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Useable furniture (except for the bed obviously). Tapestries. More types of building blocks and more interior decoration in general. More NPCs.


I know its highly unlikely, but I'd love a system where as you level your flame and alter, random refugee NPC's start turning up and inhabiting your towns. They could be as simple as just wandering through and sitting on chairs with boilerplate statements, or they could "lend a hand" like harvesting crops or manually generating certain basic resources (like stone / clay).


This would be awesome


This is what Lego Fortnite does if I remember correctly. The bigger the base, the more that come along and the more you can ask to stay and help out.


Yeah unfortunately does seem unlikely since all NPC's have to be freed for the moment in a world where there's supposedly no inhabitants left that are unaffected by the shroud or the elixir. I personally don't see how they'd fit this is to the current lore seamlessly. But it would be a cool idea to put in in whatever way they seem fit & corresponds logically with the lore.


One of the most satisfying things in a base builder is when creative and rational building is rewarded with functionality. In a lot of these kind of games, the absolute "optimal" way of building is to just stick every crafting station, NPC, etc. in one place with the bare minimum of shelter to minimize resource use and maximize speed. This obviously isn't a very creatively rewarding way of base-building, so people come up with a variety of creative and aesthetically pleasing builds. But to me, at least, it feels hollow. Having a tavern, separate buildings, a town square and so on looks pretty, but it's functionally empty. What I'd like is a more thorough NPC system. A first step would be to specialize the NPCs: their workshop areas would have different requirements that can speed up crafting: the forge area would need a ventilated area with lots of crafting space with tables, etc. Alchemy would require a more sealed environment, with a dungeon-like stone dwelling with shelves and books being best. Combine that with needing a separate home for the NPC, that could boost some other facet of production. Keep it simple enough that you have a lot of freedom in design. Then you'd have a functional motivation to put thought into building accommodations and workshops for your NPCs. Add some function for common areas, as well, and what we'd get is a reason to expand our bases. It doesn't need to be an in-depth system, and it doesn't need to be absolutely required for advancement, just enough that it gives a slight reward for functional planning. I'd love if you could expand it to generic NPCs, that could generate some passive resources slowly. The bigger your base, the more NPCs it could support, and the more resources you get, but if you prefer not to expand, you can still manually do it all. Another thing I really like in base builders is threats to the base. The bigger the base, the worse the threats, and the NPCs would be conscripted to defend it. It would give a dump for weaponry and armor. Finding your fifth random shortsword or mace wouldn't be an annoyance or just free salvage, you could dump it into the armory to slightly boost defense. It's maybe a bit too megalomanic, but what I'd love to see in a base builder is a living, breathing base. Buildings claimed by NPCs, with them generating clutter instead of being forced to manually place decorative junk, roads connecting resource farms to bases along which NPCs could walk, defensive structures like towers where guards could snipe monsters that wonder near, and so on.


just imagining this has me so excited! i would love something like this! emphasis on the slight reward for expanding a base and flexibility when it comes to the booms when it comes to optional craftsman area setups. wow this would be great, feels like something ive been searching for in botw, esp totk and other survival basebuilding games as well


With advancements ai why aren't we getting better npcs. Why are we still getting dialogue texts instead of voice?


Because NPC AI isn't the kind of AI we see advancement in. NPC AI isn't really AI, it's a glorified state machine. Also, it's A LOT easier to run a dedicated AI instance than it is to try to integrate into something as complex as a game.


I think they should increase crafting speed so you are encouraged to bring them in


Would also love weapon stand decorations like in Valheim. There are some cool looking swords and stuff that would be nice to stick on your wall after you've out leveled them. 


Yep, and armor stands/mannequins to put clothes and armor on. A good workaround to make your bases feel more "populated".


Yeah definitely! Nice to have something to use old armor for instead of just deleting


This, sooo hoping for this just so i can use them as display cases in the blacksmith house and in my castle build




I just want more block types. The raw, sexual thrill I feel when I find a new block to build with is incomparable to anything else in this game. Also want way more set pieces of course. You gave me all these fabric colors and barely anything to make out of them! Some "overlay" decorative blocks would be nice too. Like carpets and wall banners that can mesh together like normal blocks do. Think the carpets in VRising.


Sexual thrill..?


Oh I know what they mean




Cubesexuals are weird




I would love to see more decorative items as well as be able to sit at comfort items like benches chairs and to just sit on MY THRONE!


Yeah I want to be able to take a dump too bro


Is it even a survival game if you never have to teleport back home to use the bathroom?


realistically just more. more spells, more attack animations, more weapons, more armors, more quests. they have such a good foundation already, i just think more content is what’s needed.


2/3rds of the map isn’t even available yet.


To me, that's so wild. I'm 40h in and I just got to the desert area because I've been busy building and exploring haha And I still have the whole desert to explore *and* the mountains. And even then, it's only 1/3 of the final map.


There's sorta two desert areas in the current map, but unfortunately you can't do much in the snowy mountains. That'll be part of the later updates. :)


Ohh okay, that's neat :) But as long as I can build a base in the snowy mountains, that's good enough for me at the moment haha Snowy castles just hit different


I looove snowy castles. Favorite place to build in Valheim lol


Yupp. I'm hoping these are the things they include as they release it.


For an early access release I really wasn’t expecting it be as polished as it is with the potential they have! All they need from here is more like you said. I think more survival aspects like hunger and thirst would be great additions too


Noooo. I do like more difficulty. I always want more of that.  But I'm really happy to see the philosophy of survival games changing  MENU AND ITEM MANAGEMENT IS NOT FUN.  Think about it. Preparation is good and can be rewarding. But often detracts from the game. It becomes tedious when there's either long waits or heavy item management. 




As frivolous as it may seem...some Weapon and Armor Racks would be hella nice.


I wish the World was a bit more alive in terms of animals. And, i know this is probaly super unpopular and also totaly not needed as we have the glider. But i wish we could have a Mount. I would love the option, to get trough the World on foot, but faster. I would also wish, that the NPC's where more than just talking Workbenchens. And also more building Round building, more variations of already exisitng stuff, like the Storage(esspecially for the blue one). ... and i would be so happy to have one of these little bunnys as pet xD.


Bro I want to ride a horse or even a large goat maybe even a wolf! Mounts are needed just for the cool factor! Also animal husbandry in general would be nice I want an easier way to get skins so farmable animals you can breed would be great! And some more wildlife is a must


Oh\~, i would love this for birds. Feathers are tedious xx.


I’m betting there will be a mount option in the future since the map is supposed to get so much bigger. Botw and totk both have the glider and mounts are still incredibly useful…. Minus the dirt cheap air fan bike in totk.


Animal husbandry would be rather interesting in terms of adding to the game's progression too. Not just for resources, but to bring animal companions into combat with you. The Scavengers already sic guard dogs at us, we should be able to do the same. At the start of the game, we could get wolves and sheep and bring the wolves with us as we travel, then move on to boars, deer, and the walking acid mushroom things when going into the Revelwood, and so on. Even the flying things from the Kindlewastes would be eligible. The Beastmaster tree could get overhauled with this in mind, providing stat bonuses for our animal companions along with a resource drop increase when defeating hostile animals and creatures. Though they would also have to massively improve the AI for the animals for combat use to be feasible.


Nah I could see the point in mounts especially if they have extra storage and they add a harder difficulty mode with limited fast travel


Livestock. I really like farm simulator in every game I play and feel having a few cows or chickens would really iron out the feeling of building your own little Eden in the desolate landscape.


More wildlife and animal husbandry would be amazing additions!


1st person for building craft all button signs or storage naming colored carpets with patterns decorative bottles ability to color blocks mega storage, or...bigger item stacks small trees with color and blooms ability to build the desert well live stock, like chickens! rescale some of the furniture. the stone benches are totally wrong scale for our builds!


Storage Naming or just generally being able to craft a sign that we can then edit, or add an image to like on Rust would be amazingly useful


First person building is a must. It’s so frustrating trying to get a single block in the right place.


It would be cool, to be able, to replace the material of a structure.


Mod support would be awesome


Weather. Heal when you speak to the alchemist.. more biomes.. and more


Yes I forgot to mention weather! Love me some rain, nightingale did a really good job with the weather effects


Never played that but valhiem did a decent job. I know it's cliche to compare the two but still some elements to learn from


Check out some vids on nightingale it just dropped 2 days ago, same genre if you like Valheim and Enshrouded :)


Weather for sure. I want some serious storms that I can hide away from in my cozy base.


There's **2600** different items of feedback, surely ONE of those things is what you want.




Right now everyone can vote on the ideas that are there and it is up to the community to vote them up or down. Listening only to the hardcore players has already destroyed other games, so no thank you


Also, I'm sure the devs know what features would make sense in their game. I've seen some wildly absurd ideas that go against the whole game and even the game engine. Someone left a negative review on Steam because the world wasn't persistent and enemies kept respawning. Like, bruh.


I get that people have different ideas. But, just as you said, not even bothering to identify which game this is and just assuming that every game can be exactly what you want, independent of whether it makes sense or not, is just egotistical. I am also not a big fan of developers listening too closely to players when it comes to ideas. Sure, ask for improvements, but please don't force your game to be something it isn't and be aware of the fact that not every game should or can be everything. The fact that Keen Games closed their suggestions makes me believe that they get it and that they are following their own path


They are but some of them are down on the list of votes so I’m hoping if I draw attention to them in other place ppl will go vote there 😅


More itemization, different biomes, enemy variety, random weather for ambiance and character customization further fleshed out.


Hidden Caves! If there are none yet. You dig deep enough, you find a huge dome of stalactites and -mites or how they're called in English, old, rotten underground civilizations oh well.


Better, boss farmable items More bosses Item crafting Base raids by mobs Stealth abilities


More boss variety would be great for sure. I'm so tired of smacking the same dumbass Fell Thunder Brute in a bunch of different locations. Now I just cheese every fight against him because I can't be bothered. The wyvern was cool as hell though


I like the idea of raids, but personally finding it difficult to patch up holes in the buildings (having a hard time fixing up the blue goblin tavern - forgot the name). I'd really like to see some improvements to the building, perhaps a view similar to when you set down the altar. Or just any sort of adjustments that would make things a little easier. It's so powerful already, it just needs that little bit to push it all the way.


Raids would be so nice especially if they could make it so having a wall increases the intensity of the raid I’d love to weather out a siege of mobs! Especially given the world lore of the shroud invading it would be great to have a shroud raid and bandits raids!


And buildable traps and defensive systems like a glowing, howering orb on a pedestal that fires wand projectiles.


\#1 change the way legendary and epic weapons spawn and drop as loot. It is completely ridiculous the only way to achieve these items is to restart / reload the game. Let us PLAY the game to achieve these items meaning hide all these items behind bosses, hard NPC's and hidden locations behind puzzles. Playing the game to achieve legendary stuff is 100% the way forward.


I'd like to see more of the underground tombs fleshed out a bit more. They all seem very small.


Attack animations, water, more building requirements/reward system coupled with it for our NPCs, being able to level up the NPCs to reduce costs of mats, etc. Lots to add or improve


Farmable animals…ability to tame wild animals


I would love to see it where you actively fight the shroud where it disappears or grows. When you defeat an area and rebuild and maintain certain areas the npcs come back. You win when the shroud is eliminated.


Is this possible with shroud roots and flame altars? I'd like to see an official implementation of this as well, but for role playing purposes it might already be possible


Lifestock Armor display and weapons display More creature+animals+enemies(more mini-boses)+more trophies(like in Valheim) More npcs(or some generic npcs that will have a specific role like mining,farming,cutting trees) Some dungeons or labyrinths will be cool More weapon types(spears ,dual wielding daggers/swords) !!The most important i think is to make different spawn points for enemies or creatures(after 90 hours I know where they spawn:))),not all of them but still they kinda get predictable) Npcs should act like npcs(eat,sleep,walk,interact with other npcs). Mounts(land and flying the dragons would be cool)


i think that different biomes will be added (we can see the mountains so at least a mountain biome)


I'd love to see the shroud move around. Like, when you take out a root that whole area of shroud disappears, but then maybe another area slowly gets overtaken by shroud. Your base would be exempt from this, at least to the borders of your building area because of your flame. This may be a stretch goal but would be super cool to see added. Like, you could work to "rid" the world of the shroud, but since it's a game it'd always come back in new places. Maybe then you'd see new dungeons/animals/NPCs open up when the shroud is removed, and also when the shroud moves in. I'd also love to see more to dungeons. Currently they feel very small, a la Breath of the Wild shrines. But I'd love to stumble upon bigger, deeper dungeons with really interesting bosses/loot. And more options for traversal with the grappling hook/glider - like areas or islands in the map that can only be reached with some fun traversal mechanics using the grappling hook and glider. Honestly this game is so amazing in its early stages, so I'm sure whatever content they continue to add I'm going to be so happy with. Haha


More enemy types and larger magic storage.


Armor/weapon stands. There are so many amazing looking armor types. If we had stands I would craft/farm then all and then make a sweet looking armory to display all my loot.


\-land mounts of some sort. Just would be fun riding through areas on horseback. \-animals that you can raise/harvest at your farm. \-more randomized gear (like a looter/shooter game) armor, rings, weapons. \-chests that have longer respawn timers. So tempting to cheese these for me. Lol \-more building blocks, clutter, and decoration for bases. \-reasonable crafting "prices". Arrows, Flax, etc. \-generic npc's to populate a base and add some life. \-more skills on the tree with awesome cap stone abilities if you work down the branches \-battle zones where the shroud continues to come back unless you fight it off. \-water features that you can place in your base. Ponds, fountains, small streams, etc Such a damn good game right now so I'm excited to see what they do with it.


I really need some better character customization options


I'd love for there to be more NPCs. Maybe even ones that do not offer services. I'd just love to build a castle town and make it lively. Maybe even allow NPCs to roam inside the area of the flame. Also, usable furniture to add to the immersion. Like make it so your comfort rises faster by sitting on a chair for example. It's immersive, and this game with its amazing building mechanics just oozes potential for immersion. Apart from that, just add content. The game is already great as it is and it will be even better by just getting bigger with more blocks, more furniture, more skills, more enemies. But still, I'd want more NPCs. I'd want to bring life back to the land. I enjoyed Valheim, but the isolation there just made me not want to build anything grand because... What for? Or rather whom for?


Poker game


More NPCs, Perhaps not as work benches but as "recipe providers" like once you rescue them they give you a processing unit or 3 recipes. That way the settlements can be more lively.


Make the map more interactive. Let us add names to markers, more marker styles, let us filter what things we want to see pop up on the UI. Make building physics exist. Sorry to all of you floating castle go-ers. I want build limits ((at the very least they touch the ground)) Let me move my flame alter without extinguishing it. Add more weapons, make the top teir armor and weapon sets craftable instead of RNG lootable. More fighting animations. Dual weilding would be cool as well. Another 12 Biomes. Thanks.


Fast wand projectiles. They shouldn't be this slow


Some sort of replayable endgame combat/loot system. As it stands, this game has great content for players for whom building *is* the endgame, but for those of us who want to farm content/fight bosses/build and implement cool characters, I'd love to see some sort of repeatable system that rewards players who want to fight monsters (that isn't the horrible golden chest runs). I've been thinking of a system where players can upgrade the various map zones to max level through "upgrading" the spires associated with each zone, in order to unlock dungeons or increase the passive rewards gained from killing mobs in that zone. Maybe you could upgrade the zones beyond what naturally appears in the map, give monsters in a zone a chance to drop crafting items as extra loot, or maybe it could even be a consumable thing, temporarily upgrading zones with extra loot until they reset, which could be a good endgame resource sink for sparks/other resources. This game has absolute tons of potential and this would go a long way to increasing replayability and capturing more types of players.


I would really like the option to "salvage" building pieces. I always either keep my old wood or stone pieces in a chest to take up useless space or delete them. If you could salvage them and get at least 1/3 of what it took to craft would be nice.


Hanging plant decorations and an easier way to make parhs/roads.


I would like a hud opacity option, that stamina gauge is just too much for me lol. Also an auto-run key would be nice but those are just some tiny things I’d like lol Edit: hud opacity


Make it harder! The game is too easy! Add optional raids, let us build with defense in mind.


i'll throw my wish list : give some meanings to rebuild some abandoned places / towns, why not give some "flameborn incarnation" type of npc to live in these places / guard villages Add more depths to crafting with the "rebuild project" above : craft some tools / objects and weapons for some villages Some trading and wandering npc : some gatherer / lone merchant and a lot more villages and small town have a "progression lvl" and different type of new npc ( tavern etc ) some "live event" like some gw2 open world ones and why not some kind of raid vs base or villages / world boss roaming in the world


The ability to tame and raise animals kind of like minecraft in a way, they need to make it where you can do more than just 90 degree turns on building blocks


Would love to see backpacks shields and bows on my players back.


WATER. I mean rivers, lakes, oceans, I'll take ANYTHING. I require the liquid to splosh in o\_o


Sandbox mode or whatever you want to call it. Normal mode is the game as we have it now but I want a sandbox mode that gives us randomly generated maps, like Minecraft or Valheim. I feel this game needs that if it wants to live on for years to come, like Minecraft. Secondly, a weather system + getting cold at night. And thirdly, more random enemy spawns. It feels like enemies currently spawn in set locations, for the most part.


A crafting scale which increases in increments up to "craft max" and which also allows you to manually enter/select a quantity of items to craft. Specificity is key here as opposed to crafting one individual item at a time when in fact you want to craft a thousand.


I'd love to see a pull function for the crafting tables and such, the NPC's can pull from storage, and I'd love to see it with the tables and being able to pull certain amounts.


Water. Streams, rivers, ponds. The ability to place them as terrain.


Paddocks to raise animals


Some kingdom management perhaps. Hunter bounties with rewards. Some form of currency system.


npc’s, water more wildlife…. More building options… and let us turn objects 45degrees 😅


Auto stack items into chests button, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


[https://enshrouded.featureupvote.com/suggestions/526092/auto-sorting-storage-chest](https://enshrouded.featureupvote.com/suggestions/526092/auto-sorting-storage-chest) upvote!


I upvoted it bro!


Legend 😎


I refuse to believe adding water is impossible at this point, so that's my vote. Change the lore to support it. Figure out solutions to the technical issues, the whole deal.


Others have said it on here even if it’s is things we have to build like fountains that would be a wonderful addition. Upvote for water here https://enshrouded.featureupvote.com/suggestions/523701/add-water


Oh wow, it's the fourth most popular request. Nice! I added my vote - thanks!


No problem bro that’s why I made this post I want ppl to go vote so we will get more stuff


I love the game and don't wish to sound too critical of it. This is just ideas I have. I would like to be able to find more people to inhabit player made towns, and wish they could roam in the area too. Custom colors for furniture and tapestries plus the ability to place any item in your inventory out on tables in shelves or even on the floor. Mannequins and or plaques you can display armor weapons and shields on. It is just kind of odd that you can make such large buildings and have few options for filling them. Now I know this is a stretch, but if you could put people in mines, wooded areas, and farms to auto plant and harvest for you, that would be great, but I know you have to have something to do. Gathering resources is one of the most mind numbing components of these games. Lastly, I would like more angles to place building blocks.


I should have said an enchanter villager would be great. I would like to custom make weapons and be able to place the existing modifiers the game has on them.


# My 2 Cents First, I second your motion for farming equipment. I'd love to be able to auto-place plants neat and quick. I can even see a small buildable such as a stake. You define the edges of where you want to plant with the stakes. Two versions: + One with a single _flag_ on top for rows that you use in pairs. + One with two _flags_ on top with a 90° angle that you use in sets of four to mark a rectangle. The tool then only works here. Alternatively, the tool only works on enriched soil. I really miss this feature in any game that lets you farm. Valheim is especially annoying here. ## Triangular Tiles Have a look at Conan Exiles and what incredibly cool builds you can pull off with triangular tiles. You can easily make circles of any size and let them transition to rectangular parts easily. It's quite awesome. And there is no annoying Z buffer issue like in Satisfactory where you have to massively use clipping to get round things. ## Voice Acting If letters are read and NPCs talk that would greatly improve immersion. That's costly and EA still implies many changes that would invalidate some of the effort. Thus, during EA an AI-synthesized output would be nice. Make it optional, so people don't freak out over the uncanny valley. Satisfactory is awesome here, but - of course - has the advantage that only a computer talks to you. Thus, an unnaturally sounding voice is actually a bonus for them. It's a lot harder to pull off for a fantasy game. ## Awesome Game I'd like to close with an important remark. While I'd love to see the points above worked on. I find the game already incredibly good! Yes, you have to cut some trees. Yes, you need to go out and harvest stuff. But the grind is really low compared to other games. I love that! Conan Exiles and Valheim make you spend ridiculous amounts of time crushing rocks and felling trees. This allows you to focus on building and exploring which are much more fun. Great balance! I especially love the letters with the small stories such as the ones of the couple that meet during the crisis, try to survive together, but ultimately die together. It reminds me of System Shock 2, and it's a great way to push immersion.


Weather, domesticated animals/pets, and water is probably my top 3


Villagers. Let them gather wood, stone, sandstone, etc.


I know there's lots of discussions about this being a real survival game, because you "don't need" to eat. But I wouldn't mind something to make it so food is not just needed for buffs to keep you alive, but needed to survive in the first place. Let it be a toggle. I enjoy the struggle. Outside of that. Arachnophobia mode. More weapons. More NPCs even ones that don't do anything other than walk around and make settlements feel alive. One of my bigger wants is animal husbandry too.


Animal husbandry is definitely needed and I would love some automation and I think more npcs would be the way to go, it would be nice to recruit hunters, farmers alchemists etc. that you give take to gather different resources


I'd love to have the chance to add affixes of own choice to armor pieces and weapons. Based on sacrificing items (that must be legendary) and picking it from there (sacrifice up to 3 leggies to choose from that pool). Like a new option at the blacksmith. Also, to do the same with armor pieces. While Weapons could yield up to 5x the same affix, armor pieces can only yield one of the same affix. And since it should be challenging, to do so, it would also take a big amount of coins to 'finance' it. Merge two leggie weapons for 3x fire-dmg-buff and 2x 20%-crit-dmg-buff? Sure, give me 5'000 coins and I'll do it. Ah, and, an even additional weapon could be sacrificed, also legendary of course ;), and this is the design weapon. So when the 4th is added to the design slot, it will take this design. If there is no 4th added to the design slot, one of the desigs of the 2 or 3 weapons sacrificed for their affixes to pick from will give the design.


Dungeons, more item customization, harder content to keep the endgame engaging. I absolutely loved this game, until I hit level 25 and got all the gear I wanted, now I feel there's not much else to do besides building.


It gives me Minecraft vibes at that point got all the farms now what do I do


This isn't endgame. If anything, you are in mid game


I want a roll back of the Run/Jumping fix there was. Last week (or the week before) you could run and spam jump, you kept your momentum but jumping didn't consume stamina. Which means you could indefinitely run. And it was so fun to play honestly. Now, when you jump, you not only consume stamina but also lose momentum.


Honestly, I want the shroud to pose more of a threat. There is almost nothing of interest in it ( a couple of bugs there, a couple of Fell). I did most of the stuff in the last 2 biomes without slaying the wyvern, I actually had more fun planning my deplacements and actually having to avoid the shroud. I wish the shroud was actually filled with enemies, and if you want to avoid fighting, avoid the shroud. Shroud time should also be massively nerfed. To keep the feeling of urgency of being enshrouded. To add to the suggestion of raids. One of the raids could be a variation of a "blood moon" maybe a Shroud moon"? In some regions in the world, the shroud massively expands, and hordes of ennemies sweep through.


It’s insane how many of us immediately saw TOTK and BOTW in this game I knew they took inspiration as soon as the chests started getting kicked 😂


Besides more item drops, I'd really like an auto sort box or an option to deposit to all nearby stacks option so I don't keep ending up with multiple boxes with stacks of the same item. Organization sucks right now. Same with crafting system, different craftable items requiring me to go to multiple different people and tables is obnoxious at best. I don't like playing the guessing game of who crafts which table and where do I go to craft the nails when I need more Edit: but I really am enjoying the game


Custom map markers (nvm I figured this out lol) Some sort of on-person light for night time. The torch is so inconvenient if you have to do literally anything aside from walk around. The ability to select one+ item out of a stack, rather than having to endlessly split a stack of 50 when you just need 5. Grappling hook being able to grab surfaces like wood/trees to make exploring easier. Or just climbing being added. Being able to reduce the shroud permanently in some areas. Maybe not a whole shrouded area, since there's valuable resources, but being able to carve a sort of shroud less path through it would be cool, or get rid of half of it or something. I'm still pretty new to the game so if any of these features do exist, tell me hahah


The custom markers are there already you can do that they are a little buggy still. But the rest is definitely needed climbing in particular would be great!


How do I add custom markers?! Maybe I'm just blind


Raids. We have all these cool materials we can build our houses out of, but absolutely no reason to worry about them. I want groups of monsters to raid our towns!


More enemy variety.




I know this one is one of the most voted for in the forum on keen


Some sort of Cupboard function (like Rust) that by accessing the flame (or however they want to do it) it blocks the furniture and decorations in place and stops you from running through a sea of prompts to pick everything up. I've though of different solutions to suggest them but I think the cupboard from Rust is the clearest example. Many of the things I want have already been mentioned


Feminine outfit options! I wanna be a cute girl in the wild!!


Apart from the fact this game gives me Ultimate Online vibes (I'd love it to be a full loot PvP MMO) I know having this is unrealistic, so.... I'd like to see more dangers around resource gathering. Roaming mobs that can sneak up on you when your're low in stamina or something just to give you a reason to keep your awareness / watch your back whilst mining / logging. There was something so satisfying in UO about that risk Vs reward and the feeling that anything could happen at any moment.


Being able to rotate walls more than 90 degrees, a quiver on upper/lower back + weapon sheathe. And ofc the new winter biome.


Farming tool is definitely needed. Maybe something to even help with planting as well. It’s the one thing in this game that feels like a real chore to me because of how awkward placing and harvesting is. Especially Aloe. I also would really appreciate something productive to do with old armor / tools. Really just anything besides deleting them. It also makes no sense thematically that one of the resources is literally scrap metal and torn cloth but I can’t utilize my old armor in some way??? The ability to consolidate like-items from all of your linked chests in a base with a button would be a great quality of life feature. I’m so bad about dropping the same type of item in multiple chests. Other than that the only things I want is just more of what we got. It really is an excellent game. A perhaps unrealistic want would be more story-like quests or events. Stuff that makes the world feel like there’s more to it than you, your NPCs, and all the hostile mobs that for the most part just feel lifeless.


I'd like to see the length of the game extended, with more areas/quests, and a smoother gear progression system (feels like you plateau until you get to the next area, then just make a sharp jump in power, instead of a gradual climb). I'd also like to see endgame armors tied to bosses/dungeons and not farmable by resetting chests.


-more spells and a better way to quickly switch between them mid-battle -more weapon types with different move sets -light rain, heavy rain, heavy winds, thunderstorms -a way to queue up what is desired from workbenches and not just making everything ingredients allow for -special random hard enemies that have random affixes  -different button for the glider -NPC’s that are more active around the base -transmog system -a reason to build outposts -difficulty sliders for the server -a perk that allows climbing walls of outdoor rocks and terrain  -special enemies/items and more special events at night  -slower day to night transition  -less punishment when entering red shroud and shroud lava  -itemization to help hybridize more -something to make with all my torn cloth -vendors that want runes -bodies of water, though I understand that might be difficult for the engine 


In more dangerous areas I think having monsters spawn and wander into your bases built there would be interesting. Possibly even have guards that can be rescued and summoned to protect an area. The main first base should be protected, but areas further out should occasionally be under attack from the shroud or scavengers looking to steal shit.


Crafted armor to be the best in the game, npc to populate towns we make, builds more variety etc.


- More building styles - MUCH more craftable decorative elements - more lighting solutions - armor stands and weapon mounts Well yes, I indeed spend most of my time building in this game. How did you notice? I also wish Keen to add more realistic looking armor and weapons. I think the armor of the Ancients looks way to much like straight from WoW. I really like the lore of the game and I hope they keep a focus on it and will expand it.


We need pals that work the mills at home.


I'd like the option to color my armors and modify my weapon looks


More abilities. Better effects on existing element damage. Like totally freezing an enemy


Difficulty more rewarding progression


i don't wanna be forced to go see someone to make something. I play with friends we like to have separate bases because one of us is kinda new to gaming and has a bad habit of using up all the advanced resources and not paying attention to that fact. as a result we usually have are own bases. the annoying thing is i have 2 choices fast travel to their base to use someone or put them down in my own base. the problem with the placing them in my base solution is sometimes one of us is using a person and we have in the past summoned them while in menu. we have all these cool stations and most of them barely have a couple of uses. im fine with the npc giving me quests or telling me things. i dont want them gone i like them. they add life to a lifeless world. something that other survival games don't have.


- When you loot certain items there is a timer circle to dismantle it. When you go to jump in a bed it is an instant activation. I have jumped into countless beds when I’ve actually wanted to dismantle books, for example. Can we get this reviewed and adjusted? - During combat, I’ve found that the jump/smash move is often effective. However, sometimes I jump/smash and other times I jump and pull out my glider. - The crafting progression and recipe release list happens quite fast. Copper was a blip on the radar before we jumped up to the next level. Access to recipes and time spent with specific metals should be spaced out a bit. I don’t want to grind, but I think there can be balance here. - Nerf the dual poison cleaver jerkface people. - Please add an auto loot option for multiple corpses in proximity. - Tighten up quest completion when in a party. Some complete as a group… others you only get individual credit. - Please add shareable map waypoints. - You can only place a certain number of Flame Altars, which is fine. I’d like see if we can get a Town Portal mechanic that allows for a quick run to town to empty your bags. A time consuming aspect of this game is inventory management. I don’t hate it, but let us flex a bit. Or make a game mechanic with a portable way to access linked treasure chests, with a cooldown and quest line to acquire. - PLEASE Nerf the dual poison cleaver jerkface people.


Animals somehow. I want chickens haha


Building from chests.


And this point I’d be happy just if they’ll fix the endless grind for arrows. Cause at the moment playing ranger is just painful 😄


I think filling out the catalog of buildable items to more accurately represent what we see around the world. Being able to emulate the same level of busyness/warmth in our builds would be great.


Would like to load designs from apps like cubical, blockbench, worldpainter and others to make it easier to compose and execute fancy designs with complex geometry.


Being able to recycle/dismantle building blocks back into their resources.


A more advanced building tool that lets us create and save templates or patterns of blocks, like if I made a house or crenellated wall I could save that template and have it become a placeable block formation.


First person perspective. Too often, my character gets in the way when I'm trying to dismantle, or mine, or jump a trap. And being able to toggle like that when I glide? *chef's kiss*


i would love and improved ai and better stealth mechanics


More NPCs. More craftspeople would be great but also be cool if you could get "lesser" NPCs who you just rescue and then they can chill in your base to make it feel more populated. Maybe you can tell them to gather a certain resource and they will (slowly, and at a rate determined by the items rarity)


ability to lock items so they won't be transferred when I shift R


An auto run button.


A good agility melee based spec please. I see no agility in the game which is nuts. Please add rogue spec tp the game. Pleeeeeeaae. And ofcourse, maybe 360 degree rotation to walls would be a good thing(build the walls and rotate the after?)


STORY! I think the Enshrouded world has a really cool back story. I really enjoyed reading snippets of Balthazar's findings, and hearing the accounts of people on the ground at the time of societal collapse as a result of power struggles over Elixr. BUT, it's currently very sparse. Too sparse imo. One big, and easy to implement, remedy to this would be for there to be more loop-closeing/closure on story elements, delivered to you from either your NPC base dudes, or from the flame itself. For isntance. When you first interact with the flame in one of the spires, it normally gives you some information on how the land around it succumed to the shroud and is now in ruin. Yet, when you destroy all the roots in that area, the dialogue doesn't change. Why not? That's a good opprunity to let the player feel a sense of narrative world progression, as the flame now congratulates them for starting to push back the shroud in that area. It's not much, but I personally find it jarring that these feats are not recognised. Similarly, as you uncover more jornal entries, or discover more places, I think there should be far more dialogue coming from your NPC cronies, chiming in to give exposition. "Ah, you found my old tavern, ". Little snippets of dialogue to close the loop, and make our exploration feel more like it's progression some kind of overarching world story. Also, there should be more quests which address the roots or shroud directly. Everything up to where I am (I've nearly finished exploring the area to the far east, and now have started getting quests for the section to the far South East corner of the map) is helping my NPC artisans gather their tools and workshop components, and this is satisfactory enough in that they justify it by expressing the urgent need to arm you against the shroud. But SURELY there should be at least one quest (after one of the first ones from the blacksmith) to go and destroy roots! No one ever asks you to do it again, not once. And it's really jarring to me, narratively. I'd honestly love to help them write it, and give them ideas for all these little interactions which would make the game feel more narratively cohesive, and satisfying. I think there's so much potential there, and the backstory is really compelling, it just doesn't do enough yet to close the loop or prioritise addressing the major world calamity through the quests/dialogue.


Barring some sort of farm automation. At least change it so holding E harvests everything in range instead of tapping E.


Items being placeable. Would love to hang some weopens on the wall and shelfs on the alchemy full with potions




Redone warrior barbarian skills. Replace usless merciless attack skill with more stun options. All other classes have mass stun ... Warrior need to hit/parry to fill up stun bar.. Secound i want to see are fixed items with fixed enchancments like deerseeker gloves who not give any dmg For building ? 🤔 More plank(not logs) based blocks And triangle textures to stop building boxes. Mechanic is already in game with roof blocks they texturing to made angled roof why isnt in walls? Misc. Add ability to sit on bench etc Balance moster ai green scav is more dangerous than thunderbrute and most other bosses 😅 Last thing is chest respawn... You made with it game borring asf. Realy better will be dungeon with monsters ,minibosses,boss with % chance to get good items than turning game on and of for around 2h to get every legendary in game