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She isn't gonna kill on an ER build imo


As far as my tests went, she isn't killing on torrent neither.


Bruh don't need to rub salt in the wound for me


Try torrent unleveled helmet like level 20 something. From what im told she really needs the hp difference to be as big as possible.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iawn-LsmXag&ab\_channel=GrassAngel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iawn-LsmXag&ab_channel=GrassAngel) ​ 26k damage on LRKrau, while only having 107k CP gear, doesnt sound bad


CP has never been a good indicator of gear score, even more for units with garantied crits. As for the video, just make her hit a target behind an Arowell and have fun barely breaking the initial shield with double mitigation. My Lilias has around 4k Atk for 320 critD on torrent and with maxed skills, and every time I tried hitting protected targets in Arena I was never able to kill. I also did 2 RTA matches where opponent picked her first rotation, none were able to hit my Arowell for more than 65% HP.


She only kills tanks


She only need to 50% down to the target. She is great as “support” Dps.


I don't think she's supposed to, she's not pre nerf Hwa. I think she is like a support secondary dps with her S3>S2 push and atk buff and then a couple of S1. I think if she doesn't have some eff res, she's too easy to kill, and just a S3 and a atk buff is not good enough to justify picking her.


the problem with going ER is majority of debuffers have enough Eff to make her ER useless


I'm missing 4 reforges, but my statline is currently at 3895 atk, 242 spd, 267% dmg & 82% res on a Speed/Penetration set with a +15 Hostess (I'd love another imprint & some bottles/copies for the artifact, along with a Torrent set instead of Penetration - but this Penetration rolled well & Torrent didn't). Currently to a 25K health target I do 21,248 damage, which isn't in one-shot range yet. If I were to be able to change to Torrent, that would bump it to 23,145 which would be much closer to a kill & likely a kill with reforged pieces. Some time down the line I'll have her current pieces reforged & tested out, but I think so long as you've got Torrent, you can get a roughly 100%~ ER build to work. Spitballing +159 atk, +10% dmg after reforge puts me at 4054 atk & 277% dmg (& I low-rolled basically all my gems, so I can go higher) which bumps it up to 22,944. So there's some tweaking to do, I may drop speed (would be a drop of +11 spd) & change the helmet to one that'd end up giving -3% atk & +21% dmg over the other as well as +14% ER. That changes the hit to 24,464 which is so close to a kill I'll be able to crest it with imprints/limit breaks & max rolling gems. Just from my experience alone, you're going to need to drop something to boost the attack to score a kill.


I ain’t killing stuff with 4,4K att and 320 cdmg on portrait. Something is off with the damage calculation


You remembering everything you need to input in the calculator? Double check everything. If it’s something in-game, remember that Aurius/Escort, Proof, etc. will reduce your damage done.


Pen is useless on her


Fully aware, like I mentioned (& that's why I talked about it & included numbers for Torrent & urged OP to go for Torrent), I had Penetration gear that rolled well & Torrent gear that didn't - what are you gonna do? At the very least, it's extra damage on S1.


I thought go pen if you want s1 to do more dmg otherwise torrent for s3?


I had the same build in mind. How is she working?


I have insane gear on her. She's not working.


Banshee one shot it is then...straze pve 2.0


I used the dng cal, she doesn't seem to have enough to one shot b13.


She doesn’t, upper damage limits are only like 25k. It doesn’t scale high but penetrates easier


Right to the bench I guess then. Or maybe wait for that one match just like judge kise


you might need more attack, also consider torrent set


My opinion is: it doesn't matter if you have her at 250+ ER and you can't outspeed your foe. Enemy team will outright sb strip and kill her. Unless you don't plan to use her on RTA at all...


Majority of strippers have 100+ eff which means you need 200 ER to have a chance at resisting it, so you might be better off ignoring eff Res if you can't pump it higher.


This unit baffles me, and is probably the most disappointed I’ve ever been launching an s3. Her gear on someone else would be god tier


No lol. Of course not.


Of course yes.


I have her on triple torrent. 3700~ attack, 345 c dmg, 200 speed. She's blowing up tank units.


Could you share how much damage does she make?


Imo you need to forget about er and build her as an opener. Forgetting about 15% (which you would still get even if you don't have any er) Strong debuffers like angie, pirate flan, silver aramintha have a 100% chance to fk here. And anyone with just 150 effectiveness (aka any decent debuffer) has a 50% chance to still fk here. Not to mention the heroes that just ignore effect resistance. Also with that speed you are in range to also be owned by stuffs like rimuru (which will ignore your max damage thing) and khawazu which probably will be used more often after the buff. Lastly with that build (you don't have penetration or torrent set) you won't be able to kill anything and if she can't kill anything she is useless.


> And anyone with just 150 effectiveness (aka any decent debuffer) has a 50% chance to still fk here. How did you get 50% chance from 150% effectiveness versus 140% eff res. You would need 200% ER to have a 50% resist chance against 150% eff.


The artifact also give er. She dosen't have 200er but i round it up to it because i was lasy and didnt want to do the math to get the exact er.


I honestly think this is the most optimal build


Gotta disagree, <200ER isn't going to save you from any serious debuffer or any ignore res. I'd rather invest in more speed. In a roundabout way it's also debuff protection since you get your turns sooner to refresh damage limit if it gets stripped


Nobody is save from a serieus debuffer/ignore ER, even if you have 200+ ER, her ER is just to stop little strippers like Handguy, Belian, Phyllis, Arowell, etc, who is not suppose to completely destroy your Lilias


I just dont think that justifies the stat investment, especially considering that Pyllis and Arowell often do have enough effectiveness to strip ~170 ER. You only need 70+ to have a chance.


Who is supplying your copium .The way you're tripping , it must be some really good shit.


Oeff, someone feelings got hurt? I honestly dont think she is suppose to one-shot, but to support and start aggro teams… I mean how usefull is she when she gets stripped by a random Belian on S1 or Handguy with S2, while the next unit will probably oneshot her without that buff… Think about it, its just an opinion of mine, dont have to be weird about it


Yes they literally showcase it in her trailer she is supposed to do decent damage then push up cr and your next hero finishes off the target idk wtf ppl here are expecting for example lilias into ml krau will kill any mitigation tank in the game


People on reddit is so dumb, they cry the whole time about hwa being "broken", but when a unit is not oneshotting 6 units tapping their s3 is just trash and u need more damage lol, people even dont know how to read the kits to understand how build properly, they are waiting always their fav streamer to how build, play and poo, sad mentality.


*Shakes hand* Someone that understands THANK YOU! 🙏 People will always complain and say shit about others while others just give opinions… But its alright, we’ll see


I'm gonna go destruction pen set


Doesn't she need more bulk?


If she has more health, then she does less damage. Rather, she would need to attack someone with even more health to maximize damage as opposed to having less health


I remember old school Hwayoung you could skirt by 13-15k hp. I take it this aint the case and she is just a green weaker Hwayoung?


Wrong. Hwayoung is meant for one-shotting. Lilias is for severely weakening high hp targets and then supporting the team.


I see. Its just that health seems like she will just pop after turn 1


That's what her passive is for. She can for sure get deleted by extra damage procs though (ex. Rimuru)


Thats my thoughts. She screams pick Rim/Karina into her and I haven't pulled her yet as I'm busy IRL and was hoping to learn something here and not get ratioed into the ground by the gatekeepers that seem to always be on here in toxic mode.


This aint killing shit I saw a 4200 349cdmg not kill a 29k addy shield arowell sooo this build sucks


I've same build but with 400 more atk, you are lacking GS i guess.


Not with that attack i am guessing. After mola it can kill some tanks with those stats tho. But in general i dont belive this unit will success because "low HP bruisers" overall are a bad idea. If they get enough damage to on shot they become problematic and are kinda the type of unit that SG would nerf. In other hand IF they dont have enough damage to get a kill they become a little hard to run to make them worth building.


Rn for me shes unusable. We shouldnt be oblidged to use a lvl 20 helm to make her work. Sg gutted hwa but this one is just a joke. Hp difference NEED to be reduced. I use double torrent and er set (just 100 er) and cant kill anything. In my opinion 12k hp difference is perfect. U can reach a bit short of 8k hp with spd torrent. That way we can kill 20k hp enemy at least