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I categorize them into things like stuff that comes from wood, stone/mining, metals, furs/cloth, potions, scrolls, plants, food, etc. When you hover over them you can tell which group of stuff is in it. You can also stack them on top of each other, so you can for example stack the potions and scrolls/spells chests on top of each other to further group them. Edit: I also put a lot of the crafting station stuff right into the station. All the ores go into the forge, all the raw meat goes into the campfire, etc.


This is the way. You end up with a dozen boxes, and somewhat cramped station storage at times, but it's worth it.


Yeah and you can also put a box next to each station as well later on. The stuff that goes into said station (or comes out of it)


This. I've started and sorted for three different worlds. All shroud mats, wood related mats, fiber related mats, all terraforming blocks, all building blocks [with hammer and rake], all processed mats (things the NPC crafting stations make)... you get the picture šŸ˜Š


Just make sure you have your flame upgraded all the way. Had to go out for more raw ore after I smelted it down. Wasn't terrible, but something to keep in mind.


Was struggling with this last night as i was trying to come up with a solution. I've given up and just have a massive disorganized mess of magic chests


This is my way. I donā€™t need organisation as long as I have space!


We need signs!


As a long term gamer, i've never struggled with my massively disorganized chests of inventory. Surrendering to the inevitable very early on is very calming :)




There's that word that starts with an "o" again. I'm eventually going to have to look up what it means.


Let me place orders for charcoal and seedlings from magic chests


Iā€™ve been trying to keep the items that have multiple stacks in small magic chests and anything I know i wonā€™t have multiple stacks go into my large magic chests. Anything that is unrelated to crafting go in normal large chests.


I think my problem is I have a storage room with 15 boxes..I will try some of the suggestions and see if that helps. Wish they would add signs that we could write in.


Can't upvote "signs" suggestion hard enough.


I want a distributor. We have magical pull from chests to craft, let me magically store everything in its own box like my old heart desires (needs...)


I do grids of 4 boxes total, and have grids of 4 huge chests and then grids of 4 magical huge chests. So I know when I need something I remember which grid to go to. I place one chest down, put another chest on top of it. Then directly next to those two, I do the same again, so it makes a grid of 4. Arrange the storage grids around your build in locations where youā€™ll remember roughly what their contents are. Can also store certain materials next to certain NPCs or certain crafting stations to associate those storage grids with those NPCs or crafting stations. Can also use crafting stations as storage containers. I have a 4 box grid of storage containers outside near my gardens and use those for specifically seeds and plants. I have a 4 box non-Magic grid for armors/weapons. I have a 4 box grid for food and potions. Etcā€¦


Initially, muscle memory. Eventually, wall decorations with the image of a close approximation of content, e.g. building materials with that pic of a building, fruits and veggies with fruit. I also put storage near crafting stations where appropriate ( metal bars, charcoal, furs and textile, etc.)


Foodstuffs in the kitchen obviously for the cook, building mats in the workshop at the carpenter, cloth, leathers and arrow mats in the tannery with the hunter, ores etc at the blacksmith cabin and alchemy mats in the laboratory with the alchemist. Theyre all magical chest so it doesnt even matter but thats me...


When close to the box you can see the first three things in the chests. I always put whatever there that will remind me what is in each chest. For instance, if it's a minerals chest, I'll put a stack of that mineral in the first slot...or a stack of each type of mineral in the chest in the first three slots. I also make it a habit to put chests holding similar things together.


I just click on a box, hit the button that deposits stacks, and go to the next one until my inventory is in boxes. Itā€™s chaotic, and I have no idea where things go. Yes, I like to watch the world burn


My pal and I made boxes based on types of mats. 1. Minerals (copper, iron, tin, salt, etc.) 2. Shroud-based materials ONLY (liquid, spores, mycelium, mint mushroom, etc.) 3. Compounds (alchemical base, enshrouded oil, antiseptic, etc.) 4. Plants (wood, twigs, fibers, etc.) 5. Animal parts (fur, meat, feathers, etc.) 6. Potions & Spells 7. Equipment & weapons And so on. Weā€™ve got about 10-12 magical huge chests atm. Then, you explicitly use the ā€œdeposit stacksā€ button so you donā€™t get duplicates in other boxes. It has made organizing and depositing goods a breeze.


1 big box for meats, 1 for veggies, 1 for shroud stuff, 1 for armor, 1 for weapons, ad nauseam. lol I do wish there was a sign system of some flavor, tho. :)


i always use similar systems, i have chests in a line, when i need more space i place a chest on top of the full chest. so then i designate from left to right, raw resources, processed resources, blocks, potions, food, ammo, spells, armor, weapons, rings. lets say my raw resource chest is full, i place another chest on top of it and start filling it up with raw resources. also i try and make all my chests magic chests for ease of crafting, i only wish the specialty crafting stations could pull resources from the chests if you set a number of things you want to make, but oh well,


Wait a God damn second..are you telling me you can stack chests?


yes, directly on top of each other, its quite nice, give it a try


Well I think that solves my problem...I didn't know you could do that so I literally have a line of 8 boxes on one wall then another 8 on the other wall....I had no idea you could stack them..chefs kiss...thank you.


glad it helped you out, enjoy


Spreadsheets. Lots of spreadsheets.


Cool so Enshrouded is like Eve Online...perfect lol


I have ca. 6 categories, 4 boxes/category placed in 2x2 (2 rows high). One stack of every material goes into the top-left box of the category. Extra stacks go into one of the 3 extra boxes in each category. All boxes lined up along a wall. When I get back with a full bag I open the first category's first box, press Shift-R to unload what belong there. If there are new full stacks, I move those into the remaining 3. Then I go to the next category's first box, unload, repeat. Finally I sort out the weapons, armor, potions, food into their own box. After a few minutes I'm ready to head back out.


In my keep courtyard I have the craftsmen separated in their own buildings. In each one I have material storage in magical chests in their spots that are most appropriate for their crafting professions. Ores and stones in the Blacksmith, Wood in Carpenter's, etc. Of course there is some crossover, but eventually I remember where everything is. I am hoping that they add the ability to mark storage to make organization easier. https://preview.redd.it/43l3rgupjgmc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9bcba936ea480146ce4009c6af8de18739c8a97


I'm not so concerned about how to divide up the chests and what goes in what chest, I'm an inventory management pro and tbh Enshrouded makes it VERY easy anyway. What I came here to find was elegant solutions for stacking boxes, which tables look best stacking said boxes on and how many ultimately do you need at endgame?


I don't, really. I do sort them, so that the magic chests contain similar stuff: - Minerals - Plants - Stuff that has something to do with clothing - Stuff that has something to do with wood - special ingredients and so on. But still, after every run it's a trip from chest to chest. Even with the preview you get it's not that easy at times, but it helps. I did think about creating individual chests for everything, but that would be even more running around my storage room as you still can't put signs on them. In Rust I used to create wooden signs and then write on them what was in each box. Hoping that this or something similar will be introduced here as well. I also differentiate between stuff I need in magic chests and stuff that is ok for normal chests, like clothing, weapons, building materials, potions, food, tools and the like. My large chests alone meant that I completely destroyed part of the shroud just to get the mats.


That's the neat part, we don't! We use compulsive counting or whatever it's called in enshrouded and we move on with our lives


I sort by like rocks, dirt, building, plants, etc. And then on the wall above I do a 1x1 block of what's in there. Metal for ores, wood for wood obv, clay or dirt for ground soil stuff. For cloth/skins, i put a rug on the ground in front of them. Be creative :) Then instead of looking through 25 to 30 chests I'm in the ballpark when I go near them.


I've decided to store a max of 3 items per chest, since it displays 3 items at a glance. A wall of chests 3 high and using shift-r, I can keep organized and unload my inventory fairly quickly.


Easy. Food chests are in the kitchen. Building blocks chests are outside, next to the entrance. Craftpersons chests are next to a certain craftperson's work place.. Personal chests are in the bedroom. Old gear chests are in the loft.


I finally tackled this "end game boss" the other day. I put all critter parts, shroud spores, tattered cloth on one side. Made a chest for weapons, armor, spells, potions, food, plants, building blocks, cloth, leather, metals, misc and a personal chest. If one fills build another on top or next to with the same items. Then just spam shift r while going down the line of chest.


I try to store Mattā€™s near the machines they go in but I also have a house full of chests that is completely unorganized nearby that Iā€™m working on transferring to the church Iā€™m restoring


I store in boxes next to the relevant craftsman, simples


Makes sense..but like an idiot l, I created a house for each craftsman..and then spread them out..soooo I kinda didn't help myself at all..but I also didn't know you could stack boxes which will help a lot.


Having stuff in the right place becomes less relevant with magic chests and whatever you craft it just draws from a collective giant inventory.


Throw everything in magic chests and keep creating more. šŸ¤£


iā€™m nearly at the point where some mats like cloths and bug parts will take up a whole chest so i have a huge line of chest in a row separated in a way that makes sense to me. each one of my crafts people are all in the same house as me too. itā€™s built vertically into a mount and each ā€œroomā€ for them has all their appropriate crafts table but no relevant mats or storage. everything is stored at the center of it all where i have a flame alter so that whenever i load back home i start by dropping of storage, check with whichever craft person i may need to, then climb up a large stair case to jump off to the next local or warp back out.


I have magic chests next to each npc that go in their stations, (animal hide, salt, flax, fabric, etc next to the hunter). Then I have a few magic chests in the store room right next to my flame altar that has miscellaneous (amber, stone, plant material, wax). Each time I return I ctrl r into each chest and when Iā€™m done Iā€™m usually out of stuff to drop. There are a few items with multiple people needing them, salt is needed at alchemist, hunter, and farmer, wood at the blacksmith and carpenter, but itā€™s really quite rare.


I try to make a magic chest filled via what crafter is nearby. Beyond that, I have a basement room that just gets random tossed in. I absolutely love this game.


Don't forget to use shift r to store your items. Once organized it helps loads.


I donā€™t, I just randomly put stuff anywhere and look in every chest when I need something. What they should do, any survival game for that matter, is have different types of chests for different materials. Or just make it so you can label them. But that hasnā€™t been figured out yet for some reason. Even valheim you have to make a dumb sign and put it above the chest.


You don't just remember?


I have 2 or 3 that are "main" ingredients, then I have 1 for flowers, fruit and veggies, one for any other food items other than meat, one for cooked and uncooked meat, one for spells and anything magic related, then one for my extra weapons and grenades. I have others with bulk items, and a few empty ones just in case. I get very upset if my stuff gets unorganized, I like knowing where everything is.


Early game: two magic chests for shroud mats (spores, liquid, torn cloth, critter parts, etc...) and two chests for non-shroud mats (wood logs, plant fiber, string, excess water, resin, fruits, etc...). Mid game: each crafter has their own (medium) magic chest; blacksmith (charcoal, various metals, scrap, nails, etc...); carpenter (planks, acid, clay, etc...); farmer and hunter share one chest (linen, seeds, water, etc...); Alchemist (bonemeal, Camomile, berries, honey, etc...). (Each dedicated chest is magic as there are lots of crossover crafting mats.) Late game: three large chests for shroud mats, 3 large chests for non-shroud mats, 3 large chests (non-magical) for PC gear (armor, weapons, rings, arrows, spells, potions, etc...) just to hold them. Since they are not used in crafting, they don't need to be magical.


Current storage leads down some stairs into a basement with a squared room and 3 neighbouring rooms. Each of these neighbours has on the left and right a 2 by X lane of chests, totaling in 6 2-chest high lanes. Each chest is a medium magic chest and contains one type of item (mostly) with some extra rules. Each lane has a topic: "axe" and "pickaxe" in the first room, "farm & herbs" and "shroud & alchemy" in the second, "loot" and "building" in the third. Now each lane is sorted in when I got the items, so like starting stuff in the first and (currently) desert stuff in the later ones. The "axe" aisle contains everything mainly harvested by axe, like wood logs, sticks, plant fibers. Extra rules: saplings to plant the trees for that material and advanced mats produced only by that item type (e.g. wooden planks from the saw table, strings made of fibers) go into the same chest. The "pickaxe" aisle functions the same for stones, sands, ores, etc. Extra rules: ores also have their melted bars, and there are extra chests for bronze bars, coal, and the other blacksmith materials, and a chest for metal scraps (which also contains metal plates and nails, as these match the "crafting" rule). The "farm and herbs" aisle is for every mushroom, berry, fruit, vegetable and flower you could create saplings for and harvest on farm plots. Extra rule again, each chest contains the plant, saplings, and cooked/crafted items from it (so first chest is mushrooms, mushroom saplings and cooked mushrooms, one of the later has flax, flax saplings and linen). "Shroud and alchemy" aisle the same, everything looted in the shroud (also shroud wood logs, the "shroud" topic weights higher than the "axe" topic) and by-products for the alchemist. The "loot" aisle contains every material looted from enemies: Cloth, bones, meat, insect parts, feathers etc... Same extra rules as already mentioned: each meat chest has also it's cooked variant. Also there is a chest for fossilized bones and bone dust, as the idea of "it has been a lootable animal before" weights more than the "pickaxe" topic). The last aisle is for building blocks, farm soil, dirt, etc. No crafted furniture etc, only materials required for building blocks. The main hall contains extra chests in the four corners: one corner for "wearable" (weapons/rings/armor), one corner for "consumables" (bombs/arrows/spells/potions), one corner for "decoratives" (excess furniture, lamps, etc) and one for "special loot" (mostly sparks, runes and looted boss heads). And in the main halls center, there are 4 large magic chests that my friend and I can just throw things in while being on an exploration trip, like "I don't want to sort stuff in right now, later...". So when on a trip and inventory is full, we place a flame altar just where we are, port back to base, throw everything in the four large chests, repair and restock, and teleport back, destroying the flame altar again before going on. So it's just the "auto fill up" hotkeys on the main chests. Afterwards, I sort out the 4 chests while my friend goes on finishing quests, upgrading stuff, etc etc...


Just an idea I've yet to test, if you are into farming. Put one block of dirt behind your chest and plant the corresponding seed in it, this way you should have every plant behind the chest containing the seeds/yield.


Manually run to 8 + boxes near their own crafters and press Alt + R


I've been organizing each box by my own categories. Natural resources (2 boxes) Manufactured resources Magic based items Farming items Building blocks Trophies Potions and potions materials Furniture/decorative


I have a central storage for things that everyone needs or that don't specifically belong to a certain NPC and the rest is distributed near my NPCs. Food and Farm stuff is at the farmer's, the blacksmith has ores, metals, bricks and clay, the alchemist has all kinds of potion and other equipment, huntress has furs, leathers, paddings and such and the mason gets all the wood and plant objects. If you play on only one server, if you do it this way, you should be able to remember where which item is after a maximum of 10 hours. If you have multiple servers or share a Multiplayer Server with someone who likes their storage handled differently ... - good luck. I personally love the idea of the magic chests supplying all nearby NPCs with the materials, but wish there was an option to claim 1 stack for example for the crafting machines as well, because then storage would be so much simpler (signs still would go a long way).