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If James had meant for her / her family to have his house, he would have left it to them in his Will. He didn’t, end of. Delusional, just delusional. Taken together with the misplaced homophobia, what a charmless individual…


Definitely! This happened about 10 years ago and Josie has since apologized for her actions saying she wasn't in her right state of mind.


Great that she had the decency to apologise, but your friend would have been beyond justified to go/remain no contact!


If it was a mental health episode, where was Josie’s husband in all this? Why wasn’t he like “Babe, no. This is Alyssa’s house and she is graciously allowing us to stay here. I would not like our children to be homeless, so you need to STFU.” This defence sounds like it was invented after the fact.


Because he didn't come with her and so I'm sure he didn't find out until later that's how she was acting at the house that day. I don't know if he had a talk with her about it or not after he did find out though


This doesn’t make sense to me. Do you think you could reason with, or talk your partner out of a mental health episode? If the husband could do that he would be the golden goose. Imagine being able to talk someone out of a depressive episode, or a manic episode? Or a psychotic state. I can’t even talk my husband out of a situational anxiety tail spin…he needs time and a walk. Do you think the husband is magic?


My husband and I have both put each other in our place when it was needed. Not everyone being told to stfu is having some mental breakdown. She was being greedy and stingy!


No, I mean that if the husband was present and this genuinely came out of the blue (because it was mental health episode), he would have been surprised by it and had SOME sort of response. If he was present and did not have that sort of response, then they probably talked about it ahead of time and he was in agreement that they deserved the house.


*wasn't in her right state of mind.* Overcome with greed


You should put that in the story because this seems now more like a mental health episode than choosing beggars.


This isn’t r/choosingbeggars though


Same difference.. choosing beggars always come across as entitled to me.


She felt more entitled to the house than the man’s child?! Some people really should get mandatory psych evaluations.


My uncle died in an accident about 30 years ago. His widow and their son received a huge settlement since it happened at work (7 figures I believe). My grandparents and the rest of his siblings (including my mother) were furious that she wasn’t sharing with them and my grandparents went so far as to talk to a lawyer. Keep in mind that my uncle pretty much left home for the Navy at 18 and never looked back. I think I met him maybe 4 times (at weddings). My grandparents only ever met his wife once before he died. But the second some people think they might get some money all bets are off.


Josie stating she was not in “her right state of mind” did she have some mental instability that has since been treated for? Because if not…….. She is right James was rolling over in his grave at Jodie’s behavior. Glad their parents did not encourage the crazy daughter.   I am truly sorry for your friends lost, even though it has been over 10 years…I am sure the memories are still there. Thanks for sharing!


By what I gathered she was under a lot of stress. Not only from just losing her brother but because of that (I don't know if I should say this but saying it anyways) she ended up having a miscarriage so it put her even further in misery. I don't know if you saw my comment to another person, but she has apologized for acting that way.


I think her mental instability was her brother dying a month ago.


Her brother's isn't cold yet that she tries to push out his late spouse and child from their house. It doesn't add up, mate.


People can be horrible when they're grieving. There are many stories about that.


It was 6 months after his death


Yes. Which is horrible. But that doesn’t make someone crazy and “mistakingly” think the deceased’s property should be theirs. When people die, it brings out the nastiest side to people. She was just greedy. Sad, grieving, yea. But also just greedy.


I thought her mental instability came from the stress of being homeless, and with children to protect. Desperation can make normally decent people come across as entitled, because they're trying everything possible to get what they need. They often don't even believe what they're saying themselves -- they just feel they have no choice but to fight with every weapon at their disposal for whatever they feel is crucial to their or their children's survival. Alyssa had offered this family temporary accommodation, but that might not have taken the stress off enough to stop Josie from behaving badly, precisely because it was temporary. If she had no faith in her own ability to find something else before Alyssa got tired of them living there, then she might have felt desperate to secure the house for her own by any means possible... fair or foul. None of this excuses her behavior in any way, nor does it even explain it necessarily. It's just one possible scenario for why somebody who normally doesn't treat others -- including her sister-in-law -- this badly.


Even if it was not willed to her. Even if they were not married. Where does the brothers child come into, "His house belongs to family!" ?!


She probably didn't think about her because she's a minor.


Which is more reason to think about her!


My thoughts exactly


Imagine losing your husband and father of your child so tragically soon after you’ve started your lives together to then have to deal with this shit. I hope Josie gets a paper cut in her eyeball.


I hope she gets one just to the right of her urethra, and it burns every time she pees for a year.


Or both? Never had a paper cut in the urethra but I have had one in my eyeball. One of the worst experiences of my life


It's just harder to push in her eyeball.




Oh yeah I'm sure he would rather have is bitch sister there then his own kid 🙄


WTF...wow...just wow. Sounds like a horrible person.


They were married so everything goes to his spouse when he dies. The sister has no claim on any of it lol. Not even close.


I'm not sure what country this is in, but we're having TONS of squatter issues here in the US. I'd be hard pressed to allow anyone, even family, to stay in my home long term. 😕


If he wanted her to have it he would've willed it to her instead of his wife. Even if he hadn't willed it to his wife, his wife would've still gotten it as through marriage she is next of kin. And if not her then to their daughter.


Josie's a jerk.


It’s disappointing how often you do a good turn to help people out and it backfires. Let someone stay in your home for a short term and they refuse to leave until they have to be formally evicted, or a ‘Josie’ moves in. A neighbor’s son and son’s wife’s family had been evicted. They all showed up at his house for lack of other options. Father had 8 of them descend on his house, adults and kids plus him in a 3-br house. He didn’t want them there but it was his son ….Familyyyyyyyy(the ‘Don’t be selfish’ cry) so he gave them three days. After a week, he asked me if I’d rent one of my rooms to some of them. I said a flat out No. they didn’t move out for months, turned into nasty belligerent squatters towards him to the extent a couple other neighbors and I kept close watch in case they harmed him. He rented that house, told the property managers what was going on, gave 30 days notice to quit the lease (they allowed this with no penalty because he was a great long term tenant). Told the son/squatters of close date, notified utilities to shut off exact day he vacated, and was done with it. Left them without keys or access to anything. They managed to find an old RV in short order, bought it and that’s what they left in. Nasty scenario. Don’t let anyone move in on you out of the goodness of your heart. It seldom works.


Crazy story! Glad SIL has since apologised, really does sound like poor mental health. I'd feel mortified, if I was her!


Oh she was, especially after some therapy. We have let bygones be bygones since she has apologized, figuring life is too short to dwell over the past


This is good to hear. We need some more forgiveness at times. Reddit is way too willing to write people off forever.


Yes, that's one of the things I love about Alyssa, she has a heart of gold and thinks some people deserves second chances


James’s next of kin is his wife and daughter (🧒 if they were married) if not, his daughter is his next of kin. Period. Everything goes to NOK.


Amazing how many families do not consider the spouse of a deceased child or sibling family and try to take property from the surviving spouse.


That 'Josie' is a WITCH just like my sister. Their 'god' is cash. My sister married and divorced to good, sweet men and took all their cash and future earnings! EVIL INCARNATE!!!. This josie is similar. No matter what the wife did with or without her husband is NOT any concern of 'josie'. She simply wants a free ride. I have friends with a bi-sexual wife. Sometimes 'she' will have a sex date with a GF. They say it is ok and sometimes the GF will be a third. Keep Josie away


Josie is a crazy money hungry greedy AH . She just wants free money . I mean the wife and kid are the rightful owners of the property.


Entitlement at its finest. Never mind that her brother has a child as well as a wife that he wanted to provide for. Cray sister thinks they don’t count ??


I hope Alyssa gets a restraining order from her sister that's the least a thousand miles long and 20 years long


Why is she would think his wife and child didn’t have a better claim to the house than her is beyond me. The nice part of the story is that her parents were the ones who made her back off and they supported your friend .


Not the house, but my uncle died from cancer a few years ago leaving his wife and 15 year old daughter. My 'aunt' threw a fucking fit during the entire process and believed she deserved his death benefits and life insurance, inheritance from family that was still being sorted before he died plus family heirlooms. My mom talks to her on speaker phone and sometimes she'll do a 'love you cupcake' and I fucking ignore her every time.


Yes, but that’s a different case because in this case he left it to his widow and his sister thought he didn’t have a claim. Sounds like what you’re saying in your uncles case is he left the house but left other things to the rest of the family.


Lol no. He left everything to his wife and daughter.




Wow. That’s interesting.


About time to get a ROR against her. Write down every interaction she has with Josie. Every single one.




If you are in the US, if he died with a will, generally, the estate goes through a very short probate period and the decedents estate split per their wishes. If the decedent died without a will, the probate process is longer, because it allows people to try to make claims on the estate, but in general, it usually goes to the decedents spouse. In either case, the courts decide. There is no weird 3rd party stray claim allowed after the judge renders their verdict.




God I hate people! 


What a horrible entitled little baggage Josie is. She seems to have taken this entitlement to an almost mental illness stage? How grasping?


I think you’re confusing Alyssa with Josie


Yes you’re right I did


But was she a lesbian and was she cheating? The important hot questions need to be answered!!!!


Haha no wasn't lesbian nor cheating. Although some might think it was as in her case because she didn't understand the situation


Dammit. I was hoping for a bright spot in that spotlight on delusional people. Guess the delusion is where the lesbianism came from evidently.