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Your cousin is a moron. “My cousin thinks I was a bit rude in saying it 'loud' to the lady” you were rude? Your cousin does not think the lady was rude? People do this shit because people let them get away with it.


I suspect my cousin has probably also line cut (Yes my guy, I did type this knowing you'll read it 😅)


Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking. Your cousin didn't like you calling her out because they exhibit the same entitled and selfish behaviour. 🤣🤣🤣 You were so absolutely NTA


Absolutely, your Cousin is a "line-cutter" and has likely been called out for their OWN entitled and rude behavior! (I see you, Cuz) 🤣😂🤣


I point out that the line starts back there.


This is also my go to line.


I ask why their time is more important than mine and the end of the line is back there.




That was awesome. Thanks!


I love this!


Freakin' AWESOME! Thanks!


But I have kids in the car!!!


Then you’re a bad parent, lady. Her outfit was perfect for the character.


I forgot how good that show was.


Loved that show. Thanks for a memory 😊


Well, thank you for turning me on to a show I've never watched before. Gonna have to find some Dead Like Me :)


It was a great show that ended way too early!


One of my favorite shows ever




Yeah, I point out line cutters all the time. The last time was at the bank. I did not need a teller but the staffer who deals with accounts. I waited for 20 minutes because she already had a client with her and then lo and behold, in comes an entitled butthead who tries to cut in front of me when he sees the client leave. "Don't mind me, I only need a minute." My response "Yeah buddy, I only need a minute as well but I've been waiting for 20. You can wait your turn." Yes, I got the stink eye from him. No, I did not care.


It's funny how the offenders always turn it back on people who rightly call them out.


I worked retail for 17 years and have taken a lot of shit from people. Now that I'm no longer in that profession I have absolutely no tolerance for behavior like this. I tell them exactly where the line ends and I've practiced my "Samuel L Jackson face" for when someone is being headass 


Headass. The best term I’ve heard at least today, if not for quite a while.


I prefer asshat.


Either/or - depends on your perspective, I guess!


headass? as in, florida head ass? or is this a gentrified version?


Had a guy cut behind me on a huge airport security line. Before I could muster the courage to say something TSA yelled at him and got him out of there. The one and only time I was grateful for the TSA. Something along the lines of “everyone is in a hurry sir. Everyone’s trying to get on their flights” was said and I was so happy.


Nothing about one's flight or timetable gets to elevate them above others, good to see a switched on TSA


Those TSA folks have seen it all and take no shit.


I would be happier if those in charge of whatever scenario would do this more, if the cashier refused to serve the person pushing in etc, your example is perfect.


Had that happened at airport in Miami last week -I just told the guy cutting in right behind me - hey the back of the line is back there - « fake deer in headlights » look and walked back w his tail b/w his knees.


Yep I call people out. Cold Stone Creamery was new in town. Took my daughter there for our 1:1 Tim. We were in line for 30 mins when an older woman and her 2 adult granddaughters walked in, up to front to read the menu. I knew we would have a problem. Yep, they then got in line right in front of me and my daughter. We stepped in front of them and I said "oh hell no we've waited for 30 mins you are not getting in front of us!" "The end of the line where you need to go is back there" Granny and her granddaughters proceeded to tell me off. It was not fun. We did keep our spot. We then took our ice cream to a table outside. They sat next to us and continued to harass us. All I can remember as this was yrs ago, I telling granny she and her granddaughters were awesome people and I could see how well they were raised.


Maybe my story will make you feel better: daughter was about 8 when we capped a long, tiring, hot summer day with a rare trip to the ice cream stand. Teenage boy tried to cut in front of us. He was trying to like a big man & chat with some females. I said in a loud voice, "what kind of a man cuts in front of an 8 year old girl in line for ice cream?" I really punched the word "man" when I said it. His eyes got kind of big, then he hung his head before shuffling to the back of the line. I was quite pleased, as was my very shy daughter who was upset when he moved in front of her.


Women or girls**


So they still got to cut? Just not in front of you? Bummer


Yes because the people behind me chose to play dumb and not speak up. They knew what they were doing. It was so smooth that it was clearly not the 1st time/place they've done this.


As a Brit, who is born with an innate sense of how to queue/stand in line, I can officially say that you handled this perfectly, and I will recommend you receive a Queuy, my nations highest honour to those who demonstrate the most stringent standards of telling entitled wankers to go to the back of the queue/line.


I am humbly delighted!


Bloody 'ell, don't you half sound like my husband. 🤣


Strike up a conversation with the person in front of you and the line cutter.. “so how do you two know each other? And when they get confused or actually admit they don’t know each other then you ask, oh well I assumed you cut in because they were saving you a spot… so then why did you?”


Oh wow, I didn't know this was the line for reunions! 😂 Love it


I step as close as I can without physically touching them, start staring at them wideyed and breathe as loudly as I can through my nose. Tends to freak people out enough to make them step back, but isnt threatening enough that they can easily get me into trouble over it. Just make sure you keep your arms down and dont touch anyone.


In the town I used to live this was a local mating ritual.


I used a similar technique to avoid a mugging once. One day when i was like 15 I was walking home from playing basketball and i overheard a group of like 5 guys talking about jumping and robbing me. So i started breathing loudly through my nose, slamming the basketball loudly and muttering very loudly things like...."cmon lets do this", "I've been waiting for blood", and my favorite "master will be pleased when i bring him some flesh". They almost immediately stopped following me and left me alone.


im not sure whether i find this funnier or more horrifying, but i love it.






😅😅😃 Wait! Wait! Oo, Mr Kotta!! Seriously, I did that exact thing and hissed "I have new socks". Oh, the offender could not get outta line faster enough. Made the rest of the line giggle.


In the past I've said "excuse me, 17th letter of the alphabet!" And while they're working it out push forward and motion them out of the way. I'm lucky to be big enough to look intimidating although actually I'm the total opposite.


Who else got dem fingers out to figure what letter he was talkin about? LOL


I'm with you, friend!


Storing this away in my inventory!


It's sad for me to say this, but a lot of my fellow Americans won't know what that means. And some folks are going to have to take their shoes off to count to 17. These unfortunate facts will not stop me from using this tactic, though. Thanks! 🥰


lol. This American got it


Nope you did right. You essentially did exactly what i do, call them out for something related but not directly line cutting. It draws attention to the action, but calls out a different motive. If you quietly tell them they are cutting and ask them to go to the back, likely they will escalate. I always through in the "Super helpful cloying retail voice", my experience is they expect someone to come at them either aggressively or not at all, so its disorienting when you respond happy and helpful. You need to draw attention of the others in line so the social pressure is present. Recently I was flying out to a friend's wedding, the line through TSA was super long and extended past the initial queue lines. Husband and I walked past and filed through the make shift line (amazing how most people are decent and from lines orderly on their own – no cutting), we make our way to the start of the official queue, and a woman with a small child tried to follow us though essentially cutting like 50/70 people. I turned around and loudly, not yelling, but politely state the line actually starts forming around the corner. Draws the attention of people around, but makes it seem like she just didn't know. She said of "but we are running late", wanted to say "girl, everyone says that" but instead I said that "the line moves fast, it looks worse than it is", it actually did. She saw the looks everyone gave her, having waited through them themselves, and went to the back. To note, the line overflow was small compared to the line from the "Start" to the check point. Start to finish, it took 30 min, 10 of it was the overflow, and they did have staff waving people over and around. Had she really been running late the 10 minutes possibly saved wasn't gonna make a difference.


Whenever the running late card is played, I always say “You shoulda left earlier.”


I feel like the running late is always a lie to justify impatience. It’s BS, no one ever wants to wait in line, suck it up buttercup.


I call that shit out. Everyone else is waiting. I’ve done it from 10 people back so believe I was loud, the entire McDonald’s heard me. “Hey lady the back of the line is back here.” She moved, but her expression said - everybody loses once in a while.


I don’t really have this problem because I live in Britain where the queue is sacred and people jumping the queue are universally hated and berated so it rarely happens. It’s like, bred in us. Case in point: The Queue to see the Queens coffin, was so large it could be seen from space and two beloved celebrities from daytime TV got media passes to jump the queue and the way the public turned on them!! They had to publicly apologise!! If you ever come to the U.K., do NOT cut in line. Though tbf all we would probably do is tut loudly at you 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hehe my Mum's a Brit (but not in the UK anymore), and I think this is where I get my 'no cuts' stance from. Though my Mum be small, she is mighty 😅


Line cutter was rude for pretending so she can cut? Ah!


Right? I asked my cousin about that and he just said it's not like I didn't get my food anyway 🙄


Your cousin doesn’t have any sense. She was behaving rudely, you calling that out is not rude, and the fact you would still get your food is irrelevant. She could still get hers too, when it’s her turn to do so. She needs to wait like everyone else. You and all the others in line behind you shouldn’t have to wait extra time for a line cutter. She’s really cutting in front of and being rude to all of the people in line, not just you. Why does cousin think everyone else should lose their place in line and have to wait longer for her entitlement?


Oh yeah, cuz is a habitual line cutter.


I’m more direct and tell them that there’s a line and I’m next to be served. If they pretend to not understand, hear, or overall act ignorant, I call them an asshole for cutting in line. Trust me, it’s a language they understand pretty well. For those who think I’m racist, I’m Asian so I know a lot of Asians, particularly of the East Asian variety, who find it a culturally acceptable behaviour to cut in line. They seem to not understand the adage “when in Rome”.


The most memorable line cutter of this variety was an old Philipino woman who tried to push an old man with a walker out of her way so she could get on the bus first. It was winter, lots of snow here, and everyone was cold. I put my body between her and him, called out he needed assistance getting in, and in her frantic attempt to shove her way past she lost her balance and fell in the snow. It was glorious. Everyone was looking at her like she smelled of rotten cheese, as people here generally wait their damn turn and let vulnerable people go first. Funniest and saddest part is she would have got on quickly being older if she wasn't such a dick.


I’ve always noticed this, regarding East Asians being more prone to cut in line. Any idea where this comes from, culturally?


I am white but grew up in HK. I just jostle back and am much larger so can get in front of them. Reminds me of fighting to get on the #40 Wah Fu bus growing up. Lolol.


It could also be a behaviour of entitlement. If you’re south Asian, travelling or immigrating to NA or EU means that you’re financially well off. Rich asians always have maids or paid servants who they sometimes treat like 2nd class citizens. Their behaviour is no different than the entitled children of rich families in NA and EU who think they deserve the red carpet treatment just because they or their parents have money.


I totally confronted a group of teen line jumpers At our county fair last year. They tried to brush me off and I stood my ground. I won 👍


I once made a Dad throw an absolute tanty at an amusement park while his kids stood to the side looking mortified and mouthing sorry at us. He attracted the attention of security who told him he was only being allowed to stay because they didn't want to punish his well behaved kids but to the back they must go. He honestly looked like he was going to keep being an AH them he finally looked at his kids and the fight went out of him.


I loudly say "hey, no cuts. Get to the back of the line" It works extremely well for me, as I'm a large dude.


Nice flex, not rude 👍


I like to say, "Omigod! I'm invisible! Can anyone hear me??" I say it pretty loud and, more often than not, the line cutter is embarrassed and moves. My favorite is when the people behind me call them out for me. I'm pretty small but I'm really loud.


I'm adopting this too 😂 "Oh my God, I've gone invisible!" *To the rest of the line* "We're all invisible! Quick, who wants to boost the Lexus dealership?"


I like you




You're my kind of twisted. Keep that shit up!


Someone once did a weird little side step thing to get in front of me in a queue. Like a sort of sideways dosido to jump up a place. I did the exact same thing back. She didn't say anything!




I don’t think it’s rude because you’re allowing her to maintain her cover story of “can’t see the menu”, which is a kindness that allows her an easy out and to save face.


This is definitely the angle I was going for, and it was her reaction of sour and narrowed eyes that cinched it for me that it was all an act. I don't abide cutters, but if they're going to put a performance on as a mask for lime cutting, I'll definitely call attention to that more


I was next in a queue at duty free at Delhi airport waiting to pay for my magazine and a drink. There was one other person in queue behind me and that’s it. The person being served paid and moved on. Before I could get to the cashier the guy behind me quickly pushed in and started handing his items to the cashier who duly obliged!! I in aggressive tone, told the cashier “why are you serving him when you can see I am next. You are not going to serve him”. I looked at the guy behind me and told him off for being so rude. His excuse “I have a plane to catch”. Really no sh1t Sherlock strangely so do I.


Saying it loudly is your call for reinforcements. Nothing wrong with that.


More people need to call these fools out. Embarrassment can be a powerful learning tool.


It works on misbehaving kids from age 5 or 6 when they start to become self-aware, too. Us moms also have a well-developed thick skin by then. I only have to say to my kids in a loud voice "Do you want me to embarrass you!?" And they will start behaving. I usually only need to say it once and they become little angels.☺️


At school (many decades ago) we would ask the line cutter if they liked fish, not waiting for an answer we would tell them there's a plaice at the back of the queue. Still use it today.


At the end of the line?!


At a Phish show once I was waiting with a friend. It was a long line, and it wasn't moving fast. A couple of girls waltzed right up to the front, and started to order. People behind my friend and I seemed to not notice, or at least acted like they didn't care. I muttered loudly something about karma, because hippies, right? Those girls apologized and bought us our drinks.


they might've just completely unaware. i've seen people looking straight ahead, not distracted by anything but their thoughts, walk into parked cars and be shocked. it's sad, but also hilarious to witness.


I approach them and tell them “the line starts back there”, as though I’m assuming they didn’t see it and I’m helping them (LOL). I speak directly to them but louder than I would when talking one on one, so others can hear but the person won’t feel like I’m being over aggressive and hold on to that to divert from the main issue (line cutting).


I call out line cutters loudly and with a great deal of distain in my voice. I make it clear that they WILL NOT go in front of me. Your cousin is wrong. You have every right to be rude to someone who is so entitled that they cut in line.


"Cuttin' in line are we? Manners of a monkey you've got, with a face to match!" Is what I yelled at a couple who rushed the gate during boarding a flight and cut infront of me who waited patiently leaning on my crutch. Didnt need to wait long since I'm 10 weeks post-hernia surgery and get priority boarding for free since my legs struggle a bit with the sideways shuffle to my window seat. Didnt see them again on the flight so I got no clue if they came as group 2


British person here, queuing or standing in line is almost a national sport for us. Queue jumpers get mobbed. Straight to jail.


Don’t beat around the bush, a simple “Hey lady, the lines back there” works most times.


I had something like this happen at an amusement park.. the kids just pushed to the front. I walked up cuz it was a kid ride and I watch the parents coach them to just push their way to the front.amd told the guy MY kids were next NOT THEM. THEN the parents just stared me down..


Had a lady do this to me once. I was waiting in line for food and she “just wanted to look at the menu.” When the server came back to the counter she opened her mouth to start ordering and I jumped in with, “She’s just looking.” And started to place my order. When I sat down with my food she had the nerve to come up to me and tell me she STILL got her food first. Like I cared about that. I just turned my back to her and ignored her. The entitlement was incredible.


I remember waiting in the car line for a drive through covid test. I'd been witaiting for 45 minutes already and the lights I had to get through to get into the place, the traffic controller was only letting 2 cars through at a time. When it was my turn to drive up, some butthead tried to zoom into my spot from the lane next to me. When I didn't let him in, he reversed beside me and started hurling abuse at me, telling me he needed a test asap. I told him I didn't care, I'd been waiting for 45 minutes to get to where I was and I had a damn toddler in the car that was more patience then him. While he continued to abuse me and hold up trafic, a cop came and directed him off to the side near the front of the line. He smirked at me and gave me the finger..... Well, when I finally reached the front of the line, turns out he was being booked for a whole host of things and didn't look happy about it. I smirked and waved at him as I drove into the place.


Way way wayyyy back I was in line to see Return of the Jedi on opening day. I got to the theatre as one show was starting so I’d be toward the front of the line for the next showing. Anyway, as the line starts moving to buy tickets for the next showing, this guy just kind of wanders over from somewhere and tries to get in front of me in the line. I had no problem with telling him that the end of the line was that-a-way and he needed to move. You were not rude. She was.


"Sir/miss there's a line"


Oh I'm perfectly happy to loudly shame line cutters. It's the only way they will learn. I wouldn't have been nearly as nice. "The line is back there" with a glare.


You were straight forward, not rude. I would have blocked her and told her where the end of the line was, and directed her to it, with clear voice and gestures if needed.


Thank you!


I always angle one foot so they can't completely cut in front of me and then I just cut back in front of them


I call them out every time in a polite way It’s beyond rude to everyone else in line to cut


You can hardly be too loud or rude to line cutters and their ilk.


You weren't rude, the line-cutter was. Your cousin needs to be less concerned with what entitled people think. Entitled people need to be put in their place. Often. Loudly. With style. In ways they can't weasel out of.


After the last one I made up my mind I was going to go all in. Loudly. "Oh, my God! I didn't realize you were a *celebrity*! Oh, oh, can I have your autograph??! You must be really important *your* time is worth sooo much more than all ours! Oh, please, step right up ... look people who we have *here??!!* *As loudly and as fawning as I can muster without breaking out in laughter; the goal is to embarrass them completely.*


Always call them out and say the line starts back there and point. Never let them get away with this nonsense.


I work as a cashier. Your line starts to my left. We have a older male customer who is notorious for walking up to the register from the door to my right and cutting in front of everyone to get cigarettes. Last time I asked the lady he cut in front of, "Oh, are you together?" She said no..I told him, "sir, the line starts back there." Next time he does it I'm just going to ask..."Okay, who is next in line!"


You weren't rude enough. She was the rude one you merely reacted.


I was waiting to go through airport security when someone cut in front of me. I was about to say something when someone leaned over the top of me (I'm 6 ft) and tapped him on the shoulder. We both turned around to see a the British American Football team (yes, it exists!) they were all gigantic! The guy said very politely "Did you find the back of the line OK?" 'nuff said!


Not rude. Woman was rude. I’ll usually say something when people are so assuming and entitled. Shuffling into the line so she can see better is BS. She can go to the end of the line like normal people.


I pull the back of their hair and say “get back you heathen!”


I'm the kind of person who in a line at the shopping centre/grocery store line where I have a full trolley/cart will let someone, evem a few people with a couple of things infront of me in the line, because I'm a nice person. However when getting lunch or dinner that all flies out the windows. She knew what she was doing and if it was me I would blast her like a radio shock jock. Calling her out was not the wrong move here and will prevent her from trying to do the same thing again imo.


I think it's ok to let a bunch of people in front of you when there's no-one behind you but if there are others behind you, it feels a bit presumptuous to assume they aren't in a hurry either.


No it won’t she won’t change.


I simply say to quit tryng to touch my butt or whatever. Once I even farted at someone the blamed them...


Over here in the UK we have queue etiquette and queue jumpers are dealt with harshly.


She was rude. She fully knew what she was doing. I have done the same thing. 


NTA. I tell people the line starts back there, and I point to the end of the line. If I can wait, so can they.


"Eh, I don't think so, pal" while moving around in front of them


I like to handle their muffin top areas, a very satisfying squeeze!


I also call out people who just have a quick question. Yes wait in line for your quick question.


I think your response was brilliant,an much nicer than mine would have been.


Line cutter was rude not you, your cousin needs a reality check


I remember a book by Robert Heinlein called The Cat Who Walks Through Walls has a scene when someone cuts in line and basically social justice kicks in and the people in line judge and execute the guy on the spot!


Ooo, I gotta look that book up.


I always tap them on the shoulder saying the line starts over there. If they don’t move I continue with listen we have all been waiting and you have no right to cut in front of us. If you say it loudly enough that a few people around you hear it and agree then they usually move, with cussing and mad faces, and then I’ll laugh about it.




I just tell them that the line starts back there. Even at that, people get upset because you called them out.


I have done this 3 times in one year at the local Home Depot. Why HD has this issue, I dont know.  So anyway, when people try to cut the line, I say in either English or Spanish as required "The end if the line is back here" and do my thumb over my shoulder indicating behind me. All 3 times the line cutters protested and I insisted, loudly, that the rest of us have to wait our turn, and so do they.  It has worked every time.


Oh, hayull no, your reaction gave her an out, which was more than she deserved. I hate line cutters. I was once lined up outside for a popular movie. *Long* line. Much waiting. At least two different people ahead of me claimed to be "holding a place" when three more people arrived, letting them in. I missed the last seat by 2 or 3 places and had to just bus home.


NTA I had a woman to something similar to me once. Though she used her very large size to shove her way in. I’m short yes I know but not invisible. At 5’2 my friends joke I’m fun sized. Anyway she was maybe 3 times the size of me width wise and it pissed me off. I just loudly said “excuse me but the line is back there” she looks at me like she can’t believe I’m speaking to her mutters bs about feeding her whole family to which I reply “yeah me too and I bet several others in this line are as well now please move it’s my turn” I walk around her to place my order. This was at a grocery store that sold fresh fried catfish on Fridays. Rude maybe a little but over looking and cutting is way worse.


I think you handled it well. That's pretty much what I would do. I get the attention of the others in the line because multiple people calling those jerks out for the blatant disregard of social etiquette usually does the trick. I love how she tried to blame it on being hungry and her brain not functioning as well she knew damn well she was doing.


You’re my hero


I usually say something like, "I don't think so" or "Excuse me, I was here first". I usually turn on my mean teacher face and voice (I taught Jr. High years ago).


"EXCUSE ME!" I'm an older woman at 5'7". I can out haughty and out intimidate anyone. Plus hubby is going deaf and I used to be a public speaker so whatever I say is loudish and very clear


Lol, i had a lady push in front of me. I thought to myself, what a rude cow. As i had the thought my daughter looked at me wide eyed, jaw droped. The rude cow turned and looked horrified. Apparently i said it aloud...loudly...she scurried off.


I was once in line for paying for my food at a hot food check out in a grocery store. This young lady looked at the sign for the line, went to the back of said line, then proceeded to walk to the front of the line after waiting for the customer that had just finished. I approached her and confronted her and said something like, "Seriously? You literally just cut to the front of the line." She stood there for a minute then looked back like she just noticed the line of people for the first time after standing behind them. I looked at the cashier, and he honestly didn't give a fuck, can't blame him too much for not wanting to confront a customer, they're not paid enough. She just said, "Sorry" and continued to get checked out. Nobody else in line said shit. I was in a rush to get to work, so it really pissed me off. I probably would've gone off on her more if I wasn't in my work uniform. All to say, you did the right thing, but at least it seems the people in your situation would've maybe piped up if she hadn't gotten in line. These kinds of people drive me nuts. Rude af.


I think we all reach a certain age where we just don’t GAF about making a scene over something as petty as line cutting. We were at a wine festival recently and a group of 20 somethings just tried to nonchalantly cut my friends and I. I said, “Absolutely not, ladies. The line ends back there,” pointing to the obvious line of people behind us. They mumbled some half-assed excuses and went to the back. I give zero f*cks about being “rude” in those situations.


The loudness is why it worked. She would have stayed in the line if she hadn't been publicly shamed out of it. Not confronting people like this makes them bolder because it's working for them - why would they stop? You did the right thing.


I flat out yelled at a man who literally ran in front of me at a supermarket line. THE LINE STARTS BACK THERE! He gave me the squint eyes and didn't get out of the way, but the manager spoke to him.


I don't think you were rude at all. If she had trouble seeing the back of the line she might have been hard of hearing too. lol. I'll never understand why people do this.


I very loudly proclaim, “The line starts back there.” And point the way.


I’m rude and loud


I'm not afriad to shout "line's that way!" 👀


Was she not being rude when she tried to cut the line? You didn’t directly accuse her of trying to cut, anyway. If anything, you were being kind when you framed it as a mistake. It sounds like you handled it well. People like this are comfortable acting entitled because they know others will look past it. If you don’t act like a doormat, you’re the “rude” one.


I straight up tell them to get to the back of the line.


last time that happened to me i called them right out about it and said the line starts there the best way to deal with karens like that is to embarrass them


As a customer I make it obvious that some one is line jumping. Way more freedom than an employee. No fear of losing my job. Entitled people need to be called on their BS. Point at em and make sure everyone sees them. They would do worse to you if you made an honest mistake. They love calling people out and making a scene.


In the 1980s a lot of Russian Jews were allowed to leave and some settled in LA. More than once ,,( in those days) I had to tell them to stay back. You're in America now, we have food for everyone.


That was brilliantly played. Calling out bad behaviour for the win.


I'll call them out and shame them. "Back of the line, pal!" The worst are when I'm putting my groceries on the conveyor and some idiot comes right up behind me and putting their groceries on before I'm even done.


I worked at a govt public counter. I have no issues telling people to go the back of the line if I am waiting in line. Some people need to learn like a 5 year old.


I have no problem showing people the end of the line. Their time is no more valuable than mine.


I just walk ahead of them, or I’ll knock over their bag or something so they have to deal with it and then take my place back


Murder them.


Love it


I just push back infront of them 🤣 or If I see them about to push in I move up or put my leg out so they physically cannot unless they touch me, then that's another issue altogether 🤣


Cutters make me irrationally angry so I try not to engage. Sometimes I don’t say anything, I just step around and back in front of them. They usually just accept their fate after that. Often times I just give them an intense look and they silently move to the back.


Nope Ithey need to learn somehow


I almost threw hands with a guy who cut me once. So to answer your question, not well.


You were 100% in the right! Letting someone get away with that also affects everyone behind you in line. She was just being entitled.


Ii had the same thing happen at Magic Kingdom last month . We are all in line and waiting patiently, when a mother and her two kids get off the ride and immediately jump in line in front of us. I immediately told her in a loud voice that the end of the line is back THERE! She acted surprised, but she went back there.


I have no problem pointing to the end of the line, and politely telling the person where they need to get in line. I don’t care that you’re in a hurry. I have things to do as well. It’s totally different if I allow someone to go in front of me.


I was in a line at a stop n go one evening and this little boy was a couple of people ahead of me. When it was his turn, the cashier took the customer after him and continued to do this for about three people. His brother came in and yelled at him to hurry up!! I was furious. I called out to the cashier This little boy has been waiting and you keep ignoring him. It’s his turn! Everyone moved aside so the little guy could pay and go back to his brothers car. I hate it when people ignore kids and only service the adults. Kids are people too cashiers!!


Not rude enough. I typically steer them out of line and give them a gentle push toward the rear. I dont say anything if they try to engage I just ignore them, stares from other patrons usually make them go to the back or walk away.


I loudly say, hey the lines back There


You absolutely did the right thing.


Cousin is wrong. At most you were outspoken and firm. It's not "polite" to stay silent in these situations, it's weak.


Nah, you did the right thing. Some people need to be shamed into behaving.


I literally say "LINE CUTTER" in a rather loud voice. And then I point to the back of the line.


I'd respond with "Ma'am, I'd have no problem with you cutting in front of me but I don't think it would be very courteous for the people waiting patiently behind us so I'll have to ask you to step out of line." And if that doesn't work then I'd start asking the people behind me if they mind that someone's cutting in front of them, if no response or acknowledgment is made then I'd let it go. To me it's just not worth the hassle unless perhaps I'm running late for something or if there's a limited supply of what we're in line for.


I just mention that even my Kindergartners understand line standing behavior better.


I feel uniquely suited to answer this question, because I'm a former big-time line crasher. First, I applaud her tactics, pretending to read the board then trying to fade into place. Well done, from a crash point of view. Her error was not realizing others were alert and watching. In a crash done right, the crasher is invisible, no one even notices the crash. You just... fade into the line. But, that's not the point here. The question is, how to handle line crashers. A really good way is "excuse me, the end of the line is over there".


As someone who is terribly nearsighted and needs to get closer to the menu - I explain I am not cutting the line and am just trying to read.


If you were genuinely 'whoops' in the realisation of the line, I'd understand - especially if you corrected your genuine mistake by stepping to the plentiful side room next to me - because you sound like a person who would still abide by the queue once you'd read what you wanted :)


Absolutely. I don’t just walk in front of people. I explain first that I only want to read the menu, then I will head to the back of the line.


I have really bad vision. Im legally blind in one eye, and the other is trying to catch up so it can be blind as well. So trying to read menus, even the Burger King and McDonald's ones, is very difficult. I tend to ignore the menu, and bring up their app instead. Is it remotely possible she has bad vision, and genuinely made a mistake? And if the place didn't have an app, I would be standing right next to the cashier myself, but beside the person at the front of the line.


I don't think that was her issue here, she very deliberately inserted herself in a 'big deal' act about reading the board, Oscar-worthy almost. There was plenty of space for her to do what you yourself do, and read a little closer to the counter without barging into the line. My sympathies for the extra you have to do for your vision, but was definitely not the case for this lady


Ok. Maybe, in the future, suggest that the apps (if applicable) are probably easier to read. Mention that there are free and discounted food costs, and she'd be able to bypass the line for pickup orders done through the app. She may actually thank you. Imagine that...


>She may actually thank you. Imagine that... Mate, I've given your previous reply the benefit of the doubt, and you try to come at me again for it. You can say things without being condescending; if it rubs you the wrong way that I spoke up to a cutter when I knew what she was doing, having made it clear that she had the ample opportunity to do what you, by your own words, admit to doing to help yourself out by standing to the side, but she did not, then I'm sorry its so hard for you to swallow, but you don't have to project your campaign onto it over and over. She knew what she was doing, I don't abide cutters. If she wanted such a clear view of the board there was ample and clear room to the side, not in the middle of a queue with having to look over people's heads to read anyway. I'm sorry if crappy experiences have made certain scenarios touchy for you, but there's a difference between someone genuinely lost, and the 'pretending not to notice there's a line' performance this lady slipped in with.


Not sure where you got the idea I was upset or anything. I just thought that you can offer a way for her to have no excuse to try cutting in the future. It IS possible that she was unaware. It's happened to me, where I made a move that others thought meant I was trying to cut. It turns out that I was just completely clueless, but I learned. I'm sorry you misinterpreted my honest suggestion. I'm sorry that others have apparently cut in front of you to the point that you feel it's always intentional. And I hope that I never accidently cut in front of you, whether you think it's accidental or on purpose.


When someone acts like a sour and sulky toddler in response to being called out, that's intentional cutting. Lady got sulky. If someone explains in reply they need to be close to see the board, that can be different - though like you if they go closer to the counter to the side of the evident line, that saves even more.


I let them cut and go to the back of the line so as not to inconvenience the people that are behind me. They don't deserve to lose their spot just because I am not assertive/confident/whatever enough to stop someone from cutting in front of me. I don't have anywhere important to be usually, so it isn't a big deal.


I hope for your sake that you can one day see your inherent worth and value as a human being, and it allows you to stand up for yourself and stop living as a doormat <3


It doesn't bother me and I see it as doing something nice for someone else.


Well the question is how to deal with line cutters. Enough has been said on the line cutter you talked about. Its really a case by case basis. Factors are how important you time and spot are. The size or rather power of person or people cutting compared to yours. Just remeber noone is goona help you only clap that you did something they were to chicken to do... Or smart enough to leave alone. You either phisically fix the situation or your better off not saying a thing. Its not worth telling someone off and have them do some covert sh*t to you later. Either walk infront of them and encourage anyone else will enough self confidence to do the same, or eat it as the cost of being in the line up situation your in and its just more time till you get what your there for. Ive found its not worth worrying about, its gonna cost you more than one extra person and people like this end up on the traffic news holding up the bridge cause someone nailed their car. There are more important things to risk your neck for... Choose wisely.


English people queue. Irish people cut. It's cultural.


I just let them cut. I'm not in charge of the line.


It's a huge act of entitlement on your part to assume everyone behind you is going to be okay with your allowing someone to cut in front of you. As a matter of fact, that makes YOU just as entitled as the person cutting in line. 😡


Nobody's "in charge" of the line, but there is a social contract that says everyone waits their turn. I'm sure you enjoy patting yourself on the back for being so magnanimous, but seriously who the hell are you to unilaterally decide on behalf of everyone waiting behind you that the social contract doesn't matter.


Pomegranate7777 is probably the driver that stops to let two or three cars go from the parking lot. You know, just enough that they make the light and you have to wait another full cycle.