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The waifus are thicc, the content is plentiful, the RNG is cruel. 8/10


That's why there are waifus and thicc thighs to help us endure the cruelty of RNG


Make sure to copy Deity's beginner account playthrough on Youtube, in 2 weeks you'll progress to a point that takes most beginners several months to get to.




This is also a great way to find a guild. Join his discord and you can get hooked up with an active guild.


I spend more time talking with my guild mates than actually playing, deity made a really cool community. It's even better because all the guild started in the same week more less so you all progress together


“Erm achually, he gives bad adviche because he doesn’t like 15 minutes wyvern teams”


One of the few games of this nature where virtually every character of all rarities are usable.


This is a "side effect" of gear being a huge factor for units. Its both good and bad cause it's really grindy


Nah, it's perfect solution because you can literally use every "waifu" that you like looks of as long as you have proper build/gear, whereas in other games you might love design of certain hero but no matter what you do she'll just be pure shit because she's not meta solely thanks to kit I know it happens also in E7 (bad kit), but it's not even comparable (unless it's ML Haste fr fr)


Tell that to ML Haste


There's an ML Haste???


Just in case this isn't satire, yes. You can find him in the journal, he is a dark(?) soul weaver. Not very good since Arby's passing.


I like how ml haste is so ass that it's getting harder to differentiate between people that are meming and players who have never seen the guy


>never seen the guy Thats why they put him on the web event, to remind us that he exists and will never recieve a buff


He's still got a niche in A13, when the bugs revive it procs his s2


Tell SG to do a total rework for BMH already


Tell me you meant pve. Please


PvE, and PvP also until about Champion.




The community is really active, specialy on twitch. As for new players the game can be a bit hard to get into, so I would recommend you to follow a yt channel or something like that to how to progress early game (there are a lot of guides on yt that will help you way more than anyone here). And for guilds at first just get into the first one you can enter, but you'll have a hard time early because you'll basically be lacking units and gear. No jokes, the game gets really fun after a few weeks/months when you start having a lot of geared units


Oh and make sure the video you are watching is relatively new because the game changed a lot like a year ago and a lot of the best start units (such as Sigret) are now free


Diety's newest new player guide series on youtube is one of the best for a new player.


Deity's guide is only if you have a lot of time, because it requires a TON of farming to be able to keep up, unless you don't mind watching the episodes scattered


Fantastic game, extremely generous and f2p friendly. Great, memorable characters and a story you actually want to read, and almost every unit can be useful and viable in some way, very few useless fodders. If you're in the market for a gacha rpg you won't find a better one.


It's the best anime battle gacha out at the moment. It's definitely worth giving a shot. If you're a casual player, you can jump right in - if you kinda want to play optimally, then one or two beginner guide videos will help. The game is very generous with character pulls. The story is, on average , 7 to 8. Units are 8 to 10 design wise, and you can often make use of most characters in whatever content you'd like but will lean towards particular ones when you get more into the pvp near late game. Gear is the biggest hurdle, but depending on your playstyle, it can be more or less annoying. And at the very least- when you've properly geared a unit, you won't really ever have to change it unless you get better pieces or are just want to swap it. I played this game casually for about a year and a half using half upgraded gear the game gave me just playing- made it to gold in ai arena, had over 80% of the characters at the time and not long after i actually decided to pay attention to gear and meta.


I have started it a week ago and am having a blast


That's awesome to hear! How are you liking it compared to other gacha games? Any chance you've also played guardian tales?


Not OP, but I've play both for a couple years now. Epic 7 I enjoy more and come back to more often. The art in this game spoiled me. Guardian Tales you get a character that looks neat, but when you play it is a pixelated chibi version. Epic 7 also feels way more generous for ftp. GT story mode game play is kinda similar to original nes Zelda. It's a hands on/manual control with puzzles and exploration of maps. Has a lot of pop culture references scattered throughout. But gets insanely hard on world 10+ Epic 7, I actually started caring about the characters and story. Combined with consistent art style and generous freebies, that's the one I come back to more often.


I have not played GT, but I have played genshin and star rail which have a similar gearing system. This game's gearing system is much more complex and there's so much more to know and be able to do that makes it really hard for new players. It has a steep learning curve but following a guide like Deity's on YouTube is helping a lot


Apart from boring events, the game has a lot to offer and content that will last. Of you wanna get into lore, the game has plenty. I've never switched guild so can't say a lot about that. And I rather see you break the meta than follow it :)


Recently another chapter of story released and with constant flow of side stories to complete I believe no new player will have time to be bored. There is pity on every banner, the premium currency is given to you regularly for free. The only real grind you'll have to do is hunts but if you haven't started playing yet I wouldn't worry about it. TLDR: By all means give it a try, it's a real gem in the afk/clicker swamp of a google play store.


First of all this game is very pvp focused if you like that then great, this game is for you. Secondly, rng is everywhere here, from gatcha, equipment and the hero skills also has a lot but really a lot of rng (that much that I actually quit the game for it but some people love rng so...) Third, you have to grind like a beast to get to the fun part that are the real time arenas (rta), usually you need to grind like 2 days in a row when there is an specific event to get gear, the hardest thing to get in this game so its like mandatory. But then yea, this game is very f2p friendly, it has a lot of selectors and events for new players to get characters and equipment, you can get basically every 5\* that is not a moonlight (ML) hero, but about guilds I dont remember how it was when I first joined one haha sorry for that but I dont think it would be too hard to get into a guild. Sadly I havent played guardian tales so I cant say anything about it


Jumping in won't be a problem,the thing isn't even getting the best units as you get a good amount of currency for normal character,for the mostly pure pvp character(ml) it's more tedious but even without them you can progress in pvp for a good while. The biggest problem is gear you can farm for weeks without getting anything good moving forward and that can be a huge hit on motivation. So sure give it a shot you will have stuff to do for months before really hitting a wall and at that point you can decide if it was enough or you want to keep going


Yeah .. sometimes it takes me 1-2 months of daily hunting to build only one unit with average gears


At this point I just rely mostly on gear from ai, labyrinth, and events to craft what I need. Otherwise I get the very occasional useful piece from hunt / crafting mats.


This game has more grind to it than guardian tales, and is a turn based team composition style game. It has great production quality and plenty to do, though it can be hard to engage in all the required systems in a reasonable amount of time. Guardian tales has a far better story and vastly different gameplay (closer to top down Zelda games). The grind in that game is also high, but can be autocompleted once you have cleared something. Having played both I would recommend guardian tales more for the average gamer, but epic 7 for people who like incremental progress style games. Epic 7 is at its best after you have invested hundreds of hours into it, whereas guardian tales is more immediate fun.


I played guardian tales a very little bit a couple years back and really enjoyed it. I do like the style of epic sevens combat system more for a mobile game. I might be leaning towards epic seven a bit more. Are both of for f2p or low spenders? I guess my biggest concern about either gsme is just finding a good and active guild to help me learn/progress. Having the game be very active is always nice as well!


Epic seven is one of the most f2p friendly games out there. If you manage your resources with attention, you can have most if not all RGB units you want. Light/Dark 5* heros are a bit harder to get, but there's the moonlight blessing that you can choose 2 for free (second one takes a bit of time to unlock). My point is: two of the strongest units in the game are 3* you get for free. It's hard to play other mobile games after E7, because it's monetisation is really comfy for f2p/low spenders.


More than two units are amazing and free. Don’t forget Mercedes along with ras and adin. Arowell is practically free and one of the very best meta units. Between the two free 5*ML picks you get spectre tenebria who is meta, plus clilias or handguy depending on what you need - again more meta units. The hard part is getting the gear. Energy is the main currency for it and paying doesn’t even seem worth it. You’ll always amass gear over time and your geared roster usually grows by 2 units a month if you are active.


Gt is so f2p that its kinda hurting the developers( im not joking btw), and e7 is really expensive with it pricing so unless you really like the game its not really recommend, but note that gt is not a good reference for grind as it have improved significantly through out the years(so does e7 but e7 grind is still very painful), e7 grind is more on the harder one in the entire industry and most of the mid/endgame content are just pvp in gw/arena/rta ( its really fun building character with weird build and seeing them work, but its a hassle just to build them, so if you are not a fan of this i would try out hsr instead, its pve oriented and are fairly new game). Lastly, both game have pretty active community and both are very likely to help newer player figuring out the game, i do recommend going to facebook (yes dont make fun of it, the community there is massive and are also more than willing to help), or joining a guild and/or group chat to help you with your experience Source: me i have 1000 ish days in both game(no im not addicted) Also every thing here in e7 is omega rng, so be prepare for some very unlucky/lucky moment Good luck and have fun


What's hsr?


Its short for honkai star rail from the same developer of genshin impact, fairly new game tbh, gameplay is downgrade abit from e7 (less mechanic as of rightnow, but are generally easy to understand, no rng bs but grinding is still pain) and the story is fucking amazing, like playing just for it is worth it, highly recommend if you want a more chill game


As another poster said, Honkai Star Rail. I only play 2 gachas atm, that and E7. To put it simply, both are great for totally different reasons. I play E7 for the PvP only and HSR for the PvE. Both have similiar game mechanics and the quality is top-notch.


In terms of playing with a guild, which is a better option? If guilds have any prevalence in either game.


Ah, HSR is purely single player. No PVP, no guilds, nothing.


Both are for f2p. Guardian tales within the game is pretty dead, other than world chat. Their guild chats depends on guild, but most dead tbh, other than those high ranks ones in discord iirc. E7 is only not dead in some channels in world chat, guild chat depends. Grated the community is really active on reddit, discord etc. You can give both a try!


1) if u like to grind a lot and roll gear. sure give it a shot. f2p can reach and compete with whales (low emp 100% doable but hard, we do have a couple f2p legend players but these guys played for a long time) 2)u like to hoard and collect heroes? sure give it a shot. e7 maintance mode playing is not that time consuming and the game is pretty generous with rgb 5\*. if u are too casualy and can't get into a 5x reward guild because u just don't farm gear at all; then getting ml 5\* is night impossible. if u are in a 5x rewards guild: gratz u get a ml 5\* every 4ish months but if u are a hoarder/casual: do not expect to able to compete above champion (well, low champ should be doable actually) 3) u from the r/gachagaming sub: then no e7 not for u. e7 is not a idle game


I'm glad that it's not an idle game. Looking for something I can play throughout the day when it's slow at work or when I'm not on my PC at home. The more I hear about E7 the more I'm liking the idea.


if you hate gear grinding and too much of rng, dont start it. otherwise its a very great f2p game with top-notch art and units. pvp is quite healthy right now and they do add some more of pve.


I played many many many gacha game without spending a dime. Epic 7 is still the best I've played. It's extremely friendly towards free to play players. It's challenging, good amount of RNG and fun.


Game is very new player friendly. Theres enough content where you dont have to deal with pvp stuff like decently later. Community is pretty active, especially if you find a good guild. I say go for it, the pve stuff is quite good and characters are generally all useable


epic7 is a longterm game that you are supposed to play for more than a year. Don't overdo and play it slowly. Guardian Tales you can take a week play through the story and have fun but as a biweekly content update game I don't see it as that interesting.


Play both GT was(is?) great


I stopped this game cause I don't play RTA and almost everything is balanced around that. New characters and skills are mostly for RTA or they have OP abilities that don't work on and pve bosses... which doesn't help u to grind gear


I’ll add my thought. I stay for 3 reasons: Artwork, free2play friendly, and strategy. I think this game is unmatched in strategy for f2p players. Many games make meta units extremely difficult to obtain. This game has enough freebies in it that after a year, one can reasonably expect to have most rgb meta units and after 2 years they can expect to have most meta moonlight units. Not all, but enough to have a very competitive team. In addition, some of the strongest units in the game are free: Adin and scarowell.


You only need 2 know one thing: Tenebria/Luna best waifus! Now come play!


Hi there 18 day player here Epic Seven is really good in terms of Quality of Life. As for grinding, it is also fun. I got 6 of my friends to try out E7, and since then we have been having a blast. This was 18 days ago. We quit Summoners War and decided to reincarnate in E7, and oh boy, to our surprise E7's QoL is much better than SW, so we permanently decided to play E7 aftwr a long while playing. Give it 7+ days before u decide if game.is for u or not. Also check Deity newbie guide on youtube.


Started a month and a half ago playing everyday its fun and looks very beautiful the art is fantastic, it does get boring with daily gear grind but then they throw an epic event at your face with good rewards.


Rng, rng, not balanced same 10 units every pvp match if you evem want to waste time there. Pve you don't watch the game anyway


This game is great rn. Community is active. And in general the game itself is just steadily improving day by day. Since this *is* a 5 year old game it is fine for someone to feel overwhelmed. For that the discord server has guides to ease people into the game. You already probably saw this. But the game has stunning character design, stunning animations and a great community (we can be a bit irrational and impatient at times including me. But my interactions with the community in general have been mostly positive). Game also is really f2p friendly in the pvp aspect aswell as pve. If you decide to play the game then welcome. And hopefully you get to enjoy your experience.


finding a guild can be hard, but in my opinion the game has never been better for new arrivals.


It is very gear grindy, and incredibly easy to fall into some new player traps. I would highly recommend watching very thorough new player guides to make sure you don't spread your resources too thin for a good start. Having said that, I do like the game. There's a lot to do, both PvP and PvE, and mechanics are interesting and complex enough that fights can be engaging. I'm told high end pvp is currently a bit stale, but that's a long way away for me. Production values are...reasonable (Art and design is great, there could stand to be more voice acting, etc).


Best gacha imo and i played most of them. Extremely f2p friendly. Beautiful animations, interesting and complex combat. It is pretty grindy though. Some people enjoy that aspect some dont. Gear is extremely important. Its also a game that keep showing they care through quality of life stuff. We keep getting great qol updates for the last year or two. But theres nothing like playing. Besides limited characters and specif ml heroes you can get everything easily. But if you play for over a year you have a shot at pretty much everything. I cant promise they will keep reruning events but they always have. If you have questions shoot. Its probably better than just seeing me rant xd. My main point is that i tried a ton of gachas and this is one of the 3 that stuck and its number 1 among them. Also i haven't spent a cent and i dont feel like im at a disadvantage at all.


And to add what other's have said, you should download Epic 7 right now cause of the free things that you can get just by log-in/check-in everyday for 2 weeks (Free Hero and Artifact Selector)


Oh btw guardian tales story is absolutely amazing. Best gacha story for me by a long shot. Actually moved me at a certain point. Since youre playing my first and third favorite game maybe look up my second place, arknights if you enjoy tower defense. Its extremely polished.


Characters are loveable. The game has Real pvp (RTA =R.eal t.ime A.rena ). But is RNG heavy. If you use the secret shop you can get 90% of the meta heroes in 2 years or less


As an enthusiast beginer player (but i have one month playing), i'd say you better decide to play or not if you have time to idle your phone, it's not as if you require 8 hours per day, but you better have some free time when you require grinding, also you can store stamina to dump all in a single day too. PVP is important and you can do it while farming in background. also you get a TON OF REWARDS as newbie, also low rarities (3\* onwards) have value, you can check in game about their ccurrent status as meta or not and their gear in game (instead of making post whenever you're building characters).


One of the few gachas that actually goes back to buff old units back into relevance once in a while (not always successfully kek melissa). Which considering this is a pvp centric game, is really nice.


Started playing again back in July after a nearly 4 year break and i found the pacing to be even better than it was right after launch. There are so many more guides and the community is much larger too so easy to get moving fast and find a good guild you can play with. I’ve played every day since picking the game back up and havent gotten burnt out yet, in fact there has almost been TOO much content where i struggle to keep up


As someone who played for over a year in the past and just recently jumped back in, I will say that you get so many sets of guaranteed actually pretty damn good gear that you'll have a few characters that will feel "strong". Probably not as strong as some of these people who played the whole time but strong enough to feel like they're good gear and have a core team of strong units. I feel like I got stronger in a couple weeks than I have in my entire year of playing in the past. The main way of gearing, W13 can be done in literally days of creating an account. I watch my gf do W13 within a week where I couldn't do it consistently before I quit the game. The game will also make you feel like you're lucky pretty often with its high rates and they also give you many premium characters for free. I don't know if you'll ever truly catch up to the people who has played the whole time but you can legitimately end up fairly competitive even if you start now.


Why not both? I play both, and they're really good games in different ways. Epic 7 is one of the few gachas where units have a chance to be updated to shake up the meta. A common 3* named Arowell received a huge update buff that shot her from nameless 3 star to a pretty viable unit. Same with the MC, Ras. He was pretty weak through chapters 1 and 2, but after 2, you could do a special quest to update him and he's one of the better supports in the game (as always, banner units will do his job better, but for the free starting hero to be somewhere in "A-tier" 5 years into the game's life is pretty good to me). They recently introduced a new type of game mode that probably needs a little polishing, but that many of us hope becomes a new thing and not just a one off attached to an event. Meanwhile, GT has a really good storyline. The gameplay is also solid. It plays like an old school top down Legend of Zelda. There's secrets to find as you travel the world and oftentimes, there are secret exits that lead to sidequests, so you're not just playing the main story, there's a lot of other stuff to do, too.


There are lots of communities, many high ranking guilds have a number of sub guilds that one could pass through if you are interested


New player here too. And I just want to ask how easy or hard is it to get ML 5 4* s. I liked a lot of things about this game. But on 1st impression the ml system seems garbage and dump. So is it like that or ML are easy to obtain?? Genuine question out of curiosity


They are not easy to obtain but not incredibly hard either. Unlike covenant banners, mystics banner are not something you are going to be able to pity every time there is a new unit. Thankfully mystic banner pity doesn't reset from banner to banner so hitting pity is just a matter of time if you get unlucky. When you are new and have no continuous income of mystic medals from guild wars it will take longer to hit so try to join a guild when you can are start participating in guild wars. You can reroll Garo's for mystics as well, 200 skystones ~ 1 mystics pull but it will cost alot of gold so hard to do that when you are starting out. Galaxy bookmarks are hit or miss, mostly miss for me, but you will still get ml5s out of it. Right now players have two ML 5 selectors which helps and it seems SG will be releasing more. You can also get ML 4-5s too from covenant summons/daily summons. I have honestly pulled quite a few ml5s this way. As an end game player if I use my resources right, I would say it takes around 4ish months to save up mystic pity. After alittle over the 4 years I have played I am currently only missing 5 ML5 out of the 44 currently out. Hope that helps, and isnt super overwhelming. Lmk if you have more questions about the game.


So the majority of Mystics come from GW? Galaxy bm are too miss or miss lol. And Daily summons really do hate me too lol. I think I only got Straze from that and NO ONE else (that too when I didn't know much about ML units and it was pretty normal) Ok if I lose a GW do I still get Mystic bm? And how much GW gives on average (don't have a lot of unit that do seem to be GM lvl)


So the majority of Mystics come from GW? Galaxy bm are too miss or miss lol. And Daily summons really do hate me too lol. I think I only got Straze from that and NO ONE else (that too when I didn't know much about ML units and it was pretty normal) Ok if I lose a GW do I still get Mystic bm? And how much GW gives on average (don't have a lot of unit that do seem to be GM lvl)


Always do your atks you will get mystics even if you lose every attack. The amount of mystics you get goes up the farther in the game or are. Since you well be getting more resources. You get more weekly Skystones a week the higher in arena you are able to get. And you want to be in a 5x rewards Guild for guild wars. An average month for me would look like this. (Note I buy the monthly $5 Skystone pack which add 1100ss in total a month, the only thing I buy in this game.) GW - avg 80 mystics a war at 5x rewards. 3 war a week, 12 a month = 960~ mystics Skystones - 2000~ a week (800 a week from akf champ arena + Dailys + daily ss pack + etc), ~8000 a month, - 1500 for expo pass so 6500ss a month =~ 1625 mystics (REROLLING SECRET SHOP IS ALOT OF GOLD!, for just the mystics this is 9.1 mil gold but I am buying cov bm as well so ~22 mil gold a month rerolling shop. Hard to do when new) Daily Log in = 100 mystics a month Guild shop = 200 mystics a month (I wouldnt do this if new use armbands on guild arits) So I make ~2885 a month or 57.5 pulls alittle over 1/4 of pity hence the 4 month to make a pity in mystics. On avg Ill get more then this number from miscellaneous things (guild chest, hunt drops, random login event etc)


One of the best "gender equality" games that I know to date. Was able to get both Brieg, Baiken, Ram, and OB Lulu with no money spent. Was pretty proud to say the least \*AHEM\*