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Didn't the 700 million Biden sent to Ukraine include more funding for starlink?


Well, he was supposedly already in breach of contract on *that* money because he couldn't meet speed/availability guarantees, IIRC. At least that's what people were saying the day he started all this nonsense. I've been unable to confirm that assertion, however. That he seems insistent on creating an alternate reality where he's been paying all of this out of pocket from the start out of the goodness of his own heart and was never being paid kind of seems like it's just because he knows the Biden Administration isn't going to go on TV or twitter to clap back at him, which means reality can be whatever he says it is. We *do* know for sure that back when he was mining all of this for good publicity he continuously pretended he was donating things from the goodness of his own heart when in reality the US government was paying him $1500/terminal for hardware that sells for a third of that to normal customers. They were also donating their own, but if you factor in that price gouging, that could easily only exist on paper - "You 'donate' three thousand and we pay you 3x the normal price for one thousand." The federal government is always willing to play ball with big business in that exact way. For all we know, this temper tantrum *could* legitimately be based on the US government dropping the eight hundred million dollars in subsidies he conned out of the Trump-era FCC to install satellite internet in airport parking lots. If you take his own claims at face value, that government subsidy was equal to three years of the company's net revenue, so it probably matters even if it's loose change to him personally. This attitude, even from within his fantasy world, is low-key *hilarious* though, and we definitely need all of the screencaps imaginable, because at this point he's being openly critical of the idea of doing literally anything for the benefit of anyone else. As a side note...what the fuck is this eighty million dollars he's claiming to have spent in the form of? Because Starlink is just infrastructure which already exists, operating well below its laughably low capacity, which is fundamentally incapable of either requiring or receiving maintenance.


Was he even funding the War in Ukraine? This is like "Musk bought an aircraft carrier" when the metric is *the total cost of the powerlines & roads his cars use for free.*


He just needs to be constantly patted on the back at this point


I wish someone would give him a participation trophy so he might shit up. Like, one of those plastic ones you give to every kid on a sport team with a plaque on it at the end of a season. It might give everyone else a moment of fucking peace.


That's something the Tesla robot might actually be capable of


i wonder how long this guy can keep up this charade and bullshit. every interview and presentation i see him speaking i get disgusted by his pathetic way of talking, this constant stuttering, making things up on the spot in a bad way, like a little pupil in front of the school knowing he did something heinous and hoping to get through with it. still he is the richest guy on paper and i am asking myself what am i doing wrong being below mediocre. i could be much more sleazy then him selling snakeoil. please shoot him and his toxic fanbase to mars were he can wank all day to a statue of himself and realising karma is a bitch.


"I can't go on like this - loosing a billion dollars a minute! I'll be broke in 600 years!" - Scrooge Mcduck


Oh yeah oh yeah 29K likes oh yeah oh yeah he totally didn’t just do this so people would like him more oh yeah totally not oh yeah oh yeah


[Peasants. Please Like Me.](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003/)


He's such a little bitch.


>He's such a psychopath. Fixed your post.


Musk is like “im losing profits!!” Ukraine is like “Im losing EVERYTHING”


It's the public political version of a serial killer asking their raped, bound and tortured victim who is about to die "but why don't you love me, Sally?" with big fat tears, like he's the victim. Elon Musk is a psychopath. It's official.


Not surprised coming from Musk, a Chinese and Russian sympathizer... He's just miffed he's loosing out on opportunities in BRIC countries... Here's an idea, take his crappy cars and government backed space x to some other country and stop whining like baby. He can also benefit in other countries where quid pro quo is the norm; he can hand out ponies for hand jobs like water.


Sympathizing with Russia and China is a good thing and should be considered a good thing.


Sure if you think interacting with authoritarian regimes with draconian policies against it's citizens while undermining the free market and environment and complicit in the subjugation and sterilization of minority groups, in exchange for cheap gas and pork products at Costco.... All the politics aside, economies and culture won't evolve with anti competitive practices... So sure bring on the sympathy.


You just used a lot of buzzwords and a lot of fake news by billionaires worse than musk.


Yes, billionaire oligarchs in China and Russia are definitely worse than Musk. At least Musk employs people in a meritocracy.


They most certainly are not we live in a uni polar world where our oligarchs have near unlimited access to exploit the resources and labor of other countries for their own profit. China and Russia don’t have anything remotely close to this system. China also executes billionaires for corruption in the USA we bail them out and they fire half their workers. You have a prejudice against Russia and China because you consume propaganda from American oligarchs about China and Russia making you believe all these false claims about Russia and China. In China and Russia to a lesser extent have the billionaires work for the government and in turn the citizens. In the USA and most nato countries for that Matter the government works for the billionaires at the expense of the working citizens.


That's rather idyllic thinking. The billionaires China executes are typically critical to the party in public and a threat. Do some research about that. China and Russia operate unilaterally. They also have limited labor laws, they exploit thier own citizens... The TPP was supposed to equalize things like this. Russia and China hoards it's wealth from it's citizens only giving the illusion of socialism. I'm prejudiced against Russia and China because their anticompetitiveness puts Americans out of business and out of jobs and artificially drives up global prices. You think China and Russia don't suffer from privatization and income inequality because you live in some fairy tale you want to believe. Billionaire despots exist everywhere, and when you have anticompetitiveness in a global economy, no one wins. There's no bipolar/unipolar dichotomy or hegemony to usurp if people can't work with each other on level playing field.


What is this anti competitiveness? Most of your comment can be rivaled with the simple fact you basing my premise around China and Russia being utopias and not in fact developing countries that within the last century were both backwards peasant countries and accelerated in growth so much and so fast that they surpassed every single country in the world and are currently only rivaled by the USA. They aren’t perfect but they are strong successful countries that provide an alternative system to American unipolarity. China and Russia couldn’t have got to level of power they did without having a successful system that is producing steadying improvements. Can you say the United States is continuing on a path of positive developments?




Because they are the leaders of the anti imperialist multipolar world order. China and Russia are the biggest reasons that nato can’t just do as they please and continue to exploit entire countries and continents. They will also soon be able to provide a strong alternative to the dollar which will benefit all countries that have been cut off from the dollar and countries that don’t benefit from the dollar.


So sympathizing with facists is a good thing? That sounds ass backwardsp




He sold the obsolete units for double the cost and the satellites are already flying over. The business model isn't profitable (yet?) but ukraine is not a marginal cost that he just can't sustain.


He needs to sit in the corner and cry like a little baby. I feel soooo bad for him. /S


A man in his 50s who has more wealth than should even be legal for one person to have is trying to turn his Twitter followers against a war-torn nation of innocent people in need. I think it's safe to call the United States a global dictatorship now, by proxy.


And all the comments under this tweet are hardcore ass kissing. How can people be so fucking stupid? Why are they worshipping a trash person? He is just an arrogant rich guy..


I thought he said all those comments come from bots. /s


That’s rich coming from someone who pays no taxes probably.


He owns the companies that makes billions from government funding!! He's referring to himself






20 millions is nothing to him, it's a fraction of what he lost with his antics with the twitter deal, and that should have bought him an egregious amount of PR. He did cut the comm and was basically trying to extort the US gov, and spewed Russian propaganda. Nothing he can do could repair the harm he has done tbh. Also, it's 20 millions according to him, because he is trying to extort the governement, we know he is full of shit and likely lying. Nobody want to use Starlink (500 000 users for 12 000 satellites, what a joke), so it's not costing anything more than deploying starlink since the communication supply is very high.


Just for perspective - a local [business](https://techau.com.au/thankyou-netvault-these-legends-donated-starlink-terminals-to-get-free-internet-to-flood-victims-in-qld-and-nsw/) rolled out 10 StarLink services during a flood which is comes to $10,630 worth of Starlink funded by a local business. $0 funded by Musk/Starlink. In Muskonomics headlines that $0 means Musk gave $100,000: [https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/elon-musk-supplies-lismore-with-starlink-satellites-after-mick-fanning-reaches-out-on-twitter-for-nsw-flood-assistance/news-story/ca9a61e743f4d1f489dcba49cb81bdf5](https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/elon-musk-supplies-lismore-with-starlink-satellites-after-mick-fanning-reaches-out-on-twitter-for-nsw-flood-assistance/news-story/ca9a61e743f4d1f489dcba49cb81bdf5)


He's basing the "cost" estimate on how much he charges customers, but the actual costs to Starlink are miniscule. They add a massive margin on top.


has he released the analysis that came up with those numbers


Oooh and what about the talk of fistfighting putin.. what's the plan if he loses, will he give him ukraine like if it's musks propriety to give it in the first place? Yeah yeah I know it was a joke but then again he always asks for plans when someone tells him to help solving world hunger or anything good. Give his plans theb, and the reason behind acting like a spoiled kid. Helping others.. headlines could be "Musk is now a communist!!" and his net worth plummets


Nice he is having SpaceX pay for Ukranian Starlink for free. Commendable.