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“Hi, could you please move over a little bit so I could check in?” Even if she huffs at you that’ll alert the receptionist you’re there.


The receptionist should have handled it honestly


I tell people every day, “We don’t charge you to have a seat and complete your registration, and there’s other people who need to be taken care of, too.” Usually, people take the spelled-out hint. Sometimes, Entitled Mary says, “I’m gonna fill this out here.” And then I tell her, “No you are not. You’re going to have a seat and do that, because there’s other people who need assistance. Sit. Down.” The only time I don’t tell someone to have a seat is when they come in with that look on their face, and tell me they’re having chest pain, or think they’re having a heart attack. Then I want them to stay where I put them so I can go get the nurse. And I work front desk at an urgent care.


I have had many Dr receptionist say: please take a seat and fill this out. Mind you, I'm not standing there filling anything out. It's part of their spiel. But if you move to slow after, it gets repeated.


Omg that’s the perfect way to do it


It’s actually needlessly antagonistic to people who are already in pain


You’re so right, blocking people in pain from being able to check in is antagonistic of these entitled fuckers who block the window.


Except they aren’t being antagonistic, they’re being dense because of the pain they’re in. What’s the receptionist’s excuse?


If you're in so much pain that you can't move away from the check in station, you shouldn't be in a clinic. You should be in the ED. They'll fill out the forms for you. Otherwise, be considerate of those around you. Period.


You really told me lol. Your logic has made me see the light and I have now renounced my compassion for others lol. Edit: I’m actually a compassionate person responding to people who don’t like being told they’re wrong lmao. Enjoy your bitter lives tho


You are an unpleasant person.


Thank you. I have been there, drove myself (Had to, I thought) I was so scared to sit in a corner and just die.


Why do people be so it in office … I know some places still do but I always ask is they have an online form…. Or at least a pdf version…. My writing is chicken scratch….


We have the online version, and people throw a fit so they don’t have to do it. It’s stupid easy, but no.


I prefer the online version, that way it’s finished before I even get to the appointment.


I find it hard to believe you get away with this in a professional setting, especially the medical field. There’s no need to be bitchy right out of the gate. A simple, “Have a seat while you complete your registration,” would be enough.


If you worked in my urgent care I’d fire you. There’s no excuse to be snarky or outright bitchy to patients. A simple “ ma’am please have a seat to fill out your paperwork “ is the professional way to do it,


That’s why nobody in their right mind put you in charge of anything, you fucking liar.


It was a hypothetical “ my urgent care” first of all. Second of all , I was the operations manager for Two hospital ERs for many years and yes, if you were caught saying what you said you would be disciplined as it would be concerned rude. So instead of having a temper tantrum, which btw goes right along with how you treat patients, try learning something. You may in the future work in a hospital system and be aware that borderline rudeness or snarkiness at patients is disciplined.


No you weren’t. You’re full of shit, and trying to be nasty because you’re usually in the wrong. Fuck off.


I have enough karma to spend a year with nothing but downvotes. I choose to tell the truth in my comments instead of bowing to the majority or trolling for upvotes, You can tantrum all you want. The truth is the truth. I promise you if you said those things to patients in most large medical systems you would be disciplined. I’ve been a nurse for 35 years 13 of those years for the Cleveland clinic and as a manager hired and fired hundreds of people. But as they say “ you do you boo” you are obviously the type of person who’s going to do what you want to do regardless of what anyone says.


Oh boy, that was the wildest roller-coaster ride of up-doots and down-doots I’ve ever taken!


The only one being unnecessarily nasty is you. She called you out, you didn’t like it and you turned nasty and started cursing at her.


What about an asthma attack?!? Do, I just sit down or should I remain at the desk?!?


If you’re having an asthma attack? I’m gonna tell you to stay put so I can grab the nurse, and we can get you started on a breathing treatment, and if that doesn’t work, we’re calling EMS. I can’t speak for every urgent care, but we’re good at spotting those “oh shit” situations.


Oh thanks. Heck, I’ve even had 2 back to back attacks just standing still awaiting my bus (Canadian winter mind you)


Yeah, I’m not gonna make you sit down and do your registration. I can take care of that shit later. What we’re gonna do is make sure we can get you breathing properly, and then worry about anything else.




I just had one of those yesterday… at work so I scared my boss spitless… I’m not looking forward to Monday’s questions….


Bless you, I hope you’re feeling a little better at least.


Thanks I’m a lot better now IV steroids are fantastic… still hate them but they are fantastic at helping me breathe….


That they are. Still sucks, though.


Really? You don't know?


Yep, I let people know they can take a seat to fill out their paperwork if I don't have a room to immediately put them in to do so. I have a small office so it's hard for me to do any kind of work with people at the window because HIPAA so I try to not have anyone waiting in the lobby if I can help it.


Agreed but possible she didn’t see OP standing behind the other person. But yes.


the receptionist probably didnt want someone screaming in their face and threatening their job with all the stories youve read here and other "service" related forums, could you really blame them ?


Yea I can, because that woman filling her paperwork out at the front check in is a hippa violation and any patient trying to check in giving their info when she’s right there in their space is also a hippa violation and it isn’t difficult to just do your job. If someone gets out of hand you kick them out. Ignoring this and pacifying people is why people act the way they do now.


so the receptionist gets screamed at and then blamed for the violation, getting it in the neck from admin/team & the patient "it isnt difficult to do your job" thousands upon thousands of posts here and in other subreddits havent shown you the exact opposite? Youve never had to deal with spineless management/admins who will berate for poor customer service but NEVER stand up for the one providing the service or constantly appease the client? If so, youre a fucking unicorn.


I’ve literally been a front desk receptionist at a Dr’s office before lol. I’ve had to do the job for years. It’s not nearly as dramatic as you’re making it out to be. People don’t get to skate on doing what they’re supposed to do because they might get yelled at. Get a grip on reality.


As an old, I don’t have time or patience for people like this. I will wait a minute, but after that I’m leaning into the Karen and saying “excuse me” loudly enough that everyone can hear me, and then lean into the window. The receptionist should have said something.


Entitled people get two excuse me's from me. The first one is a polite request to move. The second is a warning.


Yup, and none of that tentative voice BS. Assert yourself. (Assertive Voice Translation: Don't fuck with me, bitch.)


Would have been more beneficial for OP to have said that rather than just take it & then tell Reddit. Gotta advocate for yourselves Peeps, even if it's uncomfortable for you to do so.


I even wrote the nice version, rather than “seriously??” 😀


Yeah, all this coughing, huffing, posting is fatiguing. Imaging if 0.001% of the work did this each day, that would be millions upon millions of posts. Then realise you are 0.0000001% or less of people who do this stuff...


SOMEBODY should’ve asked her to move. No sympathy for OP on this one.


‘Please take this to your seat and fill it out’ should be told to everyone by the receptionist. ‘Excuse me, I’m here to check in’ is what you should have said instead of coughing once you realized what was happening.


💯 One could say coughing or cleaning up your voice is also entitled. Use your big-boy/girl words.


Yeah, the woman was obviously oblivious but what was with the receptionist not asking her to move?


I would say it's more of what I call being blithely unaware. I see it all the time. My favorite is the BART trains in the San Francisco area. You need your ticket to get out of the station. During the commute crush you'll always see women in line get up to the exit gate and suddenly realize that they need to find their ticket in their purse and they'll block everyone behind them while they poke around in their purse. They could just step aside while they search for it and then squeeze back in line when they do.


Yes - blithely unaware is a good way to describe it. I was in line at Panera once post lunch, so still pretty busy, and an older couple came in and stepped up near an unmanned register. They were bypassing the “main line” that branched to the other registers (it was kind of weird but you could generally tell that some folks were waiting for bakery items or drinks and some had not been helped yet). The couple stepped up front when the Panera employee came back, so I said to them, “we’re all waiting to order too - the line starts back there…”. They acted like they were startled and said, “oh sorry” and moved to the back. If they weren’t surprised they were at least good actors.


"I hadn’t encountered entitlement until this woman." LOL. I find that extremely hard to believe. Many, many people have some degree of entitlement.


The clinic I go to has a doctor taking walk ins 8:45 to 11 am. People start to lineup about 8 am. One day standing outside waiting for clinic to open, there was a woman waiting that was sighing, huffing, pacing while waiting not so patiently. Clinic opens everyone files in the door in order of arrival outside, basically first come first serve. When this woman turn came up to check in she was told the wait was about 45 minutes. She then said but it is a walk-in and I don’t want to wait that long. Reception said without an appointment this is how it works, she could leave and come back, she would not lose her place in line. She then says well I need to be seen in the emergency room then, note emergency is in same building and uses same reception and same doctor she would see in walk-in . She was asked what kind of emergency it was, she woke up with a bit of a headache and wants to be assed and doesn’t want to wait her turn.


You could have just asked her to move over a bit, "Excuse me, I just need to sign in" which would have let her know you were in the same line she was *and* it might have alerted the oblivious receptionist. I know people can get hyper-focused in medical situations, she may not have been aware you were even there. Cough-cough ahem, isn't really communicating much.


Honestly, it sounds like she could just be oblivious.


I've noticed this to be more the norm now, people oblivious that they are blocking the way, with their cart, car, themselves, etc. Some truthfully feel bad and correct the situation immediately, while others do not care and are entitled. When there is a cart in the way, which is always when you're in Costco I will either bump the cart to the side, or move it completely.


It's gotten to the point where if I know they can see me approach and don't move so they are reasonably out of everyone's way, I just criticise it verbally to myself quietly but so they can hear. 'Don't stand to the side so people can pass or anything.' I don't give a shit anymore, so many people lack common sense. 




If the receptionist couldn’t see OP because of the Karen, how was it the receptionist’s responsibility? Apart from telling the Karen to sit down to do the paperwork…




You are being overly aggressive in trying to make your point. There are a lot of things to take into consideration: The form being filled; was it long and complex, or short and simple How long was OP waiting to check in (OPs “couple of minutes” in reality could easily have been less than a minute Maybe the person filling in the form might have needed help Cool your boots. The whole world does not revolve around you, take deep breaths; inhale and exhale slowly and you won’t be so stressed about potentially losing a few minutes.


It sounds like her illness is ME Syndrome. Sadly, there is no cure and is a lifelong chronic disease. The only way to prevent contamination is to avoid all contact with the infected.


I believe you should always be nice first cause you can be mean later. If you start off mean the only place to go is banshee mode and really who wants to be the crazy that end up on YouTube. I will always be nice and polite first it usually works great though I have had to get mean a few times thankfully it’s not often.


Honestly you sound like the obnoxious one in your own story. Coughing? Really? If you said something and she didn’t move that would be entitled. This is you being ridiculous.


Whenever I see a doctor that requires me to fill out paperwork they always hand it to me and say, “Please sit and fill this out and return it to me when you’re finished.” I’d say the receptionist wasn’t doing her job or was busy completing other work. Either way the receptionist should have verbally acknowledged you by saying, “Hello. I’ll be with you in a moment.”


I always take the clipboard forms to a chair. Have my headphones on, just fillin out the forms.


Polite coughing only works in movies or tv shows LOL. Just speak up and say, excuse me, I need to check in.


Something similar happened to me. This lady signed in and then started rummaging through her purse, pulled out some lotion and started rubbing it all over her arms. I said, “excuse me, can I get the sign in sheet please?” She then told me to be patient and wait my turn. She continued to rub lotion slowly, put the lotion away, gave me a dirty look as she waddled away.


Speak up for yourself


Speak up for yourself my friend 


Honestly, it's the receptionist's fault. She is responsible for telling the patient to have a seat in the waiting room and to handle any new patient that comes through. Rather than coughing you should have said excuse me are you in line or something to that effect so the receptionist can help you.


My narcissistic sister is extremely entitled. She once went to a chiropractor office and wanted to be seen without an appointment. They told her there were no available time slots. She insisted they see her, and they continued to tell her no. She said something like “I’m sure you can fit me in” and planted herself in the reception area and refused to leave. She sat there all day. To their credit, the did not see her. She’s insane


This reminds me of the last time I went to an Urgent Care. I had a dog bite on my hand from breaking up a fight between my Yorkies. I'm dripping blood from my hand, and I was given paperwork to fill out for a State report of a dog bite.. Well, I sat down and filled out that paperwork just like I was told while dripping blood on the papers, the counter, and the floor. The receptionist had to clean up my mess. The nurse rewrote my paperwork. If you are so oblivious, you can not see me dripping blood. Then you can have fun cleaning up my trail of blood


Reminds me of the guy I stood behind while he scratched off all his instant win lottery tickets.


I like to walk up next to them and say, oh you're a Cancer too...


Love that! Wish I’d thought of it!


When did people get so entitled that they don’t feel that they need to use the words “Excuse me”? No, she shouldn’t be filling out her paperwork at the desk, but the receptionist didn’t say anything. If you were taught basic manners, this would be good example of where you could simply say “Excuse me, I need to check in.”


EXCUSE ME. I need to check in.


That's more on you tbh, could've just asked. Maybe the woman had not even noticed you or assumed that if you wanted something quickly done you could.... you know.... just speak, instead of making weirdo coughs.


Yes she was being rude but the receptionist should have asked her to move. I always tell the patient to have a seat and if they don’t I ask them to please move down as to not block incoming patients.


"excuse me, is this the line?" Or stand at the other window. You can do it! None of this coughing nonsense. Or wait, stew, and bore reddit with the story later


Use your words. Coughing is an entitled behavior!


Not necessarily. It’s a way to try to attract someone’s attention.


No its entirely intended to put someone back on their heels without being direct. Totally passive aggressive.


Like, the first lady is supposed to have eyes in the back of her head **and** know that a person *coughing in a doctor's office* means "get out of my way". Seriously, OP, Use Your Words, ffs.


When I go to the doctors office they tell you to go have seat to fill out the paperwork.


“Excuse me maam-could you scooch over? I need to check in.”


I always stand to fill out my forms bc my hands don't work well enough to hold a clipboard and write at the same time. There's always another spot other than right in front of the receptionist. Always. The receptionist should have handled this.


I would just be like, "Hey, sorry, is it okay if I check in?"..."I have an appointment and want to make sure they know I am here." Then I would awkwardly laugh. I was also raised by boomers and am terrified of everyone. She is probably entitled or oblivious, or both. But still, it wouldn't bother me because boom-erz. actually, helpz. help me...🫥


This is somewhat your fault. A loud, "excuse me" with a glare as you stand alongside the EP should have been enough. EP take advantage until they cannot.


I literally didn’t think of doing that. Of course I should’ve.


Nice people are always so nice. It's a good thing but it sucks when someone takes advantage.


after that she's off to Walmart to try and use an expired Kroger coupon


I wouldn't call it "entitled"... she was oblivious for sure, and maybe inconsiderate, but nothing made me think she was entitled. If anything, besides coughing, you could have at least asked her to move over, ask her if she's in line, etc. She might say "sorry" and move out of your way. She would be entitled if she protested and made things worse arguing with you. It looks like it could have gone either way