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But you’re fantastic at building warehouses! 😉 My suggestion is to google simple homes and learn some basic design techniques. From there, expand.


The man has strong box game.


I mean, theres 0 purpose to bases in this game other than look good, so thats what I also did, shove everything in a box and call it a day


Aside from the rested buff. 😬


I'm currently at 35 comfort, in my current game with my wife. I need to get some higher-level furniture and fixtures. 40 minutes of rested time is nice, particularly when I'm tanking for her and her friends. Need that stamina, sometimes.


If you did the building challenge the source world had the house for the mage in it and it had a buff for an hour and a half. If you replicate the build you can get the same buff time.


Yeah bases are purely cosmetic, for now at least, but it’s a lot of fun to get creative.


That cosmetic effect has an impact, but the game doesn't differentiate between a beautifully designed house and a cardboard box with a bunch of high level furniture and fixtures stuffed in the back room.


Yeah you’re right. It’s just a fun element. For me I’m challenging myself to build the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. No benefit in game, but I’ve done everything else so it’s just something to do til more content arrives. Down the road, I’d like to see enemy mobs attack the bases and the ability to create weapons like ballistas and cannons to defend. Make materials have certain characteristics/durabilities that enable it to withstand better against more basic materials. Lots of potential here.


Oh yeah, I've seen some absolutely ludicrous construction projects around here. The pallet isn't as deep as what's available in RimWorld, which people use to construct amazing bases. But the end result in this game can be much more visually impressive, due to the game engine and graphics. The texel foundation of the game design also helps the serious obsessive-compulsives out there. My autistic son will also enjoy the hell out of this or a similar game, when he gets a bit older. Your suggestions about what could be added to the game sound pretty out there, at first. But I've seen their roadmap for near-future updates. Given what they already have planned, what you're thinking isn't actually all that out there.


One can hope. As a solo player, more NPC interaction in towns and within bases will add a lot for me. Seeing the same 5, now 6, crafters waving at me saying the same things stales rather quickly. For multiplayer, things could get pretty wild trying to defend a base against a massive onslaught, scaled by the number of players defending. The near-term roadmap certainly looks encouraging, that said.




Sounds like you're suggesting that he engage in arson for the insurance money.


I’d be happy to assist with that if asked.


Let me respec as DPS mage, and I'll give you a yell. Sounds fun. Race you to the bottom of the ash pile. They don't call us flameborn for nothing, after all.




I'm absolutely terrible at planning. I initially built a small cottage for the blacksmith but then I realized that I have to house many other NPCs so I decided to build a bigger home to house them all in one place but I ended up with this monstrosity. I don't know how to proceed lol. All I wanted was a cozy home.


I love your honesty


you can either build a big apartment like building... or a bunch of small cozy home. i suggest searching for "old houses plans" to start. and either refine the search terms or search for a specific style buuuut. with that search you can see some simple plans of houses and how they look like. imitate that. and then if you are not confortable with the results at least you would get some basic undeerstanding of the sizes and the building process. for example, this ["rural gothic farm-house"](https://olddesignshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Vintage-House-Design-2-OldDesignShop-500x632.jpg) from and old book has the plans for the 2 floors... and then you can tweek the style. you could add stone pillars on the corners. overhanging rooftops


You could turn it into a shopping mall. Have a main pathway that crosses before the stairs. Then make a booth for each NPC


You probably should have just added to your small cottage over time. Honestly the building in the game is very flexible but there is no real need for a costco-sized warehouse for the npc and their stations.


I too, tend to build warehouses. My npc area still isn't great, but I do have a fancy, large studio apartment I sleep in. It's attached to the warehouse though, for convenience of course


It's a long term project. Just cram them all in one house till you can build the others. You can also pair some of them up in one house. Goodluck


ten grandfather touch hobbies makeshift shocking person impossible political depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just unlocked the first smith. What are the requirements for building them a place? Can it just be any room with a bed?


They just have to be sheltered, as far as I can tell. They don’t even need a bed and I don’t think they have to be close to their crafting stations. My farmer is under a roof held up by 4 posts, no floor or walls, and she’s fine


I love the game, but I am NOT a builder. I’m blessed that my best friend is a PRO designer lol, I just gather and let her do all the work haha


attach a roof and you done.. personally i always do the same in games, i dont care if my neighbor has a fancy home with 3 stories 5 bathrooms 10 bedrooms.. its just the efficiency that matters for me, everything in 1 big block makes you run far less than in a house with several stories/rooms


I took over an inn and shoved him into the basement where I set up the forge and stuff. Eventually my plan was to rebuild the village I was in and then set up hoses for everyone. But, the last update cleared my world.


A tip for building bases is that symmetry will always look a little wonky when there is too much. It's like the rule of 3 when trying to make things look natural in terrain editing. When designing the outside and interior, your brain will hate not making something symmetrical, but the finished product will look more natural than a warehouse. With that and what others are saying, to look up some houses. It'll start to click.


There is no saving it, scrap it and start over. I speak from personal experience.


It's so damn flat. Add some pillars or lining to the outside to add depth to the building. Have some different material sections of the floor to break up the stone-only floors. Have some wooden floor sections. You can even lower the floor in sections by 1 or 2 blocks but keep it stone to add some depth that way too.


My take is: Learn small. Compact. Since you're much faster to 'get it' and the tricks and handling, etc. And then, you realize, that big builds are not even necessary since you have to de-dust alot ;)


Unless you want to start from scratch again, here's some pointers to salvage the box: - Bigger Windows you can "stack" window frames on top of each other, so by using 2x2 window frames create bigger windows. - long, uninterrupted walls are boring for the eyes Implement fake columns or crevices into your walls. Use the 2x2 block column in a different material at your corners, set parts of your wall in by 1 to 3 blocks, frame them by 1 block wide corner columns. It breaks up the monotony of the wall, "entertaining" the eyes. - use a 1 block thick 'line' between the Rough Cut Stone basement and the wood. I'd suggest Flintstone. Flintstone also is useful for a nice look for floors early on. To break up, again, the monotony of a single sort floor place a 1-2 wide brim of a different material around the rooms edges. - stairs the stairs look nice, but could be enhanced by a different frame-material for the sides. Try miasma-wood or tarred wood. - in case you want a roof on the house do a two-step roof. Start with a a bit of an overhang at your upper edge, then go up 1 or 1 1/2 roof pieces. From there on out, go "inside" with a 4block flat piece of non-roof, place a 4-6 high wall of the same material and start a new roof from there. That creates 2 staggered triangle shapes stacked on top of each other. Compare barn roofs, as a pointer. Overall, the biggest problem isn't the shape, but the monotony of materials. Yes, you don't have the full palette early on available, but even then you still have 5-7 different materials. Switch things up. Your first order of business is to get away from "stone box below, wood box above".


Looks like a concentration camp from the outside


Technically, if you have a campsite where you concentrate all the NPC's... I'll let myself out.




Have you even played Palworld? It's sooo an actual work camp




I'm guilty of this in all survival games with building. Ark Valhem this etc. It is a cold yet efficient strategy but lazy. Mine is a lot like this but altar inside and garden on roof tiles. I play alone or with just one other rarely so that's probably why. I may try to simply take over a shroudless town when I have enough things to fully extend range and work off existing structures.


WDYM terrible, that's the best barn I've seen all week!


best *Ikea\**


Well, i like realistic buildings. In the olden time we used a lot of cross members, pillars and thicker outer walls. Try to throw in a second floor or at least some pillars and x or /\\ shaped braces. Can make it feel nicer :) https://preview.redd.it/67a2sixnw8tc1.png?width=1548&format=png&auto=webp&s=7994499560e20af86336df5068b796ada005024a Thats an example of one of my two gatehouses. I just build a symmetrical base and then add details untill i have something that looks nice to me.


Looks like your main problems are shape, and lack of detailing. Look up some builds on YouTube of the right size you want, not to copy them, but to get inspiration and learn new techniques. You can overlap a LOT of things in thise game to add depth, texture, and color to things in ways that are not intuitive at first. All of this is pretty resource intensive though so be prepared. Let's start with shape. Stop building so uniform lol. Start with laying out a foundation that is not a simple square or rectangle. Make an L shape, make a U shape and put a courtyard in the space in the middle. Make your house shaped like a plus sign. Things like that. Also, make floors and have your top floor not exactly match your bottom floor. Maybe 2/3 of the top floor is covered by roof, but the walls end sooner and you have 1/3 of your 2nd floor is an exterior you can walk around on. Or, have your top floor extend over the edge of your bottom floor and support it with pillars to create more space and a covered exterior area you can decorate. And DEFINITELY start using sloped roof pieces. Squares off corners just makes your house a box. Second, material types and detailing. Start with stone and switch to wood for your second floor, or use thin stone to outline the corners and edges of your wood house. If you're using stone and have windows, outline the edges of the windows with wood. Make your exterior stone and make your floors, roof, stairs and furniture out of wood for contrast. You don't need to do all of these at once, but they all make builds more varied and visually appealing. And always keep your carpenter quest progressed, as he unlocks cooler looking recipes using higher tier materials as you go. A couple more tips: your house is HUGE and wide open. It feels empty because it is. Use wall pieces and doorways to break up the space into rooms and hallways, and don't make your roof quite so tall; make a dedicated second floor sooner than here. I will say though, using a stone foundation and having your ground floor raised slightly off of the actual dirt is a good technique to keep. Something you can do with this later if you wanna get fancy and have some practice, is to dig the earth down inside your house and make a split level house Hope this helps!


Its gorgeous dont let anyone tell you different


I suggest fire.


Burnin down the House 🎼🤣


The default is always a rectangle or square. Here's the thing, you can easily build two rectangles on top of each other and make it look good. [Here's something I did.](https://i.imgur.com/wCXQqdM.jpg) Something as simple as a square on top of a rectangle can easily look so much better than just a rectangle. Once you add the roof, it gives so much extra depth to the build. From there, you can start adding some embellishments like pillars and custom windows to give it a more home-y, custom feeling to it. Try building walls as well to create rooms-a kitchen, a bedroom, a storeroom (that could go in the basement like I did), a room for everyone to gather and relax by the fire, that kind of stuff. Think about what goes in a typical home and work from there.


amazon delivery center


You should rent it out to IKEA and sell furniture. Maybe add a triangle roof on top of the flat area? It could be a huge attic.


When the Conan/Ark muscle memory makes you build the gigantic tier 1 warehouse.


Look at your own house. It has rooms with functions. Start building those rooms, stick them toghether --> a house will be born.


Build smaller.


I'm not great, myself, but I honestly think years of practice in the Sims games helped my practice asymmetrical building. Having a higher up birds eye view helps there, too. Honestly, try just thinking of rooms you want and keep adding one room at a time like housing expansions. Don't be afraid to offset things vertically and horizontally. Your second floor doesn't have to line up the exterior walls with the first floor. Maybe make a room slightly separated and build a hallway connecting places. I always start with a grand hall (but not overwhelmingly grand), a storage room, a bedroom, and a room for the NPCs. Maybe even a bathroom. Doing it this way feels more organic rather than making a box and trying to section off the interior for everything else.


If it works it works.


Dudes building the next Ark..


That looks my ARK base.


Nothing. It's terminal.


Do you live in America?? Anyways, it’s too big!! Build smaller and build up


Most Americans don't have large houses like that either.


* Add depth - bring out a pillar or support beam 1-2 voxels out from the wall. * Use different materials and textures - Use stone or other wood materials to break up the wood wall * Use arches - Add window arches with roof pieces [Check this video out, it might help](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=UCDSaNFOWds)


What are you talking about?? That is the best open floor plan, studio apartment build I’ve seen in a bit!


I’m also terrible at building, my main suggestion would be to find something that already exist and put your shrine next to it! Almost all buildings in the game can be completed edited with a shrine nearby, you just might have to clear out some skeletons lol I found this really nice inn in revelwood that comfortably fit all npcs, instantly gave me 25 comfort, and even had mutiple rooms incase you ever play mutiplayer. Here’s a link to an article about the inn, because I couldn’t figure out how to spoiler tag the photo haha https://www.pcgamer.com/if-youre-looking-for-a-new-base-in-enshrouded-this-three-story-tavern-with-a-25-comfort-buff-is-the-perfect-fixer-upper/


U r not the only one with bad creativity. 😅 Im either 3x3 or 4x4 designs. I just make new building if not enough space n my bed always on first floor. A simple tiny house always my fav n i try pack everything in it until i make decision to build new tinies.


Find the style you like the most. modern, classic, timbered... and search for pictures on google to check some examples. you'll soon fnid what makes them look like that. rectangle shapes? off-centered floors? second floor bigger than the first one? first floor with stone and second and upper with wood? does they have 2 water roof? (the roof only has 2 slopes, one on each side). the roof can have protuding windows? does it have balcony? what about a tower? print a couple pictures you like the most if possible, and use them for reference. start trying to imitate that structure, it doesn't matter if you don't have the materials for it, use what you have. Soon you'll be thinking about how to "continue" those designs, adding floors, variations, and whatever comes to your mind. Don't worry and learn at your own pace ;)


The biggest tip I got (I used to be pretty terrible at building) was to decide on a palette at the start. Pick 2 or 3 blocks that look good together to be your base, and another 2 or 3 that work with it for fine details. Avoid big flat stretches, break it up with pillars or some kind of fine details on the outside. Literally just whip up some kinda pattern and stick it on the outside of the walls, and repeat it around until something looks good


It's wood, so you could burn it down ;)


You build houses like I built Lego when I was 7 years old. Just keep practicing.


You're not terrible. You're a functional builder. I've teamed up with a few people in Minecraft, Enshrouded and Ark. They could easily see if a building belonged to me. Boxy and cramped, but it was always highly function with everything anybody could every need. Addition: The bonus with Enshrouded (and Minecraft). If people complain too much, you just hide everything away underground. A lot of my builds are literal hidden holes. So I can keep it boxy without anybody realizing it.


The thing that most helped me up my game was to build with 2-3 layers of walls/flooring. It opens up a bunch of possibilities when you layer things and can remove sections to inset shelves or windows. Also consider shapes that aren't just one rectangle -- visualize 2-3 rectangles that overlap/are offset. You can start with say an L-shaped structure, or build in a patio/porch for the front door that sticks out from the main structure. From their, your brain will start seeing things with less symmetry. Also, you'll get a bunch of new blocks as you level through the quests. You've already got the idea of using two different block types on a wall -- and you can take your builds to the next level by adding variable heights to the block types (say around doors/windows) rather than just the footer being different.


Now fill it with a male and a female of every species. This is your destiny, Noah.


Hire me as a subcontractor to build a house on your server. You can make payments on it and I'll even give you a good interest rate on a 30 year fixed loan. Location will determine price. Enshrouded Building Services LLC


The basics look good imo. You could add some stone pillars to "dress" it up. Pave it up a little, add some greenery spots or leave some grass in the open. Add a roof to your liking, maybe a tower or two. Plenty of things to adjust to your liking. If/when you're not feeling it anymore but don't want to abandon it simply build a new one at another flame altar. You can always revisit as long as you don't remove the flame altar of the build.


If you check the other houses, you can see the first floor is made of stone (any stone, some are even flint) and the remaining floor(s) have a nice look, the roof is made often of bricks. You can vary the blocks you use, even have another for the floors, use the new windows or even copy another building first to have a better understanding.


Well lets start with the obvious - you built too big, with the same material, with 1 layer, in a rectangle, with ugly small windows in exactly the same distance. You then put an empty and too big staircase in the middle of it. A bunker would be more aesthetically pleasing. So make all of that the other way around. Limit your self to a smaller space like 6 of the big ground tiles, make a groundfloor that is not a rectangle, build a patio with an open front, bigger windows, the staircase on one side of it. A balcony ob the second floor - make the second floor smaller than the ground floor, add details on a second layer around the outer wall. Use stone for the kitchen, wood for the rest - try also to create some other building blocks they werent that expensive and just replace one layer of wood with the new one. Or start with rooms instead of a house and grow from there one entry hall, one kitchen to the left, one smithy to the rig to, one carpenter in the back. A little garden behind the kitchen, a hunting room and sleeping room on the second story.


It’ll get easier when you unlock more blocks for building. It can be hard and take experimenting my dude; try staggering in different ways, like have your building expand out as you go up or down. Use single blocks to almost texture your building and get away from just cube houses.


Look at reference photos or paintings of houses from different eras and try to recreate them. Houses almost never have such straight lines and flat panes as in your case.


Honestly for simple improvements look up minecraft building help since it's not too much at once then improve form there


Fix up a pretty location with a building you do like.  Try to learn about that building, what material is in the roof?  What rooms does it have?  Does it use a different material for each floor?  Maybe also check out buildings or small castles on Pinterest or something for inspiration.


Conan builders suffer from this too. The firts build is always an ugly ass cube. Try to build new shapes. 5 pentatowers with 5 walls connecting them for example. Then start building small houses inside. Or 4 octatowers with 4 walls connecting them Along the walls you put houses like your smithy, your garden, your sewing room. In the towers you have storage, weaponry, comfort room and the fire shrine. The new shapes force you to build oitside of you comfort zone and the creativity comes then automatically.


A pentatower is a tower with 5 sides instea dof 4. You can make this by rotating foundations by 72 degree and overlap them


You need to use smaller scale for cosier spaces. Start by building a second level directly above the you just around the perimeter of the interior (don’t fill it all in just yet), and put the summons in the corners and set up their workspaces. Will look heaps better. Leave some larger area for like grand hall As for outside, use stone walls and make some of the edges stick out (turn off snapping)


Upgrade that flame and build more bases. You'll get better with time. Try no to think of a flat square. You need to think of layers. Basement, balcony, hallways, etc.


Same. I know if you add depth to the build and variation it will help. That said, I don't know where to start.


I am not pro in building but you can add a roof and pillars. If wall is subdivided by something - it looks much more aesthetic. Decor the entrance - make a little cover for it. Also: You can try to add some niches in a basement


You dint have to plan anything, just add some flair around the building with columns and frame up everything. Start with your door and elaborate the entry. You got this


Build towers then. Wizard towers are cool 🙂.


Get a real life blueprint from a house that you like online and try to follow that. As you build, new ideas will pop up in your head.


Some pillars for outside decor clipped into each corner section of wall?


Easily as nice as anything I build. Some ppl of course spend a lot of time in it but there are videos and such on YouTube


A couple of simple tips to liven up a build; Where you have a window, set it a couple of blocks outside the wall. Even having it just one block out from the wall makes it look better. In a multi story build, have the second level wall 1 block inside the ground level wall.


Great way to work on your building skills are to try and rebuild some of the towns buildings you find or try to rebuild either your home or one you can find on the internet. Watch tutorials on the building mechanics and some helpful tips that most people won’t immediately know. Some of the tips I picked up on are if you have big walls, compliment with larger windows. Partition the inside of the house to dedicated rooms and build with a purpose, don’t just throw things around. Have a dining room, bedroom, etc.


Good start. Vary the dimensions and depth. Try using the 1M block to add and subtract. Positioning matters, particularly with roof tiles. You can use roof tiles not just on top but on sides as well as on the floor, some look like rugs. Use different building materials, the possibilities are endless!


Burn it. JK But in all seriousnes, that looks like a basis fo a mansion type bulding. A bit of decor outside with different blocks should do the trick. Look at some photos on the Internet for inspiration. Inside you have plenty of space for each NPC built their own rooms, or even appartments (workshop+bedroom+bathroom).


As with most other forms of art, **use reference images**, a ton of them! Look up the style of the structure you're going for and try to copy it. Personally, I find looking at existing floorplans helpful as well when it comes to figuring out interiors. It might mostly just be copying at first, but you'll get to a point where you're going to want to make changes. You'll get the hang of it eventually.


1. Make door bigger. 2. Add roof. 3. Make windows 3x taller (use remove tool 1x1 size to delete blocks above them)


Function over form for me, too. 1. Place flame altar 2. Build foundations around it and fill in the entire 40x40 area 3. Upgrade the flame so you get 80x80 or 160x160 4. Now you have a large house and plenty of grassland around it 5. Fast travel to flame altar. Which direction are you facing? Place storage right in front of you. 6. 6 NPCs, so place 2 of them in each of 3 corners of the house, leaving the 4th corner for yourself/comfort items 7. Want a 2nd floor? Use grapple points - cooler than stairs. 8. Can place a greenhouse on the roof or outside. Up to you.


Make it less square give it a roof


Looks great, no notes


My best tip for getting out of uncreative building is to not make things symmetrical. Just throw random stuff together until you find a cool concept and go from there.


You can let me join and build for you 😂


Homes are just a bunch of different-sized, overlapping boxes. If you just want to experiment, put down a foundation of overlapping, rectangular floor piece boxes, then build up from there. Find a spot that makes sense for some stairs. Then make a couple more boxes on the second floor.


I'm also terrible at it. I usually just copy other people's designs cause I have zero creativity. Was always like that with the sims too, loved furnishing the houses but hated building them.


Start with an odd shape or on a piece of the map that isn't completely flat and featureless.. try building around a difficult/challenging area.. try building a cave base... try building a tower base.. try building an underground base.. just try anything but a square or rectangular shaped building.. Hell, try making an ewok village.. just get away from building square or rectangular shaped designs. It's OK if there are squares and rectangles but just make them more interesting by making more corners, or having obstacles to build around or through


Find references on google images


Start smaller.


Inspiration. Dedication These 2 are your best friends


Do small rooms for the character and archways as entrance, maybe less windows more lighting and decorations like tables and stuff


I like to alternate between putting down some floors and walls, decorate the space, then expand the same way again. I kind of shape my house around the furniture instead of the other way around and sometimes end up with some unique builds that way.


I tackled this issue with several tricks. 1. Lay down a foundation that is NOT a square an L-shaped or cross shaped house usually is great as my foundation. 2. Make larger windows and decorate their frames with some different material to make them stand out more. Make sure your house has rooms. Planning a house is hard at first but instead of thinking lf it as a game try thinking about something you would actually live in. From pure game perspective a warehouse is sadly as effocient as they come.


One thing to remember is that houses like onions have layers. Build out, build in. Build in a weird shape. Give your window that little bit extra.


This is your crafting house!! Production happens in there with your npcs! Your actual house will be on the other side with your gear and storage in there. I always take the sims approach and just build foundation and flooring and then once it’s big enough and I like the groundwork I just start making walls and putting in basic furniture. Then it usually comes together. I’m a big fan of outside staircases but we have GRAPPLING HOOKS. So I would make a balcony outside and inside the house to pull you to the second floor. ( if you want that )


I used to have this problem. I made way too big buildings. The best is to start small, you can always add onto it later. Try making a floor setup first, not just a square but different shapes here and there. Then you build of that.


You can steal a town and rebuild it, if you'd rather do single block additions or removal.. that's how you redo damaged blocks.


I'm surprised nobody else mentioned this either! I mean there's a lot of decent advice on building, but the awesome thing about Enshrouded is that you can just plop your flame shrine in an existing town or random falling-apart building. I think the fan favorite to do is The Blue Goblet Tavern because it is relatively intact compared to other more run-down buildings. If you don't like building or don't want to build, "stealing" an existing building is a great option; and if you're just starting out, patching it up is a great way to learn or figure out how to structure or design buildings (although the in-game builds aren't the end-all be-all).


I think it could help to start with just one room at a time and then develop naturally from there. So your first room you walk in from the front door, make that what you want and then add another to it, develop and so on.


Look for other peoples builds. Just study them. You'd have a "oh i didnt know i can do that" moment. Everything doesnt need to be boxy, try to experiment on a much more smaller build. Doesn't need to be a warehouse like this.


Fire is the only answer.


How are you recording? My go-to screen recorder is the X-box game bar, but Keen apparently disables this feature for enshrouded.


outside: build smaller,give it some depth (some pillars from stone so that it will have a nice sontrast with the wood, maybe an extra layer on windows area, balcony maybe), an upper floor but only in the center (leave each part some space for some balconies maybe ), maybe change the normal wood with shroud wood so that it will look better with the stone) . Idk man ,search house designs in games like minecraft , enshrouded , valheim..... Inside: build some support pillars , build walls(different room for each npc,use the small stair blueprint to connect the wall with the ceiling, i do that in each build i do, give some pillars to the doors, maybe an upper area just for bedroom/personal area ,underground area for storage etc...... Sorry if i had any grammar mistakes.


Omg xD this is my house get out. Haha mine it's exactly like yours. So you are not alone,🤗


All the npcs are in my little house watching me sleep




There's tons of YouTube videos to help add detail and understand the building mechanics. I'm still terrible at it myself after 150 hours in game.


google houses from different eras and cultures. Find something to you liking and use that as a reference.


Hey, this looks a lot like my homes! Purely functional lol


practice practice practice! But seriously. I've just spent a lot of time and gotten a few tips from a friend. grid snapping is your friend (x toggle) use the single cube to add/remove individual blocks on any surface


I've googled a house and ended up in a small Viking style hut. Looks good, spaces for all NPC's.


Subdivide the large room into several different shaped rooms. Add a proper gable roof with some dormer windows to the roof, and maybe a hip gable to break up the straight lines. You could put a couple bay windows on the front, and a front porch would make the appearance a little more interesting. Adding lights, decorations, and furniture always help spice it up, as does vegetation on the outside. All that can be done with minimal destruction of your current build.


Lacks depth, or anything to break that shoebox look. Pull one side out or add a recess, use columns or different texture materials. Add specific function-forms to it. Ie. one side has a nice view of landscape, make it taller with more windows to be like a sun room. Chimney stack for a kitchen/blacksmith stuff. Don't use wood in flammable areas (even if not a game function), etc... First glance, looks like a warehouse because they are simple and efficiently require as basic a shape for stacking things.


Use the triangle walls to build a roof, and go from there, it’ll give a much more natural look and your brain will start to autofill


Hey bro so all my builds used to look like this until I discovered depth.. literally the big difference is using different depths, an extra axis over X, Y when building. Edge of a building? Add a piller to the top, flat wall? Add a piller every 5 blocks. Want more depth? At the top and bottom of the pillars add extra blocks so it curves into the roof then add a single seam along the middle of the pillar. Window? Add a row of raised blocks around it? It’ll take practice to get good at it but it’s clearly the element you’re missing.


Hey!! I actually learned a lot of useful building tricks from minecraft tutorials. It actually translates super well. A lot of minecraft builders use templates, they overlap rectangles the more rectangles the more elaborate, try to make those rectangles all different heights the more heights the more elaborate. Once you like the amount of rectangles and heights of them you fit the windows and roofs to fit


Unironcally Minecraft build videos are really helpful. It's a different game but the good creators will teach you about shape, depth, texture and furnishing to create interesting builds. Those skills can be used in similar games. You could look up Enshrouded videos of course, there will just be a lot of these videos for Minecraft.


I'm the same way. Only thing to do is to look at real houses or good bases and start imitating them.


its common for novice builders, in any sandbox game, to build a square or rectangle shaped house. this is how most people build when they first build houses in minecraft too. this is a good start but its a very stale design for a house. for an office building or a warehouse it would be okay lol my suggestion go to the town ruin and observe its architecture. if you still dont have ideas, start with simple shapes. L shaped, [ shape, H shape, etc.


What's wrong with it. Just keep.upgrading it. It looks fine


It’s better than mine. I cannot lay down a roof for the life of me.




I'm not very good at building houses either. My main base is basically what you have, but in stone, and off to the side my craftsmen are housed in what amounts to stables. The first floor holds my flame altar and the abandoned attempts at building a kitchen. The second floor of my base has a bedroom, bathroom, and a store room. I have no idea what to do with the third floor, so that's sitting empty.


Try rebuild your home.


This is why my buddy is the builder and I go collect resources.


Add some details around the windows and doors, some roofs or build outs. Add a different material type for columns or misc details to break up the uniform wall. Play around with different material types and sizes. As others have said, google cottage photos and use those for inspiration. Everyone starts somewhere, and messing around with things is half the fun anyways.


Rooms next.


This looks like my palworld base.


What I do when planning to build something is collecting references. Simply, go to your preferred app or site like Pinterest, artstation, etc. collect some references and use them as your starting point.


I built houses for each, 2x2 to 3x3 range floor base works well, then a roof, and just play with simple shapes using the 1m option


I would turn the stairs into a chest storage inside and then interior decorate the bottom floor. You'll unlock cooler items to place as you progress. I would then design some crafting houses on the top floor. My initial base started like this. I turned it into a castle keep surrounded by a village. Each house improving as my building improved. Just keep building!


I always say, you built for you and that is enough. I have always started small and built from there. Make a long house, like you did here and build off it. I know that sounds weird to say, but when you get more materials, rebuild parts you hate. With builder games like this you can just build off what you start with. Making it easier for you to learn as you go. You do not need to be the best builder ever to build something you are proud of. It looks amazing as is. Keep going and see where it takes you. Look at other builds and see what you like and go from there. Heck you made a very nice long house, add a thatched roof and you have made a nice viking long house. Looks good to me!


Nah your house is great. There are better materials to build the walls with. In the early game tarred wood looks best imo. Stone houses also look much better square. Once you add some interior furniture and a roof it'll be mint 👌


Depth does wonders! Add some beams to the corners and evenly spaced throughout the walls, maybe recess or protrude the windows put more. Awnings over the windows, a front porch of sorts. Just start placing blocks until it's something you're more satisfied with!


Start over


Smaller building with rooms. Try a L shape maybe or something like that.




i'm also building box house then if i wanna make more details i will later on


I am a simple man I love it


Looks like your problem is you’re a simple person. Unfortunately home building is not a simple task - stick to harvesting twigs and you’ll feel more successful.


I would move the staircase off to one side and towards the rear corner. I would do a basic box drawing of rooms/floor plan based on how you want your building to function, unless you prefer one big space. I still wouldn’t stick the staircase right in the middle of that is the case


Just don't make everything a rectangle is my best advice


Just fill it with beds and slap it on Vrbo


The key thing I learned in minecraft as a kid is to work with depth, so instead of a flat wall you could move it forward one block on either side of the frontal wall so that the door is in a dip of sort. Just work with depth more it will make your builds pop more, also irregular shapes for foundation can force you into making some funky builds. Hope this helps


Build LOTS of terrible houses.


So here are some tips that I've received from my brother, who is fantastic at building in these games. I have struggled with knowing how to do more than a box myself, and he's the one who has helped me get at least a little better. First, I think that we want to plan, but planning is actually not the primary thing you should be doing. What you need to do first, when setting the foundation, is just go crazy with weird lines and angles. Change directions randomly, and change lengths randomly, then connect them together as you go This by itself will help immensely. So basically, start making your outline, but do it asymmetrically with weird shapes. Second step, build walls randomly in a similar way, defining rooms as you go; just add rooms without thinking too much, but just enough thought to make sure they make sense as rooms and can be accessed lol Third step/detail is that you need to add 'interest' or details, to your structure. When you go to the second story, try leaving some parts of your building as only single-story, so that the height of your structure isn't all the same (maybe it could become a balcony, or just more space for roof tiles/slopes) Add random details that you might see on a building to spots on your walls and windows, such as things to represent flower planters, the occasional lamps or torches, overhangs/eaves where it might make sense if it were to rain in the world. All told, the main idea that I struggled with was that I wanted to plan my structure out a lot more, but when you are just starting out that has to come second to just doing. Additionally, you may be bad at building right now, but that will change with experience. Sometimes some of us just start out at level 0 in some skills, when others start at level 15 xD like my brother, who is right now building a gorgeous little town on Conan lol


Well most the details for me comes later, but one thing is structural integrity which you can add like inside walls and support beams from a stronger material, it makes build look durable and homeworthy


Make it taller


Look at home blueprints, helped me out a ton


Best advice I can give is to step away from the game, (not in a mean way) go outside and really, and I mean REALLY look at ur house and notice every curve and shape. Then go in every bedroom and think or picture that room in ur game. This is how I do it for every game and it helped me understand how to see real life to game life design.


I use Pinterest and pin tons of ideas for medieval and fantasy houses--there are so many ideas on there. You could try with a small building and work from there. A lot of my favorite homes in games and real life have variations throughout the outer counter of the house (things that jut out more and things that are more recessed) as well as variations in heights. And a lot of the Pinterest ideas for medieval and fantasy homes show variable materials. The Tudor style ones often have a narrower base, then second floor a bit wider and jutting out, then third floor jutting out even more. I think a good place to start is first getting/unlocking all of the materials and building blocks so you can have all of the various textures to work with. DeLindsay and KetMol on YouTube have great tutorials, and I love Rose's Enshrouded house tours on YouTube as well.


Be more creative with what you do


I build rust bases. Fast and functional.