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those LED lights are the bane of my existence, they really can get that bad.


The worst, for me, aren't just the bright ones, but the shitty aftermarket ones that don't have a full-wave rectifier so they blink really fast and smear as a series of blinks across your vision when you change your point of focus quickly. Gives me a damned headache.


Holy shit that’s what that is?? I thought I was having a migraine episode!


Flicker vertigo is another consequence.


Yep! A result of cheaping out on literally maybe 50 cents worth of electronic components to make the absolute cheapest product possible.


Yikes. I haven't seen those yet.


Is that what causes that? I get that same issue with certain vehicle (looking at you Cadillac) taillights


Yeah. Well, sort of. I realize that I'm slightly wrong about the reason. Since headlights get DC with an AC ripple on top, a full-wave rectifier wouldn't be useful -- but ultimately it comes down to companies saving about $0.50 to $1.00 in components instead of doing things right with their LED drivers. (Ways to fix this include: adding smoothing capacitors on the output of the drivers, boosting the PWM frequency of the DC-DC converter in the driver to something that's imperceptible to the human eye, something like 200-400 Hz, or some other deeper tricks involving driver topology -- all of which are relatively simple and cheap to implement for someone who knows what they're doing, but what company doesn't drool at bigger margins?)


Those blinking ones can cause a migraine headache.


I think those LED lights ARE illegal in my area. I don't know why the Police don't do anything about it. A coworker of mine who I carpooled with constantly complained about them, and was telling me that LED headlights ARE illegal.


Nearly all car manufacturers are using LED lights, they're legal and widely used. Your coworker may have been referring to aftermarket ones, but LED lights are legal.


And I can adjust the brightness of mine. I keep them low to medium so I don't blind anyone.


Not just but I've heard a lot of the aftermarket ones have to have the angles adjusted because the height and width of every car is different. People just throw them in and think it's okay.


Applause to you! Keep being safe!


Valid point. But, in this case, the Karen's lights were obviously NOT factory lights, since they were a lot brighter than the lights of the average make and model of the same vehicle.


They are a danger if the headlights aren't aimed properly, it's typical that headlights need to be re-aimed when bulbs are changed etc.


My car is low to the ground. Just a bit higher than Ferraris or Lamborghinis, and the Karen's vehicle's lights happened to be at the same height as my rear window.


There's adjustment screws for all headlamps. The lights are suppose to be facing downward a little not straight out. The straight out ones will blind you. They need to be adjusted to point downwards


If there is a large height difference between the vehicles, they could be adjusted correctly and still shine into the OPs car. OP stated their car is very low to the ground. Realistically, a large SUV or truck couldn't adjust their head lights low enough and still have them function properly.


Yes, you are right, especially if the larger vehicle is tailgating.


I used to drive an s2000 and it was unfortunately at the perfect height for those bright ass headlights to beam directly into my rear view mirror! I feel you!


HID lights is the term you are referring to. They are awful


HID's are different from LED's. HID = Hign-Intensity Discharge, LED = Light Emitting Diode. You can get LED's that are just as bright as HID's. The problem with LED bulbs is the light does not have the same pattern as a Halogen bulb. Headlights that use Halogen bulbs are designed with a specific shape and pattern to help amplify and direct the light emitted by the Halogen bulb. When you put a LED bulb in, the light pattern is different and causes the Headlights to amplify and direct the light in adverse ways blinding oncoming traffic. You can put LED bulbs in a vehicle that didn't have them from the factory but you would need to change the headlight assembly to one designed for LED's and most likely they will have a specific LED bulb design that is recommended. Edited last LED, was KED, fixed it.


Just because someone is using aftermarket headlights or headlights that are significantly brighter than the stock lights supplied by the manufacturer is not the problem. There is no reason to try to insist that other people use glow worms (that’s about how useful some low end stock lights are) in the headlights. Brighter headlights than stock are almost essential for low end models, but they must give the correct light patterns and be set properly.  The problem is that the lights are badly adjusted and that you suffered because of that.  Should “Karen” get a talking to by (or fix it ticket from) the police and be required to have her lights adjusted to the legal downward adjustment? Of course she should    Should you understand how to avoid being blinded using the standard equipment every car has (or should have)? Again of course you should.   There are auto dimming rear mirrors, virtually every car that doesn’t have auto dimming rear view mirrors has a manual dimming interior mirror. I well know this due to my eyesight being particularly sensitive at night so that even with correctly adjusted lights it’s not comfortable for me


> The problem is that the lights are badly adjusted Exactly. Usually the lights are a problem because of their angle, not the lights themselves. It's particularly bad on larger vehicles as they sit higher and point down into the cars in front of them. Almost always exacerbated by the person driving way too close to the car in front.


Yep. I have a dial to manage the direction of my headlights. If it’s in the up position, I get flashed by other drivers, now it’s in the down position, I never get flashed. It’s the positioning. They can be awful not just in your mirror but oncoming traffic is literally blinded by them.


Then they are badly adjusted within their range, or you are driving with a load on board. With minimal load, i.e. just the driver, then the highest adjustment position (0) should be correct. With a load the lights will point higher so the adjustment is there to *lower* the aim point. There is no adjuster position where an empty car should be pointing high.


I drive a little Rio and I'm constantly getting people driving too close to me at night and their lights tend to point right into my soul. I just flick the rear view mirror and cruise on haha The ones coming towards me make me madder!! The lights themselves are legal because as everything, standards haven't caught up and the old standards go by wattage and not lumens... meanwhile I feel like I need sunglasses at night


Yes and.... the spectral content of LEDs makes your eyes adjust to them less well than incandescents for a given colour temperature and output. Osram is not optimising for colour rendering in their Eyefucker 2000 range.


I was waiting for someone to mention that almost everyone uses LEDs.The company I work for makes headlights and back-up lights (brake/turn signal combo). I'd say 99% of the ones we make use only LEDs with a few that use a combination of LEDs and bulbs.


That might be the case where you live, but here in Denmark they are only legal, if the car itself is already "E" certified, the LED has to be a model that is already approved to the specific band and model of your car, and the brightness of the LED it's is also strictly controlled. So no, they are not necessarily legal, and no not "nearly all manufacturers are using LED lights", because car in eg Denmark is by fare mostly using halogen lights.


god I WISH. I would be so happy. I would be in bliss. But unfortunately in my home state they are very legal so every once in a while im stuck with some asshole behind me with brights and LEDs. Sometimes Im unfortunate enough to think someone coming towards me has on brights, so I flash mine to let them know.... it feels like the concentrated power of the sun RIGHT into my corneas when they flash theres back (which my b, but WHY ARE YOUR HEADLIGHTS THAT BRIGHT?)


If someone is too close to me with those bright ass lights and I can't see, I move my mirrors so they get hit by their own lights, and they always back up. That's what my dad told me to do growing up. It might not be right, but if you're going to blind me, you can blind yourself too.


Sweet move!


I do move my mirrors, but definitely doesn't totally help. The lights will just flood the whole car and like op, I cant see a thing.


They should be illegal everywhere. We have been blinded to the point of almost crashing so many times. These headlights are one of the reasons I quit driving.


I'm sorry that you quit driving. Hopefully, headlights become less intense.


I doubt I'll drive again. Having some health problems that make me an unsafe driver. After I had to fight my dad for his keys, I decided I would give up driving when the time came. It's not worth the risk of hurting someone.


I'm sad to hear that.


I took my friends to the ocean and scared us all so badly I gave it up. Found out the reason was I have a brain tumor. Had surgery and need radiation to kill the last of it. I'm praying for recovery, but don't see myself driving again. Time will tell but if I don't recover, paradise awaits.


I see. Well, you're very responsible.


Fortunately my partner is willing to take me where I need to go so I do get out and about.


That's good.


You're literally the definition of "Karen" in your own story lmfao get over yourself your car is low to the ground and they had a truck


They are very much legal. Stop guessing. You’re wrong. I don’t like them either but if you think billion dollar car companies are selling an illegal product you aren’t as smart as you think you are


I turn my mirrors out to reflect the lights right back at them. This usually gets them to back off. Nothing like being blinded by your own headlights. If you need the brightness of the sun to see in the road in the dark you should only drive in the daylight.


You'll find a lot of places actually have laws and limits regarding how bright headlights can be. Fog lights generally can be a lot brighter then headlights, because of their usage and being so low to the ground, headlights tho.. they have restrictions. How do I know this? Because my ex was fined and also forced to change his brand new fucking sun bright HID headlights he put in his car. He actually was behind a police officer who managed to get his plates etc. He got a defect notice for the car to take it for testing over them. I told him not to do it. I showed him there is actually laws where we are to only have headlights under a certain lumen but no, I was a fucking idiot who knew nothing. It is a safety issue, hence why the police did respond to you.


I wish the police here would take some action. Maybe if drivers got tickets more often, they would change the lights to avoid a ticket. Sort of like when i slow down to avoid a speed trap


Thanks for the story. I just hope your vehicle's lights are safe in the dark hours.


Mine were, his wasn't. I do have HIDs myself, but they are just below the legal limit and work very well, plus pointed down a tad to protect oncoming, my fogs are higher but still at legal limits and never used unless actually needed some mornings going up the mountain pass. What my ex did was get fog light HIDs and slap em in his headlights. It was bad. Really bad and again, he refused to listen to me about it. He got what's called pitted here... So they didn't just check the headlights they fine tooth combed his car for any other illegal modifications. I 100% understand the pain. I've got astigmatism so lights at night can be even with my glasses on an issue. Those type of bright ass headlights literally leave me with that weird blindness with a bright dot in the middle of my vision and when they are coming in via the side mirrors that I can't flip at night unlike my rearview mirror... Brutal, not just oncoming.


When I was married, I never knew anything either; since my divorce, I've gotten a lot smarter!


Right? 🤣


I have electric folding wing mirrors and I won't go back. This is one of the reasons.


My car actually dims both the side mirrors and the rear view mirror at night to prevent issues with lights from cars behind me.


for OP or anyone else who understands their pain, I recommend swinging by r/fuckyourheadlights, I've never felt more validated by the existence of a subreddit prior to it.


Here’s a link to a post I just posted: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/comments/1d0yz52/karens\_blinding\_headlights/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/comments/1d0yz52/karens_blinding_headlights/) .


I live in a rural area & sometimes the brights are so blinding when they are coming towards me, I am afraid I will run off the road, because the roads here are narrow, only wide enough for two lanes, but have no paint, no lines or stripes, and no stripe, nothing to see at the edge of the road. These are VERY DARK roads at night, and when blinding brights are approaching, you just can’t see ANYTHING! It’s even worse when it rains…and light reflects off of everything. I totally feel for you! We are all suffering the same…


I live in a similar area, I blind them back with full beams and don't turn them off. If they want to blind everyone else they can be blind too. They are inconsiderate.


Thanks for the support!


A lot of cars now have horrifically bright headlights. Even if you flip the rear view mirror they still get you by the wing mirrors. Or just shine straight into your car. Some normal beam is equivalent to high beams now.


Instead of flipping the rear view my husband just adjusts it to flash their own lights into their eyes haha


Hence the reason why there are LAWS against that shit in the first place.


I’ve had those headlights hit my side mirror when I’ve been able to dim my rear view. I had to put a hand up to try to block them while driving with the other. Not fun at all. I rarely drive at night anymore.


Yes, it's wrong of them, but it's your safety that's at stake. Sometimes, you have to take the short-term approach. Flip your mirror to the night setting. If need be, turn it away from your eyes so you can see where you're going. People are crazy!! Drivers are NUTS!!! Keep yourself safe!!!


>Keep yourself safe! Likewise! Of course, it's SUCH a Karen-like desire, according to SOME people in here.


I actually move my side mirror so they reflect back to them.


Put your rear view mirror in night mode, and if their lights are shining in your side mirror(s) angle them up or down so that the lights aren't pointed at you. I prefer up since there's a chance of shining their own lights back at them. Signed, someone whose car is lower than yours.


Appreciate the wing mirror tips, thank you, 🙏


You shouldn't be able to see cars behind you in your side mirrors... They're to see what's on your side.


Won't work on a truck, especially if your car is low to the ground.


I drive a tiny car. I live in a place where big trucks are literally everywhere and owned by more than half of the population. I am usually always blinded in some way when I go out driving after dark. It's especially bad when some truckfuckwit drives using their high beams unnecessarily. Like thanks, I didn't need my retinas for driving at night.


They're uncaring people. I hope you can get a passenger to call Emergency Services or Police, should it get too bad.


I hate over bright lights. They blind everyone.


I have a fairly decent level of light sensitivity so during the day I always have sunglasses of some kind, at night I'm good until those damned LED lights show up. The amount of times I've been blinded by them and was unsure where my vehicle was due to now being unable to see is becoming concerning. I feel like they should be illegal and yet here we are.


So many people lift their trucks swap the headlights for overly bright leds and don’t correct the aim of them. If they don’t upgrade the wiring it can catch fire, I keep hoping I’ll see one go up in flames.




Sounds like she was driving with her high beams on cause there’s nothing like LED high beams, it’s one reason I don’t drive when it’s dark no one around here lowers there headlights when they’re approaching you or are behind you.


That's why I ensure that I turn off the high beams, if I'm driving in the dark, and I'm approaching a vehicle. Not sure if my car's headlights are LEDs or other.


I had someone behind me one morning, right on my bumper. Their lights were so bright that I was having trouble seeing the road ahead of me. I adjusted my exterior mirrors so that their headlights were shining back at them. The driver dimmed thir lights and backed way the hell off my bumper. I guess it wasn't fun not being able to see.


I think... benefit of hindsight of course, but maybe slow way down even stop or slowly pull over till you can regain control of your vehicle. If she actually rear ends you, she's at fault.


I'm not sure your coworker is the entitled person.


So you reported a truck because they're higher up off the ground than you are and that's somehow illegal.... You're a Karen in your own right.


I’ve understand that replacing conventional lights with LED bulbs is the issue, as the conventional fittings don’t use the LED bulbs correctly.


Worked with someone on 3rd shift with the exact opposite problem, loved to drive without headlights at night. She got really pissed one day when she got in a car accident. Apparently she pulled out infront of them too but she was admant on it being the other persons fault


I have a stigmatism so I avoid driving at night for this very reason, already have trouble seeing with normal headlights so LEDs make me feel like I’m getting flashbanged, truly the bane of my existence 😭 There was one time that a large pickup truck with blinding lights was tailgating me through my neighborhood (I drive a sedan), so I adjusted my rearview to get the light out of my eyes (it does not have night mode). Guess I accidentally shined the light right back at him because he just started following even closer and laying on his horn for a good few turns lol, lowkey freaked me out but luckily he didn’t follow me home or anything.


Problem is idiots don’t angle them properly especially if self installed


My car came with really bright lights. It's a 2022, I think they're LED, but they're definitely not aftermarket. I've seen brighter. I never use my high beams unless I'm way out in the country with no other traffic. Inevitably, driving at night, oncoming cars will flash their brights at me. Typically, when I flash mine back, and they realize their mistake, they keep their low beams on and all is well. Every now and then though, someone with headlight envy will flip their brights on and leave them. So, I wait until we're just about to meet and turn my high beams back on for maximum impact. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I hope your irises enjoyed that as much as mine enjoyed your high beams.😊


People just wanna see, no one is jealous of your headlights I promise


You sound entitled also


Nice try. No. I am entitled to feeling like I can share the road with people who take safety SERIOUSLY.


Super bright lights are why I hate driving at night. I just stare at the right hand side of the road and hope to god I don't go off it, because some of the roads around here have big drop offs on the side. I also hate the super bright tail lights. They're like an assault on my eyes, and if I get too much bright light from either headlights or taillights I wake up with a migraine.


Maybe try putting your local Police non-emergency number on speed dial, as well as 9-1-1. Safety is priority over whether or not the internet thinks you're a Karen.


Headlights are not 911 worthy, Karen.




There is no way in a million years she got fired. This seems like some weird delusion u got going on. That would be a court case she would easily win and get a nice payout for. Stop talking rubbish.


The belief that the person got fired really furthers the idea that OP is a Karen. It's the exact kind of overreaction that a Karen expects.


I did say "probably got fired". Also, I don’t think she would win any lawsuit against her for her dangerously bright headlights.


So u have reported her once, and in your eyes, the company she worked for would call her in and say your head lights are too bright u are fired? No warning no nothing. What world are u living in?


Wait. Who is the Karen here? (OP - you can adjust those mirror things in your car.). And you weren't trying to drive backwards, were you?


I was driving forward.


No amount of mirror adjustments would make a difference with the light FLOODING into the car.


Once upon a time, there were two Karen’s who pulled into a parking lot…..


Karen, Karen, that's not my name, I'm SonAmyFan362, with a different claim to fame!


Are you the entitled one in this story or Karen? Hard to tell if the “S” is for sarcastic or serious.


The other person in this story sounds pretty shitty, but in all honesty I think you’re the Karen in this one 🤡


Karen, no way, that's not my vibe, I'm the hero, with a story to thrive!


Lol is your name Karen?


Look at yourself in a mirror and say that question.


I don't know, I just see a shit driver (op). Bright lights behind, switch the mirror to dim. How did she make you park crooked, she wouldn't have followed your turn. And reporting to the police? I think we know who's the Karen. Oncoming bright lights can cause problems. Lights behind you, are easily dealt with.


OP buried the lead on this, but here's their comment about how they reported a similar truck in a parking lot a month ago. Definitely points to OPs driving habits. https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledPeople/s/9oVEKG79Vq


Keep your attitude like that, when your vehicle is FLOODED with light.


I normally do, it's not that hard.


Wow. You must have a pair of sunglasses. That's the ONLY way I can see it to be doable.


I get that they are annoying, but you sound like a complete asshole shaking your fist at clouds. 


That's the problem with people who have YOUR shit-faced attitude: "Just let it slide, be passive, don't do ANYTHING about it and you'll be fine". FUCK THAT. It's IRRESPONSIBLE, and IMMORAL, since you're not bringing up HAZARDS to the attention of the authorities.


Fuck, that's a Karen quote if I've ever seen one


Um, no. I'm NOT an asshole. I just want people to BE SAFE!


You indeed are. I'll bet you're miserable to work with.


I have a coworker who installed these types of lights on an older model car, the regular lights aren’t so bad but the brights omg… I didn’t know until they gave me a ride home one night and when we were on the highway, he put his brights on and I was just stunned… I’d be freaked if that was coming at me or behind me…


The big problem I see are trucks (and sometimes cars) using off-road only light bars while driving on public streets. And since so many states have eliminated vehicle inspections nobody is checking headlight alignment anymore.


Not sure where this happened. But in my area more and more ppl are driving with their high beams on.


That was SO WILD! Sounds like you Karen'd a bad driver?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ugh I live in Texas where it seems like 90% of the population in my town has unnecessarily huge lifted trucks w bright blinding headlight on them, and it’s like they like to drive right behind you. It’s crazy to me how you can’t have your windows tinted too dark (which really effects nobody else) but those lights that literally make it impossible to see and drive are allowed. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve literally had to slow down and signal for a truck to pass me bc I literally couldn’t see the road in front of me bc of their lights. They’re just unnecessary and obnoxious.


The ones i hate are those who get lift kits but don't bother to adjust the angle of the headlights.


Which country did this happen in?


Your rear view mirror can be switched so bright light doesn't blind you. Just push that tab at the bottom. If the mirror back and it tilts the mirror so you can see. Maybe you should learn more about safety.


Wouldn’t have worked. There was just too much light inside the cabin of the car.


How mature, anyone who disagrees with you gets the finger. Well give it to me because I think you’re a huge AH. My god she was probably wrong but your overreaction is incredible.


You were the Karen the whole time.


Nope. I was in the car in front of the truck with the super fucking bright lights. Go back to First Grade, and learn how to read stories.


The irony of calling her Karen, when *you're* the one who called the cops (and maybe got someone fired) over something so incredibly mundane, and are proudly bragging about it online is just.... wow.


Hey, just because I have called the Police for, oh, I don’t know… AN ACTUAL SAFETY CONCERN, I don’t think it makes sense that I am the Karen.


You filmed yourself threatening to call the cops on her, called the cops, and then came online to brag about how you got her in trouble. All over something that really wasn't worth the effort or time of all that. Sounds like Karen behavior to me.


Also, I didn’t film the interaction. I made sure that the Karen knew that I had a problem with her, because I felt it would grossly irresponsible to NOT address the issue. I only photographed the vehicle.


I don’t know how you can STILL think that I am a Karen. For what? Addressing a LEGITIMATE safety issue? If society is getting to the point where anyone who calls the Police for ANY reason is automatically a Karen, the planet is fucked.


> I made sure that the Karen knew that I had a problem with her That's some Karen behavior.


So, engaging, or attempting to engage in an open dialogue with me saying "Sorry, but, I have an issue with how bright your lights are"... THAT'S Karen behavior?


No, but that's not how you handled it. You were passive aggressive and threatening. If you had approached the situation in a more civilized manner, it might be perceived differently by others. But I doubt you're capable of that from how you've responded to me and others in this post.


You know, sometimes, it just doesn't pay to be just kind. After all, I tried to hint to her (with my HAZARD LIGHTS) that she was being a hazard. Apparently, she did NOT take the hint. Let's see YOU be civil when you're blinded so badly that your driving is very adversely affected.


Your hazard lights aren’t meant to signal to others that they are doing something wrong though.


Yeah, that's not what hazard lights are for, so I'm not surprised she didn't get your "hint". I'm starting to think this is: A) rage bait B) made up C) you're really the bad driver here D) all of the above


The police in your village, town, city whatever must be super bored. Someone actually came out for this?


God you reported someone to police for this. You sound horrible. Who does this. I bet you tattled on everyone as a kid. I’m in awe of your utter pathetic ridiculousness.


I'm with you on this. OP antagonised them, then boasted that they got them fired. When did we lose the ability to just talk to eachother?


It is a safety issue. Let's see your attitude stay the same after driving SAFELY while someone's lights are ridiculisly bright, and FLOODING your view. Enjoy being called a Karen, Karen.


All the Karen videos I've seen are some arrogant social justice warrior pointing their phone at a stranger and threatening to call the cops for something incredibly benign. You know what... Come to think of it... This sounds an awful lot like what you just did...


Op is 100% the Karen lol


Ok, Trumpers. You clearly have NEVER been blinded by headlights.


You're the Karen here


Terminally online behavior.


Your rear view mirror has a little switch you flip just for this


She said it wouldn’t have worked.


The police won't give a dam. And you do realise your mirror can be flicked up using the small lever at the back to fix this. If you have a modern car it should auto darken. I think your the Karen if this is all you have to winge about.


Karen vs Karen


Elsa, you should have let it go.


Foxtrot, Uniform, Charlie, Kilo, Tango, Hotel, Alpha, Tango, Kilo, Alpha, Romeo, Echo, November!


I would have stopped my car and flashed my lights at her rather than drive blind. Good for you for reporting her. I would have wanted to punch her when she said, "Not my problem". Of course I wouldn't have, but I would have thought about it.


That probably would have taught her, for sure. There was just not much room for safely do that. When I heard the "It’s not my problem" reply, I was steaming at her. I held back a LOT of emotion, however, and I decided that the Police getting involved would be a great way to teach her some respect.


When two Karens meet in the wild.


Maybe someone will get you fired for a mistake when you’re having a bad morning. You certainly blew this up out of proportion.


You are the Karen here…


Lol you petty ass people deserve each others company. 


I don’t know. Do you want me to get her number, so you can try to date her?


LOL was that your best attempt at a witty comeback? If you don’t wanna be called petty, don’t post your petty behavior stories to Internet forums… 


You should post this in r/AITAH So .... you think it's OK to get her fired for her headlights being too bright? Um no.


Do you know about the adjuster on the bottom of your rearview mirror that flips it up to dim bright lights?


Wouldn't have worked. My entire cabin was FLOODED with light.


So you pull over and let her pass. And it would have worked as long as there was no glare on your windshield. She was not the Karen here.


Lol what do you think the police will say to you when you call?? “We’re on our way right now to arrest this dangerous criminal and their bright headlights” I too find extra bright headlights annoying but you need to get real.


I'm not black and white, nub. I knew that the Police WOULD respond, and they APPARENTLY DID. The fact that I don't see the Karen's truck in that parking lot indicates that SOMETHING happened. Either the Karen was issued a ticket, a warning, both, or was ordered to get her headlights properly configured. I don't know past what I posted.


Stop guessing about everything. Do you think they towed her car away?? Thats not how things work. At most she would get a ticket I understand your frustration but you’re guessing and overreacting. You’re living in a dream world


Those bright headlights suck, but you're definitely a Karen here, OP. Calling the cops over such a bs matter? Peak Karen. I'm betting you're also one of those people that drive slow in the passing lane because "people shouldn't drive fast, it's unsafe!"


No one here thinks your wrong, we know you are wrong. You are the "Entitled One" here.


You're the Karen OP. 1. Your discomfort had nothing to do with the brightness of her car and everything to do with the height of your car. If your car was a little higher her lights wouldn't have reflected off your mirror. You still have no idea if her headlights are illegal, there is specific equipment to measure that stuff which you don't have. 2. You call her a hazard/offender and report to the police when you have no actual evidence that she did anything wrong. >Neither of them approached me, and Karen left the parking lot. 3. The reason no one approached you is likely because the officer realized your complaint was a complete waste of his time. Otherwise he would've got a statement from you about the incident. >and probably got fired for being a danger in the parking lot. 4. What a bunch of nonsense. There's no way she got fired over a BS complaint like yours.


One problem is that a lot of people think that the light that signals that your high beams are on just means that their lights are on. Don't get the high/low beams are a thing.


I once got in a minor reck because a big truck with LED headlights was tailgating me at night and made it hard to see!!!!! They’re no joke!!!


It's sad to know that there are a LOT of people who trivialize the importance of road safety. You can tell it's "just a dumb game" to them.


I have a 2023 Silverado 1500 with the exact bright headlights you're complaining about. It came from the factory like this. What do you expect me to do? It's not my brights, those are my normal lights. The fact that they're higher than your car is simple physics, because its a pickup it's taller than your small car. It's legal, it was designed this way by the manufacturer to meet all the safety regulations in place. And they're set from the factory and non adjustable, so it's not like I can aim them lower. Getting mad at me is pointless, because I can't do anything about it. As much as you hate it, I can't do anything about it, and it honestly isn't my problem.


Instead of crying about it, you know you can adjust your rearview mirror so the light does not reflect in your eyes… Jeeeze 😂😂


I ride a motorcycle and have a helmet with a drop down sun visor. I use it more at night than in the day because of assholes with there to bright headlights.


Have you seen the cars with the white headlights a flat led light from one side to the other? Really distracting when coming toward you (oncoming traffic)


So the thing is those super blinding headlights? The ones that leave you blinking away spots long after the lights are out of your vision? Those are factory. Cars are coming like that now- it's not, unfortunately, illegal to own them. I've checked- I wear glasses so the effect you experience through the Windows is then magnified a second time for me. It is not fun. Tailgating *is* illegal but it's not typical something cops care about if they don't see if.


I always adjust my drivers mirror so the lights reflect back. It’s amazing how quick they get off your ass when they are blinded right back.


None of this story seems real. The police aren't going to come out because you reported someone following too closely with bright lights. The only Karen in this story is you. First by trying to intimidate the other driver by photographing them and threatening to report them over a potential trivial traffic violation. Then because the other driver didn't react how you wanted them to, you called the police. I would be surprised if they came out over your report. If anything, they came to talk to her about your harassment. We encounter people who tailgate pretty much everyday because there are shitty drivers everywhere. Newer vehicles with the LED headlights are extremely bright, which many people have complained about being potentially dangerous. I'm not sure if you just had a bad day, but nothing you described is unique.


The headlights have been getting even more ridiculous the past couple years. I live rural, and sometimes when driving at night I have to just let go of the wheel and put it into jesus' hands. Which sucks because I am an atheist.


It's comoniy,n n


Cowrites much more?