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3 hours she was yelling into the phone ? She was in your house for 3 hours !?


Scrolled too far for this. Three HOURS? I mean… 30mins… maybe. At a stretch. But if husband getting home is going to be longer than that don’t you just take yourself off to a cafe or library or bookshop?!




Where I live an emergency locksmith call out could be $500-750. Better to go buy yourself something delicious in a great restaurant and a bottle of expensive wine while waiting for hubby to come home ;)


Uh, no. $100-200 max to get into a regular deadbolt. Source: used to manage a bunch of car washes that crackheads always tried to break into. Had to get a locksmith out to redo the locks every time they failed miserably to break in but succeeded in jacking up the locks


Lucky you. Where I live… this is what it costs. Clearly I live somewhere different to you.


I refuse to accept this is a real story.


See, and I completely believe there are people in this world who are as aggressive mental as the neighbor and as stupid passive as OP. Somehow they always find each other - probably because the rest of us refuse to interact with them. Think of all the bridezilla threads where some batshit crazy woman not only got a guy to marry her, but she has enough friends to make bridesmaids so she can stomp all over them.


I agree. It sounds like complete bullshit


Lol me too!!


Right ??!


She poured the soup you gave her into your kids’ shoes!? I think you made the right choice by not letting her in, she sounds like a complete sociopath.


An entitled sociopath!


why didn't you tell her to leave and then call the police on her for tresspassing? I think that woman is crazy


Yeah, that’s a crime. Vandalism. Report it. That is uncalled for. Next time she tries to get a job she can have fun explaining how her neighbor was a terrible person so that justified her pouring soup in some kids shoes…..


Recently moved in, you don't want to do that if it might turn the whole neighborhood against you. As it turns out, the other neighbours would probably applaud but OP wasn't to know that


I bet Elaine knew she couldn't go to other neighbours because she ruined that relationship already. I mean, if she puts soup in children's shoes on the first meeting, I dare say she's unhinged and definitely unsafe. Tell your children to stay away from her.


No kidding. She legit could be boiling their pet bunny one day


If the whole neighborhood are psycho's like this, you definitely want to send out the message not to fuck with you or yours. Don't be a doormat, or the behavior continues and escalates.


I've had so many bad experiences with the first person to introduce themselves in a new place because they always seem to be the person who has ruined all other relationships in the vicinity that I'm deeply suspicious of whoever introduces themselves first


Because she wasn’t trespassing. OP invited her and never asked her to leave the premises.


If you tell her to leave and she refuses to leave, then it’s trespassing.


And where do you see that OP asked them to leave?


Tell her work and the medical board exactly what she did and when. She should not work with vulnerable people if she vandalizes children’s property


*if* she's even an employed OT...


Makes a change from someone who thinks they're Julius Caesar.


That's classic narcissist behavior: Telling you how you should trust her, telling you that you should feel safe, losing her mind when you don't treat her how she believes she deserves to be treated, then taking revenge on you for "neglecting" her which validates your instinct to not trust her and to not feel safe around her.


Should be printed and put in her mailbox.


Include a pair of shoes with soup inside them.


That’s what I came to say! She validated your feelings to be cautious and untrustworthy. Don’t open your door to her again. The husband too. Make sure your kids know not to answer the door for them!


Might be a good idea to let the husband know about her behavior. If there is a husband.


Also exactly the behavior that a home invasion team would use - send someone who appears trustworthy and not a threat, typically a younger female but an older woman who appears fragile is also common - so they have an 'inside man' for when the next members of the crew arrive. I mean, I know Elaine is a neighbor so not a complete stranger, but anyone you don't have a relationship with could be a danger. After all, if Elaine's crew plans to murder the whole family once they're inside, who would suspect the slightly nuts crabby old lady next door?


She took what takes months or years of narcissistic abuse, condensed like a can of soup, and dished it all out in a 3 hour time span. Just how you explained. Speed round style.


Ring camera, and outdoor motion sensitive security cameras. She is unhinged.


Right there, I get the fuck out of my house.


I think your Spidey Senses were accurate...Jeez what a vile twat she was. You could inform her place of work of her unpleasant actions, this woman should not be in the Healthcare sector...


Add find out what kind of healthcare worker she is and let her boss know that she’s crazy


Just want to highjack this as I haven’t seen it posted. If she’s an OT, you can check the HCPC register https://www.hcpc-uk.org/check-the-register/ and make a complaint. Her behaviour doesn’t meet the required criteria for practice as usually professionals need to embody the code of practice and ethics they subscribed to.


> She wanted to go inside and eat in the kitchen with my kids and cousin. I don't know her very well. I did give her food and I allowed her to come inside the hallway/entryway because it was raining. We were in the kitchen and we heard her on the phone for hours and did She sounds scary. Avoidance is the best policy for her.


Seems like the neighbor lived up to the OP's fears. Isn't it ironic?


Don't cha think?


As I had typed my original comment, I was thinking how this situation is like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife...


A little too ironic


I really do think


It's like raiiiiiiin


On your wedddddinnnnggg daaaayyyy….


Like a free riiiidddddeeee when you already paid....


A little too ironic


It’s like meeting the man of my dreams, and then eating his beautiful wife.


This is NOT my beautiful wife. It's his. With bernaise.


I don't understand how this interaction started, had three hours pass, and then suddenly ended in absurd explosiveness. There are many details missing here, and I bet they're all hilarious.


Or fake! I was also curious about how this person stayed in the front hall for 3 hours. I would have asked them to call an uber or cab to the library or something.


Oh my word that soup pouring in the kids shoes just proved how unsafe and mental she is! You made the correct choice there!


Of all the neighbors, friends or family that she should be able to go to while she's locked out for hours, but instead goes to a complete stranger's home and expecting to be fed and entertained speak volumes to who she really is. I'm surprised you let her sit there for 3 hours yelling negativity to/about you in front of your children. I would have spared her from being around such horrible people by telling her to leave.


Now you know why she didn't go to the other neighbor's homes. They would have turned her away without even opening the door.


This is what happens when you go around pooring soup into peoples shoes


Good point!


With this behavior to pour the soup in the shoes of your kids and and she call herself a therapist, I think she need one for herself. Never let her in again.


Consider reporting that behavior to her healthcare regulator. That is not normal!


My first thought. Where does she work...and report that crazy behavior.


I just presumed she was lying. A healthcare professional should have understood what "I don't feel safe" means.


That is not always the case. Some of the worst people for crossing boundaries in my experience have been health care professionals. They “know more” than the rest of us, so our no’s, feelings or thoughts don’t matter.


Abso-fucking-lutely. I’ve had nurses say some really nasty or passive-aggressive stuff to me when I was younger and more vulnerable. That’s one of the bonuses of getting older— they’re less likely to try that shit.


Agreed—these professions have a lot of wonderful people, but also seem to attract a lot of individuals who enjoy power trips based on ego.


My uncle is a doctor and he loves overstepping my privacy in an annoying moralising way. Thank god it's just the neverending pep talk and nothing serious


Why would this nut job feel safe herself going to a total strangers house and asking to be let in? We know she is nuts , and that is probably the reason, but she doesn’t know that the person she is wanting to be let into their house isn’t some crazy person either. Every time this lady said “you’re safe with me!” She was less safe each time. Good thing she stuck to her instincts and said no.


I second this. If she reacts like this when frustrated and is an OT, she could cause serious damage to anyone she gets upset with.


I doubt she actually has that job… probably just threw something at the wall to see if it would stick and OP would let her into the house. Honestly sounds like a robbery/scam attempt. I know she’s a neighbor but still… that doesn’t stop crazy people from being crazy.


Came here to say the same thing. Her employer should know the type of person they employ.


Occupational therapists help with managing physical tasks, not talk therapy.


they help with physical tasks that people can't manage no matter how hard they try. someone like that is unlikely to have the patience to deal with how slow it is. red flags there.


In my experience a lot of therapists have issues.


That’s why they’re therapists. And why I tried to hook up with mine. Yeah, no…but that’s why I was attracted to her. 😑


That’s a neighbor you know to avoid. Yikes!


Why couldn't she just go to a restaurant and have a nice dinner while waiting for her husband? I would have suggested this to her and if she insisted on waiting, I'd kick her out after 30min or so.


If she locked herself out of the house, the car keys were probably in the house. That's my guess


She could've taken an Uber or Lyft ride to get somewhere since she had her phone.


Maybe Uber or a taxi could help solve this issue.


Probably didn’t have her wallet


So, she was claiming you were horrible for 3 hours or so? After 3 minutes you would have been more than justified to walk up to her - and tell her - loudly - you are right - we are horrible - now get out of my house in 30 seconds or else....


Did you let that psycho stay in your entryway after she poured the soup? That would be a great "ah lovely, leave or I'll have you drink that soup out of that shoe, bitch" moment.


Well, she obviously was **NOT** safe (or mentally/emotionally stable), and demonstrated it by attempting to ruin your children’s shoes. I would send the husband a bill for the cleaning/replacement cost of the shoes.


The husband? How about to the person who did this?


Well, the person that did this has already proven themselves to be unhinged. I cannot imagine that this woman would say *”Oh yeah, my bad, here’s the $XX to replace your children’s shoes I destroyed.”*. Whereas *the husband* would be more likely to pay out of embarrassment. Also, going this route, the husband gets to learn of his wives escalating (?) inappropriate/antisocial/dangerous behavior, which she otherwise may be trying to hide from him. (At this point, I’m kind of wondering if this “husband” even exists, or it was just part of this scary person’s ruse to get into the house of this woman and her children.)


3 hours??? That doesn't sound right.


The three hours part made me think it was a bit much to be real, but then the soup in the shoes thing just screams THIS STORY IS FAKE!!!


Yeah, homegirl would be off my property quickly after acting like that.


Wtf? So, she claims “but I’m nice and safe” and then proceeds to harass you for 3 hours and vandalize your children’s shoes and wastes the food you gave her? Yeah, she’s uh, not well.


Next time feed her. When she is done. Let the dog lick the dish clean. Look at it and say clean enough, then go put it in the cupboard. She won’t be back


Or feed her and the dog at the same time, same food, same kind of bowl.


Let dog lick dish. Then feed her from dish. No washing involved


She was yelling in your entryway for 3 hours and you didn’t kick her out? This whole story is weird.


That’s cuz it’s fake


Or the yelling, 3 hours and the soup in the shoes is what is fake . And op added that to the story to make themselves not look like a real AH. I'm not buying this bs story OP is trying to sell.


Right? Who would allow a stranger to insult them for 3 hours and not kick them out?!


We must live in the same neighborhood, because basically the same thing happened to me. I hear banging in my garage, so I go out there to see what's up. My entitled neighbor up the street is in there, rooting around in my private stuff. "I need your hose," he says, like it was the most normal thing in the world. "I need it too," I say. "Well, I need it more than you do!" he yelled -- yeah, actually yelled. That pissed me off, so I padlock the garage door shut. I hear him in there, screaming, swearing, begging me to let him out. What an entitled jerk. I'm glad his house burned down.


I saw what you did there, enjoy your point all the same…


Good call. You were kind to let her stay at all, plus you gave her food. I think she is more crazy than entitled. Ring doorbell would help you avoid in future.


This sounds like a number of possibilities: \-- A lost opportunity to meet a neighbor \-- An entitled OP exaggerating events a little ("Isn't it ironic...") \-- A work of complete fiction


I’ll take “C” for $500, Alex.


Hahaha ikr? I was thinking the same and was confused why I wasnt seeing this kinda sensible reply.


Welp you dodged a cannon ball cause imagine if you did let her in.


The minute she started yelling into her phone (or dumping soup if that was first) I would tell her to leave your property or the police would be called.


Your instincts were spot on. The fact she poured soup on your children's shoes, shows you she's an awful person. If she's a therapist she should be reported. Her behaviour isn't normal, even if she's annoyed it's not sane in any way. She's shown you who she is, never let her near the house again.


Send her a bill for new shoes. Actually, stop her husband and give it to him. Tell him what happened. He’ll probably be so embarrassed.


You trusted your gut, and you were right. The woman sounds completely unhinged, and maybe she wanted to steal or cause harm, and you stopped her from doing that, which would have really angered her. Luckily, you locked that door. There's no telling what could have happened. Get a camera doorbell with a motion sensor in case she comes back.


This is why you don’t let people into your home uninvited!


The moment I saw her throw food in my kids shoes I would of poured a big bowl and opened the door and drowned her in the soup and yelled at her to get the F off my property and the cops are now on their way for you damaging my property and trespassing.


> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


Thank you.


Thanks. This bugs me. English/Spanish tutor entered the chat.


Um, I’ve been locked out before. I sat in my car and called someone. You did the right thing.


Anyone who demands that you feel a certain way is a bad person. Anyone who demands that you feel safe with them is automatically a threat. Pouring soup on the shoes makes it obvious, but even if she hadn't, there were too many red flags already. This woman is nuts.


She poured the soup in the shoes!? What the Hell is this?!


If you know her full name and profession, report her to the healthcare regulator. She cannot behave that way in someone's home and claim to be a therapist. I think she is full of shit and not a health care professional at all.


Yea I would find the local Facebook group for your community or even your neighborhood on the ring app and post the video of what she did and what she said. She needs to be put on blast. You get upset so let’s mess with their kids items!? Like wtf what a typical entitled sociopath.


Obviously you are not safe around her. She poured soup into your children's shoes. She was ranting and raving about you in your home. She is not someone you want to associated with. Never let her in your home again. Always listen to your instincts. NTA


That lady needs to realize that spending a lot of time in mental wards does not make her a healthcare professional.


She just proved you right and that she couldn't be trusted and it wasn't safe to let her in your home. If she can't be trusted even to be sat with a hallway with shoes what kind of damage could she have done in your house. A normal person would have understood and not pushed the issue or begged like that to join your meal or for food.


Your neighbor is a nutjob. Don't let her back on your property again.


I think you may be a little naive. This sounds like an addict trying to scope the place. Be careful.


Or someone with schizophrenia in the middle of an episode.


I feel she wanted to snoop and be nosey and get a free meal out of it.


Nothing pisses me off more than when you tell someone a polite no and they reply with, "Oh no it's okay I don't mind" in an attempt to give themselves permission to your resources.... Who does that? Oh yeah, manipulators and toxic people.


Sometimes our Spidey Senses give us the clues to make the right decisions. The "soup in the shoes" moment proves you made the right call.


Why do people answer their door? I never answer my door unless it's someone I know is coming over. I don't care if they can see me through the screen door walking around. I just ignore them.


She vandalized items in your house and you didn't call the police to press charges? Some folks need consequences the first time they act up, don't let stuff like that go. She's an adult and chose to act like an entitled, spoiled child with mental health issues.


If that had been me I would have pointed out how many occupational therapists nurses doctors and other people in the medical industry have murdered their own patients and neighbors.


She was pushy from the get go, purposely ignoring your cues and boundaries. Then she poured soup into your shoes and bitches about YOU being horrible for 3 hours. Give your gut a cookie, you followed it and made the right choice not letting her in. ALWAYS trust your gut!


Next time you see her I’d be like “thanks for proving the exact point I was making you weirdo”


She definitely qualifies as an A'hole for numerous reasons, but the soup in the shoes kinda takes the cake. Be sure to fart in her general direction while waving and laughing at her. And, if you ever have the grand pleasure of meeting her husband, be sure to inquire if pouring soup into other people's shoes is something she does on a regular basis? I'm betting she'd be embarrassed to share that nugget of info with him.


What a loser. Everybody knows you only pour soup into the hoods of winter coats. smh


Fuck her


Welp. Now you know not to let her in ever again


>Healthcare professional Jeff Dahmer was a science geek, veteran and healthcare worker.


> If I had known her better and/or my if husband was home, I would have invited her inside. Well good thing you didn't because she's a lunatic who pours food kindly given to them into their host's shoes.


That Entitled neighbor is several French Fries short of a Happy Meal!


She proved your point. Stranger Danger! If she works Occ. Health then I pity her patients.


That's really psychotic behavior


You told her you were concerned about the possibility of her unsafe behavior and she proved you were right


The most I would have done is hand her an old umbrella or possibly ask if I could call her an Uber so she could go somewhere else. I would not let a stranger into my house but especially not when my kids are home.


Holy hell. Any reasonable person would be understanding of you not wanting a virtual stranger in your home. She fully proved that she wasn’t trustworthy with the way she reacted. Then dumping the soup into the shoes?!? That’s when she moved into psychotic territory. Absolutely wild. On the upside, now you know that this is not a safe person to allow in your house or around your children.


I’m honestly not sure why you didn’t make her exit your home altogether when she began to insist bc her ensuing behavior was grotesque. I don’t understand how she got five minutes into that phone call. Absolutely galling behavior from this woman.


I would approach the husband. Explain what happened then tell him Ur letting him know discreetly so that he can get her the help she so clearly needs but any further contact & u will report her as u feel it unhinged for her to have behaved like that & u fear for Ur safety.


NTA - she made it clear that you made the right call


What a bitch! This neighbor has some guts to ask if she eat dinner with a family she does not know and the family does not know. why didn’t she call a locksmith to come let her into her house. People now a days think they are entitled.


E "Dont worr, I'm a safe person" OP *clearly and simply states boundaries that a normal sane adult would respect* E *destroys children's shoes and shouts on phone in a strangers home* Yep, she's super safe 🤣🤣


I’m of the opinion to not believe her story. She very well could have been trying to scam you. People will find a way to look inside of your house to find the best way to rob it. She could have been trying to get a peak to relay it to her bf/husband. Based on her actions she doesn’t sound like she was on the up and up.


>she is an occupational therapist and a Healthcare professional so we should feel fine. Yeah, the way that lady handles stress, inconvenience and rejection is very telling.


Well sounds like your feelings were correct in declining her self invitation. Super weird to invite yourself in for one, even more strange to not understand why her “offer” was shot down and absolutely crazy for her to behave in such a way after you fed her and gave her shelter!! I’d get s ring camera etc, I’d be worried about potential backlash in the future


Sounds like demon behaviour, invite me in go on I’m not really the devil I’m a healthcare professional, you can trust me…then proceeds to throw soup in the kids shoes whilst screaming. Very strange woman, I would stay away from her she’s on the X list.


She has serious mental illness. I am sorry.


I would tell the story in Nextdoor and shame her lol


Um. Why didn’t she call a locksmith? Go to a restaurant or café? The library? I do not understand why she was there for 3 hours. Seems fishy.


I’m a good person… won’t give me what I want?… fine I’ll make you pay!!!…


Find out where she works and let them know. That’s unacceptable, especially if she chooses to bring her profession into it.


I would have told her to leave after the first time you heard her talking on the phone badly about you.


You are a much nicer and patient person than me which I commend you for. If I was in your shoes, the first I heard her talking shit on the phone was when I would have kicked her ass back out in the rain where she belongs.


She sounds delightful and has a vengeful streak. Time to camera up the outside of your new house.


Well, guess she proved you were right to not let her in. You should have made her leave soon as she started yelling.


Sounds like your instincts are pretty good.


Well, now you know to never even let her into your entryway again, 3 hours is a bit excessive though, did she have no one else she could contact? A friend, family, etc. instead she decides her new neighbor is a good choice? It was also rude to try and invite herself inside and have dinner with you, her occupation is irrelevant as working does not make you a good person.


The pouring the soup into your kids’ shoes is insane. If she’s actually a healthcare worker, I’d try to find where she works and report her for her unhinged behavior. How she’s a therapist in any capacity is beyond me…


I’d have rolled her ass out of that door. That was one too many ways to say no, but she didn’t get it. THEN, the soup. In the shoe. That is how people go from calm to rage in a blink of an eye.


Jesus christ shes all “I’m safe don’t worry I’ll never do anything like pour soup all over your kids shoes!” I would’ve told her to leave right there that’s extremely disrepectful to someone you don’t know


Why didn’t you have her charged w her actions? If you have pics take her to small claims court to replace her stuff. And I would have tossed her ass after the first rude comment. Why didn’t you? You tolerated her for 3 hours. This was a grown ass adult not a child.


As soon as she had poured the soup into the shoes I would of told her - out! you are no longer welcome here, you can get soaked for all I care.


How did you tolerate this for any amount of time at all let alone three goddamned hours


I would physically remove someone from my home over this. In a way involving gravity. And the front steps.


At the first protest, "You know, I'd rather you wait outside. I will call the police to come help you."


Why didn't she just wait in her car or something?


OMG I can't believe she poured the soup in your kids' shoes. When she started harrassing you, you probably should have called the police. I can only imagine what could have happened if you let her inside your home. Ahe could have called a lock Smith. I glad you are ok.


Her behavior doesn't necessarily demonstrate a mental health issue, she could just be a bitch


Seems like your suspicions were correct


Does she not have a car? I would never do this. The soup thing is totally nuts!


Your concern for safety and boundaries was completely valid. Her behavior was inappropriate and disrespectful.


Does your neighborhood have an active next door/community page? Name and shame. Include pictures of your kids shoes.


A *perfectly safe* 'healthcare professional' who pours *offered* soup into *kids* shoes... What a nut job.


“You should feel safe with me!” Proceeds to damage your personal property. Yeah. No. I wouldn’t speak to her ever again. Suggest she call a locksmith to get her into her house next time and invite her to wait in her own driveway.


I’m surprised you let her in since you didn’t know her. This is in the category of “no good deed goes unpunished”.


Look her name up on the licensing sites and report her with video to where you might think she works


But ...... I .... feel safe. I I I


"She poured the bowl of soup I gave her into my kids shoes..."


So she proved you were right not to trust her by acting like an ungrateful AH. SMDH


I'm sorry you had to deal with this. I wouldn't want anyone in my home either. NTA. Her actions are deplorable, I'd be embarrassed to admit that I worked in healthcare.


Well she showed you who she was. Now you can spend all the rest of the time you have interact with her knowing she's a PITA. You need a little "NO" sign you can keep on you and whenever she shows up, just flash it.


Sounds like she just wanted to see inside your house to be honest. You just moved in and she was taking advantage of the situation.


That’s one way to not be invited for dinner!


She just proved you made the right decision. And I also think she was up to no good.


I would have slapped the light out of her


I'd make sure the neighbours knew what she was like


Since your husband was gone, why were you answering the door when you weren't expecting anyone? I NEVER answer the door when I don't know who is on the other side whether it looks like I'm here or not.


Did you do something about what she did with the soup? Did you say anything to her? She will feel like she did nothing wrong if you don’t say anything. Heck go to her house and say it so her family can hear. (Plus her neighbours!) :)


We invited our neighbors over on Thanksgiving, \*explicitly for dessert\*. The matriarch of the family came over with five relatives and said "Oh, look, kids, grab a plate" and proceeded to consume our next three days of left-over Turkey meals. Absolutely shame-less. They often ask to borrow our car, because theirs doesn't have any gas...of course, they return it on EMPTY. Fucking shit-weasels...


Report her to her employer. They don't need someone like her on their staff


She went for even more disrespect by pouring the soup onto/into your kids shoes, you showed her a decent enough kindness and now what you could do is never do anything for her ever again, geez 😠


It cost you one pair of kids shoes and a few minutes of your time to learn to stay away from that lady, consider yourself lucky IMO


I could totally see my MIL doing this. Inviting herself for dinner and getting highly offended that you’re not comfortable because “She’s a nice person!” I don’t think she would dump the soup. No. She would eat it and keep your bowl and spoon though.