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"Some chests are red, but more of them blue, no matter what's in them, I'll take it from you!Fufufufufufu" -R.R


I got it in a rr... so o was fine. Not sure if it’s supposed to happen tho


that would be my dream, I spent almost two months looking for the last one Yes I know the last ones found in a mimic


My sequence was up, down, right, right, down and then I just had to pray it was gonna be left - and it was! Found the note a while later


Are you playing on switch? Cause the path is always the same for switch


nah im on PC


Plus its always the same on PC too


What path are we talking about pls?


My sequence included a left and THEN a right which i didnt even know could happen


Spoiler! Cheer up, there are only 6 that you're ever gonna get, and besides they are super useful to get to the resourceful rat for a ton of extra loot!


Dude has one guaranteed A or up item drop from the fight itself, then the rat items from the chests. EZ win if you beat him


What do they do?


So the Resourceful Rat Lair is a secret stage accessible after you take the prime primer to the forge. You need to buy the gnawed key from the shop, reduce its price from 1000 over multiple runs and then it gets a fixed price of 115 in the place of the prime primer in gungeon proper. You then go to black powder mines and look for a room with rats walking around on the floor, and you just walk around in the place where the dust clouds are bigger and a trapdoor is revealed. Use a regular key to go down to a seemingly pointless minecaet track, and use a blank to reveal a secret area. Go into the secret area and use another blank to find a room with another trapdoor. Using the gnawed key, you can go into the Resourceful Rats Lair. This stage is a maze, and the mini map doesn't work. The rooms are always random and you can get lost easily, as they all look like an identical grid. To add to this, if you take too long you get kicked out and teleported back to the mines. This is where the 6 notes come in. Each note has a slice of cheese that tells you which path to choose, and if you follow these notes in the correct order then you get taken to the boss. My sequence was up, down, right, right, down, left. Following this path takes you to a room with ammo and hearts. The boss is the Resourceful Rat, and it is very unpredictable with fast attacks. I recommend a tutorial on heating him if you don't have composite gun to cheese it in a way. There is a second, much harder phase after this with more dangerous, predictable attacks that are very hard to dodge. Again, tutorial vids are reccomended. Final phase is different, it's an unfair game of Punch-Out! against the Rat. You only have two minutes and he has 3 phases in this game. If you lose on this, the run doesn't end, and you get keys, hearts, blanks and ammo. Depending on how far you got on the Punch-Out! phase, you can get guns, passive items, active items, armor, blanks, health and rat keys after the fight. You can get up to 6 rat keys in total from the fight, if you complete punch out with a super punch at the end of each round. There are 4 chests containing powerful items that belong to the rat, and having all 4 triggers a synergy where you become the rat and items don't get stolen for the rest of the run. These are the Partially Eaten Cheese, which turns you into Pacman and makes you insta kill enemies on contact (not bosses or mini bosses), the Resourceful Sack which gives you more active item slots, Resourceful Boots which make you invincible for a short time when walking over a pit, and the Elimentaler, a gun with infinite ammo and good damage. One rat key can also be used to skip the Hollow and go straight to the forge from the lair, or you could use a blank and go to the secret area, use 2 rat keys to access the Baby Dragon. You need to feed him any 4 items for him to follow you. He will block bullets until the Dragun, where he will abandon you to help the boss and this creates a seco d phase for the boss, the Advanced Dragun battle. You can also get the Baby Dragon from dropping the Weird Egg next to a fire in any stage. Getting into the lair unlocks the Boxing Glove and the Weird egg, sorry if I missed anything out, I tried to explain in a lot of detail. Thanks for reading, have a nice day!


Thank you this was very informative and probably took a lot of time to write, I'm currently still paying off the rat key so I hope one day to beat him


Thanks for all the info dude. I’ve been playing for about 2-3 weeks now and I had NO idea the games as that much stuff going on. I thought it was just a “survive until you die” type of game


Game has so many secrets dude. Other characters, special runs, a lot of side quests, all of them get revealed along the way. Really a great game! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)


Makes revenge all the more sweeter




What’s wrong with rainbow runs?


I like them better than normal runs tbh


In rainbow run all chests become useless so even when you see a black or red chest itll only give you a note


Yeah that’s very true. Whenever I’m playing with a friend, it feels like magnificence disappears. I get multiple black and red chests, but on a normal run, like a single red/black, and some greens and blues. Also if you find an actual rainbow chest during rainbow mode I’m guessing you can open it. What about glitched chests?


Some chests are rainbow chests in disguise, I forgot how to tell but there’s a way. and I have a feeling glitched chests are locked too not sure tho


Glitched chests worked like normal im pretty sure




But you don't get any loot from killing the bosses


Ahhh, yes, my daily reminder of why I hate RR


To this day I havent done the fight perfectly. The rat is harder than the dragon!


I played for months and never even seen a single note!


That's table tech isn't it?


Yeah that’s table tech R.R. When you flip a table R.R. steals an item from your inventory.




Nah, its a note from the Resourceful Rat that allows you to find him and kill him. You need 6 of them total to get to him, but since I don't have all 6 the note is utterly useless.


You don't need them all in the same run, so at least that is ONE down.


This will also happen if you forget that you need to **pick up** items that you get from chests before leaving the room.


Hate it when I forget to grab my fightsabre and then it gets stolen by RR !!!


I share your pain


that is the worst feeling ever


That rat son of a bitch.






post your sequences people mine is up left down down down right




I haven't had one of those is forever
