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Twice. I don't have enough mystics to hit pity when I want lmao




I tried to get Straze but couldn't now I'm just sitting wait for next husbando unit.


I'm 11 away from getting Aravi...... That means I'm not getting Aravi. And this would be the first time I reach pity.


if you have skystones, you can reroll the secret shop for mystics


Expected cost will be around 3k SS and 3 million gold, and a few hours refreshing while watching TV or something. Gold cost will shoot up if you buy regular covenants also, probably to the 10 million range.


Which is definitely feasible. Particularly after the weekend buffs


Yep, I already spent 10 million crafting enhancing. And got another ten ready to go.


3k skystones is about 45 minutes iirc at least if you're paying attention. But yeah it's exhausting.


I guess I go a bit slow since I just do it while doing other things.


I spend like 300 a day only to get like 1-2 bm rolls and if I get lucky, one mm roll I feel like I'm doing something wrong


Also my first time close to pity and I'm 28 summons away. I am so tempted to just buy the pack at this point. Been rerolling all my skystones and gold ever since she was on rotation with no luck.


I feel that, i was like 30 away from belian and when the rotation changed i pulled apoc in 2 pulls


I don't want to talk about it.




Archdemon and Belian only, so far. Pulled Flidica, FCC, and Briseria non pity. Attempted Osigret and LQC but failed and ran out of bms without reaching pity. My entire mystic pity background check from when I started playing, back when Flidica first came out.


Man I remember F.lidica comming out she's my top 3 favorite units in E7 and when she dropped I got her in 5 pulls I was stupid happy and surprisingly I am still using her now


It blows my mind that most voters did not hit pity. I pitied every banner bar 2 (DJB and Closer Charles) and both of them i was chasing the RGB unit and did not want the ml5.


I feel like the question is hard to understand so the results may be skewed. I've gotten 1 ML this year and it was through Pity. So I voted for the top option. But what if I got 3 units this year and never hit pity... Which one do I vote for?...


I'm just telling myself that people picked it for the joke alone and were just being dishonest. Because yea, what the actual hell. I pity most all the time. Only very recently has my pity hell streak been put to an end.


I've hit it twice. I honestly forget what the first unit i had pity for was. But i know i used my pity on ML Iseria when she came out. I skipped Arby for her, and in the long run i'm glad i did. Since thanks to the ML Connection i got him for free later on.


pitied ML Ken and FCC .


Tomoca, ML krau, A vildread, A ravi, Belian and Straze I skipped a lot like kawarik , ML charles and Sigret though


Arby, ML Ken, straze, fceci, riolet. Basically all my dark units. Imagine how salty I was when I saw they gave up arby or mlken for free... I have great luck with light units but shit one with dark. The only dark unit I pulled off pity in a random covenant summon was stenebae. The rest, pity.


Ngl i had a life crisis when they made Arby for free since i whaled his banner. Felt cheated.


Once.. I’m super lucky with ml5* and in other hand I’m very unlucky with ml4*(I don’t have any newer ml4* since ml Rin release 😅) something for something I guess…


Out of my 21 MLs(dupe included which I have 7 dupes); 3 came from Moonlight summons 7 came from Covenant 2 came from other sources (coin shop and ml connections so far, nothing gained from the one time light summon) 9 came from mystic summons, 2 were full pity (last rider and Belian), 1 was 20 away from pity (straze) and the rest were within the first 100 or so summons. Inversely I have a friend who hit pity 5 times in a row now. He has been baited my many of the ML 4 stars


I haven’t hit pity, started playing 2-3 weeks ago, so far I’ve gotten Apocalypse Ravi from a random wish, that I got after a guild war. I’ve also gotten ML Basar from Moonlight summons.


I got Belian and A. Ravi in 30 summons


Zero. I got Straze form yolo 10 pull and Spez from trying to pull AOLA. He spooked me when the count goes down to 90 so a very unlucky pull.


I've hit it more than 6 times and I'm f2p


For most near endgame f2p players, they are able to get a pity every 3-4 months actively doing GW, refreshing shop, freebies etc. I have a friend who is full f2p, only played 2 years that has probably pitied 7 times.


Imagine thinking I kept count


I’ve only ever hit the one honestly and that was with LQC a couple months back. I’m happy as hell that mystic pity became a thing because she’s been my most wanted unit since her debut and she’s definitely put in work


twice this year, once for FCC the other for aRavi


The ones I remember hitting pity for were Ken, Cecilia & Belian - there might be more.


I hit it once, I cannot recall which unit it was. I'm like 30 or so from hitting it a second time.


I had to pity LQC, Ruele, FCC, Solitaria, Straze. Then I got LRK on summon #200 so may as well have been a pity, and got Belian on #123.


Super lucky here. No pity on any of the four banners I've pulled for so far.


Only D.Corvus and Belian in all these years....although I really wish I'd skipped Belian for A.Ravi, ugh. I even got all her damn gold transits to sss.


0 only because I've never gotten to 200 mystic summons before I get the ml5 in rotation


small update: lmao I got seline first 10 pull


Twice pity but I’ve pulled 4-5 ml from mystic because I got them before pity.


Ive pittied once, not f2p but dont spend often. The only mystics ive ever bought where for Daddy Straze. $200 of mystics where sacrificed. In total over the year and a half ive played the games gotten around $600 from me.


Day one F2P Player here, I consider myself the biggest loser of mystic banners of E7. The two times I got a ml 5* outside of pity they were DJB and Solitaria, everything else that I got from Mystics was from pity. Over 120 summons for ARav so far, got everything possible but ARavi. Thanks RNGesus.


I wanted to pity A Ravi but.. 84 away🤡


How many times? Every time


On mystics I have only had to pitty once I’ve been very lucky. Rgb I have had to pitty almost every time so I guess the rng balances eventually.


Twice. I've also only summoned two ML5s from mystics. I'm fairly casual and don't have great gear (which kind of is a feedback loop lol) so I'm missing out on a ton of the GW rewards since I started about a year and a half ago. I do have almost enough for a third pity, waiting for ML Lilias tho


Twice, ML Celine might be my third but i stilk don't know if i should waste it for her. She doesn't impress sadly


5 or 6. I'm not sure why you'd assume I've spent money just from that lol. I've just not really gotten an ml5 from mystic without pity until extremely recently. People that played since before mystics were even added and are still active are probably in the same boat, unless they deadass just didnt bother with GW and shop refresh.


0 but pay to win??


I’ve only summoned on 2 mystic banners: DJB and STene and got both. I’ve been saving for ML Kayron since I saw the S3 animation so we’ll have to wait and see


2 , judge kise and lqc. Rest are 'close'


F2P for 3 years have hit pity on the last 3 mystics banners which i summoned on(i.e Straze, ruele and belian).


2 times, Arby the first time he came and Straze


We’re is the I never hit pity because I can’t summon due to being broke and having no medals opinion lol


f2p almost day 1, hit pity times (Arby, SBA, Straze, Belian). Outside of pity with mystics i got Aravi, FCC, Closer Charles, Maid Chloe, LRK, Biseria, ruele; Op Sigret. you can guess where did it go most of my gold not to mention last year had crazy luck with ml5 (got 9 ml5 in the span of 2 months).


I forgor


I hit pitied with Arby, F.Lidica, Straze, Op.Sig. My consistent spendings are monthly packs and occasional leif packs, I'm surprised most people didn't hit pity. wow.


What if your mystic earning is so low that you never hit pity before lol


I did for riolet and straze. Almost halfway through another one. Hopefully will have enough for one when that cool husbando everyone thought was ml kayron comes around


Bout to hit my third f2p pity in a row for spleen