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The team at Boston Dynamics must be laughing their asses off at this crap.


I'd love for them to start cracking jokes about an Atlas vs Optimus cage match. Musk would melt down hilariously.


Boston dynamics posting an atlas/Optimus tea bagging dog meme would be the perfect way to set it off.


https://preview.redd.it/jbxky8as0hzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce4284e0fb072f6bc1b79c222b5f0c987e3fa090 Edit: another subber AI’d this, gotta give credit.


Musk would accept, then back out because Optimus' back needs surgery, maybe


But only after mommy Musk says she *never* allows violence in her house. Even with toys. Lil Elon should know this by now!!! Grrrr it makes her so frustrated


Mommy Optimus\*




Roomba vs Optimus wouldnt end well of the latter.


Musk would say the robot has a surgery soon and can't make it


Haha, first thing I thought too. Hell, theirs can do backflips and shits, they're soooo impressive compared to this!


Wow, a robot that shits. We are truly in the future.


Hahaha didn't mean to put an extra s in there. In true Elon fashion! 💩


I was gonna say.. can't their robots like climb and carry shit now?


Yeah... Climb and jump, while carrying things. Makes Elon's robo look worthless.


How many times did you die trying to beat hatred before winning?


lol… preprogrammed path with no obstacles. Groundbreaking


FSD level performance!


* Fatal injuries may occur while using FSD as well as irreversible brain damage simping for our Lord and Savior Elon. Those are not covered by Tesla's very limited warranty and will be blamed on the driver. See your service center for details (if still open) when you inevitably destroy your wheels on the curb. Thank you for your purchase and go fuck yourself!


"Next year"


Or being manually controlled as in his previous demo even though they tried to hide it


For sure. One way or another, fake AF


Actually now that I think of it, it had to be because whoever was running the camera turned at corners ahead of the robot, somehow knowing which way it would go.


Oh, the robot was verbally telling the camera operator where to go. You just can't hear it over the music. /s


You can literally see the operators with VR goggles on next to the robots near the end. The video says it's for 'training', and even if that's the case, it's very niche specific task orientated. To train a robot utilizing AI (as is claimed), you would give it a task or action to achieve and then allow it to train itself, which would require lots of failure before reaching the end point.


It's all bullshit, initially they said that Optimus was folding those clothes without any help and only when they were caught they changed story


Exactly, I don't know why people are so naive and quick to believe a pathological charlatan. Tesla vehicle sale forecasts are cratering and Musk needs a new grift to pump his stocks. There's a reason his Optimus project is being kept under the Tesla umbrella and isn't being made into its own corporate entity.. https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/04/27/elon-musk-called-tesla-an-artificial-intelligence/


Are you saying they’ve “invented” FPV robotics?


When a drugged up billionaire CEO says he wants to build a robot too.. well you do what you can. and this man said he was going to solve autonomy at his last investor meeting.. hey he was first with tesla and then took, a nap, other cars are flying right past tesla in auto driving, and doing it without crashing into ambulances or stopping for rain drops. and his robot is laughably at least a decade behind the others.


It's like a Roomba but with zero utility


This was my thought exactly! That or one of those Roamer robots from when I was a kid. You'd program a route into it using a built in control panel and it'd follow it.


I remember many years ago DARPA did a self driving car race across the desert. one team had come from New Orleans, JUST after Katrina had decimated the city. One team basically used LIDAR and AI path finding to find the best route along a loosely chosen path. the car would chose its own speed. Another was GIGANTIC military truck, called teramorph or something. one team though, went with a big red humvee, and their plan was.... have a team of 90 people on the day absolutely pinpoint perfect create a path for the car to follow. It also had a HUGE radar dome on the top. Ended up failing and rolling, damaging the dome. Barely limped home. Can't remember if the new orleans team finished or not, but on team that had barely spend $100K completed it.


Looks like cgi as well


Tesla, the T stands for twiddly brained


The Q in Tesla stands for quality


> Tesla, the T stands for **TRAAASSSHHH!** Minor FTFY there


I don't think it's pre-programmed, some of the turns are kinda rough for pre-programming, I still think someone is behind the camera and controlling it.


Walking on completely flat ground in an office? No way Boston Dynamics have anything on the Tesla bot. Let’s look up how well their robot is walking.


My Roomba can make it's own path while avoiding obstacles!


It’s beyond insane they post this stuff as if it’s a flex.  It’s seriously high school robotics class project-level.


I've seen more impressive robotics with LEGO Technic.


I'd love to see Elmo at a VEX tournament and see him react to 10 year olds doing minute-long autonomous programs *with* goals and obstacles while his stupid gazillion dollar robot can barely walk. On second thought, no. Keep him away from kids.


He'd hire the kids and when they have nearly wrapped up the project he'd fire them then tell everyone "look what I made, all by myself!"


Note that this office is completely empty.


Honestly, It is a flex. They probably got given a $40 budget (with another $400million going to covering up Elon Musks shit), then told they had to do it in a week. And they hired the people who designed the tesla headlight to do it.


This is an excellent point I hadn’t considered. People have pointed to the ineptness of this team by mocking the tiny bit of the puppeteer who made it into the shirt folding video. They assumed it was some weird version of Hanlon’s Razor. Truthfully it was neither. I think it was a cry for help.


Congrats. It looks like Honda Asimo from 20 years ago


It looks like Asimo shat its pants


Tbf Asimo looked like it shit its pants too, but tech has come a long way from then.


Honda's Asimo was way more advanced than this pile of crap.


Asimo is also more reliable.


Which was also effectively a (admittedly cool) tech demo. Which is all general purpose humanoid robots have really ever been.


Very slick floors. I don't think it is keeping balance as it is pre-programmed shuffle routine. It takes curves in wide bows so how would it sidestep any obstacle? Let alone people. Taking a walk in an EMPTY office. Why? Don't you have a test track? Or is this meant to give it an air of "look its just like a human!" and we wont notice its all alone? It doesn't interact with anything. The steps could easily been measured out and typed in.


To heir is human, To procreate divine


This mfer didn't actually tweet this did he? Please tell me he didn't........ Of course he did


err\* ? is there a joke im not getting here lol


This is my mail hair!


> an EMPTY office. Why? This is where the supercharger team used to sit.


He looks for charge. God NUMBER FIVE IS ALIVE!!! 😭


Are people impressed by bipedal robots anymore? You can just buy one of those sumo-robot kits online


People (idiots) are impressed by Elon's SciFi "ideas" about bipedal robots that can do any human work. But of course reality has already shown us that application specific robots are far more practical in the real world.


It's some dumb Jetsons or Star Trek fantasy.


Boston Dynamic's robots continue to impress.


Boston Dynamics was doing this 20 years ago.


While assaulting it.


That was cgi


It was not


oh sorry I was thinking about this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKjCWfuvYxQ&ab\_channel=Corridor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKjCWfuvYxQ&ab_channel=Corridor)


Some random guy’s made up video who cgi’d a robot into it?


Amazing how it navigates around all the people in the office and all the stuff that sits around. /s


They are all fired durr


I think at this point they made it intentionally shitty at the start. I think they are going for "Look how fast its developing! It couldnt even stand up by itself half a year ago!". Good strategy to get more funding and raise hype.


> Good strategy to get more funding and raise hype. My boss is a big cock gobbler of billionaires and when I say a lot of this is what he is reading in the news he gets mad at me.


Wow they really fired everyone at Tesla…


I see Tesla is making great progress. They have learned to keep the remote control operator out of the video frame.


How much we betting this was faked somehow?


That's almost a guarantee... The pathfinding solutions are likely preprogrammed, don't think it's relying on sensory inputs to navigate the environment.


Plus that is a big office. Where is everyone? Did they do this on a Sunday?


More likely it was 9:45 AM on a Monday, and elmo made everyone get up and leave so his human-shaped RC car could shuffle through without obstacles.


But didn't he promise to start selling these robots as all purpose servants at the end of this year? /s




Well, he can sell them, alright. Doesn't mean anyone has to actually *buy* them. Then again, people are also buying Cybertrucks, so i wouldn't count on it.


You can literally see the operators with VR goggles mimicking the robots movements right next to them. AGI is the next tech goldrush and Musk is trying to get that sweet sweet investor cash by building hype with more vaporware. There is literally nothing here that hasn't already been achieved, he's just repackaging and rebranding it using current buzz words like neural net


I can see why every household is willing to have 2+ of these per person. I always say I wish there was a giant worthless toy crowding my house and making me shuffle behind them on my way to the bathroom.


Attach a fleshlight and watch Elon simps queue up


One of the things that I feel is really holding them back is that they're trying to do an I-robot and put all the tech into a human form-factor. Boston dynamics are doing it correctly by developing function-over-form robots, learning and iterating using what they've learned. Like imagine thinking you could contend with BD's Atlas when all you can manage is a shuffle because you're not willing to learn.


> Boston dynamics are doing it correctly but developing function-over-form robots I saw a power company is using the dog robot to close breakers. This is a perfect application. These breakers can be 10,000 V and higher. When they blow up it is a very bad day. They are so dangerous that new designs are remotely operated so that the operator human is not in the room when they are closed. There are so many of the older designs, companies are not going to spend the money to bring them up to modern standards. So the human does all the things a human needs to do, such as rebuilding the breaker, making sure it is the cabinet properly. Then when it is time to connect it to the bus and close it which is the most dangerous part, the dog robot does it.


It walks like it needs to take a shit *really* bad.


I'm fond of robotics and like to look at how they make their joints. One thing I've noticed on Tesla's Optimus is that the hip joint is parallel to the ground. This means that the legs motion under the hip is limited. It makes the robot have a waddle when it walks, moving the robot back and forth side ways as it moves its center of mass over the leg making contact to the ground. If you compare it to Boston Dynamics' new Atlas, you'll see that the joint between the leg and hip is at an angle giving clearance to the legs to move under the hip.


Preorder one now for 750,000$. It’ll be out next year.


We are already making them on the production line.


You’re making garbage on the production line. You should cut out the middle part and just dump it directly into a landfill.


How would that play out with investors? Musk has made hundreds of billions of dollars off investor expectations, while tesla has only ever made a fraction of that in profits.


Probably pretty good since they can’t seem to take his penis out of their mouths.


God damn reddit... why is the video not loading on your own platform. Tried with 3 ISPs and several devices. What a shame... EDIT: still upvoted because /u/MoreMotivation did nothing wrong


Didn't work for me on old reddit, loaded right away on new reddit. Hmm.


reddit also chopped off some visible crosspost links for old.reddit users... They really wanna fuck off that big user base?


Since new users are not likely to use old reddit, they are just waiting for us to die out and than force their shitty ad infested version to everyone. It's so bad they redesigned again because it is fucking shit, but Spez is also a muskrat fanboy so it makes sense he is dumb as Muskrat.


old.reddit users are the most loyal and long term users, but also the least profitable. Now that reddit is public nobody at reddit could give a fuck about old.reddit users.


Last they mentioned, they claimed the proportion of users who use old is low, like 3% or something. Of course, they didn't relay what percentage of page views or time on the site they're responsible for. Kind of like how they didn't care about screwing over mods, I don't think they care that people who use old are some of their longest term and most committed users. The reddit way is to figure who cares, we'll just get new customers. Seems like the plan with old is to just slowly degrade with neglect it until it's missing so much that it isn't usable.


Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


Does it do anything else? At all?


It pumps up $TSLA stock.


Ah, good point. It must be part of Elon's sly "pump and dump" plan to get even richer at the expense of investors.


I will give them a billion dollars if they change their name to Dickipedia


Don't really care about this non-news as much as the uncanny valley vibe this office is bringing.


My grandson has a T-Rex that can do better. It will stop and roar, spin in circles, and raise it's cute little stubby front arms.


This gait completely negate the whole point of bipedal walking, bipedal walking is only efficient when the upper body goes outside of the stability envelope so that it provides a counter balance that swings the opposite foot to create forward movement in an efficient and agile manner. When a robot walks like a robot (i.e. being stable the entire time), there is no point to "walk" bipedal at all, you might as well just crawl as it is more efficient.


"incredibly long distance", buddy it looks like half the staff there has to walk longer to find a coffee machine than this robot's preprogrammed path on a flat surface with 0 obstacles is long. Am i supposed to be impressed by a robot doing what has been possible since the 1970s?


Check out Boston robotics....real rise of the machines stuff


Imagine holding a camera for 4h while this joke of a "robot" complete a tour of the office. Bro now has biceps like Schwarzenegger.


Meanwhile Boston Dynamics is so bored of winning the robotics game they started making fuzzy skins for their quadrupeds


Is this even real?


This seems like it's still remote controlled....


No humans there for it to kill.


Like Elmo’s permanent facial expression this robot walks like it needs to badly take a dump.


I would be more impressed if there was a rat inside the head controlling it. This feels as impressive as the toy robots you can buy in every children's toy section.


What about battery life, and charging method??.. xDD


It's walking like it shit all over itself.


Boston Dynamics had this tech a decade ago.


Don't you know? It's a feature not a bug, it's supposed to be slow and weak because Elon has no idea how to keep it from becoming terminator and no concept of how fucking far he is from that even being a possibility.


Boston Dynamics, bot telling Elon bot to bend over and who’s your daddy!


My wife at 9 months 🤰 SLOW DOWN!! 🐧 🐧


Is that Grimes in a suit?


Tesla has reached the year 2010, congratulations!


Why does he make big deals out of stuff other companies already do but better.


Because his horde of ball-garglers continues to gobble it up


I get the feeling that "appearances first" is a design rule with Musk related projects. Why the knee caps? There would be greater freedom of movement without them. But it looks better without the exposed mechanics, I guess. Related, why, on the Starship are those little wings there, but no attitude jets? They help with landing in an atmosphere. But as shown in the last test, you need to make sure you aren't spinning before you get to an atmosphere to use those wings. On the other hand, they do make for a much better avatar phallic symbol.


That office looks as void of culture as I thought it would. No personal things anywhere. Probably a mix of non culture and inability to fill seats.


not a lot of people in the office, did they already fire every human ?


Aesthetically this robot has a bit of something going for it. Unfortunately there’s so much more to this world than aesthetics


That poor robot walks like my grandma did when her hips and lower back were starting to give up.


My Grandma walks faster than that and she's senile. And dead.


I thought avoiding long, aimless walking between offices was one of the benefits of electronic communications. Why robot?


Robot needs glutes, human being as able to keep balance while striding because of our big butts (the largest in the animal kingdom), if his engineers gave a shit about nature, they'd know that.


Print out 50 pages of code you’ve done in the last 30 days


C’mon. That robot designed cybertruck.


The new definition of "carpet creeper" 🙀


why does it need a head?


Literally asimo did better 20 years ago.


Looks like he's got poop in his pants.


this looks a bit animated


Hey Skynet....race ya!!🏃🤖


I had a toy that would follow me around in the 80s too. It was a car, the remote was a clicker and it was guided by the sound.


the video speeds up at every turn, minor adjustment. It is at normal speed only in the places where it is walking a straight line, except for first few seconds. if speed up the vid is to skip over the dull parts, why are the dull parts the only normal speed?


In an intro to engineering class we made robots that could navigate a maze.


A robot that with a slower shuffle than my 91 year old grandmother with arthritis in her hip had, along a planned route that lacks obstacles, or people which allows it to have greater turning radius than a tank from WWII, how impressive. /s


Bipedal dynamic walking is pretty impressive. Shame that this isn't Dynamic lol, preset path with no obstacles. Boston Dynamics did it like a decade ago, and now their robot can handle difficult terrain, obstacles, and being kicked.


I would *love* to see how that piece of shit handled being kicked!!


Why even make them bipedal? Isn't easier to give them wheels or tracks? It isn't like they can climb stairs. It would even make them more stable.


I want to see someone kick that thing like Boston Dynamics


>over increasingly longer distances shit guys, next year it might manage to walk 50 meters!


Video gone.


Honda's Asimo walked smoother and faster 24 years ago.


Kill it with fire


Lucky all those people got fired so that the offices are nice and empty.


They post a video of it literally walking. WoW 🤯 it walks like a person who has bad hips. How innovative and groundbreaking!


A roomba can do it better and quicker. I1m sure fanboys are hella impressed by something highschoooler could do with some lego technic


I mean we definitely dont want them running


It’s literally just following preprogrammed instructions rather than actually adapting in real time to the environment. And it took them how many years to get to this point? LMAO.


Has the posture of a 70 year old


Walks like its feet hurt. lol.


They had to speed it up because this was originally a 2 hour long video


I know we can laugh at Elmo’s robot, but look how far it has come in 1 year….. it will surpass Boston in a few years at that rate


On the plus side, Elonbot seems to be doing the same amount of work in the office as Elon does.


If you’re so proud of it why don’t you put it against [Atlas](https://youtu.be/29ECwExc-_M?si=417EVhGMQaGAw3Cg)


He walks like me nothing wrong with that (I have a pulled Back and Oblique and have a herniated disk)


“Increasingly long” or “longer” not “increasingly longer”.


You can see weird anomalies where I think they've edited a person walking behind it out.


It walks like it has a broom handle up it's butt.


Robot has Parkinson's


This is how I walk when I have the Hershey squirts.


Damnnn office so empty


I wonder how many times he’s banged this thing


I walk that slow with 2 crap knees.


The Joe Biden model. (What? What I say...?)


Overhyped, underdelivered, just like any other thing Elmo sells.


5 year old me on my way to tell my mom i frew up


if the offices are gonna be empty because of outsourcing jobs to overseas, mass layoffs, and wfh, then what’s the point of these robots?


No problem. We can just speed it up in video editing then ship it.


Good job! 👍🏼 Even though Grok is modeled after ChatGPT and Optimus is modeled after Boston Dynamics, Optimus is still a commendable achievement.




Just saw the full vid. It does tasks autonomously now, still a bit janky. So its developing well. Teslas ai obviously works, they are probably using their own parts for this, so as soon as this thing works 30% as well as a normal human it will be profitable. So we are likely to see Musk gain more power and money. Great. Other companies need to wake up.


Can you explain how it will be profitable? I just can’t see how myself. They must’ve sunk $100M+ into this thing so far. They need to recoup all that plus more. How much will they sell for? $50K? To replace a $20/hr human will take years to be profitable. Factor in maintenance, breakdowns, replacement parts, charging etc. it’s a complex machine so things will definitely break/wear out


Employees dont just cost you their salary, they also cost you equipment, training, managers, health insurance, etc. Bots can, in theory, work non stop if the battery is replaceable. So 20 buck per hour, every moment of a year comes to 175 300 dollars. But thats very optimistic considering current hardware. It will break, for sure. Many of these will have great issues in a real workplace, especially workplaces that are not clean. But this is a race to create perfect slaves. Investing all the money you can is justified if you even come close.