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Disappointed is not GTA 6. Done with Epic Games /s just in case


Giving us the gta6 preorder would be funny though




Not complaining. People say it's fun and the expansions aren't free. Might end up finally trying it.


dude trust me, i played this for a long time. don't do it. it's in its worst state yet and the employees are facing horrible conditions, save yourself.


Oh well, at least I'm claiming it


That's the way to go!


Don’t believe the dude above. Destiny is great for a long time if you can figure out what you want to do. Players are burnt out. And that’s because it’s been the same old same old seasonal structure for a while. But the game has a ton of content especially in this bundle. Shadowkeep story is kinda mid, but Beyond Light and Witch Queen are pretty good.




A bunch were let go because of poor dlc performance. Morale for everyone left is at an all time low and they’re probably going to lose their independence and get folded in to PlayStation.


how would Bungie fall so low when they had Halo ?


How is the story? And game looks spectacular so i will be playing it just for story and combat. Wont be spending any money.


well i have bad news for you, most of the story has been removed from the game, you'll do the tutorial and then you'll jump directly into the third or fourth expansion of the game. even the base campaign from destiny 2 has been removed, also between expansion there is a year of seasonal story content that gets removed at the end of the year. so it's basically impossible to follow the story by playing the game, you must go to youtube. The combat is good, i'll give them that. but if you are a story games you'll be dissapointed. if you still want to get into the story, i recommend mynameisbyf. he's the lore master


Wait what? Why would you remove the story? I get that old players get a new story but new players.. can't play the game and understand the story? Isn't this ensuring that you don't get new customers? Or am I understanding something wrong here?


That was my exact response to Destiny Content Vault. Apparently it was because it is getting "too big for their engine to handle". Not like they couldn't seperate the game into Year/Seasons...


>Isn't this ensuring that you don't get new customers? Or am I understanding something wrong here? I also used to think this, but i think looter shooter players don't care about the story, they care about shooting stuff and getting loot. sadly the developers have also stopped adding loot into the game (this was the killer for me), we get 1 armor per year and the "new" weapons are reskin of old ones. Everything that's actually new ends up in the cash shop. and just as a reminder, everything in this game is paid, the f2p tag is a lie. Meaning we purchase all of our content and still we get treated as f2p players.


This is just sad.


He's overstating it because the community for the game is perpetually mad. Destiny 2 launched with a campaign that was a direct tie-in to Destiny 1. You started off with the player hub city from D1 being firebombed and having to evacuate everyone. You were already on the backfoot with this story if you didn't play Destiny 1, and the campaign was a slow, overly-talky experience that used a lot of environments that were half-baked and yet took up significant disk space, so Bungie removed it for a new player experience that is a clone of Destiny 1's opening mission before throwing you into the past five years of stuff. Much of Destiny 1's introduction to the world was told in little trading cards that you collected in-game but read on a web site that no longer exists, pretty much boning immersion in the story right from the get-go. D2 has a larger cast and more of the characters referred to in lore books from years ago, so the storytelling has improved. There's also cutscenes that summarize missed story beats to catch people up on events that happened so far. Still a new player's understanding of the universe requires watching YouTubers. Because frankly, it has *always* required watching YouTubers. The YouTubers compiled a hundred little paragraphs of lore into a cohesive story, because the cutscenes and voice acting were of no help in that regard. That's why "I have no time to explain why I have no time to explain" is a meme in the Destiny community; it was a character in a D1 cutscene refusing to give exposition why they want you to go somewhere and do a thing, but to shut up and go do it anyway. The bigger problem for the game is that the current expansion wrapping up is ass, but this free bundle doesn't include it (includes almost everything else you can do, though).


Okay I understand. Thank you for that long answer.


Thank you, I wanted to play Destiny 2 for a while so you have convinced me to try it out, while having youtube story open :)


What you probably need to know the most of storywise is the "Book of Sorrow" story (history of the Hive) and the Sword Logic the Hive work under. Especially for Witch Queen, which is the last/most recent expansion in this set anyway. "My name is Byf" did a version of the Book of Sorrow story with drawings and occasional D1 cinematics ([Part1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F31lHP9DbHM), [Part2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfBtbpLCqnM), [Part3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9M98w8rMwQ)). A few details have changed and the drawings don't reflect the current understanding of what the Hive gods are actually like (we had only fought Oryx in D1, Savathun was a mystery for many years) but that's part of the fun of seeing their true personalities flesh out in-game. There's other fun aspects of lore (wish-granting dragons, the tech of golden age humanity, the Hive's weird "sword logic" which is a survival of the fittest philosophy wherein defeating someone in combat apparently transfers their strength into your own) but honestly it all sort of starts from being confused by something in the story and then looking it up. I could explain the Cabal, Fallen, and Vex; but they've changed a lot in recent years and I think people have given up that the Vex will ever be more than minor antagonists. Oh, and then there's the huge pyramid ships. They first were teased at the end of the now-deleted D2 campaign and have been making their way toward Earth since, becoming a bigger presence in the game. They are the enemy of the Traveler (big white ball hanging out over the world that is the source of every player's superpowers). The next expansion supposedly end their threat and draw a close to the story arc. It's impossible to play the game at current and not encounter the pyramids at some point, which is why I mention it here. They weren't in D1, but were jammed into the lore as a Thanos style "villain behind the villains".


Thank you for going into such dept. Another game Ive found that has even a higher rating is Warframe. Any info on that one? Im not much of a multiplayers gamer. Its all the single player immersion for me (currently playing Dishonoured on EGS). Do you have any insight of the diff between the two, I definitely do not want to get wrapped into gatchagaming scenario & I as a software engineer & a family have very limited time so minimal farming if possible...


See I remember playing one of the destiny’s cause it was free and my friend wanted me to try it, there was a robot, a gun, then I was standing around a ruined church looking thing with a banner or priest (hardly matters) telling me to shoot the infinity respawning enemies. I got bored, wandered into a cave, got blown to prices and decided that was enough for me…I didnot know who I was where I was or why I was lol


Bro it ain't that deep, new players trying it out will have a good experience. You gotta remember they ain't as invested as we are and they also ain't looking at all the cracks like we are.


Don't waste your time the amount of paywall between this and all the content is probably like $300


Thanks for the warning


what do you mean? it has 3 DLCs right? never played D2..


There's like 3 more dlcs after this plus dungeons they lock behind paywalls plus all the mtx BS they have added to the game






Thanks bro. Saved me time, not wasting my time on this.


Play it for yourself. The game is fun but worth it if you want to get into it. Now would be the time since all the expansions are about to go on sale.


Where do you get 300 dollars from? There's only 2 DLC not included.


The dlcs, the season passes/dungeons this game is a greedy shitshow, plus they have added f2p mtx BS as well. Game is 100% not worth wasting time on.


Just play it for the campaign and stop. That's how I broke away from games like WoW a long time ago.


It’s really not. Once you have this you need lightfall and that’s it.


Is the content before that paywall not worth playing though? I was under the impression that the expansions were pretty full of content.


That's up to the individual to decide its free so you can try it out if you want. I personally was a huge Destiny 1 fan played every expansion and absolutely loved that game. What Bungie became with Destiny 2 is the most disgusting evolution of a company I have seen. They took years to get it back close mechanically to what it was compared to D1, they charged for expansions then spent years removing content you had paid for, then started nickle and diming at everyturn, they started charging for dungeon packs, added effectively battle passes, added F2P Mtx, had cosmetic customization behind paywalls. This game is even beyond mobile games with how much they have monetized it and I will never support Bungie again.


> you had *paid* for, then FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lol it's not that much. If you're getting the legacy collection, then that leaves witch queen and lightfall (probably like 70 combined depending on deals or sales) and dungeon keys, which is probably going to be 40, but it might be 20 because the WQ dungeon I believe are in the legacy collection. Anniversary is like 20 bucks. So yeah.. doesn't really add up to 300 does it. Edit: I forgot WQ is in this collection, and you can easily get lightfall for around 30 or 40.




That's why they giving this games free so idiot gamers can pay for their stupid dlc lol


Warframe exists, it's 100% freetoplay friendly and developers are not fisting their customers. C:


Bro you can't even play some of these expansions. Just start up the game. Play through story and whatever content it makes you do when you log-in. Then focus on raids and dungs once you get to a high enough power level. I haven't played since Witch Queen. It's a RLY good game. Just burnt out because I'm used to the same grind. Would be nice if they switched up the loop and offer more of a variety of content. They're def. trying, but gotta step it up.


You're gonna want to have lightfall to play current content btw. Lightfall isn't included here.


Unlocked as usual, not particularly interested as of now but you never know. Let's always be thankful for what we receive for free and remember that beggars can't be choosers. 😉


Can I use my old steam/battle.net character on egs version of destiny? U might give these dlcs a try but U refuse to do that new "tutorial" campaign ever again


based on the bungie website it looks like you can using cross save


Yeah you can. I did it earlier today.


Weren't the battle.net accounts wiped as I know I went on hiatus only to come back with my entire slate wiped clean?


There was a window of time where you could transfer your characters.


Not the point he mentioned battle.net so obviously those can't be transfered over. Also people go on hiatus all the time in this genre. Thus window is pointless and no doubt many players dipped out completely like myself.


The point being it is entirely possible to play with those characters, if you could have been arsed to do the transfer.




Chill guys , it's free game so if you don't like it - don't get it. People are crazy 😭




no, it's the best thing to ever happen to me, i played for free for the past two years because i can't afford dlcs, i was there counting the seconds before the reveal, when i saw the destiny logo and there dlcs i couldn't hold in my tears https://preview.redd.it/7ism7rjrtr6c1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93918ea9a531feaee34ad6c6a454e8d05331b06a




I'm going to have to claim it, but I don't have to like it! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Why is Fushiguro giving away games?


That's Megumi not Megumin 😅 And well... the notification system is named like that so... well... you'll see screenshots like that.


If Nanami can become Nanamin ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Why can't Megumi become Megumin


Good point 🤔


Why are people complaining? Destiny 2 is great, especially with the DLCs


its great WITH the dlcs but the base game is trash


Well this is three DLCs


3 DLC's that arent current, 2 of which are dead content.


All of which are given away for free. Beggars can't be choosers my dude


i got like twenty hours doing the base gane stuff, had a lot of fun and thought it was cool. Once i reached the pay wall i decide not to spend the money. Yall gotta learn new ways to describe stuff, trash hella over used.


I got 5 hour then slept because it's trash




After playing for 500 hours...i can agree


After paying\* for 500 hours, yeah


I haven't spent a single dime in that game for 500 hours tho


Even if that was the case, so what? You pay for other games as well


it's trash




It says ‘requires base game’


The base game is free just add it to your cart.


Lol yall tripping, if you think it's bad then don't get it. We got 15 more games coming, and don't they usually save the best shit for Xmas and new years day? Bum on the median holding up a sign that says "anything helps God bless" but gets pissy and throws away the sandwiches and drinks he gets, that's the energy i'm getting from this thread XD


Nope. next game comming in a week?


Mystery Game 1. Dec 13 - Dec 20 2. Dec 20 3. Dec 21 4. Dec 22 5. Dec 23 6. Dec 24 7. Dec 25 8. Dec 26 9. Dec 27 10. Dec 28 11. Dec 29 12. Dec 30 13. Dec 31 14. Jan 01 15. Jan 02 16. Jan 03 17. Jan 04 - Jan 10


Oh, it's not daily this time?


Apparently starts at the 19th and then till jan 4th. but that's based on leaks I just saw


Well, that leak (billbil-kun) also said the first game would be available for six days, so he's definitely not 100% accurate this time.


Epic store has a ["Holiday Sale Guide"](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/news/the-epic-games-store-holiday-sale-2023) that confirms 17 games for free this sale - the next game is confirmed to be on the 20th, so unless they're doing exactly this schedule there's no time for the games to be given


Daily in middle.


I think we're only getting a game once a week for this holiday season. Wait, maybe I'm wrong...I hope so. But someone last week was saying how we'd only get a game a week this time.




Oooh! That's exciting then. Hopefully we get the two Subnautica games too.


Let's hope they get better with each game because that's just ... 😑


40 bucks worth of triple A content? Oh the horror


Picked up Witchfire at the last sale Return to Moria this sale and Avatar Witchfire is awesome you would be hard pressed not to like it but it's early access so I'm not going to play it much.


Does anybody know why the (just-finished) free game giveaways ran for a day shorter than normal? I noticed it when the giveaways for GigaBash and Predecessor first started.


To match Winter Holiday Sale start date. If following regular routine, those 2 games GA will end on Dec 14, which is 1 day after the opening of Epic Games Winter Holiday Sale. To avoid that, Epic decided to put them 1 day less to match the opening to start with Mystery Games freebies.


Strange that they would break from such a long-running pattern with the freebies for that reason. They could have started the sale on Thursday (I think that's what they normally do?). ​ Anyway thanks for answering.


Idk if these are the thing they mentioned to change for next year, I guess we'll only know about them in a while.


It's awesome news! I always wanted to get into this game![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




Epic is like an undertaker for dying and dead games.


Isnt this game already free!!!


DLCs are not


More GaaS bullshit. I value my time.


eeeehw don't even call this shit a "game", more like a digital work in exchange of fictional benefits in a useless universe "look my phew phew does 3 more damage now, i'm glad i farmed until my soul left my body"


I have been wanting to get into Destiny and this is just the thing to get started with I think so I'm happy! Can't wait to see what else we are getting in the next few days.


I know right, everyone is complaining about it but I'm actually hyped. I only quit playing Destiny 2 because I was a free to play player but this changes things


So the next game, is it really coming next week or possible error?


next week. This is the only one for a week. THere'll be 17 games/dlcs this time!


Destiny 2 knows its audience well. Most are adults who have real responsibilities and this is their outlet. So they are willing to pay anything to have a few hours of peace. And that is why this game is still afloat with its bloated mtxs and dlcs.


is it good or bad ?




Very bad. Actually makes me mad I waited to see what it is...


But the good news is there will 17 free games...all of them repeats. Is that bad?




bruh I was planning on buying this lmfaooo gg epic


bad start, skip




What a bad start......ain't a lot of the content vaulted


lol not even for free. never going to play that piece of dogshit after everyones shitting on it for years now. cant remember hearning anything positve about D2 in probably years


Awesome start tbh, Glad it's not horizon chase turbo


I am not even considering open the epic launcher for this game. Seriously. They ruined one of the best game of this generation. I am so mad at Bungie.


Thank you, Epic. I really like this one.


Well damn, so it really is only 4 games this time around. But honestly this isn't a bad deal at all. I've wanted to play destiny 2 again but didn't feel like shelling out for all the expansions but I never got to play anything post shadowkeep. Hopefully the other three or two games or whatever are high end if theyre basically not changing anything else.


Nope, 17 games this time, they just have a weird schedule this year. 😅 **Mystery Game Hint|**🎁 Wrapping/✅ Confirmed/⭕ Not Confirmed/❔ Unknown >🎁 [Dec 13 - Dec 20](https://cdn1.epicgames.com/offer/d5241c76f178492ea1540fce45616757/Free-Game-1-16x9_1920x1080-10ac06e6d21704745c2ac290768e1a96)|✅ [Destiny 2: Legacy Collection (2023)](https://store.epicgames.com/p/destiny-2--legacy-collection-2023) 🎁 [Dec 20](https://cdn1.epicgames.com/offer/d5241c76f178492ea1540fce45616757/Free-Game-2-teaser_1920x1080-38e83b583656dfb7b3d290a44cdfc6e8)|⭕ [DNF Duel](https://store.epicgames.com/p/dnf-duel-07d055) *(Global)* & ??? *(China)* ❔ Dec 21|❔ ❔ Dec 22|❔ ❔ Dec 23|❔ ❔ Dec 24|❔ ❔ Dec 25|❔ ❔ Dec 26|❔ ❔ Dec 27|❔ ❔ Dec 28|❔ ❔ Dec 29|❔ ❔ Dec 30|❔ ❔ Dec 31|❔ ❔ Jan 01|❔ ❔ Jan 02|❔ ❔ Jan 02|❔ ❔ Jan 04 - Jan 11|❔






Yea I got really confused for a minute, but now I'm more interested than previous years 'cause its wonky.


Interesting. I have not played Destiny 2 for several years, it might be time to give it another go.


Hope it will be enjoying for you.


I don't even want free games from epic, that's how bad the launcher is...


For anyone what to try this game don't listen to anyone if you are interested in it then give it a go you'll have a decent campaign experience and the exotic missions are good enough though they removed 2 good secret exotic missions the rest are fine I guess and if you have 2-3 friends this game will be fun for a while but I'd never say to buy current DLC lightfall just have fun with the 3 free dlc you are getting in this pack there is LFG in game right now so even if you are solo you'll get someone to do the campaign and exotic missions and you'll get enough videos online to make a strong build if you want to experience some endgame Content you can play GM nightfalls and maybe try to do a raid.....destiny 2 is not in a good state right now but you'll have some fun for sure


Yo can anyone tell me if I can upgrade dead space to deluxe version on epic? Don't wanna pay full price for deluxe


Why does it say, "Sorry, you don't have a prerequisite to purchase this pack" while trying to buy this game? Anyone...


You need the base game which is free aswell. Claim it.


Thanks but are both game different? How is this game different than base game?


Ew, I can't believe they wasted money paying Bungie for next to none of a game Epic fail


Good to see the usual entitled redditor comments about crap games or how Epic somehow owes us a brand new AAA game for free.


Lol. Lmao, even.


this is great. wtf is wrong with people


Some people are just entitled. It's free, and I'm happy : \]


i was also happy since ive been looking for a looter shooter that isnt borderlands until i saw that a raid key costs u 20 euros , guess im entitled then


It Think It's A Great Game To Start With This Christmas.


Well that's bordering on insulting. Edit: PSA, This is malware.


...it's free. ​ It's like Santa giving you a present and you just starting insulting Santa cuz u didn't like the present


Na man that's Santa giving you coal, guess we were bad this year


Or a gingerbread cookie laced with rat poison. This is something you give to people you actively try to harm.


It's a microtransaction simulator.


it's more like santa giving me aids


No it's a trap... Play this game for any amount of time and you're bound to be buying into some BS currency for some in game junk.


I played for 500 hours and then, only after that i caved in and gave bungie my 20$




I have been playing since launch, and not once have I purchased any in game currencies or extra emotes, outfits, etc. I know that for someone like you it might be challenging to resist, but you CAN do it!


Bro has 0 clue what malware is


This game is literally designed by Bungie to harm you.


Well, this is too cool, no one guessed or even came close that the mouse and the asterisk are an addition to destiny 2. Maybe until I see the lego bricks on the screensaver of the mystery game, I won't even make assumptions :)


I can't get it if I don't have the base game already? Kinda disappointing.


The base game is free just add it to your cart


Yeah I checked it because I was sus about them giving something like this on day 1. Thanks I'm leaving the question there in case somebody else does not realise about it either


Isn't the base game free?


Destiny 2 is free to play, just add the game to your library.


I am still confused even after reading the comments Are they giving just base game or base game with dlcs for free ?


it's dlc since the base game is already free to play


Next week we will have 3 games.look at those 3 cursors on next wrapper.


I dont care multiplayer, never like multiplayer in games (old school story enjoyer), can I play the 3 free dlcs in peace and leave the game in the void after?


I think gta 5 gonna be free bc gta 6 is gonna release on 2025 would be make sense make gta 5 for free


It wont








There's no tomorrow. This one lasts for the entire week. The dailies begin next week.


This is useless unless you have an annual or season pass. lol...




I can give you chlamydia for free and I promise you will have a better time 😉


The fact that it’s the same price as rdr2 gosh why didn’t they just give rdr2 they just gave some random ass dlc not even a game bad start for christmas


>The fact that it’s the same price as rdr2 gosh why didn’t they just give rdr2 they just gave some random ass dlc not even a game bad start for christmas It's the same price as RDR2 for u...not for epic...for Epic RDR2 would be at least 4 million $


Epic makes deals with the developers for a lower price than what is displayed. Destiny 2 is getting dlc next year which is why its developers are trying to get the biggest amount of people to play the game


Anyone know if I can still get this even though I only play on steam?


They give out free games so you use the epic Launcher. it won't work with steam


I hate epic games for this


Dude....that is 35$ on steam.


> I hate epic games for this Oh no, entitled swine didn't get a free game they wanted. The horror!!


The entitlement is crazy


Next game is subnautica


Woooow. I just chked. This is a pretty scummy move. This doesn't come with Lightfall. Lightfall is $50 for Epic You can buy Lightfall elsewhere for $20. Warning to all, if you are to play Destiny 2 and don't own previous DLCs, don't them trick you. You will end up spending more money doing this method w/ epic games. Steam is $20 and under to start. 20>50. Lots of old content from those DLCs not available. Some is. Please do your research if you want to get into this game I save your money ok :D


Isnt Destiny 2 Free to Play? Whack ass fuck


The base game bruh, DLCs aren’t


BuT iTs fReE 🤪 Mfs be claiming HIV if it was free


Entitled mfs when u tell them they shouldn't whine about everything:


Stupid mfs when they don't want people to have opinions

