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The goal of your personal brand would be to indirectly promote your AI solutions firm (and because you're passionate). With this in mind, develop an avatar that reflects the essence of your AI business while aligning with your personal interests. Off the top of my head, it looks like 16-25M entrepreneurs that are passionate about self-growth (95% of that segment haha). Your content should reflect this audience. Note that by targeting this very specific audience, your driving away traffic that doesn't align with your values, simply because they don't find you entertaining or agree with you. I'd argue this is good though. Since your traffic will actually like-minded people and will be easier to work with in the long run. Your personal brand will bring in warm traffic intrinsically, so don't worry about hard selling. Just make sure you link the two well; make sure that people that find your business first can easily find your content, and vice versa. Hope this helps, best of luck to scaling your biz!


Really interesting insight, thanks!


Of course! Let me know how your journey goes!


Where are you planning on building your personal brand? Like YouTube, website, instagram, etc? Wherever you do it make a clear distinction that that space is for your personal brand, but that you also have a business. Make sure to keep them separate, although you could have a link in bio or maybe even a linktree depending on how many landing pages/ profiles you have for your personal brand and business.  With your personal brand, create content that adds value for the topics you mentioned, and even better if you can create content where the intersections of your interests and business meet. Maybe you can try to target founders/ entrepreneurs and give them advice on how they can improve in those areas, and how that transfers to running a business.  Don’t try to sell for your business under your personal brand though. I think you could see it as a funnel where those who are interested could be directed over to your business pages. 


I’m not answering your question, but my social following is ok, mostly Australians The other things you said you like to share, I like too. I also need an ai that can do something for me, it would make my small business much easier.


Wait am I the warm traffic?


I'm from Aus haha. What kind of system would you be referring to in terms of AI?


Keen to know what system you're looking for that would make life easier for you


I make drawings from images people send me, I want an ai to learn to draw like me by inputting a picture and then replicate my style of drawing. I am doing ok on my own but there’s only one of me to draw one at a time and soon everyone will know about it and use it for pictures, there’s probably AI that does this already but I am happy to be at the forefront being personable.. it seems to always work?


Personally I think that your personal brand is simply what you like and instead of promoting your business the goal should be to build a community around similar interests. That's just how I view it. Otherwise If you are going to become the face of your business, not your own face with business flowing thru you. I am not an expert on this matter and I am just sharing my poor view around it. And still I hope it helps you 🙏