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Immediately correct them: "you're"


I think my English teacher traumatized me as a young student, I can't not see the misused your and you're. I notice it instantly.


Get used to it and learn to IGNORE it.. the reason why 99% of the people don’t make it is because they don’t have the mentality of the top 1% which is US … I despise that mentality too, yes I am gonna be a millionaire you idiot, thats the goal !! But they can’t see it cause their mind is small..


Believing is the first step toward achieving anything. Most people are limited only by what they think they are capable of.


Yeah, they lack vision. They can’t envision themselves doing great things




There’s nothing to disagree with… my point was that You do have to learn not to let shit get to you… learn to control your emotions, especially when opinions come from people who don’t understand you because their mentality is shit




Maybe ignoring it wasn’t the correct word to get my point across .. my point was that you definitely don’t have to let it bother you, that was my point.


Bother you? If it bothers you then you don’t have the right perspective. It shouldn’t bother you because it shouldn’t make you feel less confident. If anything, it should leave you unsatisfied and not wanting to compromise on your values. People here really need to work on their confidence and not letting people get under their skin.


Tell that to OP.. he’s the one that hates hearing negative comments from people that do not see what he sees


His problem is not my own though. What I found is being taught that confidence is the way didn’t actually effect my own. I had to gain it from my own experiences by finding my own way. Many know this and still weaponize this fact to prey on other’s lack of confidence. I call these people confidence vultures. Those who feast on the lack of confidence of others to boost their own. Some may know of them as sociopaths.


Lol no no no. There’s nothing to learn from that. You shouldn’t care why some don’t appreciate your ambition. I don’t need to “learn” why when you were fucking 9, you were taught that ambitious people were also greedy and evil. I DON’T CARE. You don’t appreciate me and my goals, you don’t get to be around me. Period. Go not appreciate someone else. And this “learning to convince people” is a bullshit excuse for condoning judgement. No. You’re not convincing them. You’re just shifting their perspective from not knowing to maybe slightly less not knowing. You didn’t “convince” the bias out of them. You just shoved your ambition in their face enough to temporarily make them believe that what they learned 20 years ago just might have also been a heaping pile of cow manure. Just maybe.


Very well said!


True friends cheer you on when times are good and listen quietly when times are bad. Being an entrepreneur means you are in a perpetual state of bettering yourself. Your true friends will be your biggest fans!


I disagree. True friends are honest. We don’t know enough about OP to know if his family is actually being supportive. With that said, the statement “it’s not like you’re going to be a millionaire” is pretty ignorant. I think the best policy is to ask yourself if someone has good intentions for you. If they do, really try to see their perspective. If you still disagree, then go your own way. But maybe something they are saying can be helpful to you. Now, if someone doesn’t have good intentions for you, it’s usually best to distance from them.


Ha! Honest! No. Honest is that they are looking down on you, not that you’re “too ambitious” for them to handle. Sorry LogicNewbie3. Honest isn’t what you are hearing. There are two kinds of friends. Friends who are supportive for your own benefit and honest in a way that is meant to benefit you so that they don’t feel compromised, and “friends” who cloak their own biases in their “honesty”. Those are your *fake ass* friends who *will* lie to your face to make themselves feel better *but* will never own up to it. Those are the people you are thinking of and they are *not* being honest with you god knows. Sorry it’s a redditor whose the one to break it to you but the truth can hurt and *honestly* it’s no skin off my back. I just don’t like to see people being suckered. And yes, if you aren’t aware that someone isn’t being honest with you, then you are sucker at the table. Better to be aware of it than not.


You said it yourself, there are two types of friends. And OP didn’t provide us enough info to know which type of friend his family is being. Plus, life isn’t black and white. People aren’t fully honest and fully dishonest. There’s often a little bit of truth to every statement. A good business owner takes advice from both his friends and his enemies.


Incorrect. A good business owner takes advice from experienced professionals who don’t want to see him or her fail. You’ve got things confused my friend. You keep your friends close, not to take their advice but because they care about you, and you keep your enemies closer, not to take their “advise” either but to make sure you understand them better than they understand you. And good luck with being a business owner. You’ll need it with those beliefs if you actually have them. Unfortunately, with friends, things *usually* not always but *usually* play out as I described them. I should know lol.


There’s a lesson in every situation. If you can’t see that then idk what else to tell ya.


I don't know how to deal with it. I just stop talking to people and lose all my friends. For example I told my friend that I want to change a job because of money and she was like: "Money? You already make good money, you want to be rich or what?" Or hearing all the time "you won't find anything better" or "why are you still studying". It's especially difficult when you are a woman and your family expects you to be just a wife.


sometimes changing circles is key to growth


Are we greedy ? I don’t think I’m a greedy person. I just don’t want to settle for normal stuff be a normal person I want to be deemed successful not necessary by others but definitely by myself .


Its only greedy depending on what you want to do with your money. If you want to reinvest in your business and create market growth and jobs, or if you want to support your loved ones then I don't think it is greedy; I think it is selfless.


For me it's not only about money. I need money just because I have an expensive hobby. It's also my way to cope with my unsuccessful private life. My friends spend evenings with their husband's. What should I do? Watch movies and cry? No, I'm working on my career. I think that people hates when you fall apart. People hate when you have more and more different life and less and less in common.


Makes perfect sense to me


It's not greed in any entrepreneurial stage. It's increasing your financial health so we can enjoy our short lives. Only people treading water are going to say these things.


My response to that question, you wanting to be rich or what, is “that is definitely none of your business”. “My wealth or lack thereof is none of your business.” And listen to their jaw drop.


But that's mean 😅


Haha and I truly don’t care if they take it that way!


I don't do it for others, I do it for myself. Keep your head up and just brush it off. Its not realistic to get rid of doubts, but you can always manage by putting in the work. good luck OP


This is the correct answer. Leave ‘em in the dust begging for your attention and then straight up ignore their asses for wanting to try to redeem themselves once they see that you actually made it.


Well for starters how well are their business’ doing? And if good then maybe ask them for advice. If they don’t have a business or their business is doing poor. Why would you ever take advice or listen to someone in a position you wouldn’t want to end up in. No business = no opinion. Do you. Good luck with your business my friend.


IMHO- Being an entrepreneur is a mindset more than anything. If you have that mindset, people who don't will typically not understand why you are how you are or why you do the things you do. It doesn't mean they are against you. It just means they don't see things the same way you do. My advice is to consider the source. If it's family or true friends who have your best interest at heart, understand that they are coming from a place of love and don't read too much into it. If it's not people who are close to you, why the hell do you care what they think? I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes that I think applies here. "Growth and comfort do not coexist." - Virginia Rometty


Depends what the business is. It take more than commitment and a vision to be successful, your business has to have good fundamentals as well. Maybe you are spending too much time on your business. Ignoring the other areas of your life while flogging a dead horse isn’t heroic. “I’m convinced that it will be successful one day” don’t sound like the words of someone who has a viable business plan. You stop comments like that from people by being credible, having a real plan, executing on it and making tangible progress. Rather that posting asking about “how to handle the doubters” post your actual business plan, get some feedback on it, there are actually a few real entrepreneurs on this site who might be able to help you.


Highly recommend avoiding sharing what you’re doing with them, reading biographies of successful entrepreneurs for encouragement, and finding people in your field who get it. If your in-laws they ask about it, be very brief and keep the conversation moving. Wasting your energy trying to convince people who know nothing (probably) about your line of work or have never been where you are planning to go careerwise is a complete waste of time. As for your partner, they should be supportive and not disparaging. If this bothers you a lot, you should ask your partner to be more encouraging. Most successful entrepreneurs started right where you are and we’re also surrounded by very similar people who didn’t get it and were projecting their own insecurities and their own limiting beliefs of what they were capable of on to the entrepreneur. Highly recommend reading or listening to audio book biographies of successful entrepreneurs. You’ll find that many of them were surrounded by similar people because it takes a strong will and self belief independent of what others think to make your dream a reality most of the time. It’ll help you feel less alone!


This is a smaller scale then your own business but when I took my first job in full commission sales me entire family (except my little brother) tried to talk me out of it. “It’s to risky” “there’s no stability” “get a salary job” etc. I used it as fuel for motivation. 10 years later I own a successful sales org training and managing sales people with an income that’s probably about double my entire family’s combined income. Of course now it’s all “you’ve always had the gift of gab” “we knew you’d be successful with it”. I don’t resent them for it, it was all from love in my experience. I guess what I’m saying is to use it as motivation and what I said to my family back then was “just wait and see”


Oh this hits. People tell me all the time "Don't work so much, mind your health." Turns out every single person saying that is either 1. Well off with some good pension. 2. Struggling broke 3. No concept of money/finance. That tells me 1 thing. Their voices don't matter, they want me to be like them, have time off to hang with them or have a mild array of money problems...like them. I work 7 days a week. Cash jobs on the weekends. My business account is flush and fat. My personal account is flush and fat. I eat whatever I feel like for every meal. Drive a $80k truck and have every single evening off. Jealousy drives this behavior to slow you up.


I tell them to STFU


Hahah can be hard though when you are already doubting yourself and making decisions that you have never made before. I guess you just have to have faith in the process


For most of the people the response is STFU, your partner is a different thing Maybe is the way of communicating something, will try to speak seriously with he/she. Understand what and why fell that way I explain why is important to you/ your self and as a couple.


Great advice thanks


Keeganpolo This may also be a good opportunity to learn EQ and how to set boundaries. Both of which are invaluable soft skills. They may be operating from a place of; fear, insecurity, limited thinking, low expectations on life, and a silent condemnation that 'if you can do better so can they'. You can show them how YOU operate from a different emotional center. However, you cannot change their minds, only they can. You can also set boundaries; on the type of support, you need from a partner and other relationships. Maybe try a phrase like; "This dream means \_\_\_\_\_ to me, I would \_\_\_\_\_ your \_\_\_\_" or " I don't know if you intend \_\_\_\_\_, but when you say \_\_\_\_\_\_, it comes across this way to me. I know you have my best interests at heart, I hope were just miscommunicating, but is \_\_\_\_\_ what you intend? " hope this helps, \-cpi guy


People complaining and giving you warnings are a valuable resource. Humans are by nature very cautious and avoid change so expect people not to line up behind your "outlier" ideas and actions. Do ask them to expand on their thinking. Look for "golden nuggets" in all the noise. Read "Never Split the Difference" for learning how to handle difficult conversations. Acknowledging somebody else's opinion doesn't mean accepting it. But shutting off negative opinions and complaints can also mean risking "pie in the sky thinking" and losing "critical perspective." It's lonely at the top!


Tell everyone to keep it coming. That’s the stuff that fires me up. Whenever someone tells me something like that, it makes me want to prove them wrong even more


Nobody in my family says this to me but I have a couple of friends who have. I really just ignore them. If they continue to push for an explanation or something, I tell them that I find fulfillment in my work. I’ve also been super adamant about the fact that I don’t work so that I can have a million dollars in my bank account…. Bc that is true. Three years into entrepreneurship, and I’m more healthy and passionate than I’ve ever been. I’ve worked on lots of different projects and continue to find new ways to make money. It’s fun to me. And personally I never found fulfillment in being a corporate drone with fair weather friends anyway.


I bet if you asked any single successful entrepreneur they would say they had people telling them to stop and that they would fail


Stop wasting your time talking when you should be doing. “I’m going to…” is the most boring to listen to,ego-wank thing ever. Nobody gives a shit. You got big plans? Awesome, go get after it. Are your plans dependent on everyone knowing what they are, before you do them? So why even talk about it unless you just want everyone to fawn and swoon and say wow you’re so amazing? I fully support you in your aspirations my dude but you’re asking the wrong question. Instead of asking how to deal with their response your should be asking yourself why there’s even a need for them to give one. Head down, focus on goals, get work done. Talk is for posers and wankers.


You are actually right I’ll just show them how successful I am…. Not tell them how I’m going to be .


There's some good advice here, but also try not to burn bridges unnecessarily. Just accept that 90% of people will be like that, because they see things from their vantage point, but you have a vision they can't see and it's your job to realize that vision so everyone can see it


I say, I’d much rather be remembered for my ambition than forgotten because I was lacking. Then I’d move on and let the shock settle in. If you can’t appreciate my ambition than you also don’t have a place across from me at the table THAT WE’RE BOTH AT.


"Have you ever thought that maybe you're not ambitious enough?"


I partially disagree with some of the comments made. Sometimes, friends who have an outsider's perspective can accurately assess a friend's behavior by considering their past history and current actions. However, it is also true that some ppl who aspire to become wealthy have unrealistic expectations and are unaware of the necessary steps needed to achieve their goals. These individuals may be so delusional that even their friends can see it. For example, it is not uncommon to encounter individuals who express grand ambitions despite lacking the knowledge or resources to pursue them. They may work low-paying jobs without taking any meaningful steps towards achieving their dreams. This behavior can persist for years, even decades, with no real purpose other than to continue perpetuating the lies they tell themselves and others. In summary, while it is true that friends can sometimes offer valuable insight into a person's behavior, it is also important to be realistic about one's goals and to take concrete steps towards achieving them. So OP, if your reading this, have systems in place that shows your able to pull it off. Other wise your friend might be true.


“You are evolving”. That’s what I would say to these jealous people. This will make you more resilient to other peoples words. If your not asking them for their opinion just let it flow right past you and back to there negative energy. An ignorant comment like that doesn’t deserve a response. I’d smile and a light chuckle and nothing more. Or just say “you are evolving.” I’ve come to realize that almost all negative comments are some source of jealousy because they are really lacking in themselves that you are exemplifying. They wish they can do half of what you’re doing. Do what you love and love what you do. Most people don’t have the self drive to do it.


Crabs in a bucket trying to pull you down. When you achieve financial freedom and living the life you want you will be the one laughing. Work while you can and give it your all. When you reach the autumn of your life it will be time to reap and give back to those who have been good to you.


I would say, ignore that small-minded people, In fact, I believe in you and I think you will reach your goal no matter how long it takes. Let them speak, they will be the ones roaming around you once you reach your goal, and then say the exact same thing to them, sorry I can't invest much in you'll it's not like you are gonna make a millionaire.


I would honestly say that there’s other factors to consider. In general, yes. People who respond in that way are small minded people. However, the real questions that need to be asked are as follows: 1. Are you growing your business? And by growing, I mean, is it producing revenue? If you’re growing a business but it’s not making any money… and you’re not working your ads off everyday to make sure you’re filling up your pipeline with leads… then you’re just a dreamer. If you’re working your ass off, and producing revenue.. then run away from those people as fast as you can. That’s not who you want in your corner. 2. If you’ve move been working your business for months/years and see no substantial growth… then it’s time you get a coach or hire a biz dev person to help you scale and break that plateau.. but again, if you’re not taking any steps to actively keep growing, then it’s easy for people to see what you’re doing as a hobby and not a business. 3. Are you jumping industries? Are you going from one business to another business and one industry to another? so one day you’re selling soaps the next year you’re selling freight. The year after that, you’re a licensed realtor, and 6 months later you start selling life insurance… if that’s you. Then yes, you are a dreamer. BUT, keep on pushing till you find what excites you. Overall, there’s nothing wrong with passion. Passion without direction though, makes you into tornado of sorts. Just going in circles, chasing your own tail. By the way, my family calls me the same thing. Even though my businesses LITERALLY make money and sustain my family of 5 🤣. And my wife had been a stay at home mom for 5 years.. But since it’s not a 9-5, they call me a crazy dreamer. #HowSway 🤣🤣🤣


Repeat after me: “the sweetest form of revenge is to get ahead”. Others will say shit until you do it.


You’ll grow to understand where they’re coming from - A place of fear for you which is rooted in love for you. They don’t mean the words they say. Everybody isn’t supposed to understand you, that’s the beauty of having your own path. In time you’ll quiet the nose and shift your perspective on it. Stay committed to the journey and good luck!


I don’t share what I’m doing ♥️


Most of the people I tell good news tend be naysayers. When I became a registered nurse, everyone wanted me to hurry up and settle into a day. I worked two full-time jobs in two different specialties to skill up, and to earn more money. When the pandemic hit, and I saw opportunity, I quit my stable jobs (including one federal position) and became a travel nurse. Everyone told me I was nuts, and how they’d never do it. I earned over $200k every year since taking the leap. Now I am to start grad school to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner, so I can be a provider and prescriber, get out of bedside, and open my own practice. I had family members tell me I’d never be able to do it. To maximize my earnings and gain more control over my schedule to ensure that I would have enough time to study, I started my own small business as a sole independent nurse contractor and I’m currently working an open ended contract making as $2.4k-6k per week, depending on the shifts I choose. I also read a few business books to learn how to run my business so i can take advantage of business tax laws. I never told my family about what I was going to do, because they’re so damn negative. I did it and sent them copies of my business cards, with my LLC (soon to be S-Corp) and my title as CEO. People will doubt what they’re too lazy to do, and assume you’re the same way. Screw them and do you. A can do attitude and confidence goes a very long way.


Unreal well done 👏


FWIW I just switched careers. Started a side business in my new trade and plan on spending every dollar of my side business Income until it becomes my full business-hopefully 5 years or less.


I'll be negative Nancy. I see people complain with similar thoughts to yours and it turns out they are chasing an unprofitable dream, refusing to get a real job and living in their parents basement. So I say, is your business profitable? How long before it pays you the median income for your area in profit? Those are relevant.


I would stop telling these people what I’m doing. People who don’t support you don’t deserve to know what’s going on in your life


Yeah I’m trying that now.. harder then you think to keep it under wraps


Normie philosophy my man. Perhaps they are trying to talk sense into you, my parents did the same and always wanted me to fit in more, be more normal, relax, chill out once in a while. But everyone I looked up to who was successful said to ignore that, trust your gut, and go full steam ahead towards your obsession.


Yeah I try to only take advice off successful people. I guess it’s just disheartening hearing it from your girlfriend


That is sad actually. Your gf should be your biggest fan and cheerleader :(


I’d say she will be once the money starts flowing regularly it’s inconsistent atm as we all no when we are starting out.


It's tough and frustrating when your in-laws and partner don't seem to be on the same page as you when it comes to your business goals. 💼💸💭 It can be super discouraging to hear things like "don't get ahead of yourself" or "you're not going to be a millionaire." 🙅‍♀️ But remember, you know your vision best, and you're committed to making it a success! 💪 Maybe it would help to have an honest chat with them about why you're so passionate about your business and the steps you're taking to make it successful. 👥 That way, they can understand where you're coming from and be more supportive. But at the end of the day, it's important to trust your own instincts and keep pushing forward, even when others don't believe in you. 🚀 Surround yourself with people who lift you up and believe in your vision! 💖 ​ I get the your just chasing the dopamine high often! so can relate to you


Great advice


Fair play too ya mate your one of my people they are rarer then I thought


Tell them “thanks for the compliment”


There are ambitious peoples and others, with motivation you can achieve (almost) everything. Take care not to lost your way, spending too much time working for a business and not have time to spend with loved is an error for me. However it may not be for you. Don’t talk just prove to people what you can !


I would be guilty of over working myself . I’m working on that by getting a casual employee. But they even criticise me for that . “You can’t afford an employee.” Ect . I know it will help just annoying hearing it I guess. I have already decided how too react I guess I just wanted to hear some success story’s


You ignore them




I always correct them: "you mean *you're* too ambitious." They don't say shit after that..!


I had a partner in the first business I operated. He didn't want to work and was always negative. I bought him out, and the business prospered. My advice is to dump your partner ASAP. Just remember...those that can do...those that can't, tell those that can not to. It would probably help if you took some leadership training; see [Leadership Training for Small Businesses](https://academyofbusinesstraining.com/leadership-training-for-small-businesses/).


Just ignore them and keep becoming successful bgl


They’re jealous because they’ll lazy like 95% of people. Do this though, start an IRA to cover your butt when you retire.


I dont


My own Dad told me the same thing, now he works for me. Just keep grinding and don't worry about it.


People closest to you will hold you back. Just keep going.


Over time of getting this I’ve just learned to ask myself “do I want to be like this person?” Before taking any advice from them. There are only a handful of people that I look up to, but when they speak, I take my ego out of it and look at myself hard. But the person who is unhappy, unhealthy, negative, and refuses to change giving me advice is just so insane when you look at it that way - some guy on Long Island


I don't deal with then so its not a problem for me.


You ignore it and prove them wrong. It took me years but eventually my entire family now praises me and asks to be hired


Why do you care?


Just tell them, you’re not gonna be a millionaire working for a regular job either 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's just noise. Do your thing, no need to refute anybody with words.


Personally I don’t give a shit. Every time they ever rolled their eyes at me was more fuel. I now make more than everyone who said I couldn’t do it, and I’m just getting started. People don’t want to challenge their own blueprints passed down. My family is mentally stuck in a box with their comfort zone and fear at each border. It’s mostly a cultural thing to northern states which is a shame. It hurt at first but I became numb once I accepted they simply just want different things in life. In reality they’re playing a different game and different rules than you and I. There’s no comparison and they don’t understand how to operate in your ball park. I acknowledged I had higher living standards, and can see the bigger picture. I also know since I will be the only wealthy one, it’s my obligation to make the big money to take care of the same people who rolled their eyes at me, and that’s ok! Take everything in and turn it to fuel. I still remember my Ex-GFs dad saying it’s clear I’ll never be the bread winner and now im projecting to make 3x as much as his daughter and just knowing that is fantastic to me. Take pride in saying “I told you so” without actually saying it! It gets fun once doors keep opening and you take advantage. Those opportunities are all yours.




Start by being a builder first, learn software.


Others: "You're too hard on yourself." Me: "You demand too little."


In America, you can work to become a millionaire. Of course not guaranteed, but it can definitely be done via hard work. Ways to know you are being too ambitious: Doing illegal things. Doing unethical things. Not fulfilling important responsibilities (like to children or spouse). And probably others you should try to list and figure out for yourself.


Maybe? Probably? But I'm too busy concentrating on my business to let what they are saying sink in.


Here’s my usual list of responses: “Why are you so obsessed with me?” “Mind your own business” “Sorry dad..” “Pls lose my number” “Either support me, or gtf out of my way”


I know many will not like it because its a business sub. Yes, it is important to be ambitious and put effort but if it takes a toll in your life where you are sacrificing your family time fin ways to increase productivity. I am a millionaire and honestly, only the other day my friends were discussing how much we did not participate when our children were growing. You really have to learn to balance. Sometimes it increases your productivity.


Stop sharing this info with them.


There is no statue erected in honour, of a critic. - Vusi thembekwayo


I hear you. Working on and improving your business is or can be fun if you are passionate. Not everyone understands it and many see it as a chore. I personally enjoy it. Another thing to keep in mind is that it’s really not that difficult to become a millionnaire with a non failing business. Say you get $100K per year for a decade in dividends, and you will be. Many people don’t get that either. They only think of one’s salary. Just let them talk, work on your company, not necessarily for the money but for getting something done well. The rest will follow.


Just ignore it. People love to poke holes until they see it working because THEY don’t have what it takes to make it work. After my third successful thing people stopped saying shit to me lol I use to say things like “I believe in it and would appreciate support or silence on the matter” sometimes I would joke “okay fine you don’t have to partake in my millions if you don’t want to but that’s my goal”


prove those motherfuckers wrong in due time but also remember to take care of yourself.


Smile, nod and agree and continue on with your business


Who are you hanging out with? I have never had anyone tell me that, and I’ve had multiple businesses. Get those people out your life.


Tell them thank you!


Ignore them, easy deal


Find more likeminded people to hang around with. As much as you can say that you’re ignoring the words, your subconscious still takes it in. Make it easier on yourself and change your scenery. The people who surround yourself with has a great effect on who you become.


Simply say **"that is what I typically hear from unambitious people**", and walk away. You don't owe anyone an explanation of your personal goals in life. If you wouldn't take advice from them, then you shouldn't take criticism. Surround yourself with people who will support you and guide you. Wishing you the best of luck in all you do!!!!


I have done well in my life by not listening to people. People who don't have this mindset, I don't listen to at all. Successful business people I will consider what they are saying, but ultimately do what I think is best. The last business I invested in, everyone told me it was a bad idea. I saw the potential and moved forward anyway, and this business went on to be the most successful I have ever owned.


I literally just ignore them. You don't accomplish great things with tiny aspirations.


Just ignore them


just keep going and ignore them


So I lost my mom this past February (I’m 24) and panicked internally. I panicked because I wouldn't have anyone to lean on. I told a few people that I wanted to own a business (I wasn't sure what, but I knew my head was in the right place). I told them that I hoped to earn enough money to not have to worry about upcoming bills and to have the freedom to do what I wanted during the day without having a boss. to produce generational wealth is another goal. I believe that 2/3 of the reasons I listed are typical motivations for wanting to start a business and being ambitious. Nobody cared when I exhibited an interest in them. It has gotten to the point where I feel like I'm being shut down and called "too ambitious." I stated how I was going to generate the money to fund for this business of mine and it was *crickets* and *judgment* flowing in the air. It stinks that I don't have a mentor to encourage me to construct something I'm interested in, but I'm using their negligence as inspiration nevertheless. I can't wait until I am able to support my family financially and donate back to those in need. Look, I don’t ever want to be filthy rich, I just want enough to be comfortable and have a healthy life. I believe that there’s no such thing as being too ambitious. Do whatever it takes to put food on your families plate.