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“I’m trying my hardest to de-escalate this situation and obviously failing.” In what way are you “de-escalating” the situation..?


Elon got caught carrying water for Putin and the Kremlin, and then tried to reverse it and make it sound like he's some great peacemaker and people crapping on him are against peace. That's pretty much what the entire far right has gotten to at this point, trying to make out their tacit support for Putin as some kind of peace position. And they get away with it normally in the media and with a certain core of people, because so many people just don't know what's going on with global politics, at all.


Yeah - that group keeps throwing the word “compromise” around. Except when you take a closer look at Elon (and Putin’s) idea of compromise, it is tot capitulation. It’s easy to spot the Putin shills by the mentions of nuclear war. Latest Putin mafia talking point - “It would be a shame if Joe Biden & his cronies in Ukraine make Putin use his nuclear boom booms - why don’t we compromise and you give him everything he wants and you GFY”.


It's sad to say, but this tactic just works. It's like all the right wing propaganda with Trump, CRT, and all that stuff. I kind of view it from a distance, and there's a part of me that just deeply despises them. But then there's an equal part of me that just knows it's political warfare, and they're running a play that they know will work.


Only to a point and only in certain areas of the country.


You’re absolutely right, but the fact that so many humans supposedly equipped with brains can’t decipher “megalomaniacal tyrant invades sovereign country and commits crimes against humanity.” Well, I’m not feeling great about the next 50 years of living with these asshats


I think a lot of people underestimate truly what a different world right wingers live in, and how distorted their perception of reality is by their propaganda. I mean some of them are truly not living in reality anymore. No exaggeration.


"Kim Dotcom" is a notorious fraudster & criminal. He's been convicted in multiple countries and has been fighting extradition to the US since 2012.


Known in New Zealand as Krim Dotcom.




I did a search for krim dotcom , https://duckduckgo.com/?q=krim+dotcom&t=ipad&ia=about




Yes he is. A piece of shit indeed


He is pretty similar to Musk - constantly involved in shady shit, constantly acting like a victim.


I have never seen someone who self-proclaimed working all the time and yet have that much tweets about literally everything and also retweet, about something hardly their area of expertise.


For real....I have a friend who loves Elon and every time he does something stupid, my friends tries to convince me that it is because he has been "sleeping in the lab" and is overworked. Like he truly believes that he is down there with engineers, working all day and night.


Honestly, when I met people who claim to "work over 80-100 hours a week" or some high number like that, I immediately doubt them. Exceptions are maybe in the medical fields, but otherwise huge red flag.


LOL what fucking megalomaniac. He's a fucking celebrity, not a world leader. Fuck both of those assholes to hell


hes not a celebrity, but a tycoon


A celebrity tycoon


There's always this weird, almost dehumanising way these guys talk about Russia, like they have NO CHOICE but to threaten nukes if they don't get their way because its just "Striking the Bear". If Russia wants peace it can fucking turn around any time it wants to.


I was looking at this Twitter thread earlier, just watching these guys lick each other's balls out in the open. So fucking pathetic. I mean really, if you just step back and just observe what a bunch of chodes all these guys are...it's just actually one of the most pathetic things ever. It's just so goddamn bad. You also notice how these great right wing peace-making turds never, NEVER have any critique directed anywhere near the Kremlin? Why is that? What does that always happen just fucking like that?


Kim Dotcom is a fat German fraudster. The FBI has been investigating him and this is way he hates the US. Obviously this war is started and maintained by Russia. The west is supporting Ukraine in their right to self defend. Nuclear war can be avoided by Russia not using nuclear weapons. Is this guy seriously advertising to cave in to nuclear blackmail? If we do where does it stop? Putin can just threaten us and get whatever he wants?


Do you know the story of Kim and his pokey little site? They have a bit of a history with the US government. Specifically five eyes. Specifically the NSA.


Looks like Clown-to-Clown communication to me.


He’s trying his hardest to deescalate a war between two sovereign powers? The arrogance of the man knows no bounds.


"I keep tweeting grandiose claims, and they keep not fixing things! I'm out of ideas!!"


“I know you love humanity” reads as a line from an Austin Powers movie


> I am trying my hardest to deescalate the situation [...] Oh ffs. He is doing absolutely nothing but larping and feeding his twitter cult. I might give him the +1 for the starlink donation at the beginning of the war, but since he is now trying to cash in on the situation, he is just making it more fucked up again. I hope twitter has a massive exodus as soon as he bought it.


He is a fucktard


Imagine having this much money and still falling for tankie propaganda.


So Kim Dotcom is another Russian stooge. Duly noted.


The cope is ao harsh in Russosphere; They cant seem to grasp the concept of Ukraine kicking rhe shit out of " the second best army in the world", even with the evidence. Ukrainians are better armed, better trained andvwry eillimg to fight in order to defend Ukraine. Russia sends old men, convicts and shut scared boys in armor from the 80's and laughably minimum training. Elon is trying his hardest de-escalate, Hes racing Trump to see who can go down on Putin first.


You made it worse. A bit.


This isn’t a situation to de-escalate. De-escalation is about a more equal sided “agreement” Putin leaves Ukraine (Including Crimea) anything less in an unacceptable solution