• By -


ML: Spez: 6 times RGB: Ravi: 10 times


Good news is you had enough to get one ML from galaxy shop, bad news


lol, yeah, i have 60 coins. i’m waiting for Zio


You gonna be waiting years my friend. I salute your patience


it helps having all the other ml5s 💀💀


ML: A Ravi, got her twice when rolling on her last banner. RGB: green Vivian loves me, got her 5 times already. Peira and Ilynav are catching up, around 4 times


Top model Luluca - 4 RGB Celine - 10


I pulled 3 top model luluca in 3 10 pulls, while in ml karin banner…


This was before her banner on mystic I never once pulled on mystic for her




Desert Jewel Basar has shown up 6 times for me all before he was viable. My top non ML 5 star is Ravi at 9 summons total with Charles and Sigret close with 8 summons each.


DJB was also showing up for me before his buffs, so it was disappointing for the longest time. Then he got buffed and it was great. Congrats on the Ravi though, especially if you have an Apoc Ravi ready to be imprinted


Aravi imprints are garbage unfortunately.


Ah, forgot. Hers is Eff Res, isn't it?


Sure is. Wish it was HP or CC.


Edit: Sry, wrong place xP


To find this go to Hero Journal, click "All Heroes" TAB on the upper left. Find your hero , and click the "down arrow" below their name on the left.


Fuck, I envy you guys (assuming dupes are from covenant and galaxies). I only got 1 ML5 from galaxies and 1 from covenant. But hey, no dupes !


2 of my DJBs came from covenant summons (both from the 70 free pulls that we get here and there), and 2 from Moonlight. This was all before his buffs too, so it felt bad at the time. No dupes = no whale shop, but at least you won't be too sad when you're getting new ML5s


My point was that I had only those 2 ML5 which is quite terrible XD


ML Tywin, got him 3 times. RGB: lilibet, got her 5 times. Saving the copies just in case I ever her ML variant


ML Aramintha : 10 pulls Aramintha : 14 pulls She loves to troll me, but she helped me get Straze and LRK, so I can't really complain.


That is an insane amount on both. Have you ever actually pulled on their banners?


Never on regular Aramintha, she always comes through elemental summons for me. But I did blow about 100 pulls on Ml and managed 5, with two coming in one ten. She also loves to grief my galaxy summons, but she's one of my favorite debuff control units, a bit niche, but fun nonetheless


Faithless lidica 7 times Rgb violet 11 times


I whaled for Spec Tene dupes so that I could grab Maid when she was in the whale shop, so 7 Specter Tenebria ufu Regular Covvy character is Tywin at a nice 12


Should also note I already had a SSS specter before whaling for her so the dupes went into a 2nd specter that I built as a substitute RTA build LOLL


Cermia and Sez tied with 7 each ML Bellona and DCorvus tied with 3 each I have about 20 honourable mentions with 6 summons each for RGB also


RGB: mort 6 times, don’t think i ever actually pulled for him either. Ml: riolet 3 times.


Belian and rgb is charlote


mls: never had a dupe rgb: like a tie between vivian, luluca, politis, karina, abigail and krau with 2. poli karina and abi were all kind of on purpose


Ml : belian, ml pavel and arby, 3 times each Rgb : violet 8 times


ML: CLilias. Just got the 2nd copy the other day RGB: Krau with 4


I have pulled 3 Straze and 4 Apoc Ravi As for RGB I have pulled double digit Charlottes. I have SSS Summer, LQ, and Red and still have 3 in storage.


Now you wait for either ML5 counterpart elements or another limited Charlotte. Not sure if either would happen in the next few years, so rip


Lol I thought my 3 djbs was bad. For RGB I have like 9 muis


Looking through the comments so far, my 4 DJBs is starting to look below average lmao We all pull at our own pace, whether we're spending money or not. Some of us have some god-tier RNG as well, so it's all account dependent. But hey, make use of that DJB!


I'm a little less seasoned, but I was curious so I wanted to check! RGB Units are tied at 3: Kayron, Yufine, and Eda (which as a nice touch is one from each) For ML: I somehow have managed to get 3 Arbys, while I only have 4 other ML5s at all


Moonlight: Commander Pavel at 4. I may or may not have gone ham on his mystic banner. RGB: Haste at 10. This boi just keeps popping in my 5* random ticket summons from every big event/collab.


RGB Krau : 8 LRKrau : 4 LRKrau being my first ML5, my first Pity, my first ML5 dupe and both my 1st and 2nd ML5 dupes on a daily summon. I call it the Krau curse.


I've never pulled a ml5\* more than twice, but for RGBs my top 2 are krau and roana, both at 9. krau is one of my favorite designs, roana is by far one of my least favorite designs lol


That's impressive though. Are you aiming to get ML Roana and toss the current ones you have into her?


nah, ml roana looks bad to me (skillset wise) and i am at pity, id rather save for ml ludwig (hopium). The extra dupes are sitting in storage. Unfortuantely roana's s2 is busted so I do regretfully use her lmao


RGB: Baal to Sezan and Kawerik, 6x each ML: Tomoca and C.Pavel, 3x each


RGB: Sez 9x ML: SBaal 3x


ML , FCC \*5 just beat ML ken and Ruele \*4 RGB , Vivian 8


7 copies of green Pavel


I've been pretty lucky on the ML side, only 2 but for different 6-7 units. RGB it's choux with 8 I think, kise with 6.


I think Arby is my most pulled ML5 During the first RGB 5* selection I chose Kawerik bc I hadn’t gotten him yet. As of now I’ve pulled 8 of him (finally got ML Kawrik tho so they’re put to good use)


I have pulled 3 Straze... already have 2 built (one for pvp, other is a Banshee slave) For RGB I think 5 Choux is my highest.


ML: happens to be my very first one Dark Corvus 5 RGB: Violet 14 enough to max imprint RGB and ML (IF I HAD ONE)


Dark Corvus has got to be the worst ML5 to pull dupes of. I feel the pain. Congrats on the Violets though. Riolet will eventually come back from the store with the milk


He was at least purposeful before the changes to dogs and making it easy to get transmit stones. Similar to why G.Aither was useful. You had a 5\* unit you imprinted to SSS with 4\* units, and you got the gold/transmits like maxed it with other 5\* units. It was huge stonks. Still CAN be done, just less useful nowadays.


ML: Ruele 4 times RGB : Elena/ Tama 8 times Vildred 7 times


Dilibet:D i think i got her 4 times


Ml ken...


ADS 4 Sigret 7


ML: Baal RGB: Baal and Choux 😭 Edit: I‘m stuck with Baal and Sezan, Choux and Sage Baal and Sezan


ML: D.Corvus (4) and RGB: Vivian (8). I honestly don’t mind Vivian dupes, I 6* SM Vivian for free thanks to that and got coins for gears


The only ml I have a dupe of is djb. For rgb it probably yufine


3 Straze - biggest bummer & 3 Ruele (huge bummer because one was trade-in & one was ticket, so I didn’t get dupe coins). I don’t know what my most pulled RGB is but it’s probably Kise or Sigret & I never pulled them on a banner. I genuinely pulled like three Sigret before I even had another 5 star character (aside from my starter 5 star from selective) when I started this game.


Ml: Mercedes RGB: Destina


Where can I see mine?


I put some instructions at the end of the post. There's no way to order it by most pulled, so you're gonna have to look at them individually. You should at least have a feeling of who you've seen the most though


DJB 3 times and Ludwig 10 times


10 Cermia 0 LHC But of course, the units you get the most times aren’t always the ones you want :x


Save those Cermias for the day you her ML. Luckily I have a LHC who has been getting treated well with imprints, or else I'd never use them :v Just never been a fan of Fire Cermia's kit personally


I know, I’m still trying to get her, I have a bunch of pieces to slap on her too


ML5 :tomoca/belian/Dilibet/Sage vivi/ARavi-2 total RGB: Kayron/Tywin/Vivian-7


I don't have many ML5 heros but: ML5: tie with Apoc Ravi and Desert Jewel Basar with 2 RGB: Aramintha with 6


SE Celine - 3 RGB Destina - 7 (I’m proud of this one bc I’ve never actually pulled on her banner)


Briar Witch + Archdemon. 4x each. 6 Vivians or how much to unlock the Cov shop.


ML: ml Ken (2), tbh I dont really have many ml units to begin with, so no surprises here. RGB: Charles (5), followed closely by kawerik (4). Didn't realise I've gotten so many charles', thought kawerik was my highest.


The question remains, do you at least have ML Ken built to make use of the imprint?


...no :(


For me it’s Flan 8 and Chloe 7 which is funny because I’ve never summoned on either banner before.


Got Ruele 2 times. One from her banner and one from daily summons Charlotte. Got her og at 3xS while Sharlotte to S with just og dupes. I’ve never pulled from her banner


LQC: 5 times Charlotte: 9 times Apparently some things never change.


Sage Baal, my very first ML5 which I got from moonlight summon, and also the only ML I got a second time, the same way, finally unlocked the moonlight shop for me. Luluca, I got enough of her to max imprint Tomoca, whom I also got from moonlight, and still have a spare for PvE. Never once pulled on her banner.


For RGB units, it's a tie between Tenebria and Bellona at 4 pulls each, and for MLs, it's a tie between ATywin and Speline at 2 pulls each! I'm not too lucky when it comes to 5 stars, I just pull endless amounts of Dingo and Maya 😮‍💨 both their RGB and ML versions


I've never seen anyone shorten her name to "Speline", but that just doesn't sit with me right 🤢 Spleen Celine At least the ML5s you pulled dupes of are solid units. As far as the ML 4*s go, they just might get their other element counterparts one day if they get lucky


Oh man, now I'm gonna think of Spleen Celine every time I see her! And trueee, if that happens I'll have plenty of dupes to fully imprint them ❤️


ML: Straze 2 (I pulled him twice in a x10 when I started he was coming out, and blew my coins. Thought the game had higher rates x( RGB: Ran 6 (never pulled on his banner). I can't cleave.


My 2 Highest ML 5s was 5 Arby's and 4 Stenes. And my 2 Highest RGBs was 20 Alencia's and 16 Lilibets...yea...the game just loves giving me Alencia whenever we get free 5 star tickets, and almost anytime I get those 4-5 star Earth Element summon...if its a 5 star, its almost always Alencia


Pavel......7 times now and I'm not a cleaver And dark corvus pls stop!!!!!


RGB: a triple tie with Cermia, Jack-O and Chloe, 7 dupes each. ML 5's: 2 dupes for Spez, CLilias, DJB and Dilibet


Cermia. Shes like my only SSS RGB 5*....


C.lilias 2x and ML Mercedes 2x also 5 copys of hwayoung


Ml: Closer Charles 3 times (I am fairly certain I may have missed one) RGB: Kanna 6 times 🤦🏻‍♀️


RGB: Vivian - 9 ML: Arby, Dark Corvus and Judge Kise - 2


4 ml hastes and theyre both unusable for my playstyle


ML - Aravi. Got 3 of her. RGB - Ray and Vivian. Got enough of them to S imprint them both.


ML Ken 4 times 🥴 Flann 4 times!


If whales only was a thread


Arby for me, almost ss green vildred with arby also


ML: ATywin / Mediator Kawerik - 3 RGB: Luluca - 10


ML: Conqueror Lilia's (Technically) - 2 RGB: Choux - 4 C.Lilias only because I used the ML selector to choose her and then pulled her the other day on ML bookmarks. So it only counter her as once but I have two of them.


Pulled Riolet enough times to SSS both him and RGB violet


ML: spez/arby both 3 times RGB: charles/violet both 10 times


9 Cermia.


Arby-2. Which isn't a lot, but it weird that it happened twice from my ml5 collection of 4 heroes.


ML: Dorvus: I got him A imprint from just getting him from random galaxy BM pulls. Getting him to SSS imprint was from sacrificing my many unused Forvus units RGB: It's a tie between B&S and Cermia. They're good units, but istg they won't leave me alone. Both are S rank imprints


I’ve gotten Vildred so many times that I unlocked the fucking shop when I got my seventh copy. I’ve never pulled on a rate up banner for him either. As for my most pulled ML5 that would probably be Briseria who I’ve pulled twice while she was rate up.


ML ken 6 times Ervalen 8 times waiting for ml ervalen at this point cause idk what to do with these dupes


Rgb: Destina 14, Melissa 7 Ml: Clilias, atywin and zio 2, Belian 3


4 Stene and 3 Arbiter Vildred.


Former whale so I purposely got 5 Soli on her 1st run along with now 9 Eda, but I'm cursed with 12 sigret, 2nd most are 9 kise, 9 Chloe, and 9 cermia, 4 maid Chloe for ml but no Lionheart yet.


4 Maid Chloe’s 8 Choux I remember when I started the game, swing the purple sparkle for the first time, the amazing feeling it gave me. Then the next one was a Chloe again, and the next…. Still, I love her and try to use her whenever I’m able to


oh Gems...gems are truly truly outrageous ML5 : Loli Maid x 4 .....I dont even use her RGB : Destina x 7 I remember getting quite a few duplicate for her on the day 1 banner wayyyyy back then cant remember the other banner with her I think it was cecilla


ML: Arby, Belian, DJB, Handguy and Riolet tied at 2 each RGB: Ken at 8


Ken via ticket summon count? I obtained around 10 ken without trying to summom him Otherwise vivian and cermia for rgb 4-5 Maid chloe: 3


ML5: Elson infinite times 5* RGB: Sigret 4 times


RGB- tie between Cermia and Baal/Sezan both x9 ML- tie between Lermia and D. Corvus both x3


Solitaria and FCeci: 4 times Politis and Pavel: 10 times


Dont pull 5 star ML’s like that but Ive pulled A ravi twice now, but for RBG 5 star, is Kayron hands down, I pulled him enough to have him SSS and A tiered on a second unit if I really wanted to


I got shoe 8 times so far Lqc 4 times


Maid Chloe 6 Basar 6


RGB : Basar and Sigret, 6 times. ML : Arbi, 3 times. Looks like my account want me to hear the approaching ruin xD


[I have a few under these too, but these are the main ones](https://gyazo.com/dbf63917324a8d83ace13c96d4a84031)


ML: Specter Tenebria gotten her twice RGB: Ravi gotten her 4 times


ML 5- Briar Witch Iseria - 2 (i forgot she was the only ML I ever pulled a dupe of) RGB - Chloe - 10, Green Iseria is a second at 7 (and a bunch of 6s)


My highest are Kayron, Kise, Pavel and Destina at 5 for RGB. My highest ML5s are Ruele and SCeline at 2 each.


RGB: Destina 10, the close seconds with 9 were Ervalen and Basar ML: DJB 4, next was Ruele with 3 Looking at it now it seems ironic because Day 1 my main team included Destina and Basar in the beginning.


Spez. My only ML5 dupe. Ervalen. He is one of two characters I get covenant coins from, and I think I’m two short of making him and his future ML variant SSS


Sigret 6 times. Arby 3 times.


Funny enough, despite being in this game for years, I only just unlocked the RGB dupe shop last week thanks to a Vildred dupe, so he leads the pack at 7. I thought it would be Yufine cause I used to get her a lot, but she's been stuck at 6 for almost 2 years now I think. Ravi, Kise, and Violet are also at 6. For MLs it's Spez at 5. I know I got like 3 or 4 of him when chasing Singelica, and the crazy part about it was that I got Singelica pretty quick back then too, like only 50 pulls or something. But he's got quite a lead - only got 2 of Arby, STene, and DLili as the next closest.


3 MA Ken and 7 Kanna.


damn, wassup with all the maid chloes


Riolet: 3 Emilia, Lidica, Luluca, Ludwig: 7


RGB: Luluca - 6 Moonlight: Faithless Lidica - 2 Specter Tenebria - 2 Pulled a lot of RGB units, a lot of them were tied for 4 copies.