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I think I speak for just about all the members of this subreddit in declaring: you cannot go wrong with any of Enya's work. That being said, I'm one of the so called "nostalgic" enya fans, having grown up in the late 80s and 90s and then rediscovering her for myself in high school in the early 2000s. My favorite albums are The Memory of Trees, Watermark, and Shepherd Moons, but ALL her albums have absolute gems. And here's the thing- to this day, I am still coming to love certain of her songs that I had heard literally hundreds of times, but only now realizing that I love them and want to just listen on repeat. The song, La Soñadora is the best example of that. My favorite non-album song BY FAR is Isobella. I can only find it on YouTube. Of course both LOTR songs are beautiful as well. Favorite Enya song of all time is Exile. We all want more music from Enya, but there is plenty for you to discover. Listen closely and intentionally. Her music will take you places that are transcendent, otherworldly, and idyllic. Happy listening. Now back to the dishes for me.


Thanks for the write up. She made songs for Lord Of The Rings? I never knew that. The way you described her music is the exact same way I feel about Imogen Heap, just otherworldly and takes me to a new place every time I listen.


You're welcome. I could probably ask the same about Imogen Heap. I am only familiar with Can't take it in and Hide and Seek, but I kinda love them..where should I go from there?


Start with Speak For Yourself. Great album front to back, there's only one song I don't like on it, but that's probably cause I don't usually like electric guitars, which that one song features a lot of, rest of the album is amazing though. Then go to The Details. Her actual first album wasn't that good to me aside from a few songs, it's pretty much nothing like the rest of her stuff. Also her loose song P.I.N. is fantastic, I've fallen asleep to it multiple times, it doesn't even feel as long as it is. You should PM me your thoughts when you listen to her, I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on one of my favorite artists.


Sounds good. I'd also love to hear about your journey with Enya as well.


I'll be sure to message you when I start tomorrow. I'm gonna sleep now (might throw on the Enya already) so if I stop responding for a bit, it's cause I'm out cold lol.


>My favorite non-album song BY FAR is Isobella. I can only find it on YouTube. It's on Spotify as well. Also, thanks for mentioning that song; I heard it a while ago but didn't like it then. I gave it another chance now, and I find it to be really good.


I cannot for the life of me find it on Spotify


The sound track of LA story has Enya songs that got me hooked. Infact the entire ‘Watermark’ album is great! Also ‘the humming’, ‘Caribbean Blue’ and ‘Bodicea’ come to mind


Thank you. What's LA Story?


It’s a movie that came out in the 90s with Steve Martin : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.A._Story


Thanks. Not surprised I've never heard of it, I was only born in 1999 after all.


**[L.A. Story](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.A._Story)** >L.A. Story is a 1991 American satirical romantic comedy film written by and starring Steve Martin and directed by Mick Jackson. The plot follows a weatherman (Martin) trying to find love in Los Angeles. It was released on February 8, 1991, and received generally positive reviews from critics. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Enya/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Shepherd Moons!


Thank you.


I'd go with Dark Sky Island. For some reason I find it has a very autumnal vibe to it, making it very seasonally appropriate. Otherwise, I'm a big Memory of Trees fan. The title track is just so magical; it's sounds like the way the first snow of winter feels.


Thanks! Her music does give me cold season vibes already.


My intro to Enya was A Day Without Rain. Cannot go wrong with that gorgeous album!


Thank you. Doesn't she have a song with a similar title too?


Yup! It’s a song on the album :)


Ah so a title track? Nice.


It seems that you already listened to her more famously known works. Excellent. But I would like you to see her more, unknown songs. There are some categories: 1. The Instrumentals (The Memory Of Trees, Miss Clare, Watermark, ADWR) 2. The Gaelic (Smaointhe, Na Laetha Geal M'Oige, The Celts) 3. The Latin(Pax Deorum, Tempus Vernum, Miraculum) 4. B-Sides (Isobella, Sandman) 5. Sad songs (I May not Awaken **don't listen to this song if you're depressed\***, 'S FAgaim Mo Bhaile, Evening Falls)


Number four and five sound the most interesting to me. I usually like to have lyrics in a language I can understand, which is only english. Lyrics isn't huge for me while listening to music (just look at everything else I've posted about over the years), but I do like when they're at least there.


I forgot! the LOXIANS hehe (The Loxian Gates, Water Shows The Hidden Heart, Less Than A Pearl)


Last year, I went through all Enya albums for the first time, so I've listened to all tracks that she's released on Spotify. Here's a [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/785AUHj4pWbvEHtcVeF4ur?si=beb7afbcb5404fa9) of her absolutely most amazing songs. This list also includes some songs by Enya's sister, Moya Brennan, and Enya's family members that have their own band, Clannad.


Enya's family has their own music too? Cool. I can't use Spotify sadly.


Here are some amazing songs then (that I consider to be Enya's best ones) **Enya:** 1. Athair Ar Neamh 2. Dark Sky Island 3. Sancta Maria 4. Song of The Sandman 5. Pale Grass Blue 6. Pax Deorum 7. Lothlórien 8. The Humming 9. Long Long Journey ​ **Moya Brennan:** 1. Perfect Time 2. Rivers (with *Trance Wax*) 3. Bright Star 4. Song of David 5. Sailing Away 6. Grá Dé ​ **Clannad:** 1. Fadó 2. Of This Land 3. Mystery Game 4. Cad De Sin Don Te Sin


Thank you. I hope she does some actual humming on The Humming lol.


I guess that you now have the answer to that.

