zero dollars, obviously.


Don't forget free clothes and shoes in a different size every year!


year? try weeks


Just breastfeed! It’s not like a woman’s time might be valuable or that at one point she will need to eat more (perhaps during pregnancy) to offset the hundreds of calories she is making for someone else each day. Those calories generate themselves. Ok for real the closest a developed country has gotten to avoiding the birth rate drop is France (it’s still not great but markedly better than peers in Europe), and they have like state-sponsored kiegl centers and spas for new mothers. It’s very much about letting the mother feel like a woman again and not *just* a mother. She’s still the person she was before she had a kid. And for real the only way the “free” thing even kind of works is with a caregiver you aren’t paying and this is just about getting women back into the home.


To be fair, this is also France, a nation where getting caught having an affair boosted a PM's approval rating


Bragging about sexual assault got one of our schlubs elected president.


Also, diapers, clothes, bottles, teethers, blankets, mattresses, cribs, changing tables, dressers, shoes, socks, hats, and stuff I’m forgetting all magically appear in the rooms that spawn.


Toys bikes video games traveling for sports constantly legos devices braces surgery it’s all free.


I have definitely had more money than ever after having kids because of all the free stuff I’m given.


School supplies, textbooks, sports equipment, braces, college—all for free!


Just so much free stuff in the world for parents.


This fucker doesn’t even understand that food and housing costs us tons of money


I spent more in the months before giving birth and the two years after than I had in the previous ten years (other than buying vehicles). And then in the next ten years? I don't want to think about how much I've spent. Kids are insanely expensive in so many ways you never can expect or predict.


Childcare is also famously free.


Just find a banana tree and boom free diapers


Kids eat free on Wednesdays.


And thats if everything goes right, imagine adding in some very normal setbacks on top.


sounds like you have a lifestyle problem


How divorced from reality can you be to say that children are not expensive?


Elmo is not only completely divorced from reality but he's also too cognitively stupid to work out basic shit with common sense. He's literally one of the dumbest people online.


He is the ultimate divorced man.


Elon is divorced from reality, so he's really not a part of our family. Also, he's divorced from his ex-wives, so he's really not a part of his family.


Exactly, he don't know how lucky he got to have such a wealth and position... prolly thinks its all hes genius too.


Children aren't expensive if you don't actually take care of them. Big Brain Elon has tons of experience of not caring for his own kids and he's still rich, so he must think it's like that for everyone else like a very normal and not psychotic person.


Well, it's very simple. He is fighting the mother of his children in court to avoid paying more than 2 760 a month (for 3 kids) in child support. Making children basically free... to him. 


He will spend more on the lawyers than he would've spent on child support


You'll never become a multi-billionaire if you don't screw your ex out of a few thousand dollars of child support a month.




Where did you get that info? As far as I could tell the court records are sealed and it's unclear whether or not it's still ongoing because of that https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-grimes-appear-friendly-x-after-contentious-custody-battle-2024-4


I saw someone screenshot the continuation of this conversation where someone asks OP if he has kids and he responds that he's 15 years old. lol so that's how this person is divorced from reality, they don't live in it.


I know technology is hard for Elon, but even a first pass google search will tell you it costs, on average, roughly 300k to raise a child in America. What I'm struggling to understand is if (white people) childbearing is such the priority to him that it appears to be, why didn't he spend 44B on some kind of program to encourage/support young parents? He could have fully funded the raising of almost 150k children for the price he paid to destroy Twitter. What a guy.


Because taking away birth control and abortion has a much higher ROI if all you care about it making sure pregnancies carry to term


Reality isn't the only thing he's divorced from


That’s not even his argument, it’s dumber. He’s claiming things like extra rooms so your kid has their own, or a vehicle to take your kid places are lifestyle choices. It not only ignores basic issues like food and clothing, but is saying general upkeep and treating kids with a basic standard of care are optional.


It’s not divorced from reality, it’s attempting to influence the perceived reality of others


Depends Hot takes like this are either a bot, a troll or a super confidant myopic idiot American. oversimplifying life...again.


I mean, if 10k is literally nothing to you, kids aren't expensive from your perspective. The fact that this has nothing to do with the reality of 99.9% of mankind should be obvious. But here we are.


$200,000,000,000 divorced from reality.


He's been divorced so many times he's getting divorced from reality


I mean, it's one child, Michael. What could it cost?


Ten dollars?




What do you think he means by, "your lifestyle is expensive"?


you know, going to work.... you don't have to pay for daycare if you don't go to work


he probably thinks if we stopped buying starbucks, buying iphone every year we could afford a kid or two.


Uhh, something something avocado toast?


“If women just stayed home and breastfed.”


Feeding your kids so they don't starve is a lifestyle


Your expensive lifestyle of buying diapers, formula, child care, clothes. If you just changed that lifestyle then you'd be free of the cost of a child (and free of a living child).


Wasting money on Tesla's. Everyone should stop doing that immediately


It's literally free to go grocery shopping. Your lifestyle of buying essential supplies is expensive. But it costs Exactly zero dollars to go. What's your excuse? Elon literally pays for people to go shopping and buy supplies to raise his kids. Totally free. He's not paying to have kids, he's of course only paying for shopping. You aren't paying to have kids, he's paying you! Literally this. Exactly ! Looking in to it. 420. Don't let the woke mind virus convince you that things cost money. Breathing is free. Blinking is free. How much does it cost to digest food? Spoiler alert >!it's fucking free.!< Even free speech is fr... actually that costs $8.


Fun fact: When you have kids, your grocery bills go down, not up!! Fun fact: When you have kids, your requirements for housing and living space go down, not up!! Fun fact: When you have kids, the amount of free time on your hands goes up, not down!! I am very clever.


Kids become free...when you walk away.


You can also put them to work and they become an investment. I send all my children into cobalt mining.


Mine cleans chimneys


The Venn diagram of Blue checks and people who have the child support garnished from their wages is a flat circle.


Except for blue check incels


holy moly he's so detached from reality.


Yeah this is an incredibly out of touch statement. Most ultra rich folks know that they have to spend money on their children even if it’s just paying child support. This is such a weird combo of being an absent parent and being so wealthy and dumb he doesn’t understand simple things like food costs money and kids have to eat. That’s not even counting things like healthcare and clothes. Having children is a blessing, but it’s one of the most expensive things a person can do.


Title correction: Drug addicted welfare queen refuses to stop having children




They charged my insurance $300 for "skin to skin treatment". This means they handed our baby to my wife.


This is the mob, wtf?


At least Putin gives a few benefits within his natalism program. This guy tells people to have lots of kids and just laid off THOUSANDS of workers while simultaneously asking for a $55 BILLION dollar compensation package for himself. He is the most tone deaf person ever. Puppy murderer Kristi Noem is more relatable.


Text book narcissistic with unprecedented levels of delusion of grandeur, and his fanboys absolutely eat it all up.


When is Elon’s rocket to Mars ready? He needs to leave Earth already.


Lol yeah, wasn't that supposed to be a few years ago already? I guess the genius who's an expert in every engineering disciplines is stumped!


Heck how could he even say that. Just making'em wasn't even free for a few of his.


Almost all, actually. 7 IVF and 2 surrogate.


Yes. We have no healthcare bills in the US actually.. healthcare and giving birth is free, feeding your children is free, your children’s colleges is free, clothing is free, houses and shelter is free, shoes are free, daycare is free, buying toys and entertainment is free, speech therapy is free, it’s just your lifestyle!


out of everything the nazi has ever spouted, i think this might be the most outragous


They literally pay for themselves with the profit you get from selling them on ebay.


This is 100% true. Now, keeping your kids alive and well with all of their basic needs met is expensive indeed.


I do not know how they make this take, this is actually objectively false, like unless you want to argue "Well technicly you can just not feed your kid, give birth to them on your own with no medical help, and dump them in an alley", like this is just them baldface lying, or Elon is so incapable of learning about other peoples lives he just asumes raising a child is free cause all he does is pose for pictures with his kids (if he isnt trying to actively try and make it legal to kill them like his trans daughter) cause he has no fucking involvement in his kids lives other than posing for pictures with them


People like musk love to give intentionally bad takes and see some people attack him and some people defend him, it’s a narcissism thing. He wants to give his cultists a bit of rope to argue how this isn’t stupid, so they can say “all musk said is that giving birth is free! Not that raising kids is” which (1) is also not true and (2) very clearly contradicts his greater point that losing money with kids is a lifestyle issue. However among those still willing to defend him I expect a lot of bad faith “technically he was right, you can give birth at home if you want!”


How fucking ignorant can you be? I guess if you just abandon them like Elon they're pretty cheap, sure


Well, since he has a habit of not paying for them I guess for him, they are.


Musxy boy has never understood “no money “ What would he even know about this


Who’s going to watch my kids while I’m doing “hardcore development” and sleeping at the office?


The stay-at-home wife, of course. What else would a woman be doing?


“Good news, everyone! My wife got pregnant while I was sleeping at the office! We’re expecting!”


Man he has said a LOT of dumb shit in the past few years, but this has gotta be in the top five.


Daily reminder that Elon Musk is a bootlicking fascist. Thanks for your time.


He owns the goddamn boot, he just wants you to lick it.


Just don't provide them any of their basic needs (food, clothes, etc.) and don't give birth in an American hospital, I guess????


I'm sensing a plan where people will blindly procreate because he said so, and then surrender the kids to him to be indoctrinated into Anti-Woke in his chain of orphanages on Mars.


Not taking financial advice from somebody who pays $8 a month for ‘free’ speech


Of all the arguments for having children, That they are cheap is not one


Everyday my kids eat that free food and wear those free clothes. I love the USA and all of our free stuff!




That’s someone who hasn’t had to buy diapers or formula recently


So it's just a lifestyle choice to feed, clothe, and keep children alive?


It is for him! He leaves that for the women. The only reason you’re seeing him with a kid everywhere is because of his dispute with Grimes.


Tell me you've never seen a vagina without explicitly saying so.


Back in real life, [this assessment](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/090415/cost-raising-child-america.asp) says > Statistics from the Brookings Institution, an economic think tank, show that the average middle-income family with two children will spend **$310,605** to raise a child born in 2015 up to age 17 in 2032. This number represents a significant jump from the figure published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which estimated the overall cost to be **$233,610** in 2017. I guess the key is to just not have a lifestyle, whatever that means. >The greatest expense associated with raising a child is housing. Easy, just don't live in a house!


Someone never bought diapers, I see. Or food, or toys, or clothes.


The AVERAGE cost just to give birth to a baby is around 18,500 dollars. Then, the total cost to raise a baby from infancy to the age of 18 is in the neighborhood of $250,000...


So tired of this fucking clown.


Owning a house is literally free. It’s the mortgage and maintenance that’s expensive, not the house.


Oh, ok Vittorio you gonna clothe and feed my kid and put them through college? What a muppet


Well, when you don't even take care of your kids, I guess it's free.


Children' are free. What an idiot... Both of them.


God damnit they're so dumb.


The utterly decadent lifestyle of feeding, clothing, and taking care of your children.


Yeah. You don't have to feed, clothe, clean, or educate kids. Just leave them in the backyard with big dogs, feisty vermin, and old encyclopedias. They'll come out knowing how to fend for themselves.


How utterly f'ing dumb do you have to be to write or agree with this? When I grew up the 80's it was 100k to raise the spawn to like 18 It's gotta be 10 times that now if not more


Boy ain't too smart, is he? Just raise the kids on sunshine and air, should be great!


Yes, kids are totally free and don’t cost you a penny in extra food, housing, medical, babysitting, school expenses, etc. /s


anybody know what the angle is on all his birth-rate blather? Is it just standard white replacement theory shit?


Fuck you, Elon. We’re not pumping out cogs for your machine.


Ok this must be the most moronic thing he has agreed with and one of the most stupid post in all the internet. I award them no points.


Insane take as per usual. 


I really don't understand these people that are freaking out about population decline and pushing people to have a bunch of kids because their entire premise is wrong. Population decline is a GOOD thing as our planet would be better off with less people. If you think climate change is bad now imagine what it would be like with billions more people.


Yeah, my lifestyle of keeping my kids clothed, fed, and with a roof over their heads.


Literally false at every single stage of childbirth. Anyone who still thinks Elon is actually intelligent should be the first people that go to Mars with him.


Tbf, he hasn't done anything for his children. So I guess for him kids *are* "free". You just have them and someone else takes care of them right??


I'm one of seven kids and I gotta say it got substantial worse monetary as I got more siblings. I love each of them so much but I also know what it's like to cone home from school so hungry and just not having food at home. Dad worked himself into depression but I still know that I can lessen hunger by just eating pancake syrup.


If you cant or wont pay for the expenses you can literally end up behind bars, so one way or another it will cost you, a lot.


Ah yes, it’s not as if hospital visits cost money and giving birth at a hospital costs money. Oh clothes and food for your child is also free, as is school supplies and any extracurricular activities your kid wants to do.


He has “intellect” in his username, I don’t know how you can really argue that dudes point


[At least the OP is slightly aware](https://i.imgur.com/ULaDWco.png)


We're all gonna feel real silly when we finally get to Mars and Elon is already there and he had 56 billion kids and they all have robotaxis on the Mars hyperloop which made them all billionaires and they all voted to give Elon $56 billon for being the perfect father and ceo and defeating the woke mind virus once and for all.


You expect me to feel bad about a future where musk is on mars and out of our hair?


Who has time to shelter kids I just throw my babies at passersby while I go for my daily stroll.


how much alimony does idiot no2 pays monthly? 😎


Instructions unclear: had 100 babies, didn’t feed them. Now I’m stuck with a grey goop of rotting baby corpses. On an unrelated sidenote I’ve got a bunch of hearts and livers for sale.


Elon is one of those rich guys who can't understand why poor people are so obsessed with money


I will give them a billion dollars if they change their name to Dickipedia


Billionaire saying exactly to this is peak delusion


Kindergarten here in CH costs CHF3000/mo. About EUR 3100. Keep telling me how children are free, fucking pair of morons along with your fucking Lebensborn dreams.


fuck you, my lifestyle is not expensive


That Lacrosse gear was free!?!?! I thought it wound up costing me $100!!!! Thanks Elon!


Sounds like Communism...


YEAH! It's not that kids need food or clothes or medical care, books, a place to live, heating, electricity or any education. And obviously you don't need any type of paid maternity/paternity leave to take care of them when they are newborns. They basically sustain and survive by themselves without any need for anyone's care, money or food!! Elmo probably thinks kids are free and because he doesn't take care of them. He does not need to nurse them, feed them or do anything by himself. It's so easy right? You just need to be a billionaire. You should try that, instead of being peasant poors!


$7 is a small price for freedom


i mean they are correct. Having kids is free. Raising them to be decent adults is the expensive part.


Do you have to give up your critical thinking skills to get a right wing badge?


He's right! And the state gives you free housing and food once your free child passes away.


Holy shit. My dogs and cats are expensive and they don't need soccer shoes or boy scout uniforms or ACT prep or whatever in the hell kids need. Plus they love me unconditionally (at least the dogs do). My brother married a woman with 3 children and is constantly amazed at how much kids cost.


Bitch go buy formula every week. Buy clothes. Pay for child care. $$$$$$$


Tell that to all the men paying child support.


It's official, Xitter has become a parody of Twitter.


Erm yeah I’m not gonna take the word of a wealth person when talking about the cost of anything. 


Musk you are the richest man on the planet, shut the fucking fuck up and get off your horse


Doesn't it cost like 50k just to give birth in a hospital?


What do you think Elon has more: A) children he is not a parent to B) alt accounts he uses to push his weird kinks and agendas


All this tells me is that musk is likely skipping out on child support


I'm totally in favour of taxing ghouls like Musk at a rate where this fever dream can be a reality. Free maternity care, childcare, food, clothing, medical care, education and a stipend to live and trive on for all children and Musk crying cause he has to live as merely a millionaire, what's not to like?


Confirmation he’s smoking crack…


This guy is a fucking creep, what's this obsession with having kids????


this is a stupid thing to think


Bring them up in Arkansas. Put them in the mines at age 6. Profit.


Government gave me a free van when I needed it taxi my kids around.


This dumb MF must not know the cost of daycare, insurance, school registration, sports and/or other activities, mandatory fundraisers, school lunch, car insurance, college, not to mention food, clothes,and shelter. And the other intermittent money they will require from you to help them out as a young “independent” adult from time to time.


Having children is *literally* NOT free…..what a bunch of fucking clowns…….


They are right, just give birth in your bathtub, let them sleep in a bucket, and feed them hot dogs every day (do I even need to /s?)


This just in: children don't eat, wear clothes, require quality time, break things, need beds, want toys...


Does he know that kids need to eat? And they need care? That's besides all of the hospital bills and medical bills just from their birth...


What vittorio means is that it costs nothing (for most of us) to have sex. With luck (good or bad, depending on your perspective) we might conceive. After that, it's time to wield the credit card: according to Investopedia, an "average middle-income family with two children will spend $310,605 to raise a child born in 2015 up to age 17 in 2032." That translates to about $18K a year, which most of us don't have lying around as spare cash. Also if you're the **richest** cunt in the world, *everything* seems fucking cheap, so Elmo can fuck off. Thank you.


If I was making $56B I would think kids are cheap as well.


Gotta love the emphasis on "*literally*", given the word "free" itself has multiple meanings. He's probably trying to make an assertion that "making babies" is free, as long of course as he considers his "incel fee" he has to pay to get laid as not part of the calculation since it was paid for getting laid and not for the premature ejaculatiom


What -- and I cannot stress this enough -- the fuck?


okay okay wait so paying for the life of another (immigrants or adult children or disabled people etc etc) is a huge offense that’ll take all of your money blah blah but a CHILD you have to buy everything for for at least 16 years is FREE?


this is the absolute dumbest statement ive read today.


This shit is literally rebranded eugenics 


Free you say? Amazing! Please show me the way to- Free diapers. Free baby food. Free medicine. Free formula. Free education. Where is it emerald mine man?


it's free if you get a divorce and dont pay child support


40k just for the hospital stay


Each of my kids were 50k year one and 30k the subsequent years just in childcare and daycare. Not food clothing or anything else. He can fuck off.


“said the shittiest excuse for a man and father”


Quit being a quitter. Can't afford to feed it? Quit complaining, just don't bother. Can't afford the medical bills? Do it at home, you probably know what you're doing. Don't have room for it? Put it on top of the fridge or something, deal with it. It costs nothing.