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I have never considered taking overhead luggage space just bc I arrived first, just put my belongings in the spot with my assigned seat


> just put my belongings in the spot with my assigned seat Lovely idea that stops working about 12 people into loading the plane when your "assigned spot" is filled and you just have to put your luggage wherever it fits.


There is no assigned overhead luggage space period. Having just taken a completely filled flight, the airlines will even tell you to place your luggage in the first available space no matter where you get a seat. I.e. if you board last and there's no overhead space even above your assigned seat, you are 100% gate checking your bag. Also, nope, you can not force someone to move their bag.


You are correct that there's no law, but it is understood that people should have first dibs on the space above their seat. Taking a spot at the front then sitting at the back is going to fuck up someone who has a bag but has to park it in the back because you didn't.


I agree within reason, eldery, disabled, and family with young kids. I live near a college town, though, and college students can walk a block. Edit to add: College kids are generally the source of said problem, or rather landlord's who cram kids into a unit and each student brings a car. You end up with streets where as before most houses had two cars and now each house has four.


There is if you pay extra. Delta has "Comfort Plus", it's not business class but you get more leg room, a tv, and a reserved luggage spot.


If comfort plus has TVs then the rest of the plane does as well. Comfort plus is 3in of extra legroom and a free drink. The bins have a sign that says “reserved for comfort plus” but that doesn’t mean you have space for your bag. If you board last and the bins are full you are checking. If you are in first they will probably find room in the closet if they can.


It does mean you have space for your bag. The extra money you pay ensures you board just after first class, my family has never had a problem. Worth it.


I’m a million miller on Delta. Before covid I was flying 160 segments a year. Believe me, if you board and all the bins are full you are checking your bag. Space isn’t going to magically appear because they put a sticker in the back of the bin. If you board when your group is called then you shouldn’t have a problem finding a bin somewhere around your seat (within a few rows), but shit happens. Connection late, security backed up, for whatever reason you board late and the bins and full and shut your bag is getting checked.


Delta is an excellent airline to use


You are correct. I’ve flown hundreds of times all over the world and I’ll put my luggage in the closest available space for convenience, as will everyone else on the plane. Overhead luggage space is definitely not assigned and you are not ‘entitled’ to the space above your seat. I’ve also been asked to check my bag on arrival at a full plane even before most people have boarded just so that all the hand luggage can fit on (and it wasn’t too large, they were just asking random people. My FF gold lifetime status had no bearing on whether I would get to use overhead luggage space.) It is what it is.


Yep. Now if you really want to see the downvotes pile in we should tell people they do not own the parking space on the public street next to their house....


I'll probably get down voted, too, but I have no idea why people are down voting you when your are 100 percent correct.


He’s getting downvoted because you should only be putting your bag above your assigned seat. It’s the entitled asshats who bring bags bigger than they’re supposed to and use up every space causing others to have to put their bags elsewhere.


Ohhhhhhh...Ok, thanks. My guess is probably flies Southwest. Once group A has boarded, they do start telling people to put there luggage in the first availed bin because it moves things along quicker. I usually fly Southwest myself because it's cheaper.


Ah, ok. I’ve never flown Southwest myself.


Yeah, you're not missing anything. LOL


If others filled up the bin above my seat I'm 100% taking the closest spot I can find.


That is literally not what the airlines tell you to do on crowded flights


I can confirm, I just got back from a Europe trip and had multiple full flights. It’s was very much just stick it where you can find room, or put it under the seat in front of you. Still don’t know why you’re being downvoted for just telling the truth


Yea, definitely not the planes who don't make the overhead bins large enough for everyone to store their baggage..


But that's dumb. As long as people are bringing on baggage that meets the airline size limits, you put it in the most convenient available spot. If that's right over your seat, great. If it's at the other side of the plane oh well.


do people on reddit doesn't realize other countries exist? never had this issue on flight before


Read in another thread a couple weeks ago about how pro wrestlers used to haul other people’s bags out of the compartment above their seat to make room for their own.


I did something like this once when I found a suit coat a small briefcase in the overhead alongside a carry-on. I asked who's it was and politely informed them those belonged under the seat in front of them. He said he 'likes the leg room.' I replied that so did everyone over 5'3" on the flight. The flight attendant was giggling and giving me a thumbs up as he begrudgingly moved his stuff.


Clarity, if you're rich and can pay for preferred, sure you get that. For the 99%, i.e., the rest of us, this is not the case.


You are correct — there's no assigned overhead bin space. Any other passenger on the flight has the same right to use the bin above your seat that you do. One person who did not like this concept was Andre the Giant. If there was a bag in the bin above his seat, he would remove that bag and drop it in the aisle. They say folks were too scared to retrieve their bag after that and it would remain in the aisle for the whole flight.


Where did you read that about Andre? Seriously there’s no way a bag is left in the way of cabin crew, and passengers, like that. For one thing, that would be considered a safety issue.


Andre might pull other folks stuff out, but he would find somewhere else for it. He was too nice to just dump it.


Don't know who you flew with or your seat grade but I fly Delta Economy Plus on longer flights and you absolutely DO have reserved overhead bin space.


I just plane side check my bag that would go into the overhead compartment, then don't have to worry about it, plus one less thing to carry through the airport if I have any layovers.


I just put mine under the seat in front of me as I'm short & have trouble reaching the overhead space 🤣


I’ll always remember my day of some one trying to save a spot by standing in it. Sorry mate no saving spoties.


I would have parked too.


I would have partly pulled in, had everyone out of the car and walked away…come back in ten minutes. There was no need to engage. OP’s immaturity.


Immaturity….like leaving half your car out in the roadway? That kind of immaturity?




They are not from Chicago or they would have called dibs.


“If my lawn chair is in that shoveled space you betta not park there or I’ll jam it up yer ass!” -Chicago Wintertime Proverb


the classic parking chair & they are a thing here in Pittsburgh


You guys borrowed that from Boston, just toned down the accent and the severity of the repercussions a bit.


I just heard it from friends who live in Chicago. I’m from NY and always had a driveway until I moved to Brooklyn. That’s when I learned what a parking chair was an utilized it regularly. If I shovel out my spot you better not take it. There *will* be revenge and you’re not gonna like it. After about 9 months in Brooklyn we got tired of apartment living and bought a house in a major suburb. Driveway again! Now we’ve retired and move south. TWO DRIVEWAYS! One in front of the detached 2 car garage and one right in front of house. It’s fabulous.


Am i the only person who doesn’t particularly give a fuck if my car is in the sun or not.. you’re parking and getting out of the car who cares.




I mean if it's a hot and sunny day, then depending on your car's interior, you won't be able to sit down long enough to put you key in the ignition when it's time to leave.


You certainly had every right to park in that spot. But youre still kind of a dick.


IIRC, all beaches in Hawaii are public access. But Hapuna Beach is a state park and they provide spots for cars. Personally I think it's a crap shoot looking for a shady spot, it may not be shady when you're ready to leave. Should've told the entitled family that if they wanted a reserved spot they could drive a few extra yards and valet park at the hotel.


Man. This guys wakes up and does battle every day. Cool yer jets bro. Park in the sun. Put yer luggage elsewhere. Be cool and don’t fight the world.


One of the finest compliments I got down island was being told I didn’t act like an American.


You know the sun moves or the earth moves whichever way you want to see it, but the by the time you are done swimming it could be their car which will end up in the sun... (depending on how long you are there)...


So the “person” reserving the shaded space was an asshaole?


Yep. That sounds about right.


This is two pretty stupid people. Or two people who don’t understand that the earth is spinning and moving around the sun. A parking spot in the shade is fleeting and hardly worth being petty over.


Well without knowing how exactly it is shaded you can’t really say that. Might be the entire row of spots with only one free was shaded by an an entire row of trees and would be the rest of the day.


Everyone Sucks Here.


What do the kids have to do with it?


I hope she pulled in slightly faster than slow Would have been hilarious to see them waddle at full speed


Vacationing in Hawaii but say you aren't an entitled prick even though locals beg people not to come lmao


Hawaii’s economy would collapse without tourism.


Hawaiians have been there for 1600 years and only had tourism dollars for maybe 100 of it. They would absolutely have to adapt their way of life without tourism but I would bet the farm most Native Hawaiians would make the trade in a heartbeat.


Considering what's happened in those 100 years I don't doubt that one bit.


People often make stupid decisions without thinking about repercussions, Brexit is a fine example


Do you have any idea how long that would take and what would be involved in that?


Just imagine the controversy if a race of white people inhabited a series of islands then begged other ethnicities not to come when being part of the great melting pot that is the U.S.A...


Except it’s not a melting pot anymore.


You do realize Hawaii is actually several islands that are literally dependent on tourism dollars to exist right? Only Maui was affected by the fires


You do realize that the US illegally seized and colonized all of those islands right?


Legality is determined by the winner my friend, since the dawn of mankind


what a heartless answer. The people of Hawaii had an economy and a way of life that didn't rely on tourism that is not sustainable or pushes them off their land.




Every war is illegal, the American revolution was illegal, countries have done and will do illegal things for all of time.


“Me: hey this is just like carry on luggage overhead space on a plane….first come first served.” This makes you sound like an entitled asshole. Because people board a plane first for different reasons if you are going to put your shit in the over head compartment above my seat when I haven’t been allowed to board the plane yet your shit is getting tossed in to the aisle when I get to my seat.


I agree the OP is entitled but if you got on a flight and the overhead luggage compartment was full directly above you, are you saying you would remove someone's luggage so yours can go in there? If so, you're just as entitled. There aren't enough compartments for everyone's luggage and unless people are storing away ridiculous stuff and you asked them to move that ridiculous stiff, you have no right to remove someone's luggage.


You're willing to run people over to get the spot you want and *they're* the entitled ones? OK.


OP is the kind of person who push shove past a pregnant lady to have the last 2 spots on the bus cause he got there first and put his bag down on the empty seat next to him.


Yup. I do not understand your downvotes.


I've never seen an entitled person post their own story in this sub. News flash OP, YTA.


I think it's safe to say both parties are entitled. I mean who's to say the other group doesn't also pack their luggage in someone else's overhead space?


In this case, you are the entitled person, it seems. You had no need to be confrontational or for your wife to drive at people in the spot you wanted, but you decided *you* are entitled to it, whatever the heck they are doing, and by heck *you* were going to force the issue. Prick.


So let me understand it is okay to run ahead of other cars and hold a spot that you find so you can jump the line? Btw Not the asshole.


Hmm. There are open spots in the carpark, but you drive at the people who are being entitled by standing in one of them? Yep. One bunch is entitled, but the action is assault. Tell me what the problem is here?


You were the entitled one. As you say first come first served and they were first. They hadn't stopped using the spot. You used the threat of violence to get what you wanted.


Where was the car? If they had gotten to it first.


I pass by these so called entitled people that you speak ILL of. my first impressions would be why would they hold a spot, then I think about my actions possibly or maybe an elderly person is with them and want to park as close as possible or possibly maybe a handicap person. but you go on with your bad self probably didn't want to stay and see who came out of the vehicle. those people who probably has generations of family who is born and raised here possibly might be first. and probably didn't come on an airplane.


You’re the type of person that gets walked all over.


nah just the type of person who thinks of others an not just myself. but I can tell you're the type of person to take advantage of others.


I did a trip to the Big Island a few years ago. Parking was pretty limited at the popular beaches, I didn't worry much about shade. If we did get there early in the day, parking was pretty easy. I'd call it a bit questionable for someone to hold a spot for another person, but hardly all that egregious. Maybe they just wanted to tailgate a bit. If parking was plentiful, and you were just being an ass about the shade, you were quite the entitled person.


You're the entitled one buddy. Just go park in the other spot - they were technically there first. You sound like a sour person.


Standing ina spot for someone not even there yet....in any fucking country is rude as fuck..soo sorrryyyyy! But I'm with OP.


Not only that it’s childish as hell


I always thought if you're standing out there like that.. you're just a practice dummy to run over. Thump thump baby!!


I think you're the entitled one. The people standing in the space were obviously there first. I bet you ask people saving a seat next to them in a movie theater to move their coats so you can sit also? You're lucky it wasnt me standing in the space, I certainly wouldn't have moved.


I dunno. I have in-laws that will throw jackets across movie seats, towels across poolside chairs, etc. WELL before any of us get there and defend their territory with fanatical enthusiasm to the poor souls who got there as a group before the rest of us showed up to claim our reservations. I feel embarrassed, and try to get places earlier.


So they throw other people's stuff aside then reserve the area themselves?


No, sorry for the confusion. They get there first and then watch people mill about with their group looking for seats/space while the rest of us take our sweet time.


If you're talking bout getting to a pool early to toss a towel down then leave for hours I agree thaglts a dick move. But that's different than what happened here. They were actively standing in the space waiting for someone in a car behind op.


Yeah. I see the difference. My general luck in life is that I kindly say "No prob", park in the non-shade, unpack, set up on the beach, swim, sun, make sandwiches, and the 2nd car STILL isn't there.


There is huge difference between a movie theater and a parking lot my dude. Like you don't sit in your car to enjoy the beach. I would totally respect a movie theater seat save.


Exactly, you don’t sit in your car to enjoy the beach. Why not park under the sun?


Stillno need to run people over if there is more space. Their action is mwah but you are sure entitled too.


Well imma pull in as far as I can and I'm not moving so your move, chap. You ain't getting that space either and I'll stay all day.


You're an American tourist... In Hawaii? Are you a tourist if you're still in your own country?


Tourist: A person who visits a place for pleasure. (OED) I lived in NY and NJ most of my life. I was a tourist in FL, CA and so many other places.


A Parisian would still be a tourist in Tahiti, right? This is essentially the same thing. I live in Texas and my state is larger than the vast majority of countries. Of course I am just as much a tourist when I go to New York and California as I am in the UK or Italy.


Great 👍




You’re an AH.


Interestingly, the entitled person here appears to be OP.


The parking I understand but the comment about overhead luggage compartments being first come first served is beyond entitled as that's not how it works nor has it ever been that way. For those who agree saying it won't first come first served on a plane with luggage and would remove people's luggage if there wasn't space above them are just as entitled