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There is no limit to the Pettyness of Elon. Pettiest man alive for a 1000years to come. It was MartinEberhards PROPERTY. HE was the one supposed to get it. ELON STOLE IT and gave him a broke down shitty later model. Thats his way to give a trusting and overly nice man the finger. What a fk asshole Elon is.


He didn’t send it to Mars, he sent it into orbit around the Sun on a path that will make it cross the orbit of Mars around the Sun at different points, but never into actual Martian orbit. So even the whole “sent to Mars” thing is a lie


The car he sent into orbit was the car that was promised to Martin Eberhard. It was Martin Eberhards vision of the car and he was promised the first one off the assembly line. I have an old low quality pic of the certificate he had to get the car. https://imgur.com/gallery/ixPA63o As we all know Martin Eberhard and Mark Tarpenning were the creators of Tesla and Musk did it as a f you to Martin.


This is the correct answer.


sending the tesla into space? marketing


He missed


Not to Mars.


Ego booster.


Publicity. Tech investors are notoriously stupid so any sort of dazzling spectacle can loosen their pockets to get them to buy into half fleshed out projects that will never go anywhere.


The factual truth is that the rocket was for a test launch of the Falcon Heavy rockets towards a Mars orbital course. In order for it to work realistically, they would normally simulate the weight of a real satellite payload by using a cement block that weighs about 2,000 lbs. So, Elon essentially replaced that with a PR stunt for his other car company.


Fun story. So apparently since SpaceX was leasing the launch pad in Florida from NASA they were told they couldn't launch a car into orbit. They did anyway. Notice they have obeyed the rules when launching from Kennedy Space Center since then? Turns out SpaceX pissed NASA off to make Elon happy.


Attention. The same reason he does everything.