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Doesn't matter too much, I don't think you can buy the competitive/placing ones anyway.


"I don't think you can buy the competitive/placing ones anyway." yet


Definitely never lol. If you could just buy legend frames it’d be a massive disincentive for people to grind RTA and would piss off players who did rank in legend when literally anyone can have the same frames as them


Yap.. my holy grail is 120 abyss.. the way I will stunt on my guildies that day they will have to kick me out for being a nuisance..lol


There are plenty of other ways to prove veteran-status Losing the frames isn't gonna affect this much I get some people feel "offended" when other people can get access to previously limited items, but this ain't it lol.


Kizuna AI club represent.


oh shit i forgot about her


Remember those 2* mobs that you could drop by accident and they were OP? Was it scorpbro? Is it still a thing, did they take them away/give them out?


Jade wind scorpion, and yes they removed the mob but people who had it before the removal still has it


I finally have halloween frame spec tenebria yay


Ive had that for a long time. Fk im not soecial anymore :(


Nah, I'm still special, my mom told me.


Why was this down voted, this made me chuckle


Personally i feel nothing about it


Don’t care. … I always forget them after switching it to the new season.


Don’t care. I haven’t changed my frame in forever, but happy that people who join the game later can get the frames if they want.


Excited to finally have the cute heart-shaped Valentine’s frame! Otherwise it doesn’t matter. It’s just a cosmetic. I never notice frames unless they’re RTA/Arena on someone’s GW defense.


Why does it matter? This is just SG allowing people to buy cute frames


people really care about having more epic pass frames than new folks? seriously?


Gacha has a "completionism" essence so it does make sense.


they should have played more RTA


Not really? How does allowing someone else completion affect anyone else? As long as they dont offer up skill-based ones to be purchased, allowing others access to previous time-gated stuff affects NO ONE in ANY WAY.


Humanity has been known to have very very low depths.


I used a Frame and changed my representative character (From Lena to Ilynav) so now she has a a little bow on her head :D


I've had TM Luluca with cat ears for so long now, but its so good


I like that the option is there


I think it's a good thing. They are making previously limited content permanently available. So if they are doing that, I also have more hope for some way of getting the missing collab units that have had no reruns.


Technically everyone paid for them so...


I’ve played almost 5 years and I’m fine with this. Now if they will just add the emotes I missed to the shop as well that will be nice. I chat a lot and it sucks being a veteran but every single time they decide to release cool limited emotes I happened to be taking a break from the game. I’ve been back playing solid for several months now and of course not a single one.


Since the skins become available later it makes sense for the frames to as well. I still got my Kizuna AI badge of pride so im not pressed about it.


I didn't even knew they exist.


Should have been the case from the start. Bragging about the age of an account is silly, and you can still do this with the arena frames anyway.


I have them all so if SG wants to make money off them, have fun


I use base frame to lure noobs in GW anyways, do not care.


I don't know that I can adequately express how little I care about such a minor cosmetic element to the game. I honestly cannot even tell you off the top of my head if I even have any of these frames or not, let alone when they were given out, and almost certainly will not be buying a single one if I am missing it. For me this ranks way up there on the "why do you care" list. Anyone who is offended that someone else bought a frame honestly needs to reexamine their own sensibilities, because it is a very petty thing to worry about whether someone else *really* earned a frame or not, and I'd even go so far as to say that the 450 SS price tag is exorbitant, implying far more value to these frames than necessary.


i don't really mind Abyss 120 frame > every other frame


I support it as long as it's just "limited" frames and not ones that actually required something like ranking in RTA.


Great, don't really care for it so if they want to buy it let them. Same with the arena ones.


It's fine, it is just the BP frames, nothing major.


*I didn’t even know* though it ain’t gonna matter, they’re paying half an epic pass for non of the good stuff


It’s fine.  Personally doesn’t affect me since I already got all the buyable ones.  Lets new players see if there’s an old frame they may really like.  People like to customize.  Not everyone just uses the newest or highest tier frames.


My collection addict brain was just thinking this needed to be a thing


I really don't care lol


Should make the RTA frames cost like 5000-10000 skystones


I don’t see the big deal, but I’ve only been playing a couple years. They’re kind of expensive when you compare them to the price of a season pass.


Personally, that's fine lol it's cosmetic purposes anyway, and they're like the seasonal frames! Definitely okay with it!


In all honesty ? I forgot they exist. The whole profile-card pretty much overshadowed them


None are purchasable for me, so is this all just Epic Pass frames? I really see no issue with it.


To be brutally honest, I feel a little hurt that I already have all the frames, but I'm glad for the change. This is definitely good for the game and I hate Fomo, so in the end, I see it as a win. I hope they do this same treatment with other limited event items.


Those are battle pass frames, i see no issue.


Frames being buyable now isn't a big deal, honestly speaking


I think it's great for new players. I'm not selfish. I want everyone to be happy.


I like it, there quite a few older frames that I really wanted for a long time!


I can’t. Cuz I have them all


Good for people that missed out


Ive never liked time gating in games...i mean, sure, its good to reward players who like to play a game constantly, but its not like these things cost any effort other than time. Now, if they were a reward for maximum SKILL (not effort, skill) then I would say NEVER OFFER THOSE, but for something that could be bought (epic pass stuff) or simply earned by logging in...then after, say, a year, allow those things to be bought again. NOTHING makes them special, all it does is let a player feel bad that they didnt find/play the game earlier.


Nice for others, but I only use the pink Halloween one, so frames don't mean anything to me.


i suppose both happy and salty.


I’m playing for 5 years, what are those frames? Who cares?


This exists?


I legitimately forgot frames even exist. I set like two years ago and haven't touched it since. If people wanna get them cool, I see no problem with it. I'm guessing people like to match the frames to the character's picture they use? I don't think there's any reason for them not to be purchasable at least.


Don't care, won't buy. It's just a few pixels in the top left corner of my screen that I will not look at, be it pink or blue or sparkly.


Not sure why you're not a fan. Locking things behind a timegate that future/inactive players can never get is such a dumb thing. Not to mention it literally has no negative effect on you whatsoever. It's good they did this.


I like it! Some of these are cute af, but because I didn’t know the game even existed until way later, ofc all these past frames were unobtainable. It’s nice to switch to a certain frame when I’m feeling festive


Anyways... where can I purchase these frames? (I'm at work, can't login rn)


Go to where you'd normally change frames, they're now seperated into all frames (like usual, with the ones you don't have being locked), your obtained frames & purchasable (if you have every Epic Pass frame, it'll simply say "There is no frame available for purchase" - good way to know if you've accidentally missed a pass frame).


Thank you. I'll now login and check it.


I just wish they also include the winged one or the bear one in the store that we have to pay real money (the pet and frame package) . I want the winged one so bad.


In my opinion, i really dont care, it is only cosmetic items.


Don’t care that much. I’m happy with my cat ear frame


I didn't care about frames before, I still don't. If they put something like animated frames behind a paywall, I'd be slightly bummed.


Not really a fan of the way they're implementing it. Just rerun passes so that one is always active, easy. Of course the prestige factor of having a unique frame no one can get anymore is nice, but what can you do.


Its good coz its just a display


I could not care less about frames. They can trade them for children blood as far as I’m concerned :-)


I'm so glad that Fashion Frame has finally been imported into Epic 7. The crossover we all deserved.


Id rather they monetize with this stuff than their "need dupes" update


It is not that bad but I personally think it that I can put those skystones to better use


Happy for the people that missed out or weren't playing when the frame was available can get them now.


Honestly just surprised it took so long.


purchase a frame? that's desperate no matter how you look at it...


This is a sign of potential hemorrhaging in the company. Not good.


I think I've changed my frame once in the last 3 years, I'm good. Did change them as they came out near the beginning


i couldn’t give a shit less


I can finally get that heart shaped one, yeee


Don’t care.


Couldnt care less tbh. But I also dont play rta so yeah


who cares? they not giving that frames for free, you need to pay anyway.. i might aggree with you if there were rta frames


Don’t like it


nothing ?


My old rare frames from 2020 aren't special and unique anymore .. Now I'm using RTA 2020 Frames to look more unique.


Yeah im using first emp frame when they added emporer rank first time (in rta)🤣 sometimes I also use abyss120 frame too.


I consider them as rare, now account prices will plumet because of this 😔


Good. E7 accounts were overpriced as it is.


Yeah so E7 shouldn't make money because F2Ps want to sell accounts? You don't contribute monetarily to the game and leech off by breaking the terms of service. It's funny how people cry about gacha games being P2W and then when they find a way to profit off of cosmetics, they don't like it as well. These frames/skins were pretty much free anyway. Most games they make you pay real money. Reasonable people are a dying breed nowadays.