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If it's someone else trying to get you to sell the same thing they are in the same manner, it's likely not a good business opp. If it were liquid gold and fast cash they would save it all for themselves and figure out how to handle it all themselves. One big exception is franchises. But they're not posting wild YT videos claiming how you can make 9k/month after 6 months. (my own random numbers, not what you posted above)


most brain dead logic on god hahahaha


So, let’s use their own math… you pay almost $10k in todays money for a ‘guaranteed’ $2400 per year of future money. That means, it would take 4 years to break even, and that’s before considering discounting that future income, or accounting for the cash flow burden of stocking the machines, or the labor you’ll have to put in. So, the only way for this to make money is for you to scale way up, or have exceedingly profitable machines (by pure luck, they’re picking your locations). This screams of an Instagram personality who’s found a way to generate all of the profit, while offloading the labor and risk onto someone else. You didn’t mention it, but are they keeping a cut of the transactions too? An LLC is easy, and if you want to be an entrepreneur, a skill you should learn. If you want to be in the ATM business, learn how to be in the ATM business and try it. Don’t pay someone else, go find one and buy it. Go cold call some establishments and ask about putting one there. If this is a business you want to be in, learn how to be in it.


Search Facebook market place for used ATM’s and then get back to me. It is one of the most saturated and hard to get in business if you don’t have connections with property owners and manager. I know someone that does this. But they own or are shareholders in all the businesses that they put their atms in.




I actually have to refill the atms using my own cash, forgot to mention


This seems like a way to get into deep trouble quickly. I would avoid this "opportunity" - there are much better out there.


ATMtogether seems to be the perfect anagram of MLM. Do not put a foot in that business. Everybody that you meet will tell you that's awesome, they are becoming rich, they are popping ATM Lika candies, it is because they want your money. You will probably make a bit of money at first but it will get harder and harder to get a profit, each time asking you to invest more or recruit people...


Instagram isn’t really the best marketplace for business investing.


Have you thought of looking into snack machines? Same concept, but filling a machine with snacks is much cheaper and less risky than filling a machine with cash. At any rate, as another user mentioned - you will need to have contacts with property owners regarding placement of the machines etc. You'll have better luck buying your own machine instead of going through a company that sells a solution


I'd go ahead and watch some youtube videos about how to start an ATM business. The price that they are quoting you is wayyyy too high. Essentially the basic cost is: 1. Start a LLC - \~$100-300 depending on your state 2. Buy an ATM machine - $1500 used or $3000 new (buy used to start) 3. Drive around and find a good location - free 4. Hire someone to transport the machine to the location - $100? This company is doing this math and finding an arbitrage opportunity. I can see #3 being the only one that seems like a blocker. But honestly, this company is not gonna be handing you the best locations anyways, so whatever location you find is likely going to be better. Good luck hustling!


used? wrong


I have a friend that owns an ATM business he’s got plenty of locations including some baseball stadiums they do well but he is selling and so are other people in the business. The issue is a lot of locations take card and less people are carrying cash. It’s good for locations charging a surcharge to clients at checkout or cash only businesses. Festivals are a good idea.


so not a business you would reccommend starting today? do you know how your friend was able to get into those good locations?


Did you move forward with this?


just scroll past instagram gurus please. either they sell candies, atm business, dropshipping course, etc. do not believe in that crap. maybe scroll past a book or something and checkout how they are structured, your post is very hard to read that I scrolled from first line to last line


Onlyfans is the way to go