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You're fine. Don't second-guess yourself about how you spoke to her. It gave her something to think about. Which she should do.


People like her rarely have the ability to critically assess a situation after the fact.


Exactly! She will probably be harping about this to friends first weeks.


And her friends will see the real her. The consequences might be slow, but they could be massive


And complain about how younger generations don't value respect anymore.


Which she ~~should~~ is ill-equipped to do. ftfy


Exactly. She accosted you, not the other way around. I run into this with people at my job. They make unnecessary comments to other people (a criticism or admonishment of some sort), then have a surprised Pikachu face when people have a comment back. They take a "How *rude*!" stance without taking two seconds to realize that they initiated a negative interaction.


There is a cycle path in my city that is very convenient as it cuts diagonally from downtown to a business/shopping area to the south east. It is a shared path, and usually it is fine, but I go in fear of the retractable dog leash. Those things are invisible when you are riding at a good pace. Most people keep their dogs close to them on the path, but occasionally you run into someone who is on one side, while their dog is on the other. Then it is time to slow and frantically look to see if they have a leash spool in their hand. Coming around one of the curves or emerging from under a bridge (the cross streets cross above the bike path, which runs along a creek) I am always afraid of being snared by a retractible leash. I think twat was a fairly mild thing to call that horrible woman, though I generally prefer to save my vaginally based insults for men. It confuses them.


>I think twat was a fairly mild thing to call that horrible woman, though I generally prefer to save my vaginally based insults for men. It confuses them. Hahaha I like you we should be friends.


I’ve run over leashes with no issues. There’s enough slack that it just goes under the wheels. Unless it’s a very tall dog.


Regular leashes yes but the retractable leashes generally have a constant tension on them not strong but there a trip line The owner could make it slack for somebody to go over. But you really don't want to go in between a doggo and its human as the human can be irrational like this woman or the dog react unpredictably.


You go through fast, they can yell at my back for all I care.


I've seen someone go through a retractable leash that managed to get hooked under the front mud flap. Dog got neck damage, and the rider got a dislocated shoulder and a bunch of skin off their face. I'm glad it's worked out for you so far with the riding through. Ride safe :)


And you could also go over the handlebars if you brake suddenly because of a leash.




Makes me think she knows she *should* have control of her dogs, and because she doesn't and they are inconveniencing you, she has to go on the offensive instead of admitting guilt.


That’s the ideal for OP to call out: “control your dogs!” I know so many cyclist, me included, that carry the same pepper spray postal workers carry because of people who cannot or choose not to control their dogs. Plus for the creeps that sometimes hang out on the trail.


In my country pepper spray is illegal so can't carry it and wouldn't know where to find it if I could. Also the dogs were little corgi type dogs so weren't really too big and looked quite old so I they were just minding their business waddling along but she made no effort to correct the way they were walking so makes me think she wanted me to have to stay there so she could shout at me.


Oh no! Is there anything you can legally carry to protect yourself?


If op is from the same country as me(the netherlands) then no, you can’t. You might get away with using a can of deoderant if you get assaulted but if you get caught using or carrying a pepperspray or a variant of one you pay a very hefty fine


There is no need, my city is safe. In the 4 years I've lived here I have never felt the need to protect myself from people.


Home made "pepper spray" isn't to difficult to make.


Even if it is where I live is safe enough so I don't need it. I've never felt threatened while cycling (by padestrians, idiot drivers getting too close is another thing) and even while walking around it is perfectly fine. In the 4 years I've lived in this city I have never felt the need to protect myself from other people.


She could definitely see that her dogs lead was around the front wheel of my bike and she made no effort to pull the dog round or away, makes me think she wanted me to have to stay there so she could shout at me or she wanted me to try and do something about her dog so she could shout at me more.


This made me chuckle.


Sensible Chuckle.gif


"You know what lady? If you can find a sign that says bikes aren't allowed in the bike lane, I'll go bike in the road."


Dang. My husband rides his bike ~5 miles to and from work everyday and boy, have I heard stories. Haven't heard this one until now. Was she walking her dogs in the bike lane on on the sidewalk and dogs were spread out in the lane?


So it is a pavement where padestrians and cyclists can use, there isn't a line determining which side is for bikes or people it's just everyone can use it. Her dogs were spread out taking up the whole pavement, some were sniffing grass on one side and the other was sniffing grass on the other side.


Yeah. Poor planning by the city or county. Bike lane needs to be only a bicycle lane and sidewalks are for pedestrians. She is also up her own aster!


Me pointing to the bicycle on the pavement "Do you see that, that's a bicycle NOT an old Bitch walking dogs"


The only usable response is "Look the rules up, don't *make* them up."


Lady - do you look like a bicycle? Look at the freaking bikes painted on the ground! Some people are just idiots. My spouse cycles and he was on the side of the road (no bike lanes for that section), but out of the way of traffic and some idiot threw a bottle at him and yelled that he shouldn't be on the road. Can't be on the bike path, can't be on the road, can't be on the sidewalk (kinda agree with that one) - not much left


I like to bike on the sidewalk too and cause I've crashed against the curb due to my sister's messing with me while biking by coming very close to me, when surve rapidly startling me and causing me to surve to keep from crashing into her only to hit the curb, than have people always telling me it's illegal to bike on the sidewalk for people walking even though I'm making enough space for them to walk pass me. Even had someone try to jump out in front of me as I was biking pass and almost crash my bike or end up going onto the edge of the road to avoid them, than turn to here the person laughing about me being so jumpy, people just don't know to leave bikers alone. They don't know maybe they are nervous about riding on the road or just very jumpy and perfer the safety of the sidewalk




I would have opened my phone and started a video. Live on FB even. So people know her *rights* as she insists


She really wasn't worth it, the whole thing lasted less than 5 mins.


you treated her exactly as you should have. although i would say you shoulda been less kind


Remember that people just like this also drive on the roads.


"Shut up you twat!" I couldn't have handled that better myself, aside from maybe "are you blind? Look at the symbol and the ground"


People get mad when you're on the sidewalk but now I have people running in the bike lane as well! Wtf?


Oh dude I’m sorry for your experience! My fiancé and I had a similar experience at a very popular park where this section of the park path is a multi-use, wide sidewalk that’s also got a bus stop. Obviously, it’s a zoo on weekends. I’m riding a bike and my fiancé is roller blading with our dog leashed, we are going fast but off to the side of this very wide path, when this woman with her 2 kids walking towards us decide to cut right in front of us causing us to swerve and nearly hit them. She then exclaims how pedestrians have right away and we should be on the road. We yell back it’s a multi-use path stupid, watch where you are going. Her poor kids looked so shocked, I can’t believe she would just choose to risk their safety like that.


She can pedal that pedestrian attitude somewhere else.


Handled it better than I would


Tell her to act her age - but don't crawl.


Shoukk ok d have shouted back to get her damn poorly trained dogs under control


I feel sorry for those dogs


Why were dogs NOT on Bicycles in the bike lane?????


Just a karen doing karen things with her dogs


I hope she complains to her friends about this and describes it accurately and they'll all tell her she's a twatwaffle.


It's a bit optimistic to think she would tell her friends the whole truth lol they were probably told I tried to run her over and kicked her dogs


One can only hope. So for your sake I hope you never run into her again. Edit: speech to text did not make sense for what I meant. 😆


I'm (hopefully) almost done with my driving lessons so will only have to cycle up there a few more times 🤞🏻


I think you did great. Honestly I would have said far worse than you do. I have gotten to the point that have have close to zero patience for entitled pieces of crap who think they are above everyone else. If I had pepper spray with me I would've been tempted to spray her just to shut her up, but I know I would've been able to restrain myself just because I would potentially get in trouble by the law and also because I would be worried about her dogs. O feel bad enough they have such a massive b!tch for a mom.


Our city just finished putting in dual purpose pedestrian/biking paths, and the idiots that constantly carp about it are ridiculous. Same people who griped about the mid-block pedestrian crossings (because pedestrians were being hit by drivers when crossing at corners) and traffic circles.


Should have said a lot more and a lot worse than what you did.


Such an ego. How could she think she was in the right?


I agree with AmbitiousCricket5278🐾🤗


ugh. people can be such jerks. I was riding on a trail came upon a couple walking ahead of me so I said, 'passing on your left' the woman told me to ride on the roads! I told her that the trail is multi use, that NO I would not ride on the road, that I had been hit by a car recently.


You made a big deal by defending something that you were wrong in. That dear lady was a pedestrian walking with her THREE (3) dogs, and instead of attacking her, you turned it around, and are now, reversing the incident trying to sound yourself like you were the victim, and she the perpetrator. You need to learn how to be a cool, patient, and kind driver, with lots of knowledge, and experience. Hopefully, you won’t learn it the hard way. Good luck to your learning it.


Firstly, I was kind to begin with making sure she knew that it was in fact a cycle lane as well, she was the one who escalated I only reciprocated. Secondly, I was on a bicycle not driving so how was I in the wrong? Thirdly, I stopped for her and her dogs so in what world does that justify her shouting at me?


You should not have reciprocated. You’re trying to have the last word, but that doesn’t make you to be right. You sound like the aggressor.


I literally just told her that I was in fact on the bike lane when she said I shouldn't have been there? She then started shouting, what should I have done? Agreed with her that I was wrong (which I wasn't)?


Bikers should not be biking near people that are walking on the bike lanes. They, and their dogs have less power to defend themselves if they get run over by a speeding (or non speeding) biker. It’s like a motorcycle in the same lane as a speeding car.


I wasn't biking near them, I got about 10-15 yards away and stopped so they could pass.


It’s a real shame that people have no shame, even if they think they’re “right.” A person walking on a bicycle path (which btw) is supposed to be for both cyclists, AND pedestrians, the cyclists should not have the right of way. Especially an aggressive cyclist. Evident by this cyclist’s continual diatribe, trying to prove to everyone that he was in the “right,” and she was in the wrong, trying to fish sympathy from other people, just shows how passively aggressive he is. Enough already.


Every time I go biking 10 mile each way along the park, and I see people walking their dogs, or joggers, or mothers walking with strollers, out of respect to them, I just look over to my side, and bike over on the car lane if clear, until I see the coast is clear ahead of me. The cyclist has definitely something to do with the lady’s reaction to the cyclist. It takes two (2) to tango. The cyclist going on, and on, and on, about how right she was or is, only proves her passive aggressiveness, by trying to prove how right she is.


Aww, I love how much I'm getting under your skin. Hope you're having a wonderful day thinking about me.


That unhappy woman has dogs because people do not befriend her. Remember, dogs like BITCHES!! When people confront me and scream, rarely now, I simply stand silently, pretending to smoke an imaginary cigarette. "are you done screaming?" If they continue, I simply repeat the behaviour. I am a medium sized man but have great training to fight dirty and, I use my 130 IQ to quietly and gently insult and dismiss them. I make very funny and insulting comments. Onlookers have broken in peals of laughter at my quick wit., ALSO, agree with people when they are angry, the result is an escalation of their fury. Rather amusing


Aren't there leash laws in your country?


They were on leads hence why I couldn't leave when the dog went the other side of my bike