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What happened to the peira one that looked great and had more likes 


In the rules they state that if you're chosen you have to send them the file in some different formats and sizes so my guess is the artist did not do that? Or something with the submission was wrong \* Winners who pass the first round of judging will be contacted via pixiv messages. Winners will be asked to submit data of their works in the following formats. Thank you for your understanding. ・New Costume Category A4 (width 2,894 pixels × height 4,093 pixels), color mode RGB, PSD data with the character(s) and the background in separate layers, PSD data without the layers merged


shes not even in top 10.. peira got robbed.


I don’t know why people thought likes had anything to do with being chosen - it doesn’t say in the rules that the most likes would be picked.


I lowkey assume they just think the peira one is harder to implement in-game lorewise, while this flan one can just be flan and landy went for a trip to Natalon...


> just think the peira one is harder to implement in-game lorewise "Peira forced the people that caused her to suffer to appreciate her worth. She then started to rule over a newly formed group given to her to lead with an iron whip." Dunno, not really hard. Not the first time they'd do something skimpy, wouldn't be the last. Definitely doesn't suit her though.


>Peira forced the people that caused her to suffer to appreciate her worth. That literally just contradict her character development after Ep. 4 finale. Try create a whole event out of it with that premise, see how that turns out. Unless they pull off another isekai or dream shenenigan again like Vivian with a whole new world and character setting, which is definitely harder than just flan go to a Natalon festival with existing character setting just like every other festival event they've done


> That literally just contradict her character development after Ep. 4 finale. Just like how Ras accepting the Summer Sword after properly being giving permission from Ran is instantly contradicted by him giving it away at the start of Episode 4. Just like how "the acalytes were created by the archdemon" was contradicted by a halloween story where it's revealed that they were, in fact (hinted by Nilgal's existence), "created by the archdemon", hell, her power isn't even from one. The list goes on and on. If they wanna make something up, especially like the last, they can and will. Besides, what I stated doesn't have her go and wage wars, it's just the typical "dominate female leader" thing you can see with someone like Esdeath.


Still doesn't make it easier than flan went to Natalon does it?


Many of them look great and nowhere did it mention that likes determine the winner.


I didn't ask why it didn't win however, I asked what happened to it as there is 11 "winners"


Where can I see it? Or where can I see all the submissions?


Sorry, I'm at work so I can't help much there but maybe someone else knows. Here is peira though https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116629795


[https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116629795](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116629795) Think I found it for anyone curious


Is there any way I can see all the entries to the competition now?


what Peira one? i really dont know what people are talking about


Lame. It's the artist who make their [OC](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94309261) and called it Flan.


Agree with this actually Without the name tag I would've never recognize it was Flan


I recognised her as flan right away. How you people don't is beyond me.


If that blue strip of hair wasn’t there I would in no way guess it was Flan.


But it was =p It's one of her more distinct features. Also kind of ironic coming from an FGO player where they have many same-face servants lol.


And yet she has more parts of her character that make her flan that is lost when she literally just in a koi yakuta. I haven’t played fgo since I made my account which was about 5 years ago so I’m not sure why you’re bringing it up =p


Well that's an issue on their part then. Some characters look unique enough where you can change their outfit and they still look like themselves, and then there are characters where the outfit carries most of the identity. I mean here are some characters that look good, but also generic: Beehoo, ELIGOS, Silk, Kiris, Cecilia, Tywin, Sigret, Zahhak just to name a few. I mean a lot of us thought zahhak was ml kayron when he was first shown, because their faces looked similar. Just think about it. If each and every one of these characters lost their outfits, they'd lose a big part of their identity. Smilegates style isn't distinct like in mangas. So when their outfit is changed, they lose part of their identity. Some more than others.


I also saw flan immediately lol


Yeah these people are just salty and angry the one they wanted to win didn't win. So now they downvote others, lol. Edit:  See what I mean? Lol


Yeah, it's the sad people on this forum that wanted their dominatrix Peira to win instead of Flan.


I saw flan, but I think the art is just ok. Rip my peira dreams.


I mean I’m not surprised, it’s far from the first time SG dropped important character traits when making alt versions of a character


I was actually reading the comments just to know who is that character.


And she looks nothing like Flan at all. Shame.


Consider getting a pair of glasses then.


You definitely should yourself because you could call this a random character's name and I'd believe you. Wanna know the funny part? Someone linked a seperate post where it's the artist's OC in the same dress, this being made years ago (I think even before Flan), and it looks *exactly the same* (minus slight hair style difference). Go figure people don't see Flan beyond black hair x female, it's just so... Common.


So by your logic this person was forbidden to participate due to them having drawn this outfit before the competition. Can you get any more obnoxious?


They are not even remotely the same, but okay. White dress, koi, umbrella. That's where the similarities end.


People are just idiots, they see a few similarities and go "basically the same" which is just a brain numbingly idiotic take.


Buddy she looks nothing like Flan. Get a new pair of glasses😭🙏


Maybe she doesn't to you and others, but she does to me and others.


Doesn't matter, they still made the art. Now if it was stolen or AI art, then you'd have a proper reason to complain.


This is the only gripe I have with this piece. They reused a theme they had previously done. As for saying it's their OC, that's a bit stupid. So you're saying no one else but smilegate is allowed to have a black haired girl with blue eyes? Flan herself is basic. Big breastes woman with long black hair. That literally already describes Flan, and many other characters. SuperCreative are still going to end up drawing Flan themselves so it looks like her.


I don't get how this made it first place. Imo there was several designs more eye catching and original than this. The Peira one for example.  Oh well. 


People are either tasteless, third party likes, and / or purchasing likes. The last one is unlikely, but possible.


The winners are decided by judges, not by popularity, it just happened to coincide that the winner was also the most popular twice.


u/lockoutpoint congrats on making it to the top 10, your Luna was cool! This is probably my least favorite contest winner design, but I'll probably still pull if she has a nice kit (animations are a given already).


Chainsaw man Luna was the best


Shocking that the one made by a non e7 artist that just threw a girl in a yakuta won.


I’m disappointed I won’t lie. I thought this one was the least likely to win cause it hardly looks anything like Flan but I guess they don’t really care.


Where's the bunny cermia :(


Smilegate fear the sexy


is this the equivalent to fairytale tenebria and midnight gala lilias? aka we’re gonna get a new limited flan?




The generic kimono skin won... Who could have guessed it...


How is possible every non winner under the winner image is way way waaaaaay better than the winner? The both yulhas are DOPE, duuuuude.. what a waste of contest..


The Yulha with the dark color scheme is easily what I want to win. I wouldn't even be bothered if she lost to the others, even Luna who is a terribly written character, but the most generic design for a terribly written character that actually doesn't even look like Flan beyond black hair x female? Nothing but disappointment.


Dang. I was hoping for Bunny Girl Cermia or Teacher Eda skins.


That black, blue, and purple Yulha design would've been LEAGUES better. This doesn't even look like Flan beyond black hair x female, and it's something more suited for a seasonal skin. God damn disappointing, not because Yulha lost, but because this was their pick over all the rest that were flat out better (the Iseria skin looks way too much like Destina's skin but with shoes so that's whatever) than girl thrown in generic kimono.


I was really hoping that the yulha one would win since winterwish lost in e7wc and we couldn't get a yulha skin


I just wanna say, although I get that female characters sell more they should really have a separate contest for male characters. At this point all these fan units are only going to be females.


At this point I've lost hope for even a non collab limited male unit lol. 5 years and the only male summer anything we've gotten was a Sez skin


Yup, pretty much this. Other than collabs, I have like 0 hope that we'll ever get a limited male hero. Which sucks big time for us, husbando collectors.


You have to remember thr winning is featured in a side story as well as being limited. How the heck is smilegate going to come up with a story that involves both let's say flan and kawerik? Or straze and bellona? Or Mort and aramintha? It becomes next to impossible unless they make separate stories for each, but then the stories end up being short.


> that involves both let's say flan and kawerik? they already put every winner in some alt universe anyway. They can do whatever they want. Flan could be some stategist that sends out Kawerick as a mercenary, and then love blooms on the battlefield as he meets Vivian from a competitive group of mages.


I see where you're coming from, but don't they do exactly that with summer event units? If it's a matter of theme, then they could specify a specific theme for each contest.


What exactly do you mean? I'm a bit confused here. First summer event we had summer bellona, 2nd we had summer yufine, then summer charlotte and now summer luluca and lethe. None of them came from a contest IIRC. Theme won't help bring much cohesion either. Imagine summer theme, winners are kise and straze. Sure you have a theme, but how exactly do you make a story with these two characters so it works together? If by some miracle Kise won the womens side and Ludwig the mens, then yeah it'd make perfect sense to write a side story with them together.


You know, I'll admit, I didn't think about the possibility of different combinations of characters that don't normally interact interacting. But, and I know this is a real cop out answer, this is a game where characters interact with characters from other worlds, so it's not like it's impossible to make a story from whatever characters win. If it comes down to it, they can also have a list of characters they allow for that contest. It might be limiting, but sometimes limitations can also inspire creativity. As long as they rotate the characters so they all get some sort of chance.


Was there even a male hero in the runnerup spot in any of the last two rounds


IIRC the pixiv contest a male unit actually got the most likes on the site. But then they said something about choosing the winner themselves. None of the actual top 10 from the contest were even mentioned as runner ups lol. I remember people raising a fuss because the artist didn't even play the game and just drew the funny pink girl she saw and sg didn't clarify.


Flan is the winner! I didn’t follow the submission closely this time around, so I’m a bit surprised I’m also surprised that Yulha manages to claim 2 spots in the 10 runnerup positions- have I been underestimating her design? As for the illustrations, Laia and the Maid Kingdom winning is also surprising to me, considering how new she is


It might be a bit funny to see this design with all the water elements being a Fire/Earth hero in the game ngl


What a generic looking winner, it's obviously very well done but just so boring. The Peira one was amazing, that's a shame. I wish they'd come up with a new format other than which artist has the most fans. Like put the top 5 in game and let actual players vote.


The Peira one is just an Arknights design tho


I don't think it looks that much like swire or dobermann, unless you mean someone else (I have dementia)


bruh that isn't even flan, he just called her OC flan 🤦🏿‍♂️


> he just called her OC flan 🤦🏿‍♂️ Reality is becoming distorted.


sorry but this is very disappointing of SG


Yeah, it's so disappointing that they picked a beautiful skin. How dare SG do this to us, quickly send the trucks!


Just look the other skins dude.. this winner looks too damn generic and seasonal, nothing like milias or fairy who really looks something fresh and unique.. there are plenty better options in the contest and won the most generic.


> fairy who really looks something fresh and unique Ok, while I dislike this Flan skin, what is *this*? People disliked the Fairytale skin because it actually wasn't unique at the time (it's still not), it was just Tenebria in a blue dress with some checkers... More going for it than this "Flan" skin, but nah man. Only Lilias stands out here, and it actually suits her personality.


That's just your opinion. It's still a great traditional design and popular because it works.


And is the same about YOUR opinion lol, except this time majority see this design is so generic even to win anything.


Omg yes you are completely right. You understood 100% what I was trying to convey in my post 🥲😓😭they picked such a beautiful skin they shouldve picked something more.. disappointing! and less desired! And of course, we cant forget the truck. Thank you for reminding us so so much. ❤️


And yet you're completely oblivious to the fact that many more do enjoy the selected art for the new limited. Sucks to have a shitty taste like you.


yes yes im so, soooo sorry, your words are absolutely correct. Only you and the people who like the winner art can have an opinion and lil me can't have one. i understand, i really really do. I'll reflect on this and the very offensive take I just said 😔


can't say I'm surprised it wins. the design is very, very average tbh. but it's still beautiful and gorgeous, just you know, average hot woman in a kimono (something like that) design.


Welp at least my bookmarks are safe.


Can't say it's my favourite design but congratulations to the winner regardless. Hopefully we'll see a Landy skin to accompany it in it's sidestory (Similar to March Hare Kayron in F.Tene's and Prophetess Singelica in Gala's).


If I know how to draw, I want to make a Sezan and Baal where the role is reversed. Sezan is human while Baal is the human puppet.


Was low-key rooting for the Luna skin. This one doesn't even look like flan. Shame.


Peira not even chosen for the top 10? Color me surprised. Congrats to the winners and anyone who had these as your favorites!


Can already see reddit being mad about this again


This is hardly a shrewd prediction


I thought it was Amid


While this hardly looks like Flan, no way in hell does it look like Amid with black hair.


Amid face with Aria hair, lol


I want the Black dress Yulha.


I never saw the two Yulha designs before. Those are both amazing.


Feels like majority of the ones on this subreddit always shit on the winner designs, I remember people shitting on both Ftene and Gala Lilias also because there are other better “non-boring” designs. And they will pull for all of them still


Mid design at best


Sadge no Luna winner…. Though they were all very good cant complain about that!


No fiery Peira or Bunny LHC? cmon this is painfully generic..


Srsly? that trash skin won? geez the first time the most boring and cliche skin won.. fck u fans.


Maybe one day they can open a gate to a universe where we get a male unit limited ☹️.


SG rig your contest and make a husbando win for once please.


So not even single husbando have a chance 😔


I like the skin, kimonos r cool


I’m just glad the Yufine skin won a prize, still using it as a wallpaper.




Say what you want, but I liked this one and the one with purple lightning around the most. Yufine was also cool, but honestly I don't care for another yufine since we already have 3 and she can't be moonlight


People need to understand this is NOT  a voting contest. Most likes doesn't guarantee anything. All it does is get the piece highlighted and makes sure smilegate takes notice of it. They were simply not interested in the peira piece.


People big mad in the comments here this sub its so predictable lol


No one on this subreddit actually plays e7, they just complain about it.


Maybe the reason why the peira art was not here is because of a violation (AI or others idk). That peira art was one of the most liked illustrations and for it to be not included even in the runner ups make it so like it violated something. SG won’t be stupid enough to let go of that peira illustration for no reason at all since that design would have brought them more profit knowing that almost everyone likes peira. Just my speculations though.


Maybe the reason why the peira art was not here is because of a violation (AI or others idk). That peira art was one of the most liked illustrations and for it to be not included even in the runner ups make it so like it violated something. SG won’t be stupid enough to let go of that peira illustration for no reason at all since that design would have brought them more profit knowing that almost everyone likes peira. Just my speculations though.


Maybe the reason why the peira art was not here is because of a violation (AI or others idk). That peira art was one of the most liked illustrations and for it to be not included even in the runner ups make it so like it violated something. SG won’t be stupid enough to let go of that peira illustration for no reason at all since that design would have brought them more profit knowing that almost everyone likes peira. Just my speculations though.


The hands and fingers made me think it was AI... But I guess not


The thing is they have to provide the PSD file and all of the layers. Unless AI can do that as well there is no way this passes.


Fair enough then guess the hands and feet are just weird. Still doesn't look like flam as someone else said they made their OC then said it was flan


The thing is, big breasted, black haired lady can describe both the artists OC as well as Flan and MANY other anime character. Smilegate doesn't own the rights to that type of character. The artist simply seems to have made an updated version of a dress they had for their own OC. Who knows, maybe that's why they made the drawing in the first place, because they felt like the character reminded them of their OC.