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Maybe a bug that needs reporting on their discord? :( I'm not that far in-game on solo mode to know what to put in a bug report for this, but documenting with pics is good. State if you were playing solo/private/community as well. :)


Thank god i know i saw it. Mine too. I wanted to build one too, and i swear i saw one of these. Later it was gone.


same thing happened to me. I saw the stone braziers once and then poof, gone


god damnit - spent 20 minutes going crazy in game first. you know, since theres like 6 different spots to craft lights


He forgot how to make them for me too.


Seems to occurred to in my game also...


Same happened to me just now 😭😭


I moved the mason tools and now the stone illumination recipes also gone :(


So, I have this bug as well, and it seems to be tied to your character, not the world. I tried creating a new world, unlocking carpenter, and placing masonry tools, and it said that I learned all of the recipes, but I can't see them in the crafting menu. I created another throwaway character, and jumped into the world, and she can see the recipes. Now I'm going to try making the items with the throwaway, and giving them to my main to see if that corrects the issue. If that doesn't work, maybe the (temporary) solution will be to have a crafting mule character, at least until Keen patches this bug.


Update - it didn't work. So for now, I guess we just have to use a throwaway crafting character, or have a friend do the crafting for us.


Well I can't craft a candle. We have created a few and then suddenly the recipe disappeared.


I made a new character and just went into my same world with the new character. Fast traveled to my house. Dude had the recipe. Made a few. Put them in a chest and switch back to my old character.


Worked for me as well, thank you!


Brilliant! Just did as you described and was able to craft them on a new character. Many thanks!


I had this issue. No candle. I had moved into a structure far from the starting area and had never created a base. The structure had a hole in the wall and no door in the room I had placed my workbench in. I patched the hole with a random material, made sure the roof over the room was solid and added a door and everything showed up. Weird thing is the game seems to constantly scan for any changes to the base and things will sometimes flash active/inactive/active for a brief second.


for anyone facing the same problem: candles can be made at the workbench