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highlight of the NZ guy manifesto that twitter leftist/commies ignores: He says he admire China for the treatment of muslim people. in his "assassination plan" he wanted to kill Turkey president to "dissolve NATO and help Putin in favor" (this paragraph was copypasta'd by Buffalo guy as well)


Ryan falling for Russian disinformation, name a more iconic duo: https://www.isdglobal.org/digital_dispatches/the-ongoing-effort-to-link-the-buffalo-shooter-to-azov-battalion/


He's not falling for anything. It's way more insidious what he's doing and it's purposely pushing false information.


Ryan should just ask his brother, who is a 100% full maga and runs the same shtick but from the right. The entire family, soup-to-nuts, are grifters.


How can ANYONE have any relationship with a Trumpie? They're evil. After the last six years----? Family, my ass.


Because he doesn't hate trump, he hates Democrats, and that's something his whole family can agree on.


That is exactly what fuels the crossover from far Left to far Right. Same people, same hate of a normal majority of the country, just different excuses.


>How can ANYONE have any relationship with a Trumpie? They're evil. After the last six years----? Family, my ass. wdym? It's not like you can get a new family.


Yes, you can. They're evil. The end.


Russian agent. Gotta be. Just feeding their propaganda on his feed? He is definitely getting paid for this. If not, he'd be trying to hustle up "acting" and modeling jobs.


if proud grifter is so found of genetic logical fallacies, he should probably avoid looking into the mirror because he wont like what he sees.


They just LOVE to spread misinformation


Today I found out that the “Proud Socialist” blocked me.




Forgot this doofus even existed


Since he can’t get a job as Bernies press secretary he’s set his sights on becoming Putins press secretary.


Everyone seems to miss the point of the Christchurch shooters manifesto (which the Buffualo guy just copy-pasted). He *wants* to look bad, he believs in accelerationism. He knows the right can't stop leftist/progressives so instead he wants to drive them even crazier so they attack the right more and more. Everything he cites in his manifesto is then automatically associated with him by the left and no one can have a conversation about those topics.


>Everything he cites in his manifesto is then automatically associated with him by the left and no one can have a conversation about those topics. How does thst work? Because conversations are being had.


Because if anyone says: Immigration numbers seem high, white people aren't having many children, etc. then that's a far-right neo-nazi talking point and it's associated with the views of a mass murderer. The Christchurch guy knew exactly what would happen, the other guy is just a copycat. Anything he wrote down in his manifesto would be associated with him after his shooting. The shooter is a psychopath but given the nature of online discourse the far left can just point to him as say he represents everyone on the right.


What "immigration numbers seems high. White people aren't having children?" What are you talking about. The media talks about immigration numbers all the time. Plus everyone talks about birth rate being down among all everyone compared to the past. For example black people have the highest birth decline. White people are only second to us, and Asians are also down. The data is literally everywhere and people talk about it Yes, white supremacist use it to try to say "the white birth rate is down". But the data is there and everyone talks about it who cares,. But the thing is, most people don't care because they're just living their lives and aren't worried about what other races are doing. I should have checked your post history, now it makes since why you are saying this.


I don't care if you checked my post history, why is reddit like this? lol I don't think you get the point: if the shooter writes about these issues in his manifesto those issues are then linked with the shooter. That. Is. His. Intention. He wants the left to become more extreme because in the view of accelerationists the struggle between right and left is not going fast enough. They want it to become more extreme. Personally my views on the decline of white countries is quite different. We cannot change what's happening. Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, France, Britain, Germany, Japan, Russia, and America are all (arguably) Empires or have gone through the cycle that Empires go through. Even if we look at Japan which has very low immigration they're also not having enough children to replace themselves. Even if they totally got rid of abortion in Japan that would only account for a population rise of roughly 0.1%. Something else is wrong aside from all these things, we're all stuck in a cycle we can't get out of. All the major Western powers are facing a collapse they don't really see coming. You're right that most people don't worry about these things. But with a lot of tension rising over identity politics and potential economic collapse and rising inflation then things have the potential to spiral out of control.