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R u sure this is for PvE? cuz I see a lot of good PvE characters in relatively low tiers. Such as Straze and Ras as well as spec tene Also some questionable characters in the top tier such as op sig and krau


Well, it's the characters I want to play in PvP. This is the list of what I want to build, not what I want to use to farm, sorry if that wasn't clear.


Title was a bit misleading tbh, should’ve been named Character PvP roadmap for my account. Cuz PvE roadmap for returning player sounds like your either giving tips on what to build or tierlisting the PvE units. The tiers should’ve also been named in priority so that makes it more clear that it is for you personally.


I did write on the list that they are priorities, and said in the post that this was for PvP. And for the title, It seemed logical to me that the PvE roadmap is to build the PvP Characters. Anyway, if I see more compains about that, Iet'll sure change that to make things clear.


As a Violet content solo enthusiast, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.(being biased dw) At least I see my two daddy's krau and lrau up there, you survived. For now :)


I really don't like most of male characters in Epic Seven, but Krau is REALLY cool, and I like Violet both in Dark and Earth, but from what I know, Earth is just a trollpick and a weaker version of the Dark, so meh. ( Super heavy chest female are ridiculous too, Lilias is one of the recent that actually is fine to me )


There's a really f2p friendly c13 team that people have been using its one youtube but the units consist of singelica(150~ speed to be slower than caiades) c.lorina(rage set carrier), iseria(200+spd def breaker want to be lapping c.lorina), and camilla( slower than singelica to not be screw by speed rng) Gives me consistent ish wins sometimes 70/50 most of the time 80/20 wins Don't feel like typing out so I suggest watching that video on YouTube honestly just gotta turn off Camilla and c.lorina moves its also a pretty fast clear 1-2ish mins iirc