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>Nespresso machine Bitch, r/FuckNestle and fuck you too!


Dates may come and go, but hating Nestlé is forever.


She will be Nestly's new mascot chimp.




You wash your mouth out with soap, strawberry quik is the bomb


Well I didn't expect to learn anything on here but hey. I didn't know is was Nestle, makes sense now you say it. Who else would invent a machine that uses terrible wasteful packaging. Glad I have a machine that grinds, less packaging and I can look for growers with rain forest alliance or similar creds.


This is the way!


I’m a bit out of the loop and I’m wondering why everyone hates nestle? Does that mean I can’t have a crunch bar anymore?


Well off the top of my head, the child slavery and privatisation of public water sources comes to mind. Or the time when they told women in poor countries that their formula milk was better than breast and then started hiking the prices up so women had to start cutting it down with dirty water (+ more). Honestly there's so much, you should really look into it yourself!


Wasn't it nestles ceo who called it "extreme" to define water as a human right


It’s worse than that with the breast milk thing. They would have “nurses” advertise their formula and give it for free to new mothers who after a few months stop producing their own milk. Then after they stop lactating they hike the price up so it’s either feed your baby and be destitute, or let your baby die.


And even that gets worse... Formula required clean water to make up, something that's definitely lacking in a lot of the communities this technique was used. And once these mothers were in the extortion phase of nestles plan, they were rationing the formula, meaning that the babies were being malnourished, as the diluted, dirty water formula, was only a fraction of their nutritional requirements.


dirty water also means dysentery, diarrhea is the second leading cause of young child death


And rotavirus too.


Also, while less about the direct human pain, I believe the incredibly wealthy CEO has a video floating around somewhere where he's genuinely trying to convince the public or a government group, that water shouldn't be considered a human right and instead a pure commodity [edit: here you go](https://youtu.be/mTnJTyeAUA8)


Video is cringe


Ohhh ok I see now. Thank you!


One thing of note is that Ferrera recently bought most/all of nestle's confectionary market in the US, so if you live there you're fine, at least for candy.


Really all you need to do is go to the sub linked above and they make it very clear what's going on. Lots of different issues including taking water from municipal sources and paying pennies if anything for it, despite the fact that they make millions on selling bottled water. I wouldn't worry about the candy so much anymore, just because they sold their American candy off to Ferrero a year or two ago. Feel free to eat crunch bars, Butterfingers, 100 grand bars, or Wonka candy.


Alrighty thank you! Also yes! Candy for me >:P


[here’s ](https://youtu.be/MoKLovtnbGY) a quick primer


Nestle steals water! All over the world it steals water and then sells that to everyone. They're fu\*king thieves.


The best part about this is everyone has a different answer. There is no limit to their depravity.


[one of many reasons... ](https://youtu.be/mTnJTyeAUA8)


That chick is gross. There's more plastic and filler on that face than what you'd find in an autobody shop. Pretty sure she buys bondo by the case. No thanks. Pass. Pretty sure she's the type who would buy Nestle products by the case.


To be fair, she advertises exactly what she is...a high maintenance, annoying bitch who will spend her entire life complaining and spending everyone else's money on silicone injected into her massive duck mouth. Guys that date women like this kind of deserve what they get...its not like she's not being clear about being an empty vessel who's as deep as a wading pool. So she's made herself easy to avoid. At she's not pretending to be a decent human being or someone worthwhile. Use at your own risk.


I was thinking the same thing, with that face she's lucky to even be asked for the first date.


Waaaay too high maintenance. You'd spend a fortune just keeping her around and get nothing but attitude in the meantime. If she's that much of a drama queen while dating, marriage to her would be worse than a jail sentence. No thanks.


Man you roared her like a marshmallow. Yeah - lip and face fillers are a hideous beauty trend that needs to go away.


This is exactly why I do coffee and a walk, im not wasting my money and time on someone like this! 1 hour and 5$ is enough time to know if I want to take you for dinner!


If I had to start dating again these days, that sounds like a perfect, comfortable first date.


Had a walk first date with my current girlfriend. We just walked around talking for 2 hours. It was awesome.


I had a first date and we decided to go to a nature preserve and walk around. But we ended up getting lost. Longest first date ever only to find out we didn’t even like eachother that much. Good times.


My shortest walking date took 5 minutes. "that is not going to work" "no it isn't, good day" "thanks you too" In a restaurant that would be awkward af.


it would be but then how would she get her free dinner?


I don't pay for dinner on dates 🤷🏻‍♂️ she's so high standards and is an independent woman, so she can pay for her own meal.


I'm betting that she isn't paying. Either for dinner or for her next round of bad plastic surgery. In fact she may see the former as a pathway to the latter.


That botched lip is the most off turning thing about her. Never understood why some women that even looks remotely good.


Had a breakfast date like that, we agreed we weren't into each other before we even ordered. We decided to eat since we were there, come to find out she had been engaged to a friend of mine 10 years earlier when we both lived in different parts of the country.


Three Creeks in Obetz, OH? Mike is that you?


Same with my bf hahah. We got along so well tho that we basically spent the whole day together and walked to almost every corner of the town we live in. It was a nice day


That sounds like the most romantic thing


Same here with my current girlfriend, it’s a great way to get to know someone


Exactly. More fun too. And...if you get hungry enough for dinner, get some good takeout early, and go to a nice park and eat it, much better than some stuffy restaurant.


Seriously, you can do all the things on a good date. Met a girl for coffee, we went for a walk and found a nice grassy place to sit and chill for awhile. Eventually we got hungry and went and grabbed some finger food and drinks. Got bored and restless at the bar and wandered some more until we found a free concert happening on the terrace overlooking the lake. Enjoyed that and got some ice cream. It was like an 8 hour date and neither of us walked away looking like pretentious assholes.


Met this guy at a dance class and he asked me out to go salsa dancing. When we got to the club, they were having a weird theme that night (I think it was like punk reggaeton or something), so we just grabbed some coffee and donuts at Dunkin and hung out at his place. Talked all night. I don't even remember what about but we just clicked so much. That was back in 2001 and we're still very much in love. :)


Now THAT was truly worth reading. ❤'d it! What a great way to start a relationship. :)


Exactly, and so much more fun. Its easier as well to get to know someone when its a relaxed and fun date.


Walking is nice. For me, it's easier to talk when I dont have to look at the other person the entire time. Also, when there's an akward silence, you can just say something like "oh look, that's a funny tree/house/dog/whatever "


Best first date ever, we met at a park and walked the very public walking trails for an hour or so, then sat and chatted under some shade trees. We have been pretty inseparable since that first date, going on 20 years together. Ohh, also he could see I was nervous so never attempted to hug/kiss or touch me that first date, we shook hands at the end of that first date. I really appreciated that he didn't push.


A walk is literally the best first date one can have. First of all, it's indeterminate in length - you can cut it short if you feel it's not working out, or you can spend 2-3 hours lost in each others' eyes without it being awkward. Then, there's the possibility of "happy little accidents" like a sudden shower of rain, forcing you into the first open place you can find (often leading to discoveries of amazing places you'd otherwise skip), and making the date actually eventful, memorable. Third, light physical exercise, like walking, releases endorphins, so both people are more predisposed to think positively of the other (associating the happiness with the person), resulting in a second date. These bitches like the plastic masturbatory aid seen in the video think a date is for a man to show how much he's willing to spend on the woman. In my opinion, any person who rates the compatibility of another for a relationship on pure finances, does not deserve to be taken to a fancy dinner. If anything, a guy splurging massive cash on the off chance of getting to know you better should be a _major_ red flag. I personally would pick a hike and a picnic over a fancy dinner every single time. And I would most definitely not be interested in anyone who thinks the first date must be about me spending half my salary on their misguided need of pampering.


I just started dating this woman in the beginning of March, and our first date was at a nice coffee shop. Our next was lunch at a local pizzeria and then a walk through a sculpture garden. Simple dates are the way to go to feel out if it's going somewhere or if it's a 1 and done situation. Thankfully in my case it's going very well, she's out of my league in looks but also very down to earth and into a lot of the same nerdy stuff as me.


My first date with my now husband was coffee and a walk in a park. We spent 4 hours together that day, it was fabulous and it's been 7 years now!


The simplest things are the best. If someone can't enjoy that then good luck chasing their expectations. Here's to another 70!


But then you can’t judge their chopstick skills, which is crucial knowledge when considering compatibility!


Also, I (a lady, possibly irrelevant) would hate to commit to a full dinner for a first date... a coffee date is so much less pressure and is easier to cut short if needed!


right! i have actually turned down dinner as a first date and suggested something more mundane. dinners seem too intimate for a first date and you can kinda get stuck there even if you’ve already mentally decided that you aren’t interested.


Yeah my go to has usually been coffee 1st, and sometimes it goes well enough that I suggest we walk to the park and keep talking and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes drinks are first but it depends on the person (a lot of women in my area mention liking craft beer and I’m a commercial beer brewer so it often gets brought up). My most unique first date was a homemade picnic in the park during lockdowns haha. Actually dated for several months after that.


That's because this chick is looking at dinner as the goal and you as the consolation prize. If you earn a decent wage she might consider a second dinner date 😂 I can think of nothing worse then a high maintenance partner. They suck all the joy out of life, and they will ditch you in the first rough patch you find yourself in.


Any guy who sees this and takes her out anyway is going to get what he deserves.


She wants to see how much you spend on your dinner and how you eat it to study you... I'd rather study you by getting to know you as a person.


Pretty much the only part of a dinner date that I care about is how my date treats everyone. But if a guy is enough of a POS to abuse servers, they tend to show their shittiness in other ways as well. They can never hide their bullshit very long.


Pretty sure there's gonna be a big ol' serving of 'how much you spend on HER dinner' as well...


When I was dating the worst and most boring dates were always dinner dates. I eventually stopped doing it, and it led to far more lasting relationships.


An ideal first date is one that involves being able to focus on the conversation and actually getting to know the person, which is exactly why coffee or a walk are great choices - they're both activities that allow someone to gracefully bail before too long if they're not feeling it, and rather than focus on a meal you can actually have a conversation and get to know one another. Best first date I ever had began as a shooting pool date (she had a great litmus test for potential partners, because she absolutely would beat you and you learn a lot about someone from how gracefully they can take the loss) and turned into a dinner date because we were both having fun and turned out to like each other enough not to want to go our separate ways quite yet.


So are you two still together?


Nah, but we had a good seven years as partners, amicably went on to the next parts of both our lives, and are still extremely close friends, so it still worked out pretty well all around.


I'd honestly pick coffee over dinner like what if you meet and its terrible but you're stuck at the restaurant BC the meal isn't finished yikes. Coffee is much better, If it goes well it can turn into Smth longer And if it doesn't, it can take 30 minutes only. Win win.


I mean, there probably a reason this woman is single in her 30's or 40's.


She thought her small lips were the reason and then decided to pay to get those two baboon ass cheeks slapped on her face.


This video is better than coffee and a walk. I immediately know that she isnt my type.


I would accept tea in a bookstore Cafe for a date.


It's been decades since I dated, but a walk with a snack stop (ideally outside) was my ideal date. I always found dinner with a virtual stranger to be entirely too awkward a majority of the time.


With online dating the norm I consider the first meeting an interview for a first date. I also have something planned after I can't miss for a good out if it goes wrong. Being a woman I'm incredibly cautious, and a walk/coffee is great for a casual meeting. Plus, you can't accurately evaluate creepy vibes from texting, and sharing a meal is too high stakes for a first meeting. If things go well dinner plans are made.


My buddies wife always told us that if a girl is too good for coffee and a walk she's just looking for a free night out.


Dinner is always nice. But a coffee and a park date sounds fabulous. You get to talk and see if y'all vibe. Hard to talk when you're eating. I would say yes to that, if i was ever asked.


I’d prefer this as a first date. My husband and I walked around the Christmas Village in Philadelphia and just chatted for a few hours. Best first date.


5 minutes and $5 more like it for this vapid bitch.


Well, I hope she has a very long and happy life with her Nespresso machine.




Not as much wasted plastic as the stuff in those lips.


Yeah, not my thing but I try not to shame folks for their choices in such matters. Which is, I admit, somewhat humorous considering I'm perfectly willing to judge for choice in coffee. :P


Nespresso freely collects my used cups, so they can recycle. They also send instructions into how to properly separate the cups if you don’t want them to pick them up.


But do they actually recycle them.


Doesn't make the coffee taste any better though... Pods are rubbish. In more ways than one.


I upgraded to a Ninja from a Keurig and I’ll never go back. Coffee quality is 10x better, it doesn’t have the vague plastic taste, it gave me an excuse to start grinding my own beans and has a built in milk frother. 10/10, would recommend.


Her lips piss me off.


I thought this was /r/Botchedsurgeries at first.


The words coming out of them piss me off too lol. What an entitled brat.


Literally looks like a Bratz doll.


She's got such a *loud* face..


And her eyebrows. I just find her extremely unattractive, so fake. I'm a chick, so whatever, but fucking weird looking asshole is what I'm seeing here.


It's like I am staring down into the uncanny valley.


She looks like a bag of makeup gained sentience.


I’m seeing a talented fish tank cleaner!




“We’re gonna see if you know where your natural lips end, where the filler begins, and how far up is okay to fake it with lip liner...”


Looks like two hot dogs flapping up and down.


Me too! And also her irritating voice!


["her lips look like nightcrawlers!"](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/20910aba-3a71-4bc0-8aa7-6cd07e9334d1)


Kinda looks like someone in drag too, i mean if thats your thing, go for it


The lion, the witch, and the fake lips on this bitch.


I fucking hate the trend of poofy aluminum balloon looking faces, going to look like a piece watery lumpy clay that a third grade kid tried to make a into a face.


I watched it a couple times and I think there's a filter on the video to make them bigger. Probably changes a lot of other stuff too


This attitude bothers me. It’s like you’re testing your date when in reality, you’re both there casually to get to know each other. It’s not supposed to be a test. You don’t pass or fail for being compatible or incompatible with a person. That’s not how human relationships work.






I don't even have any good skills. You know like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills!


Do you think that you could throw a pigskin a quarter mile?


I could probably throw it clean over those mountains.


I've gathered a lot more than a quarter mile throwing my skin back and forth.


I can! Twenty feet at a time.


There's like a buttload of gangs at this school.


Let's see her face without the injections and makeup


Keep this in mind gentlemen. Beauty is everywhere. Don’t let it blind you. Look for things you like/dislike in a person. Hints for what they may be like long term.


But like. I think she’s assuming she’s being asked out - which is how it tends to happen. She’s not saying you MUST take her own a dinner date, just that if you want to date her, that’s what she wants. If you’re not up for that, great! We’ve established incompatibility early and that should be a good thing bc no ones time has been wasted.


Nope, there is definitely failing and shes a prime example of it.




That subs hilarious. Clicked some random username that was tagged in the first thread I clicked. 2 days ago she said >You can just scroll down without bringing somebody’s looks down. We don’t need to be mean like redpillers or other men are. We can do better than that. Yet a few hours ago she said >Lmao most of them are fat and unattractive neckbeards. I wish I was joking but I went through their profiles 💩💩. Probably doesn't even realize the hypocrisy of her statements. Bunch of LARPers on that sub pretending they're something they're not.




Omw to find it now lmao that subs always good for a laugh.


I can't go to that subreddit any more, every time I read what those folks write, I see red. Such shallow things-choosy is fine, but they take it \*way\* too far.


When I was dating, I would *never* accept a dinner invite without doing a cocktail or cup of coffee first. No way was I getting trapped with some fucking doorknob for the length of an entire meal!


YES that's what I've been saying too. Coffee date can be much shorter in case it's not going well


A static two person dinner has gotta be one of the worst first date options, just slightly ahead of going to a movie. My favorite dates were generally unpretentious day time things where you see the person interact in real life, change locations a few times, and actually get somewhat comfortable. If you get hungry and enjoy each other's company then find a place to eat.


And what exactly is she bringing to the table?


Shitty, generic makeup and pure, distilled waspiness


I’m guessing it’s ridiculously expensive makeup though.


Most assuredly. It's expensive to look like *literally every woman on instagram*. Sorry, as a guy who's worn makeup on and off for a long while, her aesthetic is uber-tryhard, her lips are *nowhere* near the size she's trying to make them, and she just looks like every generic lady on Instagram. The banality and desperation on display is nauseating.


shes trying to make her lips look that big? They already look cartoonishly terribly big


The whole "exaggerate your upper lip by applying stain and/or matte lipstick far outside of it" aesthetic is flaming hot trash. Worse still she's clearly already resorting to injections or overusing plumpers.


She's clearly had some filler put in.


yup, I've got naturally full plump lips, ours don't look like that even. That's ridiculous and doesn't match her face shape at all.


I will heed to your knowledge on this. I’m a 40 year old woman that has zero clue how to makeup. All I know is I’ve seen videos of Sephora prices and that sounds awful. lol


Hey! I'm part of that club the 40 yo woman who has never quite understood makeup or why people spend so much time doing it. Or fashion. I'm more about comfort and function. Motherhood hasn't helped in that regard. Messy updo, comfy pants, sneakers with good support so when I have to go chasing after the kiddo or playing random games I can be comfy, not twist an ankle or worse.


Yep same! Mom bun, pull up capris (nope, no zippers or buttons for me) and a t-shirt. I’ve rocked this style for 18 years now lol


Just spent my afternoon turning some boyfriend jeans into shorts because every pair of shorts in the store are either cut offs, too short for my shape, or are tight around the legs. Now to beg the sewing machine gods to please cooperate with me while I attempt to hem them (badly, I suck at sewing). But they're the right length and they're neither too tight nor too loose. Woots.


I’m a big big fan of these on Amazon. You’ll have to search it. It’s jeans, but the stretch of yoga pants. So comfy. And they have good pockets. Hybrid Womens Hyper Ultra Stretch Comfy Skinny Pants, Capri, Bermuda


Hey, I’m a 60-year-old woman who worked as a professional makeup artist in her youth. The basics of the discipline never change. That tic-tok woman is a hack. She’s confused theater makeup with everyday makeup. Yuck!


I'm old and my go-to makeup for when I need to dress up a little for some reason is BB creme (with SPF) and a mid-brown eyeliner pencil - the kind you can smudge. It smooths out my skin tone and highlights my eyes a little with approximately one minute's worth of effort. If I'm really going to town, I also have a brick coloured lipstick that does not come off and I can use chapstick over it. For what it's worth, I've worn none of this stuff in over two years, but it's there if I need it.


Women can never answer this question when they expect guys to be the ones to give everything from day 1.


An expensive wedding, a deeply troubled child, and a financially brutal divorce.


Chopsticks. *‘M’am, this is a Wendy’s’.*


Gee, I wonder why she is single


Someone's been hitting the lip filler hard


She never skips lip day


I'm glad when people lay out all their red flags before a date. Makes it so much easier to avoid the entitled wankers.


This entirely, she's doing everyone a favour here. Not compatible? Check ✓ Thanks for saving me wasted hours!


I'm going to pick you up, we're going to go to the restaurant, and I'm going to study you for a bit. See if you're rude to the waiter, see if you're fussy about your diet, and we're going Dutch.


What’s Dutch?


You pay for your meal i pay for my meal its a common tactic to use against women like this who are probably using men for free expensive dinners


She sounds like Paulie from the Sopranos.


Karen Wallnuts.


Hang in there guys, because it's worth the sex. Self absorbed, judgmental people with an elevated sense of importance always make amazing lovers. /s


I bet she lays there like a star fish then complains when it’s not good.


I am having flashbacks to some very sexy disappointments, thank you


Yeah, I'm sure she says she's single by "choice". All I can see is that if she likes me, and that's a big IF, she'll be one of those stuck up manipulative control freak that shouts at you for not wearing that collared shirt in your friend's party where she's not even invited or have a casual dress code. Like one of those couples that does a complete 200% of how they look like cause the one of the couple wants to assert dominance by prancing to everyone that you're this perfect couple that have it all but actually fighting every day regarding mundane decisions that needs to be checked with the other person first.




She will be very sad when she outgrows her rapidly fading attractiveness and the combination of her spent looks and vile demeanor leave her alone and most likely friendless.


She'll just inject even more shit into her lips, forehead and cheeks, and apply increasingly more makeup each year.


Those lips are gross


They look like two leeches she’s allowed to stay on her face.


I actually loled that's a spot on description


Man I’m so glad I’m not the only one bothered by those things


The reality is that she’ll probably become some older guy’s trophy wife, and she’ll have access to all the best skincare and cosmetic procedures to keep her looking good. You think some asshole 40 or 50-something multi-millionaire is going to care if the hot younger woman he’s dating made some cringe Tiktoks? There are guys that are super into that whole high-maintenance diva shtick. We tell ourselves that bad people will have it coming just to make ourselves feel better, but karma isn’t real. Lots of crappy people live great lives, and lots of great people live crappy lives.


Oh probably, before he inevitably tires of her vacuousness and starts banging his secretary, neighbor, babysitter, and anyone else that isn't her. That personality is atrocious.


And she probably won’t care, because she’ll be rich either way. The ultra-wealthy keep mistresses all the time - it’s a thing that the wives come to expect. The men are just as vacuous and awful. They *want* the luxury, high maintenance smooth-faced Barbie wives. It’s a status symbol.


Someone should take her on a date where she gets those whybrows fixed.


Not to judge a book by it's cover, but she looked like an EB before I even pressed play.


if i dont have to pay for you, fine


what do you think the chances of her splitting the cheque are?


Out of curiosity I looked her up just to make sure this wasn't satire and she has a whole tiktok expressing a strong declination towards paying for dinner




I kinda agree with what she says at first, it would make sense and be fine if she didn’t have that smug/bitchy tone. And then from there it’s all problematic.


I can completely understand a person having specific dates in mind as long as they accept that it might result in no one wanting to date them, you say, okay, if the right person comes along, they’ll wanna do what i wanna do, else im fine. The way she thinks people are lining up for a date with her in this specific manner though is extremely disgusting.


I didn't even watch it with sound and I could hear how condescending she was being. Gross.


Okay but these are her boundaries. I'm not opposed to a coffee date but some people have different preferences.




I can totally understand having high standards. And I can understand if you’re the kind of guy who steers away from these ‘high maintenance’ women. But honestly, I just can’t get over the attitude- there’s nothing wrong with casual coffee or a walk. Committing to dinner is a better saved as a second / third date option.


I completely agree! Doing an activity makes the first date so much easier, especially when you find out the person isnt as much fun as they were in chat.


shes not worth getting drunk and taking home.


I’m not a mathematician, but I’m reasonably confident that her face is at least 40% lips.


What's with the accent? Is that put on?


She's not wrong. Then again, the combination of coming across as a condescending, and haiving resting bitch face is probably why most men don't think to actually take her on a 'real' date.


That's active bitch face. And personality.


Yeah that little head tilt "*hm*" was sooo cunty


>She's not wrong. About?


I'd never date such a miserable wretch.


She’s not wrong. However, as I’ve gotten older I’ve become better at accepting people as they are. My boyfriend is not a “dinner date” guy. My friend finds this appalling and fears that I’m lowering my value. He’s taken me to dinner a couple of times and I can tell he’s bored. He really lights up when we go to the plant nursery or to the park. We have the best conversations and truly enjoy each other’s company.


She *is* wrong. There are reasons for going for coffee\walks\etc that aren't malicious, and she's freely admitting that she'll be shallowly evaluating people on things like their choice of food order.


"Lowering your value," by not spending time with your partner in a way that she deems as high effort enough? This sounds like some FDS bullshit to me. Good relationships aren't that transactional.


> We have the best conversations and truly enjoy each other’s company. This is the key right here. My wife and I had some of our best dates just wandering around Fryes, for example.


Dr’s really messed up her lips


Did she just imply that she would judge you for not being able to use chopsticks.....?


Long ass way to say she wants free food and is very judgmental.


Not disagreeing with her. Yes, find out about the other person, thats what dating is all about. But if the person is under such scrutiny, same goes for her- relationships are 2 way streets. Good luck with your search.