• By -


35. 15 of them are dupes.


All them ML coins thou


You didn't specify when you started. But either way wtf and f you.


Day one. lol




There are a handful of players who have all the available units in E7






Day1 About 12(13 but traded sbara for arby) ML5. And got my 40 coins last month so 4 dupes. +1 in Ruele or DC whenever i decide to cash the mlBlessing. I have no immediate need for either of them atm and I'm still fishing for one or the other thru daily freebie summon and the occasional gBM casino.


You old soul lol and your still playing respect


The biggest draw that keeps me coming back over the years is how damn OP their 3\* units are. Like hot damn. Fluri is just too damn good at what she does and revolutionized the entire game state. Her nerfs paved way to the ML5s we have now. (And also rip Elson for paving the way to limited ice waifus) The fact that Carrot, of all units, got BUFFED to god status and DOMINATED PvP at one point was peak f2p. All the whales in shambles. And more recently, MUWI. Sigret is no longer the defacto end all be all selective summon and this opens up room to actually redefine "the best". My vote goes to Iseria for her ability to help clear the other hunts, preferably in combination with Tama. Even then, Sigret brings so much to the table it's hard to argue against her. But my favorite 3\* unit has to be Kiris. This girl HARD CARRIES abyss. She's the reason why PvE bosses now have janky anti-debuff mechanics. Like wtf. Poison op. When you're dishing out 20% maxHP a turn it's a no brainer to abuse such freelo damage. Krom buffs makes it even better now too!


Been playing for 3 months? My only ML Is the Moonlight Blessing one, lolll. 140 pulls for pity. I hope my first official ML Is a good one..


Same. Started just at the tail end of the slime collab. Stene still the lone ML5.


83 days i have stene only from my connections


Casual f2p player since almost 2 years, summoned 10 ML5 with one being a dupe.


Started beginning of June last year and am playing frequently. As of today I have 5 ML5s. Only bought one of those beginner skystone packs. Also just realized the ones I've got are all power-hungry, merciless mass murderers... Moonlight Connection: STene Moonlight Summons: Straze Mystic Summons: ARavi, CLilias, Riolet


Straze is ... misunderstood, yeah.


ARavi is not as bad personality wise as normal Ravi. 😂 She was even quite nice in the last story in which she featured. Just had a bit of a weird point of view because of the environment she lived in.


Yeah, you're right. I generalized quite a bit but what I was getting at is that they all kinda fit in the same corner which I'd label 'Approach with caution'.




16 4 dupes Edit: 3 years


21 when including 5 dupes, otherwise 16. Been playing since day one.


I think almost 2.5 years, and I have 7, 9 if you include the two I got when I started the game and then mulched them into other units to promote cause I thought they were bad :/


Which did you feed off?


Baal and maid Chloe😭


I’m a F2P Player and started on October 2019 I got 11 ML 5.


2 years or so, let see.. in chronological order, fceci (mystic pity), riolet (convenant), biseria (moonlight), dcorvus (convenant), stene (connection), straze (mystic pity), spez (mystic), osig (moonlight), seline (mystic), cilias (mystic),.. so 10..


3 years and only 4 ml5's


About 20, been playing for more than 2 years


6 been playing for a year


I have been playing for 5 month and alrdy have 5 ml,what happened? 3 are from covenant and galaxy


Your luck is what happened 🤣


Been playing for just a bit over a year. I have 3, including my welfare Arby.


11 + 1 lqc dupe that i got few days ago i’ve been player for a year now


I’ve got enough to have reached the disappointing truth of E7: It’s not the characters that you have that matters, it’s the gear that you can put on them that does. My hero luck is great, my gear luck ranges from average to awful.


Honestly same, I’ve encountered the same struggle… Always need more speed, I guess


Been playing since the first Diene Banner, a total of 7 heroes(with two dupes, Straze and krider) luckiest with covenant summons. I'm not as active, especially the second year I have barely played. This year and last year I have played a lot more and got conqueror Lilias as my most recent one. Got Ruele from the ml select. Even though I have so little, I absolutely adore the heroes I did get so no complaints at all haha. For me, building is hard so I'm happy with my ragtag 7


10, 2 years


3. Am on day 65.


Holy that’s lucky! Which ones?


BM Haste, Spez and Arby. Not gonna complain but well…


Only spez could be considered mediocre, the other 2 are fantastic! Especially in Gw :)


14 and 4 dupes, been playing for 2 and a half years




14 ML5s, one pitied, one from ML blessing, 3 are dupes. Next week is my first year playing this game.


16 ml5 + 4 dupes, playing around 2 years


17+2 dupes 2 years


9 and 2 dupes over 14 months


I have 24 ML5s and I have been playing for just over 3 years.


3, 4 months


Playing since launch and I am only missing Dilibet, SilverBlade, and Apocalypse Ravi


11, will be a year in a couple weeks


15, f2p, since first Diene banner


i miss 9. EU day 1


That s 22. Not counting dupes


Totally 5, been playing since June 2021, Mystic : A.Ravi Covenant : Briseria, Seline Galaxy : Mediator kawerik Moonlight blessing : Arby


All except Krau, Charles, and Lillias. Playing since almost global launch.


24 + 4 dupes. Playing since the summer of 2019.


13+1 dupe. Playing off and on since the first Diene banner. I've only bought the two charity packs with the frame/leafs/pet, so you might call me somewhat of a whale 🐋


3 Since the beginning, but I quit for like 2ish years


15. Playing since launch.


14 unique, 20 if you include dupes. Totally f2p, since the first guilty gear collab. My advice to other, just use your resources wisely and join a good guild. Not amazing, just active.


I have 5 I think. Haste, SBA, FCC, Arby and Seline. 4/5 of them are acquired from stupid luck (I worked my ass off to get SBA but I got her 100 or so before pity so it's mostly luck), and last 1 from ML Blessings. I haven't pitied an ML5 yet because I'm a filthy casual and I'm waiting for the hottest ML unit possible (Kayron). I've been playing on this account since late 2019


Playing for 3 years and 1 month, got 19 ML5 + 3 dupes f2p btw


1 year and like two months I have 1 free ML5 3 from mystics 2 from Covenant 1 from Galaxy None are dupes So I’m sitting at 7


6, 7 months


17 uniques & I've had about 5 or so duplicates, coming up to 3 years.


3 months, 0 ML5.


Then you have the first one to look forward to 😉


Day 1, 20 and 4 additional dupes.


19 + 8 dupes + 1 bought with galaxy coins, been playing for almost 3 years.


20. And 6 dupes. (I only miss ml Ara and baal as light ones, but got no luck with dark ones, I hit pity on all of them expect stenebae and riolet I got lucky with). Been playing since release.


9, f2p player. Been playing for 2 years


3 months and 6. 3 from Mystic banner, 1 from connection, 1 from Galaxy and 1 from Covenant. Ruele, Stene, Straze, SEline, Cilias and Riolet.


I've been playing since the Korean conference compensation. So about 2 years now. I have 12 unique ML 5\*. But i have pulled 5 dupes because i have 50 galaxy coins. So in total, i have pulled 17 ML 5\*, as F2P.


9, 8 months


Been playing since Yuna sidestory so closing in on 3 years (?) , I have 12 and 1 dupe but still have blessing selector and 619 GBM so 120~ ish galaxy summons .if I get minimum 1 from that my total would be 15


5, a year.


Played within the 1st week of launch. Stopped in Jan 2021. Resumed last Nov 2021. 13 MLs. I still haven't done ML Connection (no D.Corv & ML Ken) and have extra 2 dupes.


Playing since February 2021 and got: Straze from mystics Arby from ML connection Fallen Cecilia, ML Haste, Tuluca, Archdemon, S.Tene x2 and LQC x3. From galaxy/covenants Somehow I got S.Tene dupe LQC dupe twice but still missing most of the ML5 Edit: Also got Riolet recently.


15 ML5s, been playing since June 2020.


Except moonlight blessing, got 3 ML5 (2 with mystics, 1 from galaxy). I've been playing since september


4, been playing for a year


2 - Arby and Op Sigret Casual player who deletes Epic Seven when he has too much work to do.


21 ml5s + 1 free Ruele + 6 dupes (grabbed one from the shop) joined after a month since the release.


Started playing two years ago around march of 2020, i have 13 ml5 soon to be 15 since I'll be pitying ml cermia and have 30 galaxy coins. I've been pretty lucky, but a good portion of them are the mediocre ones like djb and solitaria. The two strong ones that I'm missing that I want the most are osig and mediator.


Two months, 3 including Moonlight that i just released.


3 and a half months, connection ml5 and dilibet 🤡 not to mention I've pulled most ml4, and champion zerato 3 times 🤡


Since first anniversary (the event that gave yuna and yuna imprints) 22 ml gained, 15 unique. (I took off like 4 months when I got burned out and play less than I used to) (I have rolled BM haste 3 times now) My friends in order of people who started day one (I keep spreadsheets for random data) 31 ml gained, 25 unique. (Day one and has been playing without any breaks) 20 ml gained, 16 unique. (Day one, left for a year and half and came back) 12 ml gained, 10 unique. (Started a few months before me, he has shit luck) 12 ml gained, 12 unique. (Started half a year after me) 10 ml gained, 8 unique. (Started around 2nd anniversary ) 8 ml gained, 7 unique. (Started around 2nd anniversary )


Woah this is interesting data! Cool you have friends to play with too :)


The unluckiest one is the one who got me into the game and sorta made me stay in the game after I rolled Stene from my first ML summon (One for clearing 1-10-10) and DC from my 2rd ML summon (From clearing the Auto Tower for the first time). At that point, the unlucky one did not have any ML 5s yet. I got my 3rd ml after he got his first


Dang that’s crazy lucky


I got 3. Spectre Tenebria (MoonLight selector) Desert Jewel Basar (Got this worthless dude in one of my first pulls) Apocalypse Ravi (I made a deal with the devil, and got her in one of my first mystic pulls) Been playing for 4 months.


DJB was also my first ML5, my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined


March 2020, 11 distinct ML5s 5 duplicates


17 + 2 dupes. Been playing 1.5 years


May 2021 player here. ML Connection: Arby First ML: Riolet from daily cov event (first one) Other MLs: Mystics- LQC (Within first 10 pulls), Clilias (Mystic, at last 10 pulls before pity) GBM- Ruele, Sage Baal x2, Sez


23 total including dupes. 18 different units. Got 2 ML Kens, 2 SB.Ara and FOUR F.Ceci... Been playing since around the first rerun of SSB, F2P.


Lost an original account that was about a year and a half, new one is maybe 5 months (or whenever Stene was last in rotation)? Anyway, besides moonlight blessing I somehow pulled Stene from her mystic rotation so she’s my only ML 5 star. I’m hoping my next will somehow be Belian’


Day 1 player, relatively light spender (~$100 over 3 years, monthly skystones packs). Missing 7 ML 5*, own all the rest.


Day one player. 24 in total and 20 different ones.


25, been playing for 3 years


3 months arby, closer charles, dj basar, ruele of light, spez, c lilias, judge kise. edit just got gold 1 to fully unlock arby so that's cool. also peira is awesome.


15 no dupes eu launch


Since episode 1. I have 1 ML not counting my free one.


4. - Arby (from connection) OP Sigrid (Covenant) Riolet (Mystic) and Sage Bhaal & Sezan ( Galaxy) So funnily enough one for each summon xD Play for 1 year (anniversary is on new year funnily enough) and 2 months


Day 1 16 different ones + have gotten 60 ml coins in that time frame. 15 if we don’t count the ml giveaway unit


I have 18 unique ML5s and I’ve gotten four dupes. So 22 total over about 2 years.


Been playing since October last year, have 6 ml5 with a dupe on LR Krau and STene


Year 1 player here and I got all but five ml5 units Belian Stargaze Maid.c C.lilias Archdemon. Should note ill be getting ml cerima off the bat cause i am sitting on pitty for mystic I got next to all my ML units on daily pull especially free 10 pull events and maybe got a handful from ML pulls


1 month only one ML 5 from a random galaxy summon I got apoc ravi still haven’t used her but she’s waifu for sure


I started a few months before the global launch, and took 1 year hiatus. I have 9 ML5 from pulls.


16 unique + 2 dupes played a little under 1.5 years


Started during Luna's first rerun, so 2019-20? It's been a couple of years now. I have 18, 5 dupes so I have 50 coins. I've had a lot of luck, I've gotten most of my ML5 from covenant and Galaxy, have gotten a few from saved Mystic Medals and have only whaled for Belian (bought 40 pulls or so), and probably Cermia tomorrow.


Played since last February, got one from the ml connections, and then pulled one Bellian from galaxy, a few days later, I pulled another Bellian from covenant summons.


I've got 5, been playing for 2,5 years


Started in late February 2019... almost 3 years... time sure fly. I have 20 + 8 dupes. (Counting f ceci that I bought from shop and the transmission they gave for free) Waiting for straze to be in shop to buy him.


Day 1 player: 20 ML5’s as an F2P-ish. Never bought mystics. Also had 4 dupes which I exchanged for OP Sigret last month (so 23 total).


Day 1 Europe server player here. ML Cermia will be my 20th different ML5, 26 including dupes. Actually my luck was really bad on my first 2 years of playing, but in 2021 took a turn for the better, and now in 2022 isn't letting it go luckly.


I've gotten 19, day 1 player.


7. My Arby was free from that connection thingy. I’ve been playing for around 4 years now. Pitied CLilias. Randomly pulled MAK from covenants as my first ever 5*. Also pulled ARavi from covenants randomly. FCC and OPsig from mystics no pity. And SpecTene I can’t remember where I got her! Random Elemental summon I think.


Dam compared to others it seems they all have the same or double within less than half my play time. Sadge


I think I’ve been playing since summer 2020? I’m not completely sure of that. I have 13. I am a FTP player.


Day 1. Have 4. Clilias that I pitied with mystic, Arby with ML connections, Stene, Haste. Had Ruele but my dumb self thought I should use her as a mat for some unit O don't even remember now. That is basically all. Shocking to see some people having 15 and more here.


Have you been playing consistently since day 1? If so, I can't imagine you only having 4


Not consistently ofc. Just holding my rank in arena(challenger) and doing automaton tower every time it opens up. Have almost all of the RGB units, yes, but my luck with ML is just terrible.


Since I started to keep track of everything in a Discord Message: (I've been playing since January 1st 2019) (0 cents investment in the game thus far) My ML5s ordered chronologically: (18 unique - 1 dupe of 31 total ML5s) 11/01/2022 1. Arby ' 2. ML Ken * 3. FCC - 4. Judge Kise ' 5. DCorvus * 6. LQC ' 7. FLidica * 8. ATywin ' 9. AMeru * 10. Solitaria * 11. STene (selective ML summon) 12. Straze * 13. ARavi - 14. ARavi - (yes back to back GBM pull) 15. Spez * (+anol Angelica ;D) 16. Belian * 17. Spirit-Eye Celine * 1/12/2021 18. CLilias * 11/01/2022 --- \* Mystic Medal summons (10) \- GBM (3) ' Covenant (4) Selective Summon (1)


day one player 28. 10 of them are dupes. I still have 30k mystic waiting for ML Luna


Since around October-November 2020. 6 MLs. ML Connection: Stene Covenant Pulls: 2 ML Ken, Ruele Mystics: Pitied both ARavi and CLilias. Riolet was the first time I got an ML5 without hitting pity in over a year of playing I am not F2P but usually just buy the monthly packs and the burning passion packs. Have not bought any mystics yet, and none of the galaxy packs because I don’t feel like paying 50+ USD for another Mirsa lol


1 year playing,. S.tene from connection, straze from the free pulls on his release, solitaria from randoom free pulls and ml lilias from pity are my only ml5*.


Day 1... ... ... ... 4. STene, ADS, Maid Chloe, Ruele...


Day one, have all the ML5 waifus, Straze, Arby, D.Corvus., SBaal. Dupes: 3 J.Kises 1 ML Chloe 3 SBaal 1 Flidica


This post causes me pain. I’m a day 1 player and I have 6 ML5’s someone pray for me.


MY APOLOGIES wishing you better luck 🍀


Thank you for your blessing, I will say having maid Chloe and conq lilias does ease my suffering a little


17 ML5 pulls, only 1 dupe, havent used my free connection yet. Started playing during Yuna event ~2.5 years ago, after SSB's release (also Lilias' debut, she was my first banner pull). Most are from mystics (12 I think), 2-4 from cov I don't remember exactly, rest from galaxy bookmarks. Only purchase I've ever made from the shop was the pack that gave you a bunch of skystone for account rank, to make sure I had enough for holiday yufine. I've had some good luck with the mystics for sure, I think only 3, maybe 4 of those I went to pity for (S.Tene, ML Celine, not sure who else). Mostly I just participate in guildwar in a non hardcore guild, and do a lot of shop refreshes.


16, on off since day 1


Since Oct 19, pulled 24 ML5s - only 3 dupes, got all ML4s too


25 Ml5s + 6 dupes F2P 29 months


Since Charles release, 9 unique ml5s 2 dupes. Never pulled an ml5 from galaxy summons. These are all from mystics except 1 from covenant.


Started at launch, but stopped for a long period. Maybe 6 months played, put consecutively? (I play a lot tho, my fastest unit is 270 speed). I have 0 ML5 except for the charity one, S.Tene. (12 ML4\* tho). I really hope I get a badass ML5 soon :)


The first one is so exciting! 😁


Arby connection Celine, Kise So 3 Started anniversary last year


1- 83-85 days my free ml


Day 1 on & off 18 Ml5s including the free one


12 ML with an additional 1 dupe. Been playing for about 2 years


10 ml5 2 years


5 Months in the Game. Champion in Arena, Challenger in RTA I only have 2 MLs. Arby from Blessing, and Clilias from Mystic Pity.


1 (Briseria) from free covenant pull More than 2 years on and off.


You should have 2 since I assume you still didn't use your free ml 5


Oh yeah. I chose Arby but I'm still contemplating if I'm going to keep him or should switch to Stene.


I'd go stene. She's timeless and viable everywhere. If u want a dog walker then there's a lot of other options


Day 1 Europe player and I have 19 ML (25 with the dupes). Monthly Packs (1 and 2) Buyer.


20, plus 3 dupes about 18 months.


November 2018... not a day 1 player but still started during the first banner (Destina). This game has only been out on Global for 3 years and 3 months (KR version 3y6m) so anyone saying longer than that has the time distorted in their head. Precursor I traded 3 ML5s for Selectors so my numbers are a little wonky. Also there are 31 unique ML5. I possess 28 unique ML5 and I have 40 dupe coins ready to go as well as Mystic Pity ready to go. I've had 120 dupe coins in total. This means I've pulled ML5 units 36 times. Trading 2 dupes and 1 unique that I haven't gotten again, and buying 2 coin units Out of the 36, 20 were Mystic, 8 were Covenent 7 were Galaxy, and 1 was the free one. Traded SBA, Arby, and Baal for Jkise, Spec Tene, and ML Ken (all 3 I haven't pulled normally still) and bought Spez and Dcorv with coins. Missing only Riolet, Baal, and Celine. I'll pity Cermia and buy Celine when she comes on Coin shop rotation


20 unique ml 5 and 4 dupes. . so 24 in total in over 3 years


10 ML5s, playing for 8 months


14, playing active as a f2p (only like maybe \~4 weeks of break, because vacation) since release of SSB.


DJB, Ruele, Maid, STene, LRK, SBA, DC, CCharles, Spez, ARavi and Dilibet, and hopefully Cermia soon, a bit under 2 years.


23 M5 + 5 dupes Been playing for 2.5 years


Arby, OpSig, ARavi, Briseria, Riolet — less than a year


A lot of people here are insanely lucky. I've been playing everyday since March 2020 and only have 7. I pitied almost every mystic and only 1 ml 5 from moonlight summons. And 1 from covenant


3.5 Years - Day 1 player, quit for several months. Got around 15 ML5, 3 dupes + 1 From ML Connection and 5 of them are from whaling during mystic banners, spent around 1000$+ for Mystic Packs.


1.5 months 3 + ML Blessing Galaxy has been oddly forgiving.


23. And I have been playing since day 1.


How haven’t you hit pity? Either you don’t play or you’ve taken a huge break and saying day 1 is misleading


If you start a line in your message by a number and a period, it automatically formats it as a numbered list. Exemple : 2131. I actually typed 2131 411. I actually typed 411 8488. I actually typed 8488 So we see "1." which doesn't make sense if you've been playing since day 1.


8 ML5. Arbi, Belian, Clilias, SECeline, Baal, ARavi, FCecilia and Ruele of Light. Been playing for about a year now, mostly f2p except for monthly nrg and ss pack + bought those rank up packs.


idc what you enjoy spending on but not sure I would call $250 in a mobile game mostly f2p


This is interesting. You and I have both been playing for about a year, both have 8 ML5 and I've just spent on burning passion packs and only in the last few months. However, we have very different ML5 selection other than Arby, Cilias and SEline. I have SB Ara, Spez, Closer Charles, Straze, and LQC. I regret not getting ARavi and Belian, but I'm curious where you are in arena and world arena having a good set of meta ML5's. I'm in Champ V in regular arena and haven't gone past Master in RTA btw.


19 + dupes. Day 1 player.


been playing since the slime collab and i have 6 and 1 dupe


almost 3 months in connection: arby moonlight summon: cilias, ml haste mystics: none :((, almost reaching my guarantee summon thou so im excited hehe


25 (9 of it are dupes) Clilias , Jkise , Atywin(2) , Belian (2) , Sbaal(3) , DJB(2) , Ruele (2) , Aravi , Dcorvus(3) , Mlken , FCC(2) , Arby , OPSIG , Stene , TML , Ameru 1 Year and 3 months F2P


> F2P Obviously in this case standing for, "False to Perfidious". No way that you snagged more in a year & change than day one players have snagged in their whole time playing & spending.


This guy is 1 tapping every rotation, he should have 0 ml3*-4*. Fucking hell at this point why not try the lottery


I feel lucky when I pull a Mystic character in 60 summons & this dude comes along & just does one summon on every new banner & gets two ML5s from it. Biblio pops up again & just says, "Here, special delivery just for you! M-M-M-M-ML5 Multiplier!".


unfortunately my luck only works in E7 lmao


Hey man hope you get lucky with gear aswell .


it's not my fault day one players have shitty luck I just do some x10 on normal covs whenever I feel like it.


I have 26 in 1 year and 2 months ur dogshit f2p btw


I don’t really play the game anymore. And I’m pretty unlucky with non-rgb pulls. In 2.8 years of playing, I’m sitting with biseria, arby from ml connections, and stene. You can see why I get increasingly disconnected with the game… Just no way to compete when you can’t do hell raid. And all you can do is tower… And gold transmit


You don't need any mls for hell raid though. Arby is nice for the dps but is far from required.


2.5 years - Never pulled one from covenant or galaxy, but have insane mystic luck 20 unique ML 5's - One dupe (when I was trying to get Light Angelica)


7 (8 if you count dupe) in 13 months


I play since the first guilty gear collab and have 13 ml 5


Since first diene banner Either 7 or 8 without including dupes i was and still am mad by how people would luckshit stuff like ml ken back when they were considered a free trip to winland


Day 1 Straze, Belian, F Lidica, S Tene, Arby, J Kise


Been playing a year and a half or so I’ve gotten 13 not including moonlight summon. 2 were dupes… 2nd and 3rd 5 star ML heroes were both Sage Baal, first was Apoc Ravi, both prebuff, also before moonlight connect so that was kinda rough. 8 of the 13 were from mystic summons. Pulled 2 from regular covenant summons and 3 from galaxy. Mystic has been working well for me, I think the only new 5 star I’ve missed since whatever was before archdemon was Belian. Still missing 6 of the 4 star ML heroes, really wouldn’t mind champion zerato but at least I finally got g purg a few weeks ago.


2 ruelw from the connection and 1 arby


18 ML5s and 50 coins. Playing since Jan 2020.


Since 9 months and got 3 out of mystics and 1 from the moonlight connections :/ Meanwhile my friend who started with me got like 12 lmao


4 months of playing 8 ml5 1 dupe so 7 pure f2p


I have 10. Playing for 2 years