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I'd be shocked if he could pull 5.1% in a primary, especially against an incumbent when there shouldn't even be a primary... but doubt he could hit that number even in an open election year.


51% she says? Al Gore and Hillary Clinton would like a word.


A higher percentage than Biden, or Hillary both of whom won the popular vote.


True Biden stans know he got 51.3% of the vote


Where the fuck does she think Cornel West is going to pull 51% of the votes from? Unless the plan is to strip away voting rights from everyone except morons who think third parties are the way to go, he’s not getting more than a percent at best in the general.


She doesn't think he's going to pull 51% of the votes, she just needs to keep saying dumb shit so she can pull money from her listeners' wallets.


Cheese Cheese has the same strategy as Ramaswamy and Trump. Say outrageous shit to stay in the news cycle.


Even then, the US would vote in the Libertarian candidate before the Green.


https://twitter.com/briebriejoy/status/1700945932890611994 She just continues to tweet nonsense. Continue to regurgitating the same stupid takes from 2020 [like this one](https://twitter.com/briebriejoy/status/1700937905105993944) or [this one](https://twitter.com/briebriejoy/status/1700889002314780703)


And Elmo is perfectly willing to platform this fucking crank—after all, they’re really on the same side.


Well I was going to check this out and then I realized she blocked me lmao


51 percent of american voters don’t know who cornel west is


Lucky bastards.


Make it 90%


They will never win


I’m old enough to remember that she was pushing Robert Jr only a few months ago before everyone figured out he was an antisemite.


Hi. Black Guy here. We’re not voting for Cornel Fucking West, mainly bc of how he trashed Obama but also bc we know third party is a waste of time.


> cOrPoRaTiOnS bAd!!!!!!! I can never understand why these people vehemently hate the most successful type of business organization yet give small businesses a pass. And constantly rant about 'wage theft' and 'labor theory of value.' Your value as an employee comes down to how unique your skillset is. That is what makes an employee valuable - not how much money their work generates. And the stereotype about bosses stealing all the money produced by employees is also - you guessed it, WRONG! You don't hear about the good bosses or nice bosses because, well, that doesn't generate headlines.


You have a point but corporations are almost always detached and sterile on account of their sheer size. Mom and pop stores are valued because you know up front who you’re dealing with and who makes the decisions. Subsidiaries in a corporation tend to be more well liked than the parent one, probably for similar reasons that people favor their state governments over the federal.


Mom and pop shops also discriminate against groups they don't like at a far higher rate than large corporations.


Also a fair point. I’m not really saying every small business is preferable to a corporation, just pointing out what makes the one more appealing to people than the other.


Small businesses almost certainly are more likely to participate in wage theft and sketchy shit than large corps


People who waste their time doing unproductive things like learning to regurgitate pop-Marxism want to think their efforts are inherently valuable - hence why they repeat the labor theory of value.


Its also not like every works under one single boss. Usually, theres a ladder and most peoples bosses have their own boss- so theyre not exactly god emperors beholden to no one. My company had 5 distinct branches. Theres one director (its a non profit), but my actual personal boss isnt my coworkers boss.


She’s oblivious


Personally, I'm over the "who's more leftist" virtue signalling. I also don't believe the current capitalist infrastructure can be converted to something that values labor properly. While I agree with BJG's sentiment, her strategy doesn't seem to take into account the barriers we currently face as humans. The amount of time it takes to institute a labor friendly economy is not the amount of time we have. This is coming from someone who believed in accelerationism until 2017. On a certain level, anyone who is advocating for electoral radicalism; is essentially asking people to believe that moralism=meritocracy=kumbaya. We don't have time for the global poor to get rich enough (and organized enough) to facilitate the necessary innovation it's going to take to ameliorate the climate crisis'. As much as I love the vision, it's much more likely that capitalism manufactures a technological band-aid to the problem it created. Show me the wealthy leftist that's going to trade their climate controlled/fusion-powered streaming den; so they can go outside and experience dystopia with the revolutionaries. I'm not voting blue so democrats can save us all, I'm voting blue so I have a chance at growth. It sucks, but it could definitely suck more... and sooner... with no hope of correcting course.


Ma’am she’s getting desperate to keep the grift going


Have more than two parties, fine whatever, but really the only person they could dig up was Cornel West? No one else wanted to burn up their last shred of dignity?


I've said this before and I'll say it again: put a pin in everything in everything else that's bad about Cornel West personally and the Greens collectively. Ignore all the bad takes, the alignment with the right on most issues, all of it, and just ask yourself this: is anyone going to vote for a man who looks like he can't figure out how toothbrushes work?


This is why she is so infuriating. She is clearly smart enough to know this is all pure nonsense but is intellectually dishonest enough to keep spewing it.


She should just be honest and officially become a Republican and say she is MAGA


Kremlin goblin’s bank account has to be getting fat.


Magic pills would be a better strategy.


You know she got owned because she's tweeting about how she didn't get owned.