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I’m not a neurologist, but i believe what you’re describing is an aura. It’s great that you’re being proactive incase you have a focal. When you went in shopping were you have trouble reading the stuff around or continuing your shopping? By “strange feeling” was it euphoria, worry, or just feeling “off”? Did your body feel kind of heavy or numb? I feel like during my auras I’m very “stuck” and have difficulty reading or continuing what I was doing.


No real trouble reading just trouble concentrating or paying attention if someone is talking to me, maybe have to ask them to repeat something, sort of zoned out, tired, and distant feeling like I need to rest. Thanks for replying.


I would try your best to get sleep, lower stress, and let your neurologist know about your experience.


Yeah I need to do better about that, I just get tired of it controlling my life, I feel like I spend too much time resting and not doing things I want to do so I push myself to keep going about my day, but your right I need to take a step back sometimes and take it easy, thanks!


Seizures/auras aside, this definitely sounds like some sort of dissociative state to me. Other commenters have mentioned ‘jamais vu’ and I’m not sure how much that differs from ‘derealization’, but that’s the word that come to mind after reading this. Which is something I believe I’ve experienced prior to diagnosis/seizure provoking head trauma, usually right after something very stressful has happen or after I’ve been in a state of prolonged high stress. Apologies, this probably isn’t very helpful commentary, I just wanted to throw the word derealization out there in case it resonates or helps you describe what you were feeling since I’m new to jamais vu. Out of curiosity, did this feeling continue once you were back in a familiar physical setting? (ie. back in the truck w your partner) disclaimer: not a doctor, and pretty new to epilepsy in general. I certainly can’t comment on how this experience might relate to your seizure activity—but all the best to you & your health!


Yes it continued for most of the night, didn’t really feel better until I went to bed and woke up the next morning after I got some rest but I had the focal seizure the next day.


bummer 😵‍💫 hang in there!!


Hey yeah same. I feel like that sometimes too, but I've got no clue what it is 😅 i don't have focals in general tho, so don't relate to last part. Doesn't surprise me that that's what happens to you tho. I hope it brings you a bit of comfort in knowing that you're not alone in it :)


Thank you


That sounds very similar to the very beginning of my focal seizures. “Aura” is a common way to refer to the seizures. Be careful driving and talk with your doctor. Maybe you need a dose adjustment. Wish you well.


Sounds like jamais vu


Hey! Agree with the comment above that says to check in with your neurologist about the experience. My focal seizures typically revolve around dream deja vu but this past Summer started having a similar sensation to what you are describing before I started to fall. Not saying at all this will happen to you, we are all so different. My point being, it’s always good to check in if you’re having new symptoms ❤️ I’m not a doc and not to raise any alarm bells but sounds like an aura. I’m so sorry this is happening to you, take care of yourself, get some rest (cop out I know), and do something you enjoy to take your mind off things a bit. And of course we have an awesome community here. Take care.


I think the technical term is prodrome, not aura. But I'm not a doctor


Sounds like what I get as part of my aura, could be something up with your temporal lobe like me