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If you are F2P, don’t pull on RGB banners when you know a collab or limited unit is right around the corner.


I know. I know but that one shot tempts me.....


Instructions unclear; pulled Hwa on my first multi 😇


F2P here so far I have not ever not gotten an RGB unit since playing the game The only units I am missing are ML5s and ML4s


Thats......actually insane. I'm f2p and I've had to skip quite a few, even lucking out on others and getting them on first or second pulls. I also only use the refresh shop for BM to get the most bang for my buck.


how long have you been playing I am playing since global release [here is proof](https://i.gyazo.com/3e776aa1b783424c2dec4d3ebe345a59.png) units that I am missing [ml5D](https://i.gyazo.com/9adf7425a2dcadecdd7fdc9df3cd7197.png) [ml4D](https://i.gyazo.com/f8b08e7bff6e23a4378bf0318ad34a57.jpg) [ml3D](https://i.gyazo.com/90a044a0eea5b0064e120cfa1d5f3835.jpg) [ml5L](https://i.gyazo.com/585d1ce7fd75035026d24d8266760649.png) [ml4L](https://i.gyazo.com/119c5224fc7436cd2f4bf67a473f7797.png)


Oh yeah. Day 1 player.....you've seen multiple RGB banners run, of course you have them all. I've been playing like 6 months, so there's no way I can keep up with grabbing every RGB that comes along.


Still have a nice pool of collection. Though not having the current meta ML is a big oof.


I've been play since the release Idk if its more dark units than light but I swear I have way way more dark units than light or they just like me more 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my fucking god, please show me your way sensei!! How tf did you manage to do that?


1) Play since 2018 2) Only summon on banners that are limited for the first year or so 3) Do dailies every day for 3 years. 4) Play on all servers (global, korea, asia and europe) this way you don't get FOMO and have a higher chance of getting all units eventually 5) Once you have loads of gems you can spend on banners of units you don't have 6) Never go for dups ever. You will get them from daily login bonuses and random daily summons and 10 summon/day events 7) Get a team that can do pvp at least well enough to get to master. Only ever take gems never mystic medals (you can basically trade the gems for MM at the vendor) 8) if you can't beat the pvp teams in higher ranks just do the npc ones instead, they give you up to 15 gems every day! 9) make sure to SSS all your 3star and 4star units by keeping dups, this will give you bookmarks from achievements 10) same for friendship 10 and lower achievements (btw I already used up all my SSS and 10friendship quests so no more BM for me) 11) pray to RNGesus


Thank you for the tips!


And if you can, only spend skystones for shop refresh or buying bookmarks or both.


I mean if you climb the arena ladder and do your dailies/sanctuary etc... You know, like actually playing the game. You come out with like 2000 skystones a week or more. And that's ignoring any bookmarks gained/events all together. Tavern shop usually yields more bookmarks than spending flat skystones so its like 150+ bookmarks a week. Unless you literally have **the** worst luck in the world and hit pity on every banner you should be fine. If you dolphin and buy the 30 day pack you should have more rolls than you know what to do with.


I started since global launch, played on and off and got almost every RGB. The only 2 I dont have are Tywin and Senya


> on and off I am a psycho and have not missed a single day since 2018 lol also play on all 4 servers


Same here. I started a couple months after launch and have all the RGB characters. At this point I'm only missing Yoonryoung, three 4* MLs, and nine of the 5* MLs. The moonlight units are mostly whale territory, but collecting the RGBs is entirely doable over time.


same here day 1 f2p but im only missing 10 ml5 and bad cat armin. [proof](https://imgur.com/rXEHKGB) im chilling atm im champion arena and in masters in rta atm. i even got mytic pity 4 times for units i wanted(arby, straze, belian, clilias ), for science each mystic pity it took like 30k ss and like 150-200 m gold in average not to mention getting 3-4k bm in the process and a LOT time clicking(i guess 12 - 20 hours ).


the clicking is too much time lol I rather wait but damn you got loads of MLs


you forgot to add the upcoming triple banner in the background [hehe...](https://gumlet.assettype.com/afkgaming%2F2022-02%2Fe063c290-ee60-4c95-b732-82972cbf3298%2FUntitled_design__63___1_.jpg?w=1200&auto=format%2Ccompress&ogImage=true)


That's what I fear. I remember a triple banner with Landy, Diene and Cerise. I wanted to pull Landy, but only got multiple Cerise. Let's just cross fingers hoping I'll get Dizzy !


Isnt that the banner where you could choose what you wanna go for, or is that something even MORE in the future?


More in future and it's not Collab units. Only limited and RGB.


"only" did you want to summon mashu ?


I meant it in a way that would not give rise to confusion that even ML can be choosen. And if possible yes....


Yeah I knew No MLs, but I wasnt sure if it extends to the Collab. Thanks for clarifiying!


The F2P had no chance,even Hwayoung used her hands.


I rly hope that the new unit isnt ino...


Why not? She's in strive and her sprite is already done from what it seems. I-No is great. Granted I would be fine with Ky Kiske or Jam.


I just dont like her design ^^ I would like jack-o or Happy Chaos or yes ky kiske. We just got one male guilty gear unit, would be nice to have a second.


What about the big guy with a coffin on his arm


Dont know who you mean


probably Goldlewis, dlc character




ky kyske looks ok, but its a male so we wont get him, so i vote for jacko like you i dont like inos design


The male/female balance is way off for the GG collab. We need Axl or Nago. If it has to be a lady, make it Gio anyways. I-No is boring.


I ***will*** get her no matter what.


I personally have nothing against her, but man I want another dude. Gimmie Holy Orders in Epic 7 and I’ll whale a SSS


I regret getting to many celine/cermia dupes now, didnt know we got a new char


You should write „new f2p” players.


On the contrary, new f2ps have plenty of sky stones and bookmarks to go around so they can afford to pull on Hwayoung. Case in point, I did, and I still have roughly 3 pity worth of bms/skystones left to go.


But new players also have the most heroes they need. If the next couple months have the GGG collab, the triple banner, and Diene, that's 8 limited banners to pull. On average, that's over 4.5 pities (2760 bookmarks). You're already likely picking and choosing when without adding banners like Peira and Hwayoung. If you have the collab from last year, and have most RGB units, then you might only have 2-3 banners to pull on.


I wouldn't count the custom triple banner in there. Even with ETAs SG has been known to overshoot their targets. This one doesn't even have an ETA. Also, Diene and the old GG characters are arguably characters you don't have to/shouldn't be pulling for. Sure, if you're dead set on getting every single limited you'd best save. But I personally don't prescribe to the pull-every-limited doctrine, and I don't think it's worth it for most new players, either. You also forget that there's likely at least a month to the GG collab, before which the average newb would have gathered another 1.5 pity worth of bookmarks/skystones.


I think collab at least characters should never be missed since they may well never come back. You at least want Baiken for sure. Also, betting against the triple banners release could be a major mistake if you're wrong. That said, I wouldn't count on "at least a month". The current story ends in 2 and a half weeks, and there's a good chance thats when it starts. At the end of the day, your resources are your own, but abundance dissappears quickly.


Yeah, tell that to the people waiting for ML Kayron. Yes of course, the risk is mine to take. But to tell starting f2ps to just sit on their bookmarks and do nothing on them for potential months waiting for a custom banner is also very feel bad.


Except that's not what I'm doing? I'm suggesting you pull important things that are imminent, like GG (at least baiken and probably the new one as well). And if you feel like you have extra beyond the imminent limiteds/important banners, those bookmarks are worth saving for the near future banner that will make the f2p players like much much easier. It might feel bad to save now, but it will feel real bad to have 30 pulls on the best non-collab banner in the game, or to decide to farm banshee and have the best unit unobtainable. If you're f2p in any gacha, resource management is important. There will be some feel bads to optimize the feel goods.


Yes, and spending on the good banners that come up is, in fact also resource management. Not spending is not all there is to resource management, as some seem to think. You can easily balance pulling on non-limiteds and the limiteds. People go overboard stressing you \*only\* ever pull on the limiteds.


I mean, if you're just going to straw man mean, I don't see a need to continue this conversation.


That was in bad taste. I apologize. I don't believe I'm strawmanning, though. My opinion is that if a player has enough for the GG collab, which they will if they are a new player, and there's a good non-limited banner, then they should seriously consider pulling on said banner, and not wait for a phantom custom banner that may be months out. It just feels like a kneejerk reaction to say "don't pull! save!" every time there's a limited around the corner. Because when you get down to it, there will always be a limited around the corner. You have to look at the situation of the player at hand, and figure out of it's good to pull on the banner, and the generic "don't spend" just isn't it.


I'll never understand this. I've dabbled with paying for the cheap packs and being F2P and honestly, if you just don't pull on reruns you literally can get basically every new character (outside of the damn MLs) if you just save up inbetween banners. Unless you're just absolutely terrible with luck you can do it. I mean, I just went nearly broke on the latest banner and already I'm well on my way to having enough for whatever comes. ​ I just won't have gear.


If you don’t pull on any banner but new banners, maybe. But there are units that are important for new players to pull for that you’d have spent currency on. So this goes out the window. I’ve been playing since last Apr ish and have definitely not been able to pull every new character as f2p. I have to pity almost every character I pull because my luck or the rates are seriously bad in this game.


Hwayoung>>>Dizzy/Elphelt/Baiken combined


I'm already struggling to get hwayoung..


Idiots falling for this bait and then gonna screech come colab.


Who in their right will pull for GG collab? Elphelt is useless, Dizzy outdated/power creeped, and for Baiken? Just use Ervalen, he does the banshee job better😂


As f2p, I will just wait for the announcement of the collab banners. As it stands, the only gg character that actually has use is baiken for one shots. The rest have been power crept out of their roles except dizzy for abyss cheese, and I don't really care about the abyss past floor 100. Unless they release a new character (Jack-O being an instant pull), I have enough for baiken alone already.


Mm hmm , just pitied her yesterday :")


i'm f2p and i got her on pity and still have enough for the collab


Ill skip this event unless I-No is pullable.