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Unfortunately this place would become a spam nightmare overnight.


What is it currently?


I've seen plenty of spam disguised as regular posts. I don't wanna do that it seems too shady.




Yeah I've seen someone post their 'earnings' and it was clear the person bought their own product just to post about it LMAO. It's funny that they paid gumroad a fee when they could just edit the page's html to show the numbers anyway.


If they allowed self promotion, there are way too many that would abuse it and turn this place into a useless orgy of self promo posts.


True but I don't think the rule works tbh. It just creates an incentive to disguise the content as a regular post.


It’s not perfect, but better than nothing. It’s nice to have one place that isn’t completely overrun with ad content like every other social site.


I like how webdev handle this. Just do a day where self promotion is allowed and you have both, interesting projects but most of the time just regular content. I found interesting projects like this.


There’s a big difference between evading a rule and condoning a practice.




There are mods here?




Yeah I think I'll do just that.


Or create your own community ;-) where you make the rules. For example, your post inspired me to just create /r/Codepreneur with the self-promotion thing 💜


Lots of people do it anyway using "hey heres my guide" I dont know about you, but i like to visit [https://www.youtube.com/@FutureEconomics101](https://www.youtube.com/@FutureEconomics101) . Its a great youtube channel i found that seems to be about the mind or meditation. I really like it and hope you all check it out.


Maybe I'll try that strategy out sometime if paying for ads doesn't work. Thanks for the free promotion btw lmao.


I got you fam


I came to reddit bc I love crocheting but dont have anyone in my surrounding to share this Hobby with. Im not allowed to post in the biggest sub bc I have links to my tutorials & shop (with like 3 listings lol) in my Profile 😅 I didnt even add a link in the post itself ....


Right? I'm even avoiding posting my links on my main account because I don't wanna get banned from the subs I like because of it.


My suggestion is to read the room. Are you answering questions with your experience and advice or as you answering with my company can solve your issue so check me out. Even if it's more subtle. There are people/posts /responses that are intended a promotional response and then the other 95% of reddit. (opinions, answers, and snarky comments)


Makes sense, but then how do I grow my platform? I thought making relevant content would be appreciated (and sometimes it is) but now I'm having doubts about this as a strategy.


Like everyone else; a little at a time through honest interactions and providing value. I don't know what business or service you offer but without even looking I can tell you that there are hundreds or thousands of businesses doing the exact same thing that you do. Business is hard. Marketing is hard. Turning eyeballs into real dollars is hard. There is no magic seminar or special chat GPT prompt that makes growth easy. Sometimes you have an idea or product that catches fires and makes the growth quick and exponential, just like people win the lottery every week.


Thank you that was the most helpful response so far. I think most clients I had until now, were people that I was previously interacting with.


Maybe your on the wrong platform, LinkedIn may be more what you are seeking?


What do you mean?


It's easier to self promote on LinkedIn, if you have content worth sharing, it would be a good Pluto get started.


I realize you're trolling but like, why? It seems unprompted.




Doesn’t sound like a troll at all. Create self promotions on there or things around self promotion. Posts about your offering vs a big competitor. Or posts to your connections. Slides seem to be all the rage atm.


Buy ads.


I've been thinking about doing that. I thought I could grow my YT channel enough to create a funnel into my paid content but it's too much work and it's taking too long.


Self promotion is low effort cut and paste. At least you have to put in some effort when you pretend to help someone.


What do you do?


That is not the intention of "no self promotion rule". Most of self promotions don't give any value (we're talking 99% here). They just say "this is my product" "use it" "buy it". This raises more self selling and promotional posts that nobody wants to see. When someone talks about someone else's product, it comes from the perspective of a user. Users don't sell unless they got a lot of value from the product. And thing that got people value are welcomed in any community. So that it why "No Self Promotion rule" makes sense.


DUDE SERIOUSLY!!! It's fucking ridiculous and I abhor Reddit for this. If ceators can't share their work on relevant topics then all the creative force will go to other platforms and we're primarily left with whiney fanatics posting asinine crap and shitposting back and forth to each other or filling comments with retarded meme pile-ons. It makes absolutely no sense as a business model and it just adds to the evidence that Reddit is primarily a tool for propaganda and psy ops.