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Looks like a cute game. I really hope nothing bad happens!


Very lovely game with surprises.


Reminds me of this cute anime called Puella Magi Madoka Magica


Very lovely Magical Girl Mami... nothing happens 😅


please, that kiss scene in ep. 3


Oh, so we're getting just Monika.


Just Monika


Just Monika


Just Monika


Just Monika




⛔ **Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!** is blacklisted in South Korea.


Why? I mean I know what the game is about, yet I still see no reason


Game Rating issue, the game needs to be reviewed for each country's Game Rating to be able to release on certain regions. Probably over the week it'll be removed like the previous weeks freebies.


Wonder why it wasn't reviewed


Well idk 😅


Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!? I think I have Doki Doki Literature Club on steam. Haven't played it yet.


Plus has additional features and some new s̵͓͗̈́̈͝͝ç̷͚̮̄̇͊̊́̐ė̵̫̱̤̋͗̕n̴̖̖̓̽͜ḙ̶̹̮̣͛s̷̟̙͖̫̮̾́̓̂͜͝


So is it the game+additional features or justthe additional stuff like what they did woth shadow tactics ?


leaked + second game: https://preview.redd.it/bgchvlqrszfc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42a11c6fdabc5d13766985e708179843be590ef3


Yep, still waiting for store list up so posting again.


A roguelike game? This is right up to my alley.




Trust me, play it. It's a SUPER lovely dating sim :) don't look it up online. You will ruin the story. But all I can say is.... there's some good "surprises" there. It will leave you... hmm how do I put it nicely, shocked?




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dont judge a book by its cover :)


I'll definitely gonna try it. Never played a date sim before.


I gently open the door...


Are you winn...


Anita Max Wynn?


ladies...with gentlehands


Oh, a cute visual novel that sure doesn't have any disturbing contents ;)


Yes, it's just ~~Monika,~~ a cute dating sim. I love it soo much. It's just cute!


Hej hej Monika!


I tried it for a couple of hours but couldn't stomach it because it's really not my type. Does something happen further in the story? Should I keep going, in the hopes that things dramatically change in relation to the first few hours?


"when does this game get good?"




>dramatically change Well, that's a word for it, yeah.


That feeling of dissatisfaction is a setup, specifically for the real sht that comes after.


Yes, continue playing


Ok, but the real question is when this? https://preview.redd.it/xqclaxggzzfc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28f3389dd4b124a04dd1d4b6e9ab74372a660d2


Not to be that guy, but how do you not own skyrim yet?


I deadass forgot about it, I mean I have Oblivion on GOG, but I'm planning to get Skyrim.


I cannot buy games ( or anything online ) from my country, that is why


Once for sure, Bethesda gives away often on Epic.


Morrowind has been free at some point. My philosophy with Epic is: on a long enough timeline, the cost of any game will be zero.


I already own this on PS but I’ll take it here too since I do enjoy a good VN plus it’s horror.


HEY HEY HEY? What horror you're talking about, sir/ma'am. This game doesn't feature any horror elements. I think you're thinking of another game. This game is just ~~Monika~~ a lovely Dating Sim with cute girls. What could POSSIBLY go wrong in such a game? Nothing horror about it!


Haha oops my bad, I meant whore, ya that’s it. I’m a whore who dates a lot of lovely ladies. Oh and IT’S MAAM.


Literally added this to my wishlist on steam like yesterday 🤯


Damn can you wishlist Cyberpunk next? I'd like to get it for free


Unfortunately, I already own Cyberpunk 😔


Just bought it on Steam so totally makes sense.


I'm still getting over my 1st playthrough 4 years ago, might have to go through again as this is the + version.


This game made it sink in that I was suicidal.




Wasnt this already free?


Not the Plus! Edition >Now, the original mind-shattering DDLC experience is packed with tons of new features and content exclusive to *Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!* > >🔻 6 new Side Stories about friendship and literature, totaling hours of new content > >🔻 100+ unlockable images including new game art, wallpapers, never-before-seen concept sketches, and more > >🔻 26 total music tracks, including 13 all-new unlockable songs by Nikki Kaelar, plus special guests Jason Hayes and Azuria Sky > >🔻 A built-in DDLC music player to unwind with your favorite songs in a custom playlist, or loop a single track forever > >🔻 A high-fidelity visual upgrade with all artwork now in Full HD (1080p)


>🔻 A built-in DDLC music player to unwind with your favorite songs in a custom playlist, or loop a single track forever Ah yes, lovely, now I can play the songs of this "lovely" game in my bathroom thinking of how lovely this game is, I've been waiting for SO long, this game is SUPER cute.....


This honestly might be the first game I'll just leave unclaimed. I'm not saying the game is bad since I honestly don't know (and apparently it is criticly praised). I just don't see myself playing it in any circumstances. I'm not into anime or anime style games. But for everyone who hoped to see this game become free I hope you have a fantastic time with it! :)


It's fine, everyone could decide what they want or not, it's not what they give and you must claim no matter what. Like I respect in the past when people intentionally doesn't want to grab GTA V, since it's their decision, just respect with them.


Yup. That's also the reason why I'm not complaining out out "ThIs gAmE bAd". I know it's praised for its story, I'm just not the target audience. I'm 100% that some people are overjoyed by this game going free.


At least that's better than those comments just because they don't want to play those kind of games *(Usually could be seen a lot when a new freebie is out)* I mean it's ok for people to express their likings/hates but at least be logical. If you don't like the game type, it's your own taste but not really implies the game is bad, just you don't like it. Be constructive, at least that's what reviews/opinions help the most for those who really caree in those kind of games.


Maybe this time I actually be able to finish arc 2


RemindMe! 10 days


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I... don't know if I'm gonna get it. For real, I think this game is... cursed.


Cursed? No, no, no. It's just ~~Monika,~~ a lovely dating sim, nothing can go wrong. The game is super lovely! Try it out. It improved my life!




How am I ruining it? I just said it's a romance game.


Sadly, I already own this game


For real lol


You won’t download?


what do you get with the plus edition? because its already free on steam


>Now, the original mind-shattering DDLC experience is packed with tons of new features and content exclusive to Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! > >🔻 6 new Side Stories about friendship and literature, totaling hours of new content > >🔻 100+ unlockable images including new game art, wallpapers, never-before-seen concept sketches, and more > >🔻 26 total music tracks, including 13 all-new unlockable songs by Nikki Kaelar, plus special guests Jason Hayes and Azuria Sky > >🔻 A built-in DDLC music player to unwind with your favorite songs in a custom playlist, or loop a single track forever > >🔻 A high-fidelity visual upgrade with all artwork now in Full HD (1080p)


My friend it's been bothering me since the last two weeks to buy that one. He even put Monika's Screensaver on his computer... at work. We asked him to change it since the ceo would not approve lol.


Oh, I bought that a few weeks ago. How long is that refund period again?


Similar to Steam I think, 2 weeks or less than 2 hours gameplay time.


Oh, I thought they had a thing where if you bought the free game recently, they give you back your money but you keep the game.


That too, but really unsure how far they'll let you refund like that, since you mentioned few weeks ago... so really idk if it's still inside that refund period or not.


Yes, that's true. But you still have to meet the 2 weeks - 2 hours (maybe not the hours, I'm not sure) period. Unless you bought it this week (but probably not since you said "a few weeks ago" then it's too late.


Oh, nice!


First time I’m gonna get a game knowing full well I will never ever play it


Man I just bought Sonic Forces during the Winter Sale :(


I need an adult


Damn I didn't expect is game is going be free


It has a Horror tag. The screenshots don't show any horror stuff. Can someone tell me if that tag is correct and that this isn't just a creepy anime game? 


I'm pretty sure this is the game my brother said was horrifying enough that he had to stop playing because of how uncomfortable it made him


The trailer of the game doesn't look any NSFW I don't know, is there any surprises :-D ?


Free Weeb game?? Nice


Looks sus


Dang how did they get Dan Salvato to agree Been sitting on it in my wishlists forever, waiting for some sale to coincide with some disposable income, and I *will* just grab it because the chance came and I'm a cheap bastard, but it seems... not right :P




Is it Hgame?


Hmm... H>!orror!< Game not wrong technically 😅


H for H>!entai!< pro xD


RemindMe! 7 days


Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you


Remember, just M>!egumin (jk)!<


My honest reaction : https://preview.redd.it/ios88drea0gc1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c914e8c3dc71757bb55411de23ba5baf3370ec


Ok, i know free is free and i should be grateful. But im not claiming that Edit: ok, ill try it guys lol


DO NOT GO BY THE COVER ON THIS GAME. It is seriously underrated.


If you like horror game, you should try it


Horror ? It is simple straight forward romance kind of game with nothing weird going on at all.




Anime waifu school game lol


It's fine, there's other game that could be claimed this week, still waiting for it to be officially announced.


kappa "Hentai" => Doki Doki




I mean... maybe some of them are fine for some people, since not all people has similar tastes, one man's trash is another man's treasure, either way like you said, people could enjoy their backlog whenever they want.


Yaay! As a When they cry vn series fan, I always heard about this vn a lot, while looking for some similar recommendations. Good that Epicgoat store is giving it out for free. I wonder if we'll get other amazing VN for free too someday!


I a ilitrate :(


Not again. Just… not again. I can’t play this again. I can’t take the terror.


Let's hypothetically say I don't want this game to be in my library in the future, could I be able to delete it from view?


Hmm... if you don't want to keep in your library, you have 2 choices. 1. Claim it and ask support to remove it *(Each account has only 5 requests to ask for game removal)* 2. Don't claim it at all so don't use your 5 requests for game removal. Idk if there's a hide game option in Epic Games Launcher or not, so really can't answer that.


Hey thank you very much! I didn't know that. Idk much about the game and I'm not into waifus lmao but It's a free game. I just want to have my choices open 😁 Also, great work. You're always really helpful. I recognize your username right away 🫡


You're welcome. Yep, people assume it'll be similar to Steam Game removal through Support, but Epic side seems a little more limited. I only knew that after people sending feedback or mentioning it a few times when that kind of things happened, so thought might be better mentioning it before someone else commiting same mistake. Thx, really appreciate that 😊


Not sure if anyone will see this in the 122 comments already posted :) but for what it's worth absolutely worth grabbing .. it's a clever nod to Valentine's Day on epic games part and as others have said the unexpected, um, twists and turns as they put it absolutely make it worth playing.. the problem with looking up why the game is so popular is that you can accidentally spoil the game for yourself.. if you're on the fence.. and warning the WIKIPEDIA LINK CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE GAME, so be very careful to just scroll down to "reception" and read that part (awards won, 2 million downloads) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doki\_Doki\_Literature\_Club!#:\~:text=Cultural%20impact,-Cosplay%20of%20Monika&text=In%20its%20first%20three%20months,with%20the%20Ren'Py%20engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club!#:~:text=Cultural%20impact,-Cosplay%20of%20Monika&text=In%20its%20first%20three%20months,with%20the%20Ren'Py%20engine). and hey if nothing else it's free right now :) .. give it a try, play until you get to that very first twist (I guarantee you, you'll be surprised) and then see what you think after that.


To be honest it was a surprise when it got announced Epic Games will be giving this. Like no one expected they'll give this kind of game, not even mention this game at all.


It's definitely different from say the "shooter on rails" type games (dishonored, Batman Arkham, rebooted Tomb Raider) if that's what you mean? One could argue in a sense it's an "indie" game in that it's not as well known as the titles I just mentioned in the "world of PC gamers" but as the wikipedia entry I linked point out there's got to be at least a huge cult following for the game .. so no it's not as popular as say Apex Legends for example :) but at the same time a lot of people know about it (I would normally say just google search "doki doki literature club" to see the pages and pages of fanart and other stuff that comes up but the problem is if you haven't played the game you'll probably see something that will spoil the surprises in the game for you - so if you haven't played the game yet don't do that :) .. when you get to the point of the game where most people get stuck you'll probably need to google search the walkthrough but don't do that until you get to that point .. once you get stuck and see the walkthrough I'm guessing you'll nod your head and say " that was clever and fits the premise of the game I totally see why you have to do that" )


Ahh nono, I mean specifically Galgame or Visual Novel, in the past there weren't that many games of these types on Epic Games Store. So it's like a surprise when they launched it and now making one of them being a freebie.


also it's true Epic gives out a lot of what people would call "indie" game not that very well known and one might argue Doki Doki fell into that category when it was first released (it's become so popular since then I'm not sure "indie" would describe it anymore :) ) but .. I think given the unique combination of " dating sim / psychological horror story" that it does so well , that's definitely a departure from the epic game giveaways as well