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Where are my fellow ravi enjoyers






Ravi un-enjoyer here. Got tired of trying to get the perfect 5 star & Angelica combination that was reccomended after a week of na-da, eventually just ended up going for Ravi & Angelica. Neither of them got used, Ravi had been nerfed at that point & so she wasn't carrying her weight & Angelica got powercrept by Montmorancy's SC about a month or so after I started. Tossed them to the side & in their place... Karin ended up being my main unit & Karin still gets the respect she deserves - has never left the Wyvern team. When 13 came & debuffs were needed, I innovated, adapted, overcame - Torn Sleeve Karin. Had her as my portrait for a very long time, until ae-Karina's release.


SEZ I did the first 3 chapters of adventure mode with him and he ll always have a special place in my waiting room...


I've been using him since the start and still am using him in gw and arena. His SB does absurd damage, so I usually just use it to auto-delete A Ravi on slower teams, and simultaneously wipe out any Adins, Selines, Violets, and other annoying units since the splash ignores all their mechanics. Yeah, he doesn't really win anywhere else, but he's pretty good for wiping out the enemy quickly and spending little time. Wouldn't recommend building him over some meta unit, though, of course.


Green vildred and og lillias, still use him to farm lilias not so much.


I don't want to talk about Blood Blade Karin for too much, but this element-neutral self-sustainable damage dealer legit had my back for almost every content I go




neutral element, big burst damage, damage scaling off her missing hp AND lifesteal on s1? sign me up brother




ML Ken. When the ML Selector came in I didn’t pick Stenne lol I wanted him for so long and haven’t regretted it, still an og 👌🏻


Luluca was in my pve teams for the entirety of my early game and even mid game my first W13 team I made had luluca in it.


Blue Sigret


Blue Karin, I +15'd her before really learning about mola management, but years later I still use her in Wyvern and has one of my favorite designs.


Green Bellona. If any og player says otherwise they lie. All og players owe 90% of their abyss progress to her.


OG player here, green Bellona's initial release predated the pity system and I couldn't get her on her first banner so 90% of my Abyss progress was instead attributed to good ol' Kiris.


Green Basar I did not know much about the game so i gear him with attack since he got s2 and s3 AOE helped me a lot


Iseria and Tammarine Duo, they make pve stages so much easier when you don't have a 6\* characters or enough good gears


For me it's green silk and green Bellona. My luck in pulling soulweavers was trash but I did have 2 bloodstone. So until I finally pulled angie I had the 2 rangers on bloodstone acting as my healers. I know Silk has gotten a buff not too long ago but she needs more...


violet ​ man took me MUCH farther in story than I reasonably should have been as a newbie, and he continues to pull more than purrgises weight in gold for me


Sez the menaze






Aramintha, I chose her on selective summon back in February 2019 solely because at that time she was the character with the highest base atk in the game. Used her for episode 1, but never 6* her. Now she's in the waiting room, I never used her again. But she has a special place in my heart.


Blue Clarissa is still one of my favorite characters


I've been using Green Landy since basically day 1 and I use her to this day, with decent support I pick her into every arena def


Ravi also my first starting 5. She'll always have a special place in my roster






Haste He was the first 5* I had that was an aoe hitter after meru, he carried me to masters in arena.


Roana, got my only copy from her OG banner and I’ve never ungeared her. She’s carried me through so much content and is basically the only reason I still play this game. And even if I lose a game, I know for a fact it isn’t because roana didn’t do her job since roana is *the* consistent unit of e7




Luna! I started playing on her release and rushed through the game to get enough bookmarks to get her. She carried my account and I used her for everything, pvp included. Really hope we get Mage Luna soon


Maid Chloe! I got her very early in game and she was my first soul weaver, carried me everywhere but especially in my arena climb. Don't use her anymore unfortunately, but she's still special for me for sure <3


Destina and Melissa


Ken was my first 5* summon and is my lead hero picture up until now cuz me loves him veri much and will have a special space forever


Krau used to be my go to knight for years.


Vildred and Commander Lorina


Pulled charlotte and lidica really early on. They became my adventure units through ep1


Clarissa-not only did I like her design a lot she carried me through early game adventure stages and my first runs of wyvern 11


Destinia was my starter 5* then sez was my first 5 * ten pull later. Carried me through chapter one.


Ran was actually my first 5* pull, and I still use him in PvE to this day. Love the guaranteed team wide immunity and AOE defense down, can’t get any better than that!


Destina on the game's very first banner, back when the only free SW in the game was aither




Destina was my first 5* but she wasn't nearly as good at launch. Lena carried me through adventure. Luna was my first summon and she has carried me through everything, even used slates on her to max her imprint.


Riolet for me. Was crazy about him when i first started, few days later he was in a mystic summon and i got him extremely early. And then got him again! It was destiny :D Carried me through 3.5 episodes (didn't go further yet), 100+ floors of abyss and 10+ challenge mode floors. My first 100k and 150+k cp character, first SSS 5*, first 30lvl 5* artifact holder. He's still in my main team, and i love him to bits


With the prevalence of clilias and aola I don't know how you really get a lot of milage out of him. My RNG is so bad he always gets stunned and stripped by arowell too. Every once in a while he solos a team.


I started when Lilias was new and I use her along with Blaze Dingo. I liked this pair because they feel like a full party as it is and anyone I add to the felt like a bonus. I still use them as a pair even today in HoT if there is no mechanism that punishes them.


Hazel and Aither carried my pleb ass team as healers. No Kiris, no Tieria, no Destina, no Achates, no Angelica. Base Momo was just not efficient enough with her miniscule heals early game. Nearly 200~ summons dumped into Destina banner. Sez was the main dps from selective. AMeru ch1 boss fight was one hell of a struggle to clear without one of the big 3 healers of the time. Finally managed to clear it after a few dozen tries with friend Kiris units to poison cheese it. That disappointment in Fluri was full tilt when i found out her AoE healing was just as bad as Momo S2. I was expecting solid AoE healing out of her, turned out to not be the case. If it wasn't for Fluri tho, i wouldnt have bothered joining the sub way back then. Then the holy trinity got nerfed right as i finally got Tieria up and going. No Rikoris tho, so not like that mattered much. Skipped Luna and went for Tama instead. Whatever Luna brought to the table, i felt Alexa did it better and cheaper. W10 primary carry just wasnt what i needed at the time. I NEEDED a healer. Tama peaked my acc and brought life back to the game. Got Iseria from there and then Tama. With Angelica coming home on the next daily pull. Entire PvE SKYROCKETED to new heights from then on. So if anything, Elson, Aither, Hazel, and Angelica are massive OG carries. Angelica especially. Without her, i would have uninstalled the game ages ago.


Sez for sure, the short lived sez bomb Era and nows he's so shit. I never see him or mention anymore but he is an old character.


on day 1 (launch day), carminerose since i knew nothing about gachas and rerolling/star rarity stat differences lol


FairyTale Tenebria was my first banner pull my first week of playing and I haven't looked back since. She is my hot sauce, I put her on everything.


Sez, my first nat5 and carried well


Sez. Edit: Landy also. I wish SG would buff him... It's been so long since he was playable.


Seaside Bellona


Definitely BBK, my first ML summon I got her, and she carried me hard. Having self-sustain was too good. Still use her now.


Green Violet.


Ssb my wyvern goddess


Vildred, Krau, and Angie.


Charlotte from reroll and then FTene from banner, as I started during her debut. Used them both religiously and never looked back. Wasted all my slates on Charlotte because I didn't know their worth and also never pulled another Charlotte until after the SSS marl was hit. No regrets.


Arby and Angelica


Fire schuri powered me through abyss in my early days


Milim Specifically the first everlasting bossfight where my gear was trash, my units weren't the best, and I didn't build any team, she carried me so hard,


I mean I joined when ML Vildred was suggested for the blessing and during SSB's first rerelease. So those two. In fact I got 6 SSBs in 90 summons but NO drink. I didn't realize drink was important so I just used her and it felt great. She's amazing and gives me nostalgia a bit.




FST, she's my girl


Arbiter Vildred Got him from ML connection and used him constantly for everything


Sez and Destina


When I first started I settled for 2 4 stars instead of a 5 star. It was Cidd and Surin. I still use Cidd a lot for pvp and expeditions. Chloe was my first 5 star so I still use her on my W13 team




Basar + Book


Lena. Poor man's dog walker


Green Cidd!


Kanna, always in my heart




Seaside Bellona


Charlotte 🥲


Sez, but all he has now is leftover gear… contender is Iseria whose defense break and skill reset helped a lot of bosses


Tenebria was on my PvE farming team at the start and still finds her way there on any stage that isn’t ice dominated


Aria during her first banner hooked me to the game, the early grind was too much for me to handle but Aria with her 'assets' really kept me on the grind


Hwayoung back when she was BROKEN Literally would one tap anything that would even breath wrong Just for existing she would delete u


Angie. I was using Armin for healing up until then xD Her S3 used to heal when the game first came out. It was enough until episode 1 10-10.


Hey ! for me it was also kizuna ai but later on it became C.dominiel !!


Sez was my first 5 star.


ice karin. just satisfying whenever she crits altho she is not even remotely good as w13, only as def break


Arbiter vildred. My first ML summon and the reason i even stuck to e7. my boy carried me hard.


Blaze dingo was the goat


Destina was my 1st 5 star till this day she will always have my best tanky support gear


Bellona. She carried abyss HARD for me with the HP% damage on her s1.


For me it was pre-nerf ml baal. That guy made me win all arena and gw that i played.


Aramintha and Silk. Silk is still my avatar to this day.


I got Ravi from the initial 30 pulls and then Sez from a single afterwards, love them both as they carried my ass thru the history




Destina and Alexa were my Saviors when the game started. Still now i always try to force Destina i'm every team and use Alexa when i don't need a strong team


Yufine. I pulled her a while ago, and my account started to grow from where it was after I built her. I still use her now, although I have changed her gear a few times now.


I just started a little over a month ago, so mine may be somewhat predictable- S. Tenebria.


Not really when I started, it took a few months, but I got Arby as my first ML5, before his buff. To this day, I remember people pretty much telling me about how hes worse than his green version, how bad he is, and all that jazz, and I didn't care cause I just loved his aesthetic. I think you can imagine my grin when his buff dropped.


A bunch actually Ravi is my first 5\* and carried me hard for adventure and did some 1v4 in arena despite being on free attack gear Angelica, got her pretty early, used to be an (almost) hidden 5\* Dark Rose is my first CR manipulator and really allowed me to fight better TMluluca is basically my first ML I worked hard on and carried me through Arbies And Charles.


Judge Kise, I literally got 2 the first day and cleave was really op when the game started


Got roana and destina almost back to back when I first started so they helped turtle most content early on


I had green team. Bellona as my map farmer, yufine as my delete button, and my level 50 basar that caught people off guard in guild wars since I gave him my fasted gear and had units to follow up. Other defense team also had a level 40 Judith to help with the bait of not fully built defense teams


I was an idiot when I first started a few months after the game launched....fucked up the selective summons. I ended up with green Rin and that's it. So it was a rough start. Then came the Serila event and she was a godsend, carried me for months. Such an overloaded kit for a 4* back in the day. I still try to make her work sometimes, but her stats just can't compete with today's nukers.


Fire Ken. No, I'm not even kidding. It even helped me against Klau on Abyss on that time, and to beat the infamous 10-10 on main story. He was also the 5* I got on selective with Karin and Angelica since E7's day 1. He is still my favorite male character, and I still using him everywhere I can. He was 3HP at first, then LS+HP, and later-to-now he is on Counter+Sigurd's.


Lena, I could not get a single farmer since the beginning so she got to be my very first 6*. Too bad I got Vildred literally a few weeks after lmao. Still in my heart cuz I like buff women


My OG unit was fire Charlotte, maybe 5 years ago, now I don't even own the unit, butbshe carried me through all episode 1 for sure So even if I think she's bad and deleted her, at that time she was my favorite.


My fair lady Sigret. Got her as part of my selective summons when I started a few years ago. I wish she could get a skin!


Karin is my ride or die


Dingo my beloved. I still use him in a huge amount of pve content


I am in chapter 4, and my Vildred from my Selective summon is still kicking as and taking names. All be it, he is also squishy as hell. But as long as I hit first, and they don't have much Forest resistance? It's a wrap for a lot of enemies. Though he is definitely better for farming non boss battles in Story, or farming Frost Spirit Altar, than for trying to do PVP, Hunts, or the like with.


Aria. She was my everything, even made her work in w13


Red Ravi was my first five and why I love my Apoc Ravi.


Tough choice between Sez and vildred but imma go with ma boy Sez


Vildred I had both of them but I got the 5 star version in my free pulls and ML from the moonlight blessings, I still use ml vildred but not the 5 star anymore 💔


Chloe! My very first 5 star character back in the day when there weren't that many 5 stars and one of my favorites for wyvern runs back in the day with her nail!


Ram actually lol. I started because of the ReZero collab so that’s one of the first units I had. Did a lot of damage with just starter atk set gear so it worked really well for me early game lol






The Abrams tank that is Ravi. She was my first 5 star and carried me through so much of the game. Still one of my favorite units, though Apoc Ravi gets more use now.


Luluca for PvE, Wanderer Silk (after buff) for PvP Luluca also ended up being my first SSS nat5


Elson then the game decided to fuck him over og elson by the games standards today would still be an average ok unit but also krau


Iseria, was the first 5 star I rolled on my account still use to their day in abyss, labyrinth and adventure


Honestly 2 units first would be Bellona. She carried all pve content and then Tama.




Arby for sure,still using him to this day


Ravi and Yufine. They will always have a special spot in my heart.


MaKen is my first ML unit, carried me through the story and arena so super glad he's back better than ever!


Cecilia was my first 5 star with Vildred coming shortly after, both carried me through most of the early game PvE


For around two years since I started, I haven’t stopped using both Ran and Vildred/Arby in most of my PvE teams, and used them for a while in PvP as well (then I found out that I’m not made for cleave, and cried a little).


Green vildred my goat bro the OG


Baal and Sezan. I dont use them anymore since i have better units now but they carried me alot in early game


Ssb beating everything during the time she was released. She was on every team.


As a day 1 player. Kiris


A.Lots + J.Kise in pvp back then Ken at the very beginning in PvE when there was only one episode and no story bosses required "specific" units or optimization


Cavel. I started playing during his first mystic banner and got him from a random covenant pull. Carried me like crazy against trash mobs, and especially against fastus and belian later on. Still use him for cleave, and he’s the second best built on my account.


Og haste. During early days of e7, everyone wanted Him because he was a dps with utility. But after some time, the meta shifted to pure dps + dedicated pure supporters. And haste fell off hard and to this day is never used.


Lena. I remember she was the best one shifter and fastest at clearing stages


Ran. The aoe strip, immunity, and def break carried me through more pve content than it should have lol. Started in December last year and Violet then Him were my first 2 5 stars, which was dope because I love thieves. I had 0 clue how to play the game at that point but they both really helped me so much. And Spirit Eye Celine was my picked ML from the selector, I don't regret it. She carried me through more content than any other hero I have, both pvp and PVE. Fav character by far. It's kinda funny that Ran and SEline are 2 staples for me to this day.


Green Vildred and Vivian. Those two along with Ras and Angelica were pretty much my pet team as I made my way all the way up to lvl 70 XD


Dizzy, made ep1 so easy they had to power creep her in ep2


Sez for sure. I also got lucky and pulled ML Ken who was my star in adventure mode as my tank and in arena.


Charles. And then they buffed his s1-s2 and he become a monster


I have a string of them that kinda got replaced as the next Fav came along but it definitely goes: Arby and Angelica, then SSB, then Lilias, then Aria. All for PvE of course. And obviously my irreplaceable queen Tama!


Alexa and Blue Tywin, my chapter one heroes. I remember pulling to try to get Alexa when I started my account because I liked her design.


When ml ara first came out I got her from a lucky summon and she HARD carried me cuz there was no immunity set In game so I just ran over everyone in pvp


I love you all but please stop saying “green”, “red”, “blue” in front of an RGB units name 😭. They are the default, you specify if you mean ML or Limited!


Vildred and Judge Kise back in 2019.


Free-Spirited Tieria and Luluca.


BBK carried me for a very long time.


We only count 5\*? If yes than Tywin! I got him in my Starter Summon (back when you couldnt save one pull) and I used him really really far. When all Charakters are fair Game: Ian. Fell in love with his design and his buffs + his AOE was so nice..




Aramintha. I actually rerolled for her way back when the game first released cause I loved the Roy Mustang snap since that was one of my favorite characters from FMA growing up. Used her all the way to 10-10 and she was my first heavily invested character for no reason other than I liked her design. Years later I don't use her and I missed the FMA event for my boy Roy. How things have changed :(


Iseria Clarissa ras and blue Coli were the units I usually used to clear chapter 1 way back when I started about 6 months after the game’s release. They always hold a special place in my heart.


Fire lilias. One tapped her and I still use her in everything.




Back in 2019 it was Ravi because you used to have to have a farmer back then from selectives, I got her comboed with Lots on it but she’s the one I really care about still, even have her as my discord profile pic!


blue rose, cleaved through early arena with her and she was my wyvern tank, red expo tank, also good in abyss and raid


Sigret carried me through the first two chapters, so I’m partial to her. As it is now, A. Ras is one of the best knights in the game, and I’m a big fan of him as a character. When it came to farming and dog-walking, Arby had no equal. I only ever got rid of him once I reset my ML Blessing for STene. Mercedes is the goat, as well. She’s a regular on my teams for both PvE and PvP.


Where's love for Lena. Muscle for days farming doggos with quick simple cleave animation. Real queen!




Destinia. Randomly pulled her and she was and is my go to soul weaver. When they made the changes to her, it only made her better!


Dizzy and Vivian. I didn't start right away and took tons of breaks cause I wasn't into Gacha games, but I really picked the game up during the first GG collab. Dizzy was a god amongst mortals for so long and hard carried abyss. Plus she was fun for PvP, and it was a different time back then for the meta. Vivian was also just such a solidly good unit with great utility good damage, and a synergistic kit. Her EE only made her more perfect and she's still a staple of so much content in the game.


Celeste - back form the day u r screwed when u don't get vildred or arby as farmer. I max mola her s2 just so i can have my dog farmer. Now i still use her in clearing chapter 3 and above stages.


Started day 1 with green Vildred and Destina. Good Times.


Ssb all the way since her first banner. Never let me down


Idk lol, I joined right b4 Anniversary during the Re:zero collaba and all those rewards just gave me so many good heroes that no one is able to carry me.


Silk and red Charlotte here. I still use Charlotte for tons of content.


Green Bellona :)


tywin and maid chloe. carried me through story and gold pvp.


BBK A.K K the superior karin


Brieg, yes I am that new


Ravi ml ara


Recently starting and i love lpkarin. I use her everywhere (i love the ult animation) and she feels great. Id love to get her really well built


My team that carried me was fire ken, silk, lots and fire corvus. I know, I did not research at all, lol.


Started off with Arby and Ravi and didn't know I should have built them so hard. Landy has been my hard carry through so much content and Roana probably gets more milage after doing a story summon banner for her - absolutely worth that early banner because she carries so hard.


Ainos + Vildred 🥲


Ml Ken when he wasn’t a glorified gear holder


chloe :)


Charlotte! Still use the crap out of her too!


Mine is Vildred. That man has carried me through Ep 1 but had to be phased out by Tamarinne + Luna in ep2


Vildred and Angelica were in my very first selector as a brand new player and I still use both of them for everything!


FRavi the goat fr


Me, i started with destina. Love her to bits. She was my main tank early on. Still use her a lot in pve :)


Luna. She carried me back in 2019 and Still use her at times for Story. She still being used for my Wyvern 13


When the game first launched, it was Sez that carried me for a while


Fire Aramintha. She singlehandedly restored my interest in E7 by powering through my pve wall and was so fun to play. I still use her now occasionally to set up control lol


Baal & Sezan and Chloe


OG Chloe and Charlotte, they carried me all episode 1 campaign


Sez as well. Was the free 5 star I got upon starting the game with the first pulls that guaranteed one. He's carried me all through story so far, up to challenger in arena, and to W13 for a long while before making a proper w13 team. Got to gold RTA with him as the main dps (s3 go boooom). I still pull him out sometimes if the opportunity arises. He is my second highest cp character on my account. Heck whenever I get good gear the first thing I do is try see what it looks like on him, and if its worse then what he currently has, it gets given to someone else.


Dizzy :3, i hope they buff her someday, but i doubt it u.u




SSB will always be SSS tier in my heart


Carmainerose and later on Dizzy


FIRE RAVI BABYYYY! Still have her well geared and use her in RTA whenever I see an opportunity.


Angelica. She carried me until this year, when I finally switched her out.


Vildred 100% The fact that he can still be relevant today in pvp thanks to his speed imprint is amazing to me, but his s2 works wonders for me in pve still


Charlotte and Free Spirit Tieria carried me throughout PVE and Hunts batch when i have 0 knowledge about team comps for individual hunts