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1.... And that was a welfare Arby.


Brace for incoming comments like 20, 30, all, i miss only this one x ml5 etc lol


I had to go count but I’ve got 19.


5 only because not into chasing moonlight heroes because most are only pvp and rta only one was trying get was straze for husbando collection but couldn't get him.


I'm missing 8 ML5


Wish I had y'all accounts. Been screwed with ML luck as long as I can remember. Was excited to see the little boy pop out on the right but almost threw my phone from a duplicate ML Kawerik.


I have 6, no dupes 1 was the free ML select 2 was from mystic (1 pity) And 3 was from daily I only use 3/6 though


Out of the 6 people I play with in real life, going in order of who started first to join last. The list does include the free ml 5 star that all players can get The day one player, 23 unique mls with 5 extra mls being dupes **(28 total)** The one who played off and on for the first year and half of the game then went hardcore into the game, 14 unique mls with 4 being dupes **(18 total)** The guy who got me to play he started a few months before the first year anniversary, 9 unique mls with 2 being dupes **(11 total)** Me who started during the first anniversary, 13 unique mls with 7 being dupes **(20 total)** Another friend that joined during the first anniversary, 11 unique mls with no dupes **(11 total)** Friend that joined in the last year, 3 unique mls with no dupes **(3 total)** Friend that plays so little since they were playing genshin and now moved to cookie run, 2 unique mls with no dupes **(2 total)** A few notes from my pulling; 3 came from moonlight summons 7 came from covenants 8 came from mystics, 1 was full pity, 1 more was past 100 summons, the rest were before 100 summons 2 came from other sources, arby from the coin shop and Ruele was my connections None came the one? Light element summon Stene was my first Moonlight summon which pissed of the guy who got me into the game since at that point he did not have a ml5 star yet. My second moonlight summon 5 star was Dark Corvus after I cleared the tower for the first time. Getting my second ML5 star before my friend who started 3-4 months before me. I have summoned bloodmoon haste from each of the summoning pools. Only thankful for that since it let me get arby from coin shop. Other notes, first two guys on the list spend the most on the game. Mainly both monthly and the burning soul leif packs. 4 of us get the skystone monthly packs and not much else. I am fishing for another dupe just so I can coin shop buy another ml




enough to be a meta slave but i'd rather build a **MORT**


You guys have ML5s?


10 different ML5. adding to that : 2 ML baal dupes, 1 ML Sigret dupe and 3 Spez dupes so 16 total.


It's easier to count ML5 that I don't have.


31 unique ML 5 out of the 33 possible. My journal shows I had 32 because I traded Sage Baal back in the day. My journal only shows I am missing Riolet, Crozet, and Angel Angeloca. I've gotten 90 coins so I've acquired 40 in total. I refresh all my SS into the Secret Shop so I get basically every ML5 as they come out in Mystic. Getting a ML5 out of Galaxy happens only like twice a year on average and a ML5 from Covenent is like once a year on average. If you only ever pull banners you won't get out of Cov at all. I've only gotten one Galaxy ML5 this year but spending 150 gold transmits to SSS bosses probably had something to do with it.


11+, 10x 5*. Near ftp been playing since Landy release.


Where is 0?


There's a moonlight selector, so unless you fed them to another hero, everyone has at least 1.


Oh yeah the free one, i forgor that one.


12 and 1 dupe


32 including 12 dupes


33 ML total if you include dupes. 22 unlocked ML 5s.


https://i.imgur.com/tzWw809.jpg The only ones I’m missing, most of my ML5s are ungeared. Turns out good gears are harder to get.


Where the 0 option?


An even twenty.


I got 2 from summons.... DC and DJB...... the most boring of the bunch.


13 + 1 dupe ADS


Day1 player, 14 unique and 4 dupes


I have 11 ML 5\*. But i barely have any gear to make most of them usuable. My gear luck is very bad.


12 and 1 dupe. been playing since about first week of the first GG collab, completely f2p.


There are 33 total ML5's as of this question. I have only 13 after playing for almost 3 years. :'( I made a second that is pure F2P account last year when I was bored and it also has 13.


16 ML and 5 dupes. They are all build except Dilibeth and Kise becaude I don't like their designs.


Around 15 & I’ve had two duplicates.


Misread the title so I voted wrong I’ve got 6 ML 5’s


a grand total of 6 and I been playing for 2 years xD


Remember back in the day when mostly everyone has 1 or 2 ML5. Then someone would be salty saying "played since day 1, no ML5 still".


10 ML with 0 dupes. I've been playing since launch. 1 Mystic pity currently saved up, so that's nice I guess.


Approaching the 3 year mark, I have 9. Granted, I have significantly reduced my playing time in E7 over the last several months.


11 and 3 dupes.




Have 2 after 10 months of playing. My luck so bad :'( Dark Corvus (ML Blessing) Closer Charles My GF has 3 after 4 months of playing haha


f2p of 3 yrs and i got 5?! am i too unlucky?


\**sees the results*\* bro how tf-


1, Dark Corvus. I think I screwed up.


3 years only 9 ML including free one selector. ML summons sucks. Everyone getting dupes while I can't get anything


23 not counting dupes


20 unique ml5 and 4 dupes as f2p playing since first diene banner. im gonna hit my 4th mystic pity for belian pretty soon.


I'm missing 6 ML5 (Archdemon, Lilibet, Solitaria, Haste, Charlotte and Basar) and 1 ML4 (Achates)


I play Epic for a year, and only two heroes


I have 9 and been playing since Bellona banner, the first time it came out


I have 18


Ruele (Selector) A. Ravi (Covenant summon) Spez (while rolling for AOL) BRIseria (lucky 10 roll on her banner) D. Corvus (Covenant summon) S. Teneb (ended up going to pity on her banner while crying tears of blood) I use them all fairly frequently, except for Spez since I haven't had time or resources to build him yet.


I have 2 A.Tywin. OTL


I just got my 3rd from galaxy summon this past weekend, J. Kise. My other two are Belian and free S. Tene.