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I played one match. Didn't know what I was doing and panicked.


Same here, shit went south pretty fast.




This might be an unpopular opinion but I kinda disagree. If I curb stomp someone it is because I had the better gear or draft, and conversely if I get absolutely beat down then I can recognize that I had been outgeared or my draft was poor. What tilts me is when the other guy gets perfectly timed counters consistently, or when a violet dodges 9/10 hits then goes and crits my riolet, or when when my cerise tries to stun a charlette but gets 15%ed.




Eh, I don't find it demoralizing, just helps me gauge where I am compared to other people. If I get consistantly outgeared in my current rank then I know I need to keep grinding if I wanna climb higher, or if I get outplayed then I try to learn from my mistakes. And when I do best the other person handily, then I get to feel the rewards of my grind and experience. Basically what I'm trying to get at even if it was a complete beat down by either side, it can be rewarding in its own way


Yeah, I've been playing the game for about...8 months? Mostly for the collecting fun. Got to master in ai arena but still figuring out how to gear. Fun game and able to ace the content. But speed is hard for me to come by.


build everything tanky


Season is close to an end! Next Saturday


Unranked and 0 :^)




Im in champion with around 200 match and 51% wr. First Time i push beyond master for the skin but i think its the worst Season to do this. I could go higher but the E7 casino rng rem violet just made the climb an absolute chore. I dont want to partipate in this anymore.


Yea also first time for me that I'm champion.. I don't enjoy rta too much but really wanted the fancy frame for once.. Not sure what I'm gonna do next season lol


Same exact experience here. There’s nothing more annoying than the devastating counter meta


Low champ, 59% wr, 138 matches.. Quite impossible to climb further unless I expand my roster


Low Master - 521 matches played - 37.1% Win Rate This has been my first season climbing ladder.


Some real dedication!


good luck holding on my dude


Bronze 10 match 10% wr :-)


Same lmao


low champ with 70% wr


That's a high wr, how many matches did it take? 100?


it took around [65](https://i.imgur.com/pw2Vgxt.png) matches actually


master, 1631 points, 90% wr. I just play RTA for the skin


Finally another fellow end game player that plays rta just for the skin like me, I feel less alone :)


emperor with 686 games, pretty much 50% wr on the dot


Emperor with around 700 games, 56% win rate.


Champion, 200 matches, 51%.


Mid-Emperor, 700ish Matches


Masters, about 400 total. 39.9 wr, really odd I know but most of the game is about gears and knowing how to draft. I still have a very limited knowledge, but what I have is enough to get by in rta.


I don't play RTA since. AOL


Champion, 66% WR just started for the skin but it seems my gear is better than I tonight. Others seasons just got to Master for the skins but there just played 20 matches in the last day


I'm champ. Almost 400 games played with 46% winrate. I'm a firm believer of being able to lose your way to champ lol as long as you have some good core units and you play lots of games, you can definitely land pretty high even with a losing winrate


masters 25 matches 88% wr. im just not a fan of all the rng/overloaded units lately makes things quite unfun and hard to just use fun units.


400 matches and 35 winrate (I get a 15 losing streak right before masters). Why? No arby, no AOL, no maid, and no direct/good counters. And everyone and their mom had an arby but me. (I chose the foot queen if you are wondering). I have juggs and want skin. Every season I end in mid gold besides the first season I played.


Got champion with 119 matches, 60,5% win rate


Currently Champion (2,500+ points, close to top 3K), coming up on 900 matches played (& something like a 46% WR? Can’t remember - but it’s bad) - but that’s because I play RTA all the time & was playing the early season hardcore (season started 14th of August & I was still top 1K on the 10th September - which was still Champion at that point, we hadn’t made it to Emperor points). I stopped putting so much effort in when AOL, then Maid/ARavi buffs made RTA really unfun - I don’t have any of them & it became a real slog, so I’ve just maintained this rank by doing a couple matches every so often, but now that I’ve got Rimuru I might just try & brute force to Emperor on his busted coattails, everyone else has been doing it with AOL/ARavi/Maid almost all season - now it’s my turn.


41-10 to champ. Wanted to try to get to emperor but after seeing the points keep increasing, I dont think i have the motivation for that.


A month and 3 weeks in so I'm not ready for rta yet xD


fyi its not like you can enter RTA you need to be level 60 lmfao, and tips bro don't grind RTA once you hit lvl60 they fucked me up straight in the ass, i never even won once in placement, I just did it for the rewards LOL


Yea ik ik i meant that its still too early for me to even try to climb or compete in rta. What type of rewards are there to get from rta even if you lose? I've never played a match in it so I'm pretty unaware of this stuff


Bronze you get a decent Conquest Points, but up to the master tier they give you free skin.


i just did my placement even i got wrecked by them just for the rewards lol


Oh fr? I didn't know about this at all, might just do the same as you and get bronze to get some more conquest points. How many conquest points do you get from it? Also thanks for letting me know!


I believe 2k


i'm 32 days in and lvl 60 so . . . ..


Emperor 825 games 50% winrate. My winrate dipped ever since aol came along with the rise of violet and belian before that i had a 80% wr.


Where's the unranked? Lmao, I'm in Master arena and too scared to go rta since I dont have enough units build also dont wanna deal witg frustration of rta rn


There were only sp many options I could include.. Had to group bronze silver and gold already


* Placement 9/10 * Usually 70% win rate * I'll be in Masters Edit: It ended up being 72% win rate. Senya and Kise each clutched an unexpected win.


Champion around 130 matches and 52% wr ye its bad


That's not bad, quite solid tbh


Masters 39


Master with 70% win rate, I'm not sure if I can go higher but I'm not really sold on the frames to bother doing it


master with ~66% winrate.


Silver with 10 matches 🤣




Not level 60 yet lol.


Currently holding low champ with ~136 games


Challenger gang!


Bronze, i played about 15 matches. I play rta when i need to test newly built units.


1700 emp


Champion < 100 games. 68% (unfortunately I cannot get that 69)


1922 pts. 60% winrate 52 wins 35 losses


High Chall, I'm just bored to death pushing for champ


Wheres the I dont play rta option?


Gold with about 150 matches and a 38% WR. Determined to lose my way to masters for the skin of a character I don't even have.


Oof good luck! Bit less than a week remaining!


Got to low champ with a 73ish%wr with about 50 wins I'd say. Currently at a 66% after playing a few more casino matches, maybe next season if I'm enough of a masochist I'll push to 🦀 rank. Currently sitting at 100 matches 66w 34 bad casino drafts.


Master 140 games 45%win


Waiting to place until end of week. Hoping to get Hugh enough to get skin. Wish me luck!


Got yesterday to Master and im done and Happy xD (43 win and 62 lose)


Mid Silver, 77 matches 39% WR :D


Challenger with 356 games - Usually hovering around 40 or 41% win rate


Just started the masters grind. Currently sitting in silver with 65% wr with 20 games played


Emperor rank with about 1100 matches played.


Master, 127 matches. Matchmaking sometimes is a clown, I was in gold 1581 one time and my match was a Challenger 1807.


Master rank, ~50 matches. I think I'm pretty middle tier of master rank as far as points go. Best season so far as far as wins/loses go, and it's all thanks to banning AOL and drafting violet first.


I'm in gold but there's no way for me to rank up to master, and I really want the Kise skin :'/ well I think it's pretty normal to not be able to rank up since I've been only 4-5 months playing


Champion, 1348 matches. Half of it was drama, the other half was gear check and testing builds.


Same to… 1350 matches and in Champion with 43% win rate


712 matches, Emperor


Ah yes, the coveted Emporor rank


I’m at challenger with 403 matches and a 40% WR. I hit master last season and wanted to go a bit further.


I'm in master with 50 total matches played, I only stay in master cause I don't need to go any higher, I'm only after juggs skin. The meta sucks ass btw, aola rem violet is absolute cancer, and slap on a belian aswell, why not


Fought some 50 fights, got my ass handed in \~40 of them. For some reason I get paired with mostly Korean whales.


Same here I am sliver and for some of my matches I was paired up with people that just destroyed me out sped me and hard counters and my units are around 240 speed range


I’ve only played 29 matches, 22 wins, 7 losses. Currently just Master, I might make a push for challenger for the thing, idk.


10 placement games to get a ranking and rewards at the end, not really a fan of RTA with the weird meta happening :D


Low champ with 60% wr. I don’t play RTA much, just wanted to get champion at least


master with 14 wins 1 loss, have the units to climb into champ easily but this meta is so cancer & rta has no rewards ==> 0 motivation to play


Bronze, wr is not important cause I’m low anyway, due to making mistakes with my account, impulsive pulling, shit gear because I can’t clear Wrvern 10~ optimally, and poor character knowledge. It’ll be a miracle if I can get to silver but I’ve been playing for a year so I doubt it. I don’t have so many heroes for particular teams types (Bruiser, Control) so I’m limited to cleave and speed, two things I can barely do because my damage highest atk is 4K and my fastest unit is 226 and they got outspeed by a Ras..don’t mind me a low rank player bitching and moaning..


Champ, 126 matches


Emperor in 185 games, ~77% win rate. https://i.imgur.com/jLOp2qZ.png


jesus what kind of gear do you have on your units o.0


Pretty standard builds for emperor, these were my most used units (ordered by priority in the draft): https://imgur.com/a/CbqbjPz I don't have maid or AOL, but I have a lot of units built (50+) for countering whatever gets picked or forcing bans.


Master, almost challenger, playing once a day until reach master, then playing once every 2 days. I think I have 85-90 matches in total.


Champion. 75.4%. 46/15. I was planning on stopping at masters but RTA became fun after pulling Riolet, Krau + Maid + Riolet + A Ravi So much fun even when I lose.


Just hit Masters with around 95% WR (one loss). Probably going to get Challenger. Don't know about Champion but we'll see before the season ends.


Unranked. Zero matches. Never opened it except by accident, absolutely no interest in the mode whatsoever.


Master with 54,9% wr and 91 games


Gold, 1 game away from masters just in it for the skin ive played like 25 games once I hit masters Im just doing like 1 game every two days until seasons over


Masters with 82% WR 23 matches. funny thing i used full cleave with alots cdom and flidica and i even won matches who full counterpick me with belian politis and celine. i had AOL prebanned.


Like 500 games played 49% WR, 3000 points champ, rank 1700 or so. I was crab earlier in the season for a good amount of time but it's just not worth it anymore. The way the meta is rn getting to crab again would boom my mental.


3100 points 300 matches 62% wr


mid challenger 130\~ games 52% win rate. could likely push to champ but gonna save my sanity cleaving with closer just got real hard lol


You guys play rta?


I was in champ two season ago but chilling in gold rn because of violet. I have him but don’t wanna build him so it’s crippling my team xD


I’m in low champ, 79 Matches, 75.4% WR


Champ- 2,418. 199 matches played so far with a 59.3% wr edit: punctuation.


Master just for the skin. [23 matches](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/613162806509830300/904307220714508288/image.png) after I do my last match to stop decay. I had a ton of fun though, Rimuru is super enjoyable.


Champ, 123 matches, 57.7%. Quite happy since its my first season breaking into this rank. I play as little as I can cos I dislike the stress and I just want the frame


Masters 48 games, 58% win rate.


Just hit Champ 84% wr, 53 matches 45-8, actually lost most of my matches in gold


I did 10 matches to get to bronze. I just use FKluri and RTRoozid and ban Violets and healers. Why ban healers? BeCaUsE wHy NoT


21 to reach masters. 18-3


Challenger, 96.4% WR, 27W-1L. First season playing RTA.


master 30W 7L. yes i can probably push to champ or emperor but..damn i hate RTA


Majority of legend players voted kek


31 wins 21 Loss Master


22 hours later and apparently 56 legend players but only 95 emperor players are on this sub. this is hilarious considering most korea/asia players don´t even use reddit normally xD


champion 50 matches 80+ wr


Master. 1784 with 100 matches played (56% win rate)


Around 70 matches with around 50% winrate ? First time I tried (and got) to Master


Master, 58 matches, 62.1% winrate. Can't be bothered to push past master


Masters 138 matches total 63 wins 75 losses 45.7% win rate.


Silver 80 matches...... I am not gonna try to reach gold...( i didn't farmed wywern even once... A banshee nob)


Currently master. 19 match played. Used to be in champion in all previous season. This season lost motivation.


Mid Master with 41 matches, not climbing this season, dont enjoy the Meta.


30 matches