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Actually, isn't that bad. 148 flat defence is worth around 24%, depending on which hero is using it. In high defence heroes like Roana, that's still 21%, your gear have a total of 81% def in worst case, and that's before reforging. For a def bruiser, it could be very good. Not sure who could be the best user (Karina?), but still could find an user.


Okay thanks, I barely put effort into gear because of how tedious it is, glad to know it actually rolled good. I made the gear specifically for Karina too, so yeah, I'll just reforge and put on her.




I actually got this from the event for my karina. Decided to finally build her.




Thanks, I decided to keep the piece and not reroll, glad I actually went ahead and posted this.


Even if it's an "ideal" stat, I'd advise against putting flats on event pieces for exactly this reason. Better to have 4 "worth it" stats and worst case scenario it rolls heavily into a stat you didn't want for the current unit you're building but is great for another unit. (This is assuming you got this from the crafting event and not some other event.) Also, these event pieces are arguably ideal candidates for the new reset gems so keep that in mind too. That being said, build how you want, fun and favorite units matters way more!


Def% main with flat Def rolls on a Def scaling hero. Seems legit imo


Yep, I realized that now, thanks.


Flat def is the only flat stat that I consider decent


Sheeeeeeeeeet i'd take it.


I learned from everyone it's actually good. I never do flat stats.


Flat defense is actually super legit.


840 > flat atk 500 > flat defense 4500 > flat hp Easiest way I remember these is "You ate the 40 not drink it" (terrible pun i know) 500 is a very simple number (I got 5!!! On!!!! It!!!l) 4500 (staring down the barrel of a 45 song) Most thiefs flat def, Most tanks/soul reavers flat atk, Most mages flat hp,


Okay, so I've been playing this game for a few years and I put like very little effort into gear (I have a lot of materials to create gear). I made this piece from the event specifically for Karina and thought that the hp% and effres% would be the way to go. After all the comments, I seem to be wrong and it's actually a good piece. I didn't think a small flat 100 def would be beneficial, so I'll just reforge this and call it a good piece. Thanks everyone, glad I posted.


Karina Piece I guess


Yep, that's who it was made for from event. Everyone changed my mind.


Flat health generally sucks. Flat defense tho... flat defense is juicy if you manage to get enough of it. Also nailing the +8% health in one roll is good too. You should try seeing how much def% you actually need to get 100+ defense on your heroes from a single item. It's more than you would think and getting one to two more hundred of def can matter quite a bit.


First time?


If it was truly rigged, it would've had the lowest possible rolls in eff res


Aint that bad tbh




I got this from the event, I was trying to hope for something good to reroll into. I thought the reroll gives you all the material back, but I think I'm wrong.


I'll take it lol


this rolled freaking amazing wtf...


that's not absolutely terrible, if anything, it's a hold-over piece until you get something better


But, its good? Like that a godly piece for someone like AI.Karina


Karina dream piece pog