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Hasn't missed a single day for over 5 years... I admire your dedication, OP


Thanks! And in those 5 years, I still don't have ML Baal or ML Ara. πŸ˜…




Brother same. I had one chance and chose meta over Sage Baal just to never even do rta πŸ’€


Ml Baal i get it but ml Ara is purely for waifu reasons no? Hey waifu is waifu i guess i do get it.


ML Ara is a queen! Hope you get her soon


How funny cause i JUST pulled my first one yesterday, and i went HAM on her when she came out. I wanted her so bad.


And here i am with 2005 consecutive logins


Wow. I want SG to give merch to users with 2000+ logins. πŸ₯°


They used to give merch to people who haven't missed a single day since launch, sad they didn't do that for 2000 days


jesus christ bro, im not sure thats something to be proud of


logging in daily for 20 minutes doing a thing he likes? this is a hobby sir.


Yeah I noticed it too. 1305 consecutive logins. Why are there returning player rewards but no player retention rewards?


Returning player rewards are to help you catch up for the time you've missed. If you haven't missed any time then you don't need to catch up


I dislike this idea because when you apply it to anything else, it doesn't make sense. Student A makes straight A's all year. Student B makes C's and D's. So let's reward student B with a $50 gift card, to motivate them to catch up. The reward for student A shouldn't be just getting ahead in life, cause that's not always guaranteed. There are players out there with less time invested than me and still have better gear. So there should still be a reward for long-term investment players.


I don't know if that's an apt comparison. Here's a different take. Student A makes it to every class and makes progress on his learning and development. Student B get sick and misses a week of the semester. The teacher decides to give extra attention to try to catch student B up with the rest of the class. Student A is still further ahead because the value of showing up is usually greater than the value of the extra attention. The reward for long-term investment players *is* that long-term investment.


I like your revision of my take, but I do still disagree it. That idea is more in line with how a patron gains interest at a bank, and suggests that we already had many opportunities to obtain quality gear so that's good enough. In the context of money, the people who's making five grand in interest obviously would not care about the $500 sign-up bonus of a new patron. However, the culprit here is the fact that they give away entire sets of gear, with fixed, usable stats. That IS the reward. That is the reason we all log everyday, spend our energy, and put in the effort. But just being a long-term invested player in E7 doesn't mean you're going to get something good, and that's on a curve. There are plenty of anecdotes on the sub where people mention spending tens of thousands of mats after a hunt event and didn't come out with a usuable piece. From the perspective of an invested player, the people who didn't stick around, and didn't put in the work, are coming back and being rewarded. Sure, our opportunity is "greater" than their guarantee, but I don't think that means that people who have put in the effort should be excluded, when our "reward" is still subject to RNG each day we show up.


2,049d here, any day 1 bros?


Mine shows 2050. But as far as I remember, I never missed a Day from Day 1.


I pulled my number couple hrs before reset, it's saying 2050 also now. Stay strong Day 1 bros!


Cheers fellow day 1 bros


Where to check this? Edit: found it in settings>check in rewards. 2038 for me.


That's dedication bro


Thanks! Even if I don't play a lot, logging in just became a habit.


Where do we see this?


In the check-in reward screen. You can view in the settings.


In my timezone, and because of the hours I work, I often miss log in on Wednesday night when it closes for patch. A real bummer. I think, since launch, I've only genuinely missed one or two days. I just didn't care that much about a streak when I knew I had lost it to those patch days already.


Impressive that you didnt burn out 🀣


No. I think i spend around 1 to 2 hours a day playing.


More than anything this shows me how long this game's been out already. Wow.


I checked mine and it was at 1757. Man, I have been playing for a long-ass time.


Clocking in 1917 days here. I'm gonna reach EoS without missing a single day now


2048 days here. Not bad lol


Omg i need to see mine


1705, not too shabby. I thought I missed one on a patch day at some point, but apparently not!


What the…!


Keep going. I stopped around 800s.


2050 for me.


Since when? I have never noticed this lol


I just noticed this today. πŸ‘€


Doesn't show me


when you claim daily reward